Esempio n. 1
        public void draw()
            // Clear the renderer

            // Render the background
            SDL.SDL_RenderCopy(Engine.renderer, am.GetAsset("back"), IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);

            // Render the map

            // Camera offset
            int cx, cy;

            cx = (int)(harambe.getX() + (harambe.getWidth() / 2)) - Engine.GetContextWidth() / 2;
            if (cx < 0)
                cx = 0;

            cy = (int)(harambe.getY() + (harambe.getHeight() / 2)) - (height * TILE_SIZE) + Engine.GetContextHeight() / 2;
            Console.WriteLine("cy: {0}", cy);
            if (cy > 0)
                cy = 0;

            // Iterate over the mapdata
            SDL.SDL_Rect r = new SDL.SDL_Rect();
            r.w = TILE_SIZE;
            r.h = TILE_SIZE;
            for (int mx = 0; mx < width; mx++)
                for (int my = 0; my < height; my++)
                    // Calculate render coordinates
                    r.x = mx * TILE_SIZE - cx;
                    r.y = (Engine.GetContextHeight() - (height * TILE_SIZE)) + (my * TILE_SIZE) - cy;

                    // Render the tile
                    // TODO: Change this to render based on the tilemap
                    if (mapdata[my * width + mx] == 1)
                        SDL.SDL_RenderCopy(Engine.renderer, am.GetAsset("tile"), IntPtr.Zero, ref r);

            // Render the player
            float x, y;

            x = harambe.getX();
            y = harambe.getY();

            r.x = (int)x - cx;
            r.y = (Engine.GetContextHeight() - (height * TILE_SIZE)) + (int)y - cy;
            r.w = 128;
            r.h = 128;
            //SDL.SDL_RenderCopy(Engine.renderer, am.GetAsset("player1"), IntPtr.Zero, ref r);
            SDL.SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(Engine.renderer, 255, 0, 0, 255);
            SDL.SDL_RenderFillRect(Engine.renderer, ref r);
            SDL.SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(Engine.renderer, 255, 255, 255, 255);

            // Present