public override void OutAUnopExp(AUnopExp node)
     if (folding)
         if (node.GetUnop() is ANegateUnop)
             value = -value;
        /* else
             if (node.GetUnop() is AComplementUnop)
                 value = !value;*/
 public virtual void InAUnopExp(AUnopExp node)
 public virtual void OutAUnopExp(AUnopExp node)
 public virtual void CaseAUnopExp(AUnopExp node)
 public override void CaseAUnopExp(AUnopExp node)
     if (node.GetExp() != null)
     if (node.GetUnop() != null)
        public override void OutAUnopExp(AUnopExp node)
            PUnop unop = node.GetUnop();
            PExp exp = node.GetExp();
            PType expType = data.ExpTypes[exp];
            string expTypeString = Util.TypeToString(expType);

            //! okay for int and bool. - okay for int and fixed
            if (unop is ANegateUnop)
                Token token = ((ANegateUnop)unop).GetToken();
                if (expTypeString != "int" && expTypeString != "fixed" && expTypeString != "byte")
                    errors.Add(new ErrorCollection.Error(token, currentSourceFile,
                                                         LocRM.GetString("ErrorText110") + expTypeString));
                    throw new ParserException(null, null);
                data.ExpTypes[node] = expType;
            else if (unop is AComplementUnop)
                Token token = ((AComplementUnop)unop).GetToken();
                if (expTypeString != "int" && expTypeString != "byte" && expTypeString != "bool" && expTypeString != "point" && expTypeString != "order" && expTypeString != "string")
                    errors.Add(new ErrorCollection.Error(token, currentSourceFile,
                                                         LocRM.GetString("ErrorText111") + expTypeString));
                    throw new ParserException(null, null);
                data.ExpTypes[node] = expType;
                throw new Exception("Unexpected unop (This should never happen)");

Esempio n. 7
 public override void OutAUnopExp(AUnopExp node)
     if (node.GetExp() is AIntConstExp && node.GetUnop() is ANegateUnop)
         AIntConstExp intConst = (AIntConstExp) node.GetExp();
         intConst.GetIntegerLiteral().Text = "-" + intConst.GetIntegerLiteral().Text;
Esempio n. 8
 ArrayList New460()
     ArrayList nodeList = new ArrayList();
     ArrayList nodeArrayList2 = (ArrayList) Pop();
     ArrayList nodeArrayList1 = (ArrayList) Pop();
     TMinus tminusNode3 = (TMinus)nodeArrayList1[0];
     ANegateUnop punopNode2 = new ANegateUnop (
     PExp pexpNode4 = (PExp)nodeArrayList2[0];
     AUnopExp pexpNode1 = new AUnopExp (
     return nodeList;
Esempio n. 9
 ArrayList New454()
     ArrayList nodeList = new ArrayList();
     ArrayList nodeArrayList2 = (ArrayList) Pop();
     ArrayList nodeArrayList1 = (ArrayList) Pop();
     TComplement tcomplementNode3 = (TComplement)nodeArrayList1[0];
     AComplementUnop punopNode2 = new AComplementUnop (
     PExp pexpNode4 = (PExp)nodeArrayList2[0];
     AUnopExp pexpNode1 = new AUnopExp (
     return nodeList;
Esempio n. 10
            private static AMethodDecl CreateGeneralNullCheckMethod(Node node, SharedData data)
                if (generalCompareNullMethod != null)
                    return generalCompareNullMethod;

                 *  bool IsNull(string pointer)
                 *  {
                 *      if (pointer == null)
                 *      {
                 *          return true;
                 *      }
                 *      return !DataTableGetBool(true, pointer + "\\Exists");
                 *  }

                AALocalDecl pointerDecl = new AALocalDecl(new APublicVisibilityModifier(), null, null, null, null,
                                                          new ANamedType(new TIdentifier("string"), null),
                                                          new TIdentifier("pointer"), null);

                ALocalLvalue pointerRef1 = new ALocalLvalue(new TIdentifier("pointer"));
                ALocalLvalue pointerRef2 = new ALocalLvalue(new TIdentifier("pointer"));
                ALvalueExp pointerRef1Exp = new ALvalueExp(pointerRef1);
                ALvalueExp pointerRef2Exp = new ALvalueExp(pointerRef2);

                ANullExp nullExp = new ANullExp();

