Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// This method runs a query for all Work Point features and attach/detach the results to the display control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="iDelete">This parameter determines whether the current operation is delete or execute</param>
        public void WorkPointDisplay(bool iDelete)
            CommonWorkPointDisplayQuery objcmmnWorkPointDisplayQuery = null;
            IGTApplication gtApplication = null;

                gtApplication = GTClassFactory.Create <IGTApplication>();
                objcmmnWorkPointDisplayQuery = new CommonWorkPointDisplayQuery(gtApplication, Components[ComponentName].Recordset, iDelete);//This Recordset needs to be passed for the Workpoint attribute component that is under transaction and is not yet commited to the DB. In the cases where FI uses this shared component, the Workpoint attribute component recordset that fired the FI needs to be passed.
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("There is an error in \"Work Point Display\" Functional Interface \n" + ex.Message, "G/Technology");
                objcmmnWorkPointDisplayQuery = null;
Esempio n. 2
        private void App_ActiveJobChanged(object sender, GTActiveJobChangedEventArgs e)
            string jobStatus  = null;
            string wmisStatus = null;
            string Job        = e.ActiveJob;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Job))             //if no job is active, do nothing

            IGTApplication app = (IGTApplication)sender;
            IGTDataContext dc  = app.DataContext;

            ADODB.Recordset RS = dc.OpenRecordset(SQL, ADODB.CursorTypeEnum.adOpenStatic, ADODB.LockTypeEnum.adLockReadOnly, (int)ADODB.CommandTypeEnum.adCmdText, Job);

            if (RS != null && RS.RecordCount == 1)
                RefreshLoggingProperty(app, Convert.ToString(RS.Fields["G3E_ENABLELOGGING"].Value));

                //this section handles various WMIS statuses, then deactivates the job and skips all remaining steps.
                wmisStatus = Convert.ToString(RS.Fields["WMIS_STATUS_C"].Value).ToUpper().Trim();

                if (wmisStatus != "SUCCESS" && wmisStatus != "FAILURE" && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(wmisStatus))
                    if (InteractiveMode)
                        switch (wmisStatus)
                        case "WRITEBACK":
                            MessageBox.Show("Job cannot be activated while a writeback operation is in progress.", "G/Technology", MessageBoxButtons.OK);

                        case "BATCH":
                            MessageBox.Show("Job cannot be activated while a batch operation is in progress.", "G/Technology", MessageBoxButtons.OK);

                        case "STATUSCHG":
                            MessageBox.Show("Job cannot be activated while a status change is being communicated to WMIS.", "G/Technology", MessageBoxButtons.OK);

                        case "ERROR":
                            MessageBox.Show("Job cannot be activated due to an outstanding error; please notify Support.", "G/Technology", MessageBoxButtons.OK);


                    DeactivateJob(Job);                            //deactivate job
                    return;                                        //skip remaining actions (job status section)

                //this section handles various job statuses
                jobStatus = Convert.ToString(RS.Fields["G3E_JOBSTATUS"].Value).ToUpper().Trim();

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(jobStatus))
                    switch (jobStatus)
                    case "APPROVALPENDING":

                        if (InteractiveMode)
                            DialogResult ApprovalPendingResult = MessageBox.Show("WR is marked for approval. Unmark?", "G/Technology", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo);
                            if (ApprovalPendingResult == DialogResult.Yes)
                                //change job status to Design and leave job active
                                WMISStatus wMISStatus = new WMISStatus();
                                wMISStatus.SetJobStatus(Job, "Design");
                            if (ApprovalPendingResult == DialogResult.No)
                                MessageBox.Show("Job is being deactivated and the WR will remain marked for approval.", "G/Technology", MessageBoxButtons.OK);
                                DeactivateJob(Job);                                                //deactivate job
                        else                                 // UnattendedMode
                            //change job status to Design and leave job active
                            WMISStatus wMISStatus = new WMISStatus();
                            wMISStatus.SetJobStatus(Job, "Design");

                    case "DESIGN":
                        bool hasAlternateDesign = false;                                 //initialize to false. This will be set in the if statements below if an alternate design exists for the job.

                        //this if/else determines if the active job contains a "-" character. Whether this is true or not determines what the SQL statement looks like.
                        if (Job.Contains("-"))
                            string jobSubstring = Job.Substring(0, Job.IndexOf("-"));
                            SQL = "select G3E_IDENTIFIER, G3E_JOBSTATUS from G3E_JOB where G3E_IDENTIFIER like ? and G3E_JOBSTATUS=?";
                            RS  = dc.OpenRecordset(SQL, ADODB.CursorTypeEnum.adOpenStatic, ADODB.LockTypeEnum.adLockReadOnly, (int)ADODB.CommandTypeEnum.adCmdText, jobSubstring + "-%", "ApprovalPending");

                            SQL = "select G3E_IDENTIFIER, G3E_JOBSTATUS from G3E_JOB where G3E_IDENTIFIER like ? and G3E_JOBSTATUS=?";
                            RS  = dc.OpenRecordset(SQL, ADODB.CursorTypeEnum.adOpenStatic, ADODB.LockTypeEnum.adLockReadOnly, (int)ADODB.CommandTypeEnum.adCmdText, Job + "-%", "ApprovalPending");

                        if (RS != null && RS.RecordCount > 0)                                //check to see if recordset from above if/else has records. If yes, this job has an alternate design.
                            hasAlternateDesign = true;

                        if (hasAlternateDesign)
                            string altJobIdentifier = Convert.ToString(RS.Fields["G3E_IDENTIFIER"].Value);

                            if (InteractiveMode)
                                DialogResult DesignResult = MessageBox.Show("An alternate design for this WR is marked for approval. Unmark it so that this alternate may be activated?", "G/Technology", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo);
                                if (DesignResult == DialogResult.Yes)
                                    //update job status to Design for the alternate design, and leave the current job active
                                    WMISStatus wMISStatus = new WMISStatus();
                                    wMISStatus.SetJobStatus(altJobIdentifier, "Design");
                                if (DesignResult == DialogResult.No)
                                    MessageBox.Show("Job is being deactivated and the alternate design will remain marked for approval.", "G/Technology", MessageBoxButtons.OK);
                                    DeactivateJob(Job);                                                    //deactivate job
                            else                                     // UnattendedMode
                                //update job status to Design for the alternate design, and leave the current job active
                                WMISStatus wMISStatus = new WMISStatus();
                                wMISStatus.SetJobStatus(altJobIdentifier, "Design");

                    case "CLOSUREPENDING":
                        //SQL = "update G3E_JOB set G3E_JOBSTATUS='ConstructionComplete' where G3E_IDENTIFIER=?";

                        if (InteractiveMode)
                            DialogResult ClosurePendingResult = MessageBox.Show("WR is marked for closure. Unmark?", "G/Technology", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo);
                            if (ClosurePendingResult == DialogResult.Yes)
                                //change job status to ConstructionComplete and leave job active
                                WMISStatus wMISStatus = new WMISStatus();
                                wMISStatus.SetJobStatus(Job, "ConstructionComplete");
                            if (ClosurePendingResult == DialogResult.No)
                                MessageBox.Show("Job is being deactivated and the WR will remain marked for closure.", "G/Technology", MessageBoxButtons.OK);
                                DeactivateJob(Job);                                                //deactivate job
                        else                                 // UnattendedMode
                            //change job status to ConstructionComplete and leave job active
                            WMISStatus wMISStatus = new WMISStatus();
                            wMISStatus.SetJobStatus(Job, "ConstructionComplete");

                CommonWorkPointDisplayQuery workPointDisplayQuery = new CommonWorkPointDisplayQuery(app);