Esempio n. 1
 public void updateUser(int id, string gameType, DateTime dateTime)
     //return; //去掉所有的锁2018-08-07 20:05:00
     SqlDataBase db  = new SqlDataBase();
     string      sql = "UPDATE rrl_user SET is_locked_trade_game_type = @gameType,recently_game_start_time = @dateTime WHERE id =@id ";
     int         rs  = db.Execute(sql, new { id = id, gameType = gameType, dateTime = dateTime });
Esempio n. 2
 public async void saveWinRecord(GameWinRecord gameWinRecord, string type, string year)
     SqlDataBase db  = new SqlDataBase();
     string      sql = "insert into game_record_win_" + type + "_" + year + " (uid,goldenBeans,redPacket,time_stamp,result_type,play_id,result_message,goldenCoin,freeRedPacket) VALUES(@uid,@goldenBeans,@redPacket,@time_stamp,@result_type,@play_id,@result_message,@goldenCoin,@freeRedPacket)";
     int         rs  = db.Execute(sql, new { uid = gameWinRecord.uid, goldenBeans = gameWinRecord.goldenBeans, redPacket = gameWinRecord.redPacket, time_stamp = gameWinRecord.timeStamp, result_type = gameWinRecord.resultType, play_id = gameWinRecord.playId, result_message = gameWinRecord.resultMessage, goldenCoin = gameWinRecord.goldenCoin, freeRedPacket = gameWinRecord.freeRedPacket });
     // return rs;
Esempio n. 3
        internal int force_unlock(int uid)
            var db  = new SqlDataBase();
            var sql = @"update rrl_user set is_locked_trade = 0 where id=@uid";

            return(db.Execute(sql, new { uid = uid }));
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// 修改玩的次数
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="uid"></param>
        /// <param name="game_type"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async void upate_game_play_times(int uid, string game_type, string money_type)
            var    db     = new SqlDataBase();
            string sql    = @"MERGE INTO game_user_play_times as t
USING (SELECT @uid as uid,@game_type as game_type,@money_type as money_type) as s
ON t.uid=s.uid and t.game_type=s.game_type and t.money_type=s.money_type
Then update set play_times= play_times+1 
When Not Matched
Then Insert (id,uid,play_times,game_type,money_type) Values(newid(),@uid,1,@game_type,@money_type);";
            int    effect = db.Execute(sql, new { uid = uid, game_type = game_type, money_type = money_type });
Esempio n. 5
        public int getPlayCount(string play_id, string type, string year)
            string sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM game_record_lose_" + type + "_" + year + " WHERE play_id = @play_id";

                SqlDataBase db = new SqlDataBase();
                int         rs = db.ExecuteScalar <int>(sql, new { play_id = play_id });
            catch (Exception)
Esempio n. 6
        public string _getWinPlayId(string play_id, string type, string year, int uid)
            string sql = "SELECT play_id FROM game_record_win_" + type + "_" + year + " WHERE play_id = @play_id and uid = @uid";

                SqlDataBase db = new SqlDataBase();
                string      rs = db.Single <string>(sql, new { play_id = play_id, uid = uid });
            catch (Exception)
Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// 疯狂转转赚
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="uid"></param>
        /// <param name="goldenBeans"></param>
        /// <param name="redPacket"></param>
        /// <param name="freeRedPacket"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public GameMoney updateUserGoldenBeansV2(int uid, decimal goldenBeans, decimal redPacket, decimal freeRedPacket, decimal total_play_money)
            SqlDataBase      db   = new SqlDataBase();
            List <GameMoney> list = db.ExecuteStoredProcedure <GameMoney>("sp_v3_gamewebapi_update_user_account", new { uid = uid, goldenBeans = goldenBeans, redPacket = redPacket, freeRedPacket = freeRedPacket, total_play_money = @total_play_money });

            //string sql = "UPDATE rrl_user SET h_money = h_money + @goldenBeans ,h_money_free = h_money_free + @freeRedPacket,h_money_pay = h_money_pay + @redPacket WHERE id =@id and h_money+@goldenBeans>=0 and h_money_free+@freeRedPacket >=0 and isnull(h_money_pay,0) + @redPacket >= 0 and isnull(is_locked_login,'0')='0' and isnull(is_locked_trade,'0')='0'";
            //int rs = db.Execute(sql, new { id = id, goldenBeans = goldenBeans, redPacket = redPacket, freeRedPacket = freeRedPacket });
            if (list == null || list.Count == 0)
Esempio n. 8
        public UserAccount getUserInfoById(int userId)
            string sql = @"SELECT *,
case when DATEDIFF(day, addtime, getdate())> isnull((select top 1 value from rrl_config where item = 'NewUser_Confirm_Days'),7)
then '0' ELSE '1' end as is_news_user
 FROM rrl_user WHERE id = @id";

                SqlDataBase db   = new SqlDataBase();
                UserAccount user = db.Single <UserAccount>(sql, new { id = userId });
            catch (Exception)
Esempio n. 9
        public t_GameWinRecord getWinAllByPlayId(string play_id, string type, string year)
            string sql = "SELECT * FROM game_record_lose_" + type + "_" + year + " WHERE play_id = @play_id";

                SqlDataBase db = new SqlDataBase();
                var         rs = db.Select <t_GameWinRecord>(sql, new { play_id = play_id });
                if (rs != null && rs.Count > 0)
            catch (Exception)
Esempio n. 10
        public int updateUserGoldenBeans(int id, decimal goldenBeans, decimal redPacket, decimal freeRedPacket)
            SqlDataBase db = new SqlDataBase();

