Esempio n. 1
        public SteeringBehaviors(MovingEntity entity, MovingEntity enemy)
            _entity = entity;
            rand = new Random();
            _mDWanderRadius = 2.5f;
            m_dWanderDistance = 3f;
            m_vSteeringForce = new Vector2D();
            m_dWanderJitter = 40f;

            m_dViewDistance = 40;
            m_dWeightSeparation = 5000;

            MinDetectionBoxLength = 20;
            m_dWeightObstacleAvoidance = 9000000;

            double rotation = VectorHelper.RandFloat() * (Math.PI * 2);
            m_vWanderTarget = new Vector2D(_mDWanderRadius * Math.Cos(rotation), _mDWanderRadius * Math.Sin(rotation));
            m_pTargetAgent1 = enemy;

            AStarTargets = new List<Node>();
            ExploreTargets = new Queue<Vector2D>();

            ExploreTargets.Enqueue(new Vector2D(100,100)); //Left-Top
            ExploreTargets.Enqueue(new Vector2D(100, 500)); //Left-Bottom
            ExploreTargets.Enqueue(new Vector2D(800, 500)); //Mid-Bottom
            ExploreTargets.Enqueue(new Vector2D(800, 100)); //Mid-Top
            ExploreTargets.Enqueue(new Vector2D(1500, 100)); //Right-Top
            ExploreTargets.Enqueue(new Vector2D(1500, 500)); //Right-Bottom
            ExploreTargets.Enqueue(new Vector2D(800, 450)); //Mid-Mid
            ExploreTargets.Enqueue(new Vector2D(100, 450)); // Mid-Left
            ExploreTargets.Enqueue(new Vector2D(1500, 450)); // Mid-Right
Esempio n. 2
 public AnimatedTexture(Vector2D Origin, float Rotation, float Scale, float Depth)
     this.Origin = Origin;
     this.Rotation = Rotation;
     this.Scale = Scale;
     this.Depth = Depth;
Esempio n. 3
        public void DrawFrame(SpriteBatch Batch, int Frame, Vector2D screenpos, int sourceY)
            int FrameWidth = myTexture.Width / framecount;

            Rectangle sourcerect = new Rectangle(FrameWidth * Frame, sourceY, FrameWidth, myTexture.Height / 7);
            Batch.Draw(myTexture, screenpos.toVector2(), sourcerect, Color.White,
                Rotation, new Vector2((float)Origin.X / 2,(float)Origin.Y /2), Scale, SpriteEffects.None, Depth);
Esempio n. 4
 public static Vector2D MaxLimit(Vector2D vector, float limit)
     if (vector.Length() > limit)
         var factor = vector.Length() / limit;
         vector = vector / factor;
     return vector;
Esempio n. 5
        public override void Update(float timeElapsed)
            if (Pos.X > 1600) { Pos = new Vector2D(0, Pos.Y); }
            if (Pos.X < 0) { Pos = new Vector2D(1600, Pos.Y); }
            if (Pos.Y < 0) { Pos = new Vector2D(Pos.X, 900); }
            if (Pos.Y > 900) { Pos = new Vector2D(Pos.X, 0); }

Esempio n. 6
        public Citizen()
            SteeringBehaviors = new SteeringBehaviors(this, enemy);
            _personTexture = new AnimatedTexture(new Vector2D(16,16), 0, 1, 0);
            Mass = 0.1f;
            double rotation = VectorHelper.RandFloat()*(Math.PI*2);
            Heading = new Vector2D((float)Math.Sin(rotation), (float)-Math.Cos(rotation));
            MaxSpeed = 50f;
            MaxForce = 50f;
            Velocity = new Vector2D(0, 0);
            Side = Heading.Perp();
            Target = new Vector2D(0,0);
            Bradius = 16;
            Brain = new Think(this);
            Strength = 0;

            fm = new FuzzyModule();

            Fuzzy_Desirability = fm.CreateFLV("Desirability");
            FuzzySet Low_Desirability = Fuzzy_Desirability.AddLeftShoulderSet("Low", 0, 100, 200);
            FuzzySet Average_Desirability = Fuzzy_Desirability.AddTriangleSet("Average", 100, 200, 375);
            FuzzySet Very_Desirability = Fuzzy_Desirability.AddRightShoulderSet("Very", 200, 375, 500);

