private static Type[] GetKnownTypes()
            var type          = typeof(WorldEditor);
            var pureLogicType = typeof(PureLogic);
            var editableList  = type.Assembly.GetTypes().Where(i => i.IsSubclassOf(pureLogicType) &&
                                                               Attribute.IsDefined(i, typeof(EditableAttribute))
                                                               // Logical implication ~pVq
                                                               // If a control needs admin mode, then we check the value of IsAdminMode, otherwise true.
                                                               && (!EditableAttribute.GetEditableAttribute(i).AdminRequired || Constants.Editing.IsAdminMode));

Esempio n. 2
        public bool CreateInterface(Type type = null)
            _currentType = type = type ?? typeof(T);
            SizeY        = Spacing;
            var created = false;

            foreach (var prop in
                     type.GetProperties(_bindingFlags).Where(i => Attribute.IsDefined(i, typeof(EditableAttribute))))

                var fieldType = prop.PropertyType;

                // Test if there is a preferred edit system for this type
                var editableAttribute = EditableAttribute.GetEditableAttribute(prop);

                // Test if this control needs to have admin turned on
                if (editableAttribute.AdminRequired && !Constants.Editing.IsAdminMode)
                    Console.WriteLine("Admin required for prop {0}", prop.Name);

                IEditSystem editSystem;
                var         preferredEditor = editableAttribute.PreferredEditor;
                if (preferredEditor != null)
                    editSystem = _controlFuncs.Select(i => i.Value).FirstOrDefault(i => i.GetType() == preferredEditor);
                    // If it's null, test if it's an enum.)
                    if (!_controlFuncs.TryGetValue(fieldType, out editSystem) && fieldType.BaseType != null)
                        _controlFuncs.TryGetValue(fieldType.BaseType, out editSystem);

                if (editSystem != null)
                    var labelText = editableAttribute.PrettyName;

                    object existingFieldValue = null;
                    if (_instance != null)
                        existingFieldValue =
                            _instance.GetType().GetProperty(prop.Name, _bindingFlags).GetValue(_instance, null);

                    var createdControl = editSystem.CreateControl(_manager, _control, prop, existingFieldValue);

                    createdControl.Parent = _control;
                    var label = new Label(_manager)
                        Text   = labelText,
                        Parent = _control,
                        Width  = 200,
                        Left   = 16,
                        Top    = SizeY

                    createdControl.Top  = SizeY;
                    createdControl.Left = label.Width;

                    label.Name = String.Format("{0}Label", prop.Name);
                    SizeY     += createdControl.Height + Spacing;

                    createdControl.Width = Math.Max(createdControl.Width, 200);
                    created = true;
                    Console.WriteLine("Wrong type for {0}", fieldType);

            _control.Height = SizeY + Spacing;