private void AddShipCargoGraphic(Inventory inventory)
            string name = GetName(inventory);
            Tuple<decimal, decimal> credits = _station.GetPrice_Sell(inventory);

            string[] actions = inventory.Ship != null ?
                _actions_Player_Cargo_ship :

            InventoryEntry entry = new InventoryEntry();
            entry.SetInventory(inventory, name, credits.Item1 * credits.Item2, Convert.ToDouble(credits.Item2), null, _world, actions, _editorOptions);

            AddToPanel(pnlCargo, entry);

        private void StoreIn_Nearby(Inventory inventory, string name)
            // Create an entry with the sell price
            Tuple<decimal, decimal> credits = _station.GetPrice_Sell(inventory);

            string[] actions = inventory.Ship != null ?
                _actions_Player_FreeSpace_ship :

            InventoryEntry newEntry = new InventoryEntry();
            newEntry.SetInventory(inventory, name, credits.Item1 * credits.Item2, Convert.ToDouble(credits.Item2), null, _world, actions, _editorOptions);

            // Store it
            AddToPanel(pnlNearbyItems, newEntry);
        private void AddStationMineralGraphic(Inventory inventory)
            string name = GetName(inventory);
            Tuple<decimal, decimal> credits = _station.GetPrice_Buy(inventory);

            InventoryEntry entry = new InventoryEntry();
            entry.SetInventory(inventory, name, credits.Item1 * credits.Item2, Convert.ToDouble(credits.Item2), null, _world, _actions_Station_Minerals, _editorOptions);

            AddToPanel(pnlStationMinerals, entry);

        private void StoreIn_Hangar_Nearby(Inventory inventory, string name)
            // Figure out where to put it
            string[] actions;
            Panel panel;
            bool isHangar;

            if (_station.PurchasedVolume - _station.UsedVolume >= inventory.Volume)
                // Hangar
                actions = inventory.Ship != null ? _actions_Player_Hangar_ship : _actions_Player_Hangar_nonship;
                panel = pnlHangar;
                isHangar = true;
                // Nearby
                actions = inventory.Ship != null ? _actions_Player_FreeSpace_ship : _actions_Player_FreeSpace_nonship;
                panel = pnlNearbyItems;
                isHangar = false;

            // Create an entry with the sell price
            Tuple<decimal, decimal> credits = _station.GetPrice_Sell(inventory);

            InventoryEntry newEntry = new InventoryEntry();
            newEntry.SetInventory(inventory, name, credits.Item1 * credits.Item2, Convert.ToDouble(credits.Item2), null, _world, actions, _editorOptions);

            // Store it
            AddToPanel(panel, newEntry);

            if (isHangar)