                ABooleanConstExp boolConst1 = new ABooleanConstExp(new ATrueBool());
                ABooleanConstExp boolConst2 = new ABooleanConstExp(new ATrueBool());

                AStringConstExp stringConst = new AStringConstExp(new TStringLiteral("\"\\\\Exists\""));

                ABinopExp binop1 = new ABinopExp(pointerRef1Exp, new AEqBinop(new TEq("==")), nullExp);
                ABinopExp binop2 = new ABinopExp(pointerRef2Exp, new APlusBinop(new TPlus("+")), stringConst);

                ASimpleInvokeExp dataTableGetBoolCall = new ASimpleInvokeExp(new TIdentifier("DataTableGetBool"), new ArrayList(){boolConst2, binop2});
                AUnopExp unopExp = new AUnopExp(new AComplementUnop(new TComplement("!")), dataTableGetBoolCall);

                generalCompareNullMethod = new AMethodDecl(new APublicVisibilityModifier(), null, null, null, null, null,
                                                           new ANamedType(new TIdentifier("bool"), null),
                                                           new TIdentifier("IsNull"), new ArrayList() {pointerDecl},
                                                           new AABlock(
                                                               new ArrayList()
                                                                       new AIfThenStm(new TLParen("("), binop1,
                                                                                      new ABlockStm(new TLBrace("{"),
                                                                                                    new AABlock(
                                                                                                        new ArrayList()
                                                                                                                new AValueReturnStm
                                                                                                                    (new TReturn
                                                                                                        new TRBrace("}")))),
                                                                       new AValueReturnStm(new TReturn("return"),
                                                                   }, new TRBrace("}")));

                AASourceFile sourceFile = Util.GetAncestor<AASourceFile>(node);

                data.LocalLinks[pointerRef1] =
                    data.LocalLinks[pointerRef2] = pointerDecl;

                data.LvalueTypes[pointerRef1] =
                    data.LvalueTypes[pointerRef2] =
                    data.ExpTypes[pointerRef1Exp] =
                    data.ExpTypes[pointerRef2Exp] =
                    data.ExpTypes[stringConst] =
                    data.ExpTypes[binop2] = new ANamedType(new TIdentifier("string"), null);

                data.ExpTypes[binop1] =
                    data.ExpTypes[boolConst1] =
                    data.ExpTypes[boolConst2] =
                    data.ExpTypes[dataTableGetBoolCall] =
                    data.ExpTypes[unopExp] = new ANamedType(new TIdentifier("string"), null);

                foreach (AMethodDecl methodDecl in data.Libraries.Methods)
                    if (methodDecl.GetName().Text == dataTableGetBoolCall.GetName().Text)
                        data.SimpleMethodLinks[dataTableGetBoolCall] = methodDecl;
                return generalCompareNullMethod;
Esempio n. 11
            public static AMethodDecl CreateDeleteStructMethodGlobalArrayP(Node node, TIntegerLiteral intDim, string prefix, GlobalStructVars vars, SharedData data)
                    void DeleteStr(int i)
                        if (!(Str_used[i / 31] & Power2(i % 31)))
                        Str_used[i / 31] = Str_used[i / 31] - Power2(i % 31);
                        stack[freeCount] = i;
                        freeCount += 1;
                        /*if (i == Str_index)
                            while (!(Str_used[i / 31] & Power2(i % 31)))
                                i = i - 1;
                                if (i < 0)
                                    i = 41;
                                if (i == Str_index)
                                    //Everything is free
                            Str_index = i;
                        }* /

                AASourceFile file = Util.GetAncestor<AASourceFile>(node);

                AIntConstExp intConst1 = new AIntConstExp(new TIntegerLiteral("31"));
                AIntConstExp intConst2 = new AIntConstExp(new TIntegerLiteral("31"));
                AIntConstExp intConst3 = new AIntConstExp(new TIntegerLiteral("31"));
                AIntConstExp intConst4 = new AIntConstExp(new TIntegerLiteral("31"));
                AIntConstExp intConst5 = new AIntConstExp(new TIntegerLiteral("31"));
                AIntConstExp intConst6 = new AIntConstExp(new TIntegerLiteral("31"));
                AIntConstExp intConst7 = new AIntConstExp(new TIntegerLiteral("31"));
                AIntConstExp intConst8 = new AIntConstExp(new TIntegerLiteral("1"));
                AIntConstExp intConst9 = new AIntConstExp(new TIntegerLiteral("0"));
                AIntConstExp intConst10 = new AIntConstExp(new TIntegerLiteral((int.Parse(intDim.Text) - 1).ToString()));
                AIntConstExp intConst11 = new AIntConstExp(new TIntegerLiteral("1"));
                AIntConstExp intConst12 = new AIntConstExp(new TIntegerLiteral("1"));
                AIntConstExp intConst13 = new AIntConstExp(new TIntegerLiteral("1"));

