public PosEventArgs(xyzPoint world, xyzPoint machine, grblState stat, string last) { posWorld = world; posMachine = machine; status = stat; lastCmd = last; }
private void setCoord(int nr, xyzPoint tmp = new xyzPoint()) { string cmd = String.Format("G10 L2 P{0} X{1:0.000} Y{2:0.000} Z{3:0.000}", nr, tmp.X, tmp.Y, tmp.Z); sendCommandEvent(new CmdEventArgs(cmd.Replace(',', '.'))); refreshValues(); }
private void btnStartTL_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { lblEFProgressInfo.Text = Localization.getString("probingProbingOn") + " Z"; //"Probing on X"; lblTLProgress.Text = ""; lblTLStatus.Text = ""; probingValuesIndex = 0; probingAction = probingMode.toolLenght; setRBEnable(cBnow, false); for (int i = 0; i < stateCommandsMax; i++) { stateCommands[i] = ""; } probeStartMachine = grbl.posMachine; probingValuesIndex = 0; int k = 1; stateCommands[k++] = string.Format("{0} Z-{1} F{2};", ProbeCommand, nUDProbeTravelZ.Value, nUDProbeFeed.Value); // index=1 will be send below stateCommands[k++] = string.Format("G53 G00 Z{0};", probeStartMachine.Z); // stateCommands[k++] = string.Format("G91 G00 Z{0};", nUDProbeTravelZ.Value); probingCount = 1; sendCommandEvent(new CmdEventArgs(stateCommands[probingCount++].Replace(',', '.'))); setProgressTL(nUDProbeTravelZ.Value); isIdle = false; timer1.Enabled = true; }
// store gcode parameters public static void setCoordinates(string id, string value, string info) { xyzPoint tmp = new xyzPoint(); string allowed = "PRBG54G55G56G57G58G59G28G30G92TLO"; if (allowed.Contains(id)) { getPosition("abc:" + value, ref tmp); // parse string [PRB:-155.000,-160.000,-28.208:1] if (coordinates.ContainsKey(id)) { coordinates[id] = tmp; } else { coordinates.Add(id, tmp); } if ((info.Length > 0) && (id == "PRB")) { xyzPoint tmp2 = new xyzPoint(); tmp2 = coordinates["PRB"]; tmp2.A = info == "1" ? 1 : 0; coordinates["PRB"] = tmp2; } } }
public static void getPosition(string text, ref xyzPoint position) { string[] dataField = text.Split(':'); string[] dataValue = dataField[1].Split(','); // axisA = false; axisB = false; axisC = false; axisCount = 0; if (dataValue.Length > 2) { Double.TryParse(dataValue[0], System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Any, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out position.X); Double.TryParse(dataValue[1], System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Any, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out position.Y); Double.TryParse(dataValue[2], System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Any, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out position.Z); axisCount = 3; } if (dataValue.Length > 3) { Double.TryParse(dataValue[3], System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Any, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out position.A); axisA = true; axisCount++; } if (dataValue.Length > 4) { Double.TryParse(dataValue[4], System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Any, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out position.B); axisB = true; axisCount++; } if (dataValue.Length > 5) { Double.TryParse(dataValue[5], System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Any, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out position.C); axisC = true; axisCount++; } //axisA = true; axisB = true; axisC = true; // for test only }
public PosEventArgs(xyzPoint world, xyzPoint machine, grblState stat, mState msg, pState last) { posWorld = world; posMachine = machine; status = stat; statMsg = msg; lastCmd = last; }
