private IEnumerator WaitingMovementRoutine() { //Random small movement while (_state == DroneState.SEARCHING_ENEMY) { var point = _startPosition + MRandom.OnUnitCircle() * width * 0.5f; var distance = point - _pos; float distanceMag = distance.Magnitude; while (distanceMag > 20) { var distanceNorm = distance.Normalized; _currentSpeed = (_state == DroneState.SEARCHING_ENEMY) ? _waitingSpeed : _maxSpeed; var nextPos = distanceNorm * _currentSpeed; //Console.WriteLine($"{this}: {x:0.00} | {y:0.00} | dist: {distanceMag:0.00} | startpos: {_startPosition} | point: {point} | speed: {speed} | nextPos: {nextPos}"); Translate(nextPos.x *, nextPos.y *; yield return(null); distance = point - _pos; distanceMag = distance.Magnitude; } } }
public void PlayHudFx(int index = -1) { if (index == -1) { index = MRandom.Range(0, _hudFxs.Length); } else { index = index % _hudFxs.Length; } _fxHudChannels[index] = _hudFxs[index].Play(); }
IEnumerator SmallSnowFlakesParticlesRoutine2(GameObject target, Vector2 offset, float range, int duration) { while (target?.parent != null) { for (int i = 0; i < _smallSnowFlakes2.Length; i++) { var pos = MRandom.InsideUnitCircle() * range; var snow = _smallSnowFlakes2[i]; target.parent.AddChild(snow); snow.Show(target, pos, offset); yield return(new WaitForMilliSeconds(duration / _smallSnowFlakes2.Length)); } } }
public void PlayExplosionFx(int index = -1) { if (index == -1) { index = MRandom.Range(0, _explosionFxs.Length); } else { index = index % _explosionFxs.Length; } if (_fxExplosionChannels[index] != null && _fxExplosionChannels[index].IsPlaying) { _fxExplosionChannels[index].Stop(); } _fxExplosionChannels[index] = _explosionFxs[index].Play(); }
void Update() { if (!Enabled) { return; } Vector2 pos = new Vector2(this.x, this.y); if (_followEnabled && _target != null) { Vector2 targetP = new Vector2(_target.x, _target.y); if (_hasSpeedListener) { //Target point is in front of target, set offset float dist = Mathf.Map(_iHasSpeed.Speed, 0, _iHasSpeed.MaxSpeed, 0, TargetFrontDistance); //TODO: make IHasSpeed has a Vector2 _forward float xDir = Mathf.Cos(_target.rotation.DegToRad()); float yDir = Mathf.Sin(_target.rotation.DegToRad()); targetP = targetP + (new Vector2(xDir, yDir)) * dist; } Vector2 targetDirection = (targetP - pos); float directionMag = targetDirection.Magnitude; if (directionMag > 0) { interpVelocity = directionMag * speed; float lastX = _targetPos.x; float lastY = _targetPos.y; _targetPos = pos + (targetDirection.Normalized * interpVelocity *; if (_targetPos.x - MyGame.HALF_SCREEN_WIDTH < 0 || _targetPos.x + MyGame.HALF_SCREEN_WIDTH > _map.MapWidthInPixels) { _targetPos.x = lastX; } if (_targetPos.y - MyGame.HALF_SCREEN_HEIGHT < 0 || _targetPos.y + MyGame.HALF_SCREEN_HEIGHT > _map.MapHeightInPixels) { _targetPos.y = lastY; } //var nextPos = Vector2.Lerp(pos, targetPos + offset, 0.25f); // float nextX = Easing.Ease(Easing.Equation.CubicEaseOut, 1, pos.x, _targetPos.x, 4); // float nextY = Easing.Ease(Easing.Equation.CubicEaseOut, 1, pos.y, _targetPos.y, 4); float nextX = pos.x + Easing.Ease(Easing.Equation.CubicEaseOut, 1, 