                AFieldLvalue strUsedRef1 = new AFieldLvalue(new TIdentifier(vars.Used.GetName().Text));
                AFieldLvalue strUsedRef2 = new AFieldLvalue(new TIdentifier(vars.Used.GetName().Text));
                AFieldLvalue strUsedRef3 = new AFieldLvalue(new TIdentifier(vars.Used.GetName().Text));
                AFieldLvalue strUsedRef4 = new AFieldLvalue(new TIdentifier(vars.Used.GetName().Text));
                ALvalueExp strUsedRef1Exp = new ALvalueExp(strUsedRef1);
                ALvalueExp strUsedRef2Exp = new ALvalueExp(strUsedRef2);
                ALvalueExp strUsedRef3Exp = new ALvalueExp(strUsedRef3);
                ALvalueExp strUsedRef4Exp = new ALvalueExp(strUsedRef4);

                AFieldLvalue strIndexRef1 = new AFieldLvalue(new TIdentifier(vars.Index.GetName().Text));
                AFieldLvalue strIndexRef2 = new AFieldLvalue(new TIdentifier(vars.Index.GetName().Text));
                AFieldLvalue strIndexRef3 = new AFieldLvalue(new TIdentifier(vars.Index.GetName().Text));
                ALvalueExp strIndexRef1Exp = new ALvalueExp(strIndexRef1);
                ALvalueExp strIndexRef2Exp = new ALvalueExp(strIndexRef2);

                AALocalDecl iDecl = new AALocalDecl(new APublicVisibilityModifier(), null, null, null, null, new ANamedType(new TIdentifier("int"), null),
                                                    new TIdentifier("i"), null);
                ALocalLvalue iRef1 = new ALocalLvalue(new TIdentifier("i"));
                ALocalLvalue iRef2 = new ALocalLvalue(new TIdentifier("i"));
                ALocalLvalue iRef3 = new ALocalLvalue(new TIdentifier("i"));
                ALocalLvalue iRef4 = new ALocalLvalue(new TIdentifier("i"));
                ALocalLvalue iRef5 = new ALocalLvalue(new TIdentifier("i"));
                ALocalLvalue iRef6 = new ALocalLvalue(new TIdentifier("i"));
                ALocalLvalue iRef7 = new ALocalLvalue(new TIdentifier("i"));
                ALocalLvalue iRef8 = new ALocalLvalue(new TIdentifier("i"));
                ALocalLvalue iRef9 = new ALocalLvalue(new TIdentifier("i"));
                ALocalLvalue iRef10 = new ALocalLvalue(new TIdentifier("i"));
                ALocalLvalue iRef11 = new ALocalLvalue(new TIdentifier("i"));
                ALocalLvalue iRef12 = new ALocalLvalue(new TIdentifier("i"));
                ALocalLvalue iRef13 = new ALocalLvalue(new TIdentifier("i"));
                ALocalLvalue iRef14 = new ALocalLvalue(new TIdentifier("i"));
                ALvalueExp iRef1Exp = new ALvalueExp(iRef1);
                ALvalueExp iRef2Exp = new ALvalueExp(iRef2);
                ALvalueExp iRef3Exp = new ALvalueExp(iRef3);
                ALvalueExp iRef4Exp = new ALvalueExp(iRef4);
                ALvalueExp iRef5Exp = new ALvalueExp(iRef5);
                ALvalueExp iRef6Exp = new ALvalueExp(iRef6);
                ALvalueExp iRef7Exp = new ALvalueExp(iRef7);
                ALvalueExp iRef8Exp = new ALvalueExp(iRef8);
                ALvalueExp iRef10Exp = new ALvalueExp(iRef10);
                ALvalueExp iRef11Exp = new ALvalueExp(iRef11);
                ALvalueExp iRef13Exp = new ALvalueExp(iRef13);
                ALvalueExp iRef14Exp = new ALvalueExp(iRef14);

