public async Task ShowStartMenu(bool gameOver) { var cache = Application.ResourceCache; bigAircraft = Node.CreateChild(); var model = bigAircraft.CreateComponent <StaticModel>(); if (gameOver) { model.Model = cache.GetModel(Assets.Models.Enemy1); model.SetMaterial(cache.GetMaterial(Assets.Materials.Enemy1).Clone("")); bigAircraft.SetScale(0.3f); bigAircraft.Rotate(new Quaternion(180, 90, 20), TransformSpace.Local); } else { model.Model = cache.GetModel(Assets.Models.Player); model.SetMaterial(cache.GetMaterial(Assets.Materials.Player).Clone("")); bigAircraft.SetScale(1f); bigAircraft.Rotate(new Quaternion(0, 40, -50), TransformSpace.Local); } bigAircraft.Position = new Vector3(10, 2, 10); bigAircraft.RunActions(new RepeatForever(new Sequence(new RotateBy(1f, 0f, 0f, 5f), new RotateBy(1f, 0f, 0f, -5f)))); //TODO: rotor should be defined in the model + animation rotor = bigAircraft.CreateChild(); var rotorModel = rotor.CreateComponent <Box>(); rotorModel.Color = Color.White; rotor.Scale = new Vector3(0.1f, 1.5f, 0.1f); rotor.Position = new Vector3(0, 0, -1.3f); var rotorAction = new RepeatForever(new RotateBy(1f, 0, 0, 360f * 6)); //RPM rotor.RunActions(rotorAction); menuLight = bigAircraft.CreateChild(); menuLight.Position = new Vector3(-3, 6, 2); menuLight.AddComponent(new Light { LightType = LightType.Point, Brightness = 0.3f }); await bigAircraft.RunActionsAsync(new EaseIn(new MoveBy(1f, new Vector3(-10, -2, -10)), 2)); textBlock = new Text(); textBlock.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center; textBlock.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom; textBlock.Value = gameOver ? "GAME OVER" : "TAP TO START"; textBlock.SetFont(cache.GetFont(Assets.Fonts.Font), Application.Graphics.Width / 15); Application.UI.Root.AddChild(textBlock); menuTaskSource = new TaskCompletionSource <bool>(); finished = false; await menuTaskSource.Task; }