0, _targetPos.x - pos.x, 4); float nextY = pos.y + Easing.Ease(Easing.Equation.CubicEaseOut, 1, 0, _targetPos.y - pos.y, 4); this.SetXY(nextX, nextY); } } pos.x = x; pos.y = y; if (shakeDuration > 0) { var shakePos = pos + MRandom.InsideUnitCircle() * shakeAmount; shakeDuration -= Time.deltaTime * decreaseFactor; SetXY(shakePos.x, shakePos.y); } else { shakeDuration = 0f; SetXY(pos.x, pos.y); } //Debug float lScale = scale; if (Input.GetKey(Key.W)) { lScale -= 5 *; } else if (Input.GetKey(Key.S)) { lScale += 5 *; } else if (Input.GetKey(Key.X)) { lScale = 1; } scale = Mathf.Clamp(lScale, 0.01f, 100); }
public void DrawBorders(GameObject parent, float alpha = 1f) { var borderCloudesTileSet = _mapData.TileSets.FirstOrDefault(ts => ts.Name == "Clouds Border"); var topCloudsRects = new Rectangle[] { new Rectangle(0, 128 * 0, 512, 128), new Rectangle(0, 128 * 1, 512, 128), new Rectangle(0, 128 * 2, 512, 128), }; var bottomCloudsRects = new Rectangle[] { new Rectangle(0, 128 * 3, 512, 128), new Rectangle(0, 128 * 4, 512, 128), new Rectangle(0, 128 * 5, 512, 128), }; var rightCloudsRects = new Rectangle[] { new Rectangle(512 + 128 * 0, 0, 128, 512), new Rectangle(512 + 128 * 1, 0, 128, 512), new Rectangle(512 + 128 * 2, 0, 128, 512), }; var leftCloudsRects = new Rectangle[] { new Rectangle(512 + 128 * 3, 0, 128, 512), new Rectangle(512 + 128 * 0, 512, 128, 512), new Rectangle(512 + 128 * 1, 512, 128, 512), }; int tilsetIndex = _tilesetIndexMap["Clouds Borders"]; var tilesetImage = _tileSetImages[tilsetIndex]; int widthSteps = Mathf.Ceiling((float)_mapData.Width * _mapData.TileWidth / topCloudsRects[0].Width); //Draw top border int canvasW = topCloudsRects[0].Width; int canvasH = topCloudsRects[0].Height; for (int i = 0; i < widthSteps; i++) { int randRect = MRandom.Range(0, topCloudsRects.Length); var canvas = new Canvas(canvasW, canvasH, false);, new Rectangle(0, 0, canvasW, canvasH), topCloudsRects[randRect], GraphicsUnit.Pixel ); parent.AddChild(canvas); canvas.x = i * canvasW; canvas.y = 0; canvas.alpha = alpha; } //Draw bottom border canvasW = bottomCloudsRects[0].Width; canvasH = bottomCloudsRects[0].Height; int yHeight = (_mapData.Height - 1) * _mapData.TileHeight; for (int i = 0; i < widthSteps; i++) { int randRect = MRandom.Range(0, bottomCloudsRects.Length); var canvas = new Canvas(canvasW, canvasH, false);, new Rectangle(0, 0, canvasW, canvasH), bottomCloudsRects[randRect], GraphicsUnit.Pixel ); parent.AddChild(canvas); canvas.x = i * canvasW; canvas.y = yHeight; canvas.alpha = alpha; } int heightSteps = Mathf.Ceiling((float)_mapData.Height * _mapData.TileHeight / leftCloudsRects[0].Width); //Draw left border canvasW = leftCloudsRects[0].Width; canvasH = leftCloudsRects[0].Height; int xWidth = 0; for (int i = 0; i < heightSteps; i++) { int randRect = MRandom.Range(0, leftCloudsRects.Length); var canvas = new Canvas(canvasW, canvasH, false);, new Rectangle(0, 0, canvasW, canvasH), leftCloudsRects[randRect], GraphicsUnit.Pixel ); parent.AddChild(canvas); canvas.x = xWidth; canvas.y = i * canvasH; canvas.alpha = alpha; } //Draw right border canvasW = rightCloudsRects[0].Width; canvasH = rightCloudsRects[0].Height; xWidth = (_mapData.Width - 1) * _mapData.TileWidth; for (int i = 0; i < heightSteps; i++) { int randRect = MRandom.Range(0, rightCloudsRects.Length); var canvas = new Canvas(canvasW, canvasH, false);, new Rectangle(0, 0, canvasW, canvasH), rightCloudsRects[randRect], GraphicsUnit.Pixel ); parent.AddChild(canvas); canvas.x = xWidth; canvas.y = i * canvasH; canvas.alpha = alpha; } }