public static void getPosition(string text, ref xyzPoint position) { string[] dataField = text.Split(':'); string[] dataValue = dataField[1].Split(','); Double.TryParse(dataValue[0], System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Any, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out position.X); Double.TryParse(dataValue[1], System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Any, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out position.Y); Double.TryParse(dataValue[2], System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Any, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out position.Z); }
public static int getPosition(int serNr, string text, ref xyzPoint position) { string[] dataField = text.Split(':'); if (dataField.Length <= 1) { return(0); } string[] dataValue = dataField[1].Split(','); // axisA = false; axisB = false; axisC = false; int axisCountLocal = 0; if (dataValue.Length == 1) { Double.TryParse(dataValue[0], NumberStyles.Any, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out position.Z); position.X = 0; position.Y = 0; } if (dataValue.Length > 2) { Double.TryParse(dataValue[0], NumberStyles.Any, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out position.X); Double.TryParse(dataValue[1], NumberStyles.Any, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out position.Y); Double.TryParse(dataValue[2], NumberStyles.Any, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out position.Z); axisCountLocal = 3; } if (dataValue.Length > 3) { Double.TryParse(dataValue[3], NumberStyles.Any, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out position.A); axisCountLocal++; if (serNr == 1) { axisA = true; } } if (dataValue.Length > 4) { Double.TryParse(dataValue[4], NumberStyles.Any, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out position.B); axisCountLocal++; if (serNr == 1) { axisB = true; } } if (dataValue.Length > 5) { Double.TryParse(dataValue[5], NumberStyles.Any, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out position.C); axisCountLocal++; if (serNr == 1) { axisC = true; } } if (serNr == 1) { axisCount = axisCountLocal; } return(axisCountLocal); //axisA = true; axisB = true; axisC = true; // for test only }
public static xyzPoint operator -(xyzPoint b, xyzPoint c) { xyzPoint a = new xyzPoint(); a.X = b.X - c.X; a.Y = b.Y - c.Y; a.Z = b.Z - c.Z; a.A = b.A - c.A; return(a); }
// Overload + operator public static xyzPoint operator +(xyzPoint b, xyzPoint c) { xyzPoint a = new xyzPoint(); a.X = b.X + c.X; a.Y = b.Y + c.Y; a.Z = b.Z + c.Z; a.A = b.A + c.A; return(a); }
public gcodeByLine(gcodeByLine tmp) { resetAll(); lineNumber = tmp.lineNumber; figureNumber = tmp.figureNumber; codeLine = tmp.codeLine; motionMode = tmp.motionMode; isdistanceModeG90 = tmp.isdistanceModeG90; ismachineCoordG53 = tmp.ismachineCoordG53; isSubroutine = tmp.isSubroutine; spindleState = tmp.spindleState; coolantState = tmp.coolantState; spindleSpeed = tmp.spindleSpeed; feedRate = tmp.feedRate; x = tmp.x; y = tmp.y; z = tmp.z; i = tmp.i; j = tmp.j; a = tmp.a; b = tmp.b; c = tmp.c; u = tmp.u; v = tmp.v; w = tmp.w; actualPos = tmp.actualPos; distance = tmp.distance; }
// handle position events from serial form private void OnRaisePosEvent(object sender, PosEventArgs e) { posWorld = e.PosWorld; posMachine = e.PosMachine; machineStatus = e.Status; label_mx.Text = string.Format("{0:0.000}", posMachine.X); label_my.Text = string.Format("{0:0.000}", posMachine.Y); label_mz.Text = string.Format("{0:0.000}", posMachine.Z); label_wx.Text = string.Format("{0:0.000}", posWorld.X); label_wy.Text = string.Format("{0:0.000}", posWorld.Y); label_wz.Text = string.Format("{0:0.000}", posWorld.Z); label_status.Text = grbl.statusToText(machineStatus); label_status.BackColor = grbl.grblStateColor(machineStatus); }