            // lcl 2018-07-13 Insert
            if (freeRedPacket > 0)
                // 免费红包大于0,则表示是赢了,直接转金豆
                goldenBeans = goldenBeans + freeRedPacket;
                // 免费红包设置为0,不参与免费红包账户的累加
                freeRedPacket = 0;

            string sql = "UPDATE rrl_user SET h_money = h_money + @goldenBeans ,h_money_free = h_money_free + @freeRedPacket,h_money_pay = h_money_pay + @redPacket WHERE id =@id and h_money+@goldenBeans>=0 and h_money_free+@freeRedPacket >=0 and isnull(h_money_pay,0) + @redPacket >= 0 and isnull(is_locked_login,'0')='0' and isnull(is_locked_trade,'0')='0'";
            ////去掉所有的锁2018-08-07 20:05:00
            //string sql = "UPDATE rrl_user SET h_money = h_money + @goldenBeans ,h_money_free = h_money_free + @freeRedPacket,h_money_pay = h_money_pay + @redPacket WHERE id =@id and h_money+@goldenBeans>=0 and h_money_free+@freeRedPacket >=0 and isnull(h_money_pay,0) + @redPacket >= 0 ";
            int rs = db.Execute(sql, new { id = id, goldenBeans = goldenBeans, redPacket = redPacket, freeRedPacket = freeRedPacket });

Esempio n. 11
        public UserAccount getUserInfoByToken(string token)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(token) || "null" == token || "undefined" == token)
            int    userId = UserTokenUtils.getIdByTokenString(token);
            string sql    = @"SELECT *,
case when DATEDIFF(day, addtime, getdate())> isnull((select top 1 value from rrl_config where item = 'NewUser_Confirm_Days'),7)
then '0' ELSE '1' end as is_news_user
 FROM rrl_user WHERE id = @id";

                SqlDataBase db   = new SqlDataBase();
                UserAccount user = db.Single <UserAccount>(sql, new { id = userId });
            catch (Exception)

             * string sql = "SELECT * FROM rrl_user WHERE short_time_token = @token";
             * try
             * {
             *  SqlDataBase db = new SqlDataBase();
             *  UserAccount user = db.Single<UserAccount>(sql, new { token = token });
             *  return user;
             * }
             * catch (Exception)
             * {
             *  return null;
             * }
Esempio n. 12
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id"></param>
        /// <param name="goldenBeans"></param>
        /// <param name="redPacket"></param>
        /// <param name="freeRedPacket"></param>
        /// <param name="type">1=开始玩,2=游戏结束</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public int _updateUserGoldenBeans(int id, decimal goldenBeans, decimal redPacket, decimal freeRedPacket, int type)
            SqlDataBase db  = new SqlDataBase();
            string      sql = "";

            if (type == 1)
                sql = "UPDATE rrl_user SET h_money = h_money + @goldenBeans ,h_money_free = h_money_free + @freeRedPacket,h_money_pay = h_money_pay + @redPacket ,is_locked_trade = 1 WHERE id =@id and h_money+@goldenBeans>=0 and h_money_free+@freeRedPacket >=0 and isnull(h_money_pay,0) + @redPacket >= 0 and isnull(is_locked_login,'0')='0' and isnull(is_locked_trade,'0')='0'";
                //去掉所有的锁2018-08-07 20:05:00
                //sql = "UPDATE rrl_user SET h_money = h_money + @goldenBeans ,h_money_free = h_money_free + @freeRedPacket,h_money_pay = h_money_pay + @redPacket WHERE id =@id and h_money+@goldenBeans>=0 and h_money_free+@freeRedPacket >=0 and isnull(h_money_pay,0) + @redPacket >= 0 ";
            else if (type == 2)
                // lcl 2018-07-13 Insert
                if (freeRedPacket > 0)
                    // 免费红包大于0,则表示是赢了,直接转金豆
                    goldenBeans = goldenBeans + freeRedPacket;
                    // 免费红包设置为0,不参与免费红包账户的累加
                    freeRedPacket = 0;
                //去掉所有的锁2018-08-07 20:05:00
                //sql = "UPDATE rrl_user SET h_money = h_money + @goldenBeans ,h_money_free = h_money_free + @freeRedPacket,h_money_pay = h_money_pay + @redPacket  WHERE id =@id and h_money+@goldenBeans>=0 and h_money_free+@freeRedPacket >=0 and isnull(h_money_pay,0) + @redPacket >= 0 ";
                sql = "UPDATE rrl_user SET h_money = h_money + @goldenBeans ,h_money_free = h_money_free + @freeRedPacket,h_money_pay = h_money_pay + @redPacket ,is_locked_trade = 0 WHERE id =@id and h_money+@goldenBeans>=0 and h_money_free+@freeRedPacket >=0 and isnull(h_money_pay,0) + @redPacket >= 0 and isnull(is_locked_login,'0')='0' and is_locked_trade = '1'";

            int rs = db.Execute(sql, new { id = id, goldenBeans = goldenBeans, redPacket = redPacket, freeRedPacket = freeRedPacket });
            string today = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
            int    res   = db.Execute("update game_user_daily_count set count=count+1 where date=@today and uid=@uid", new { uid = id, today = today });

            if (res == 0)
                db.Execute("insert into game_user_daily_count(uid,date,count) values(@uid,@date,1)", new { uid = id, date = today });