                ABinopExp binop1 = new ABinopExp(iRef1Exp, new ADivideBinop(new TDiv("/")), intConst1);
                ABinopExp binop2 = new ABinopExp(iRef2Exp, new AModuloBinop(new TMod("%")), intConst2);
                ABinopExp binop3 = new ABinopExp(null, new AAndBinop(new TAnd("&")), null);
                ABinopExp binop4 = new ABinopExp(iRef3Exp, new ADivideBinop(new TDiv("/")), intConst3);
                ABinopExp binop5 = new ABinopExp(iRef4Exp, new ADivideBinop(new TDiv("/")), intConst4);
                ABinopExp binop6 = new ABinopExp(iRef5Exp, new AModuloBinop(new TMod("%")), intConst5);
                ABinopExp binop7 = new ABinopExp(null, new AMinusBinop(new TMinus("-")), null);
                ABinopExp binop8 = new ABinopExp(iRef6Exp, new AEqBinop(new TEq("==")), strIndexRef1Exp);
                ABinopExp binop9 = new ABinopExp(iRef7Exp, new ADivideBinop(new TDiv("/")), intConst6);
                ABinopExp binop10 = new ABinopExp(iRef8Exp, new AModuloBinop(new TMod("%")), intConst7);
                ABinopExp binop11 = new ABinopExp(null, new AAndBinop(new TAnd("&")), null);
                ABinopExp binop12 = new ABinopExp(iRef10Exp, new AMinusBinop(new TMinus("-")), intConst8);
                ABinopExp binop13 = new ABinopExp(iRef11Exp, new ALtBinop(new TLt("<")), intConst9);
                ABinopExp binop14 = new ABinopExp(iRef13Exp, new AEqBinop(new TEq("==")), strIndexRef2Exp);

                AArrayLvalue arrayIndex1 = new AArrayLvalue(new TLBracket("["), strUsedRef1Exp, binop1);
                AArrayLvalue arrayIndex2 = new AArrayLvalue(new TLBracket("["), strUsedRef2Exp, binop4);
                AArrayLvalue arrayIndex3 = new AArrayLvalue(new TLBracket("["), strUsedRef3Exp, binop5);
                AArrayLvalue arrayIndex4 = new AArrayLvalue(new TLBracket("["), strUsedRef4Exp, binop9);
                ALvalueExp arrayIndex1Exp = new ALvalueExp(arrayIndex1);
                ALvalueExp arrayIndex3Exp = new ALvalueExp(arrayIndex3);
                ALvalueExp arrayIndex4Exp = new ALvalueExp(arrayIndex4);

                ABinopExp binop15 = new ABinopExp(intConst11, new ALBitShiftBinop(new TLBitShift("<<")), binop2);
                ABinopExp binop16 = new ABinopExp(intConst12, new ALBitShiftBinop(new TLBitShift("<<")), binop6);
                ABinopExp binop17 = new ABinopExp(intConst13, new ALBitShiftBinop(new TLBitShift("<<")), binop10);
                /*ASimpleInvokeExp power2Invoke1 = new ASimpleInvokeExp(new TIdentifier("Power2"), new ArrayList() { binop2 });
                ASimpleInvokeExp power2Invoke2 = new ASimpleInvokeExp(new TIdentifier("Power2"), new ArrayList() { binop6 });
                ASimpleInvokeExp power2Invoke3 = new ASimpleInvokeExp(new TIdentifier("Power2"), new ArrayList() { binop10 });

                AParenExp paren1 = new AParenExp(binop3);
                AParenExp paren2 = new AParenExp(binop11);

                AUnopExp unop1 = new AUnopExp(new AComplementUnop(new TComplement("!")), paren1);
                AUnopExp unop2 = new AUnopExp(new AComplementUnop(new TComplement("!")), paren2);

                AAssignmentExp assignment1 = new AAssignmentExp(new TAssign("="), arrayIndex2, binop7);
                AAssignmentExp assignment2 = new AAssignmentExp(new TAssign("="), iRef9, binop12);
                AAssignmentExp assignment3 = new AAssignmentExp(new TAssign("="), iRef12, intConst10);
                AAssignmentExp assignment4 = new AAssignmentExp(new TAssign("="), strIndexRef3, iRef14Exp);