            Fuzzy_DistanceToTarget = fm.CreateFLV("Distance to Target");
            FuzzySet TargetClose = Fuzzy_DistanceToTarget.AddLeftShoulderSet("TargetClose", 0, 300, 800);
            FuzzySet TargetMedium = Fuzzy_DistanceToTarget.AddTriangleSet("TargetMedium", 300, 800, 1300);
            FuzzySet TargetFar = Fuzzy_DistanceToTarget.AddRightShoulderSet("TargetFar", 800, 1300, 1600);

            Fuzzy_Strength = fm.CreateFLV("Strength");
            FuzzySet Weak_Strength = Fuzzy_Strength.AddLeftShoulderSet("Weak", 0, 10000, 50000);
            FuzzySet Average_Strength = Fuzzy_Strength.AddTriangleSet("Average", 10000, 50000, 75000);
            FuzzySet Strong_Strength = Fuzzy_Strength.AddRightShoulderSet("Strong", 50000, 75000, 100000);

            fm.AddRule(new FuzzyAnd(Strong_Strength, TargetClose), Very_Desirability);
            fm.AddRule(new FuzzyAnd(Strong_Strength, TargetMedium), Average_Desirability);
            fm.AddRule(new FuzzyAnd(Strong_Strength, TargetFar), Low_Desirability);

            fm.AddRule(new FuzzyAnd(Weak_Strength, TargetClose), Low_Desirability);
            fm.AddRule(new FuzzyAnd(Weak_Strength, TargetMedium), Average_Desirability);
            fm.AddRule(new FuzzyAnd(Weak_Strength, TargetFar), Very_Desirability);

            fm.AddRule(new FuzzyAnd(Average_Strength, TargetMedium), Average_Desirability);
            fm.AddRule(new FuzzyAnd(Average_Strength, TargetClose), Average_Desirability);
            fm.AddRule(new FuzzyAnd(Average_Strength, TargetFar), Average_Desirability);
Esempio n. 7
        //create a rotation matrix from a 2D vector
        public void Rotate(Vector2D fwd, Vector2D side)
            Matrix mat = new Matrix();

            mat._11 = fwd.X;
            mat._12 = fwd.Y;
            mat._13 = 0;
            mat._21 = side.X;
            mat._22 = side.Y;
            mat._23 = 0;
            mat._31 = 0;
            mat._32 = 0;
            mat._33 = 1;

            //and multiply
Esempio n. 8
        //applies a 2D transformation matrix to a single Vector2D
        public void TransformVector2D(Vector2D vPoint)
            double tempX = (m_Matrix._11 * vPoint.X) + (m_Matrix._21 * vPoint.Y) + (m_Matrix._31);
            double tempY = (m_Matrix._12 * vPoint.X) + (m_Matrix._22 * vPoint.Y) + (m_Matrix._32);

            vPoint.X = (float)tempX;
            vPoint.Y = (float)tempY;
Esempio n. 9
        public void UpdateThug(Keys key)
            const int speed = 5;

            Vector2D oldPos = thug.Pos;
            Vector2D tempHeading = new Vector2D(0, 0);

            if (key == Keys.Up)
                thug.Pos = new Vector2D(thug.Pos.X, thug.Pos.Y - speed);
                tempHeading += thug.Pos - oldPos;
            if (key == Keys.Down)
                thug.Pos = new Vector2D(thug.Pos.X, thug.Pos.Y + speed);
                tempHeading += thug.Pos - oldPos;
            if (key == Keys.Left)
                thug.Pos = new Vector2D(thug.Pos.X - speed, thug.Pos.Y);
                tempHeading += thug.Pos - oldPos;
            if (key == Keys.Right)
                thug.Pos = new Vector2D(thug.Pos.X + speed, thug.Pos.Y);
                tempHeading += thug.Pos - oldPos;

            thug.Heading = Vector2D.Vec2DNormalize(tempHeading);
Esempio n. 10
 public int Sign(Vector2D v2)
     if (y * v2.X > x * v2.Y)
         return (int)Enum_Sign.anticlockwise;
         return (int)Enum_Sign.clockwise;
Esempio n. 11
 public static bool IsNull(Vector2D v)
     if ((object)v == null) return true;
     return false;
Esempio n. 12
        public override void Update(float timeElapsed)
            TimeEllapsed = timeElapsed;



            if (Flee)

            if (Wander)

            if (Seek)

            if (Explore)

            if (AStar)


