Esempio n. 1
        protected override void Initialize()
            foreach (ITestElement testElement in runContext.RunConfig.TestElements)
                GallioTestElement gallioTestElement = testElement as GallioTestElement;
                if (gallioTestElement != null)
                    testElementsById.Add(gallioTestElement.GallioTestId, gallioTestElement);

            Events.RunStarted += delegate(object sender, RunStartedEventArgs e)
                // Change the status of all tests to Started so that all Gallio tests look "In Progress".
                // If we didn't do this, then there would be one "In Progress" test (the first one started)
                // and a whole bunch of "Pending" tests.  Visual Studio assumes that it controls the order
                // of execution of all tests but it cannot.  Behind the scenes we hijack the order of execution
                // when Visual Studio starts the first test.  Of course that test might not actually run
                // first but it will seem to be "In Progress" just the same.  Instead of misleading the user
                // as to which test is currently running, we just make them all look "In Progress" at once.  Ugh.
                foreach (GallioTestElement gallioTestElement in testElementsById.Values)
                    TestStateEvent ev = new TestStateEvent(runContext.RunConfig.TestRun.Id, gallioTestElement.ExecutionId.Id, TestState.Started);

            Events.TestStepFinished += delegate(object sender, TestStepFinishedEventArgs e)
                // Submit a GallioTestResult for each primary run of a test case.
                // In the case of data-driven tests, we may submit multiple results that will later be merged.
                if (e.TestStepRun.Step.IsPrimary)
                    GallioTestElement gallioTestElement = GetTestElement(e.Test);
                    if (gallioTestElement != null)
                        GallioTestResult result = GallioTestResultFactory.CreateTestResult(e.TestStepRun, runContext.RunConfig.TestRun.Id, gallioTestElement);
Esempio n. 2
        public override TestResult MergeResults(TestResult inMemory, TestResultMessage fromTheWire)
            // The only type of message we should receive from the wire is a GallioTestResult.
            // However, we can receive multiple results in the case where the test is data-driven
            // so we need to merge them.
            GallioTestResult gallioInMemory = inMemory as GallioTestResult;

            if (gallioInMemory == null && inMemory != null)
                gallioInMemory = new GallioTestResult(gallioInMemory);

            GallioTestResult gallioFromTheWire = fromTheWire as GallioTestResult;

            if (gallioFromTheWire == null && fromTheWire is TestResult)
                gallioFromTheWire = new GallioTestResult((TestResult)fromTheWire);

            return(GallioTestResultFactory.Merge(gallioInMemory, gallioFromTheWire));