                AMethodDecl method = new AMethodDecl(new APublicVisibilityModifier(), null, null, null, null, null,
                                                                 new AVoidType(new TVoid("void")),
                                                                 new TIdentifier("Delete" + prefix, data.LineCounts[file] + 18, 0),
                                                                 new ArrayList() { iDecl },
                                                                 new AABlock(
                                                                     new ArrayList()
                                                                             new AIfThenStm(new TLParen("("), unop1,
                                                                                            new ABlockStm(
                                                                                                new TLBrace("{"),
                                                                                                new AABlock(
                                                                                                    new ArrayList()
                                                                                                            new AVoidReturnStm
                                                                                                                (new TReturn
                                                                                                    new TRBrace("}")))),
                                                                             new AExpStm(new TSemicolon(";"),
                                                                             new AIfThenStm(new TLParen("("), binop8,
                                                                                            new ABlockStm(
                                                                                                new TLBrace("{"),
                                                                                                new AABlock(
                                                                                                    new ArrayList()
                                                                                                            new AWhileStm
                                                                                                                (new TLParen
                                                                                                                 new ABlockStm
                                                                                                                     (new TLBrace
                                                                                                                      new AABlock
                                                                                                                          (new ArrayList
                                                                                                                                   new AExpStm
                                                                                                                                       (new TSemicolon
                                                                                                                                   new AIfThenStm
                                                                                                                                       (new TLParen
                                                                                                                                        new ABlockStm
                                                                                                                                            (new TLBrace
                                                                                                                                             new AABlock
                                                                                                                                                 (new ArrayList
                                                                                                                                                          new AExpStm
                                                                                                                                                              (new TSemicolon
                                                                                                                                                  new TRBrace
                                                                                                                                   new AIfThenStm
                                                                                                                                       (new TLParen
                                                                                                                                        new ABlockStm
                                                                                                                                            (new TLBrace
                                                                                                                                             new AABlock
                                                                                                                                                 (new ArrayList
                                                                                                                                                          new ABreakStm
                                                                                                                                                              (new TBreak
                                                                                                                                                  new TRBrace
                                                                                                                           new TRBrace
                                                                                                            new AExpStm(
                                                                                                                new TSemicolon
                                                                                                    new TRBrace("}"))))
                                                                      new TRBrace("}")));

                data.Methods.Add(new SharedData.DeclItem<AMethodDecl>(file, method));

                data.FieldLinks[strUsedRef1] =
                    data.FieldLinks[strUsedRef2] =
                    data.FieldLinks[strUsedRef3] =
                    data.FieldLinks[strUsedRef4] = vars.Used;
                data.FieldLinks[strIndexRef1] =
                    data.FieldLinks[strIndexRef2] =
                    data.FieldLinks[strIndexRef3] = vars.Index;
                data.LocalLinks[iRef1] =
                    data.LocalLinks[iRef2] =
                    data.LocalLinks[iRef3] =
                    data.LocalLinks[iRef4] =
                    data.LocalLinks[iRef5] =
                    data.LocalLinks[iRef6] =
                    data.LocalLinks[iRef7] =
                    data.LocalLinks[iRef8] =
                    data.LocalLinks[iRef9] =
                    data.LocalLinks[iRef10] =
                    data.LocalLinks[iRef11] =
                    data.LocalLinks[iRef12] =
                    data.LocalLinks[iRef13] =
                    data.LocalLinks[iRef14] = iDecl;
                //data.SimpleMethodLinks[power2Invoke1] =
                //    data.SimpleMethodLinks[power2Invoke2] =
                //    data.SimpleMethodLinks[power2Invoke3] = CreatePower2Method(node, data);