            SteeringForce = SteeringBehaviors.Calculate();

            Vector2D acceleration = SteeringForce / Mass;

            Velocity += acceleration * timeElapsed;


            Pos += Velocity * timeElapsed;

            if (Velocity.LengthSq() > 0.00000001)
                Heading = Vector2D.Vec2DNormalize(Velocity);
                Side = Heading.Perp();

            if (Pos.X > 1600) { Pos = new Vector2D(0, Pos.Y); }
            if (Pos.X < 0) { Pos = new Vector2D(1600, Pos.Y); }
            if (Pos.Y < 0) { Pos = new Vector2D(Pos.X, 900); }
            if (Pos.Y > 900) { Pos = new Vector2D(Pos.X, 0);}


Esempio n. 13
 public Thug()
     _personTexture = new AnimatedTexture(new Vector2D(16,16), 0, 1, 0);
     Heading = new Vector2D(0,0);
     Bradius = 16;
Esempio n. 14
        private Vector2D VectorToWorldSpace(Vector2D vec, Vector2D AgentHeading, Vector2D AgentSide)
            //make a copy of the point
            Vector2D TransVec = new Vector2D(vec.X, vec.Y); ;

            //create a transformation matrix
            C2DMatrix matTransform = new C2DMatrix();

            matTransform.Rotate(AgentHeading, AgentSide);

            //now transform the vertices

            return TransVec;
Esempio n. 15
        //treats a window as a toroid
        public static Vector2D WrapAround(Vector2D pos, int MaxX, int MaxY)
            Vector2D newPos = pos;

            if (pos.X > MaxX) { newPos.X = 0.0; }

            if (pos.X < 0) { newPos.X = (double)MaxX; }

            if (pos.Y < 0) { newPos.Y = (double)MaxY; }

            if (pos.Y > MaxY) { newPos.Y = 0.0; }

            return newPos;
Esempio n. 16
        public static Vector2D Vec2DNormalize(Vector2D v)
            Vector2D vec = new Vector2D(v.X, v.Y);

            double vector_length = vec.Length();

            if (vector_length > double.Epsilon)
                vec.X /= vector_length;
                vec.Y /= vector_length;

            return vec;
Esempio n. 17
        public static double Vec2DDistanceSq(Vector2D v1, Vector2D v2)
            double ySeparation = v2.Y - v1.y;
            double xSeparation = v2.X - v1.x;

            return ySeparation * ySeparation + xSeparation * xSeparation;
Esempio n. 18
        public static double Vec2DDistance(Vector2D v1, Vector2D v2)
            double ySeparation = v2.Y - v1.y;
            double xSeparation = v2.X - v1.x;

            return Math.Sqrt(ySeparation * ySeparation + xSeparation * xSeparation);
Esempio n. 19
        //------------------------ ProjectedPerp ---------------------------------
        //  Returns a vector perpendicular to the given direction, projected out
        //  by radius amount from the origin. The new perpendicular direction
        //  points to the left if swapHand is true, and to the right otherwise.
        public static Vector2D ProjectedPerp(Vector2D origin, Vector2D DirNormal, double radius, bool swapHand)
            Vector2D dir;
            Vector2D targetLoc = new Vector2D();

            if (swapHand)
                dir = new Vector2D(DirNormal.Y, -DirNormal.X);
                dir = new Vector2D(-DirNormal.Y, DirNormal.X);

            targetLoc.X = origin.X + (radius * dir.X);
            targetLoc.Y = origin.Y + (radius * dir.Y);