public static void setCoordinates(string id, string value) { xyzPoint tmp = new xyzPoint(); string allowed = "PRBG54G55G56G57G58G59G28G30G92"; if (allowed.Contains(id)) { getPosition("abc:" + value, ref tmp); if (coordinates.ContainsKey(id)) { coordinates[id] = tmp; } else { coordinates.Add(id, tmp); } } }
public bool withinLimits(xyzPoint actualMachine, double tstx, double tsty) { double minlx = (double)Properties.Settings.Default.machineLimitsHomeX; double maxlx = minlx + (double)Properties.Settings.Default.machineLimitsRangeX; double minly = (double)Properties.Settings.Default.machineLimitsHomeY; double maxly = minly + (double)Properties.Settings.Default.machineLimitsRangeY; tstx += actualMachine.X; tsty += actualMachine.Y; if ((tstx < minlx) || (tstx > maxlx)) { return(false); } if ((tsty < minly) || (tsty > maxly)) { return(false); } return(true); }
private void setCoord(int nr, xyzPoint tmp = new xyzPoint()) { string cmd = String.Format("G10 L2 P{0} X{1:0.000} Y{2:0.000} Z{3:0.000}", nr, tmp.X, tmp.Y, tmp.Z); if (grbl.axisA) { cmd = String.Format("{0} A{1:0.000}", cmd, tmp.A); } if (grbl.axisB) { cmd = String.Format("{0} B{1:0.000}", cmd, tmp.B); } if (grbl.axisC) { cmd = String.Format("{0} C{1:0.000}", cmd, tmp.C); } sendCommandEvent(new CmdEventArgs(cmd.Replace(',', '.'))); // refreshValues(); }
private void cmsPicBoxZeroXYAtMarkedPosition_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { xyzPoint tmp = grbl.posWork - grbl.posMarker; sendCommand(String.Format(zeroCmd + " X{0} Y{1}", gcode.frmtNum(tmp.X), gcode.frmtNum(tmp.Y)).Replace(',', '.')); }
private void btnStartCF_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { btnCancelCF.Enabled = true; btnStartCF.Enabled = false; lblEFProgressInfo.Text = Localization.getString("probingProbingOn") + " X"; //"Probing on X"; lblCFProgress.Text = ""; lblCFStatus.Text = ""; probingValuesIndex = 0; probingAction = probingMode.centerFinder; setRBEnable(cBnow, false); for (int i = 0; i < stateCommandsMax; i++) { stateCommands[i] = ""; } probeStartMachine = grbl.posMachine; probingValuesIndex = 0; int k = 1; if (rBCF1.Checked) { stateCommands[k++] = string.Format("{0} X-{1} F{2};", ProbeCommand, nUDWorkpieceDiameter.Value, nUDProbeFeed.Value); // index=1 will be send below stateCommands[k++] = string.Format("G53 G00 X{0};", probeStartMachine.X); stateCommands[k++] = string.Format("{0} X{1} F{2};", ProbeCommand, nUDWorkpieceDiameter.Value, nUDProbeFeed.Value); stateCommands[k++] = string.Format("G53 G00 X{0};", probeStartMachine.X); // replace 4 stateCommands[k++] = string.Format("{0} Y-{1} F{2};", ProbeCommand, nUDWorkpieceDiameter.Value, nUDProbeFeed.Value); stateCommands[k++] = string.Format("G53 G00 Y{0};", probeStartMachine.Y); stateCommands[k++] = string.Format("{0} Y{1} F{2};", ProbeCommand, nUDWorkpieceDiameter.Value, nUDProbeFeed.Value); stateCommands[k++] = string.Format("G53 G00 Y{0};", probeStartMachine.Y); } else { stateCommands[k++] = string.Format("{0} X{1} F{2};", ProbeCommand, nUDProbeTravelX.Value, nUDProbeFeed.Value); // probe 0 stateCommands[k++] = string.Format("G91 G00 X-{0};", nUDProbeSaveX.Value); stateCommands[k++] = string.Format("Z{0};", nUDProbeTravelZ.Value); stateCommands[k++] = string.Format("X{0};", (nUDWorkpieceDiameter.Value + 2 * nUDProbeSaveX.Value + nUDDiameter.Value)); stateCommands[k++] = string.Format("Z-{0}", nUDProbeTravelZ.Value); // k=6 stateCommands[k++] = string.Format("{0} X-{1} F{2};", ProbeCommand, nUDProbeTravelX.Value, nUDProbeFeed.Value); // probe 1 stateCommands[k++] = string.Format("G91 G00 X{0};", nUDProbeSaveX.Value); stateCommands[k++] = string.Format("Z{0};", nUDProbeTravelZ.Value