                data.ExpTypes[intConst1] =
                    data.ExpTypes[intConst2] =
                    data.ExpTypes[intConst3] =
                    data.ExpTypes[intConst4] =
                    data.ExpTypes[intConst5] =
                    data.ExpTypes[intConst6] =
                    data.ExpTypes[intConst7] =
                    data.ExpTypes[intConst8] =
                    data.ExpTypes[intConst9] =
                    data.ExpTypes[intConst10] =
                    data.ExpTypes[intConst11] =
                    data.ExpTypes[intConst12] =
                    data.ExpTypes[intConst13] =
                    data.LvalueTypes[iRef1] =
                    data.LvalueTypes[iRef2] =
                    data.LvalueTypes[iRef3] =
                    data.LvalueTypes[iRef4] =
                    data.LvalueTypes[iRef5] =
                    data.LvalueTypes[iRef6] =
                    data.LvalueTypes[iRef7] =
                    data.LvalueTypes[iRef8] =
                    data.LvalueTypes[iRef9] =
                    data.LvalueTypes[iRef10] =
                    data.LvalueTypes[iRef11] =
                    data.LvalueTypes[iRef12] =
                    data.LvalueTypes[iRef13] =
                    data.LvalueTypes[iRef14] =
                    data.ExpTypes[iRef1Exp] =
                    data.ExpTypes[iRef2Exp] =
                    data.ExpTypes[iRef3Exp] =
                    data.ExpTypes[iRef4Exp] =
                    data.ExpTypes[iRef5Exp] =
                    data.ExpTypes[iRef6Exp] =
                    data.ExpTypes[iRef7Exp] =
                    data.ExpTypes[iRef8Exp] =
                    data.ExpTypes[iRef10Exp] =
                    data.ExpTypes[iRef11Exp] =
                    data.ExpTypes[iRef13Exp] =
                    data.ExpTypes[iRef14Exp] =
                    data.LvalueTypes[arrayIndex1] =
                    data.LvalueTypes[arrayIndex2] =
                    data.LvalueTypes[arrayIndex3] =
                    data.LvalueTypes[arrayIndex4] =
                    data.ExpTypes[arrayIndex1Exp] =
                    data.ExpTypes[arrayIndex3Exp] =
                    data.ExpTypes[arrayIndex4Exp] =
                    data.ExpTypes[binop1] =
                    data.ExpTypes[binop2] =
                    data.ExpTypes[binop3] =
                    data.ExpTypes[binop4] =
                    data.ExpTypes[binop5] =
                    data.ExpTypes[binop6] =
                    data.ExpTypes[binop7] =
                    data.ExpTypes[binop9] =
                    data.ExpTypes[binop10] =
                    data.ExpTypes[binop11] =
                    data.ExpTypes[binop12] =
                    data.ExpTypes[binop15] =
                    data.ExpTypes[binop16] =
                    data.ExpTypes[binop17] =
                    data.ExpTypes[paren1] =
                    data.ExpTypes[paren2] =
                    data.ExpTypes[assignment1] =
                    data.ExpTypes[assignment2] =
                    data.ExpTypes[assignment3] =
                    data.ExpTypes[assignment4] =
                    /*data.ExpTypes[power2Invoke1] =
                    data.ExpTypes[power2Invoke2] =
                    data.ExpTypes[power2Invoke3] =*/ new ANamedType(new TIdentifier("int"), null);

                data.ExpTypes[binop8] =
                    data.ExpTypes[binop13] =
                    data.ExpTypes[binop14] =
                    data.ExpTypes[unop1] =
                    data.ExpTypes[unop2] = new ANamedType(new TIdentifier("bool"), null);

                return method;
Esempio n. 12
 public override void OutABinopExp(ABinopExp node)
     if (node.GetBinop() is AEqBinop || node.GetBinop() is ANeBinop)
         if (node.GetLeft() is ANullExp || node.GetRight() is ANullExp)
             if (node.GetLeft() is ANullExp)
                 //Swap left and right
                 PExp temp = node.GetLeft();
             PExp exp = node.GetLeft();
             PType type = data.ExpTypes[exp];
             if (type is APointerType)
                 if (node.GetBinop() is ANeBinop)
                     //Convert a != null to !(a == null)
                     AUnopExp unop = new AUnopExp(new AComplementUnop(new TComplement("!")), null);
                     node.SetBinop(new AEqBinop(new TEq("==")));
                     data.ExpTypes[unop] = new ANamedType(new TIdentifier("bool"), null);
                 if (Util.IsIntPointer(node, ((APointerType)type).GetType(), data))
                     bool add = true;
                     foreach (PType pType in TypesWithIdentifierArray)
                         if (Util.TypesEqual(((APointerType)type).GetType(), pType, data))
                             add = false;
                     if (add)