            return targetLoc;
Esempio n. 20
 //returns true if the point p is not inside the region defined by top_left and bot_rgt
 public static bool NotInsideRegion(Vector2D p,
                             Vector2D top_left,
                             Vector2D bot_rgt)
     return (p.X < top_left.X) || (p.X > bot_rgt.X) ||
            (p.Y < top_left.Y) || (p.Y > bot_rgt.Y);
Esempio n. 21
        //------------------ isSecondInFOVOfFirst -------------------------------------
        //  returns true if the target position is in the field of view of the entity
        //  positioned at posFirst facing in facingFirst
        public static bool isSecondInFOVOfFirst(Vector2D posFirst,
                                         Vector2D facingFirst,
                                         Vector2D posSecond,
                                         double fov)
            Vector2D toTarget = Vec2DNormalize(posSecond - posFirst);

            return facingFirst.Dot(toTarget) >= Math.Cos(fov / 2.0);
Esempio n. 22
        private Vector2D Wander()
            //this behavior is dependent on the update rate, so this line must
            //be included when using time independent framerate.
            var jitterThisTimeSlice = m_dWanderJitter * _entity.TimeEllapsed;

            if (jitterThisTimeSlice <= 0)
                jitterThisTimeSlice = 1;

            //first, add a small random vector to the target's position
            m_vWanderTarget += new Vector2D((float)(VectorHelper.RandomClamped() * jitterThisTimeSlice),
                                        (float)(VectorHelper.RandomClamped() * jitterThisTimeSlice));

            //reproject this new vector back on to a unit circle

            //increase the length of the vector to the same as the radius
            //of the wander circle
            m_vWanderTarget *= (float)_mDWanderRadius;

            //move the target into a position WanderDist in front of the agent
            Vector2D target = m_vWanderTarget + new Vector2D(m_dWanderDistance, 0);

            //project the target into world space
            _entity.Target = PointToWorldSpace(target,

            //and steer towards it
            return _entity.Target - _entity.Pos;
Esempio n. 23
 public static Vector2D GetPerpVector(Vector2D vec)
     return new Vector2D(-vec.Y, vec.X);
Esempio n. 24
        //------------------------------ DistanceSq ------------------------------
        //  calculates the euclidean distance squared between two vectors
        public double DistanceSq(Vector2D v2)
            double ySeparation = v2.Y - y;
            double xSeparation = v2.X - x;

            return ySeparation * ySeparation + xSeparation * xSeparation;
Esempio n. 25
 public static Vector2D ToLimit(Vector2D vector, float limit)
     var factor = vector.Length() / limit;
     vector = vector / factor;
     return vector;
Esempio n. 26
 //------------------------- Vec2DDot -------------------------------------
 //  calculates the dot product
 public double Dot(Vector2D v2)
     return x * v2.X + y * v2.y;
Esempio n. 27
        private Vector2D Separation(List<MovingEntity> neighbors)
            Vector2D SteeringForce = new Vector2D(0.0, 0.0);

            foreach (MovingEntity neighbor in neighbors)
                //make sure this agent isn't included in the calculations and that
                //the agent being examined is close enough.
                //***also make sure it doesn't include the evade target ***
                if ((neighbor != _entity) && neighbor.IsTagged &&
                (neighbor != m_pTargetAgent1))
                    Vector2D ToAgent = (_entity.Pos - neighbor.Pos);

                    //scale the force inversely proportional to the agents distance from its neighbor.
                    SteeringForce += Vector2D.Vec2DNormalize(ToAgent) / ToAgent.Length();

            return SteeringForce;
Esempio n. 28
        //--------------------------- Reflect ------------------------------------
        //  given a normalized vector this method reflects the vector it
        //  is operating upon. (like the path of a ball bouncing off a wall)
        public void Reflect(Vector2D norm)
            //this += 2.0 * this.Dot(norm) * norm.GetReverse();

            Vector2D vecTemp = norm.GetReverse() * this.Dot(norm) * 2.0;

            this.X = vecTemp.X;
            this.Y = vecTemp.Y;
Esempio n. 29
        //------------------------------ Distance --------------------------------
        //  calculates the euclidean distance between two vectors
        public double Distance(Vector2D v2)
            double ySeparation = v2.Y - y;
            double xSeparation = v2.X - x;

            return Math.Sqrt(ySeparation * ySeparation + xSeparation * xSeparation);
Esempio n. 30
 public static bool InsideRegion(Vector2D p, int left, int top, int right, int bottom)
     return !((p.X < left) || (p.X > right) || (p.Y < top) || (p.Y > bottom));