private IEnumerator CollisionWithTornadoRoutine(TornadoGameObject tornado) { MyGame.ThisInstance.Camera.shakeDuration = 3000; _stork.InputEnabled = false; _stork.IsMoveEnabled = false; _stork.IsCollisionDisabled = true; _stork.SetSpeed(0); //Turn stork var turnStorkRoutine = CoroutineManager.StartCoroutine(TurnStorkInTornadoRoutine(), this); //Snap to tornado int snapTimer = 0; const int snapDuration = 200; var snapStartPos = _stork.Pos; SoundManager.Instance.PlayFx(9); while (snapTimer < snapDuration) { float xPos = (tornado.Pos.x - snapStartPos.x) * Easing.Ease(Easing.Equation.QuadEaseOut, snapTimer, 0, 1, snapDuration); float yPos = (tornado.Pos.y - snapStartPos.y) * Easing.Ease(Easing.Equation.QuadEaseOut, snapTimer, 0, 1, snapDuration); _stork.SetXY(snapStartPos.x + xPos, snapStartPos.y + yPos); snapTimer += Time.deltaTime; yield return(null); } //Keep stork in tornado int stuckTimer = 0; const int stuckDuration = 2000; while (stuckTimer < stuckDuration) { _stork.SetXY(tornado.x, tornado.y); stuckTimer += Time.deltaTime; yield return(null); } //Thrown Stork SoundManager.Instance.PlayFx(6); float throwAngle = 0; if (tornado.ThrowAngleMin == tornado.ThrowAngleMax) { throwAngle = tornado.ThrowAngleMin; } else { throwAngle = MRandom.Range((float)tornado.ThrowAngleMin, (float)tornado.ThrowAngleMax); } throwAngle = throwAngle.DegToRad(); var throwDirection = new Vector2() { x = Mathf.Cos(throwAngle), y = Mathf.Sin(throwAngle) }; var throwStartPos = tornado.Pos; var throwPos = throwStartPos + throwDirection * tornado.ThrowDistance; int thrownTimer = 0; int thrownDuration = 1000; float startScale = _stork.scale; Console.WriteLine($"{this}: throwAngle: {throwAngle.RadToDegree()}"); while (thrownTimer < thrownDuration) { float xPos = (throwPos.x - throwStartPos.x) * Easing.Ease(Easing.Equation.QuadEaseOut, thrownTimer, 0, 1, thrownDuration); float yPos = (throwPos.y - throwStartPos.y) * Easing.Ease(Easing.Equation.QuadEaseOut, thrownTimer, 0, 1, thrownDuration); _stork.SetXY(throwStartPos.x + xPos, throwStartPos.y + yPos); float scale; if (thrownTimer < thrownDuration * 0.5f) { scale = startScale + Easing.Ease(Easing.Equation.QuadEaseOut, thrownTimer, 0, 1, thrownDuration * 0.5f); } else { scale = startScale + 1 - Easing.Ease(Easing.Equation.QuadEaseIn, thrownTimer - thrownDuration * 0.5f, 0, 1, thrownDuration * 0.5f); } _stork.SetScaleXY(scale, scale); thrownTimer += Time.deltaTime; yield return(null); } _stork.SetScaleXY(startScale, startScale); _inCollisionWithTornado = false; _lastTornadoCollided = null; _stork.InputEnabled = true; _stork.IsMoveEnabled = true; _stork.IsCollisionDisabled = false; }
public void SpawnClouds() { var cloudsTileArray = _map.GetCloudsTileArray(); var cloudsLayerFirstGid = _map.MapData.TileSets.FirstOrDefault(ts => ts.Name == "Clouds Tileset").FirstGId; for (int col = 0; col < cloudsTileArray.GetLength(0); col++) { for (int row = 0; row < cloudsTileArray.GetLength(1); row++) { CloudGameObject cloud; var tile = cloudsTileArray[col, row] - cloudsLayerFirstGid; if (tile == 20 || tile == 50) { //Instantiate a horizontal cloud cloud = new CloudGameObject(MRandom.Range(-1, 1)); _level.AddChild(cloud); float px = (col) * _map.MapData.TileWidth; float py = (row) * _map.MapData.TileHeight; cloud.SetXY(px, py); if (tile == 50) { cloud.SetXY(px + _map.MapData.TileWidth, py); cloud.Turn(90); } _clouds.Add(cloud); } //Check if a cloud is incorrectly drew in Tiled and than "ERASE" the tile, //a cloud need the "pivot" tile (20 for horizontal clouds, 50 for vertical clouds) //Ugly solution, hard coded int tileCheck; if (tile >= 21 && tile <= 24) { int gap = tile - 20; if (gap > -1) { tileCheck = cloudsTileArray[col - gap, row] - cloudsLayerFirstGid; if (tileCheck != 20) { _map.SetCloudsTileArray(col, row, 0); Console.WriteLine($"{this}: {col}|{row} cloud tile erased for 21"); } } } else if (tile >= 36 && tile <= 40) { int gapX = tile - 36; int gapY = 1; if (gapX > -1 && gapY > -1) { tileCheck = cloudsTileArray[col - gapX, row - gapY] - cloudsLayerFirstGid; if (tileCheck != 20) { _map.SetCloudsTileArray(col, row, 0); Console.WriteLine($"{this}: {col}|{row} cloud tile erased for 37"); } } } else if (tile == 49) { int gapX = 50 - tile; if (gapX < _map.MapData.Height) { tileCheck = cloudsTileArray[col + gapX, row] - cloudsLayerFirstGid; if (tileCheck != 50) { _map.SetCloudsTileArray(col, row, 0); Console.WriteLine($"{this}: {col}|{row} cloud tile erased for 50"); } } } else if (tile >= 65 && tile <= 66) { int gapX = 66 - tile; int gapY = 1; if (gapX < _map.MapData.Height && gapY > -1) { tileCheck = cloudsTileArray[col + gapX, row - gapY] - cloudsLayerFirstGid; if (tileCheck != 50) { _map.SetCloudsTileArray(col, row, 0); Console.WriteLine($"{this}: {col}|{row} cloud tile erased for 50, 65"); } } } else if (tile >= 81 && tile <= 82) { int gapX = 82 - tile; int gapY = 2; if (gapX < _map.MapData.Height && gapY > -1) { tileCheck = cloudsTileArray[col + gapX, row - gapY] - cloudsLayerFirstGid; if (tileCheck != 50) { _map.SetCloudsTileArray(col, row, 0); Console.WriteLine($"{this}: {col}|{row} cloud tile erased for 50, 81"); } } } else if (tile >= 97 && tile <= 98) { int gapX = 98 - tile; int gapY = 3; if (gapX < _map.MapData.Height && gapY > -1) { tileCheck = cloudsTileArray[col + gapX, row - gapY] - cloudsLayerFirstGid; if (tileCheck != 50) { _map.SetCloudsTileArray(col, row, 0); Console.WriteLine($"{this}: {col}|{row} cloud tile erased for 50, 97"); } } } else if (tile >= 113 && tile <= 114) { int gapX = 114 - tile; int gapY = 4; if (gapX < _map.MapData.Height && gapY > -1) { tileCheck = cloudsTileArray[col + gapX, row - gapY] - cloudsLayerFirstGid; if (tileCheck != 49) { _map.SetCloudsTileArray(col, row, 0); Console.WriteLine($"{this}: {col}|{row} cloud tile erased for 50, 113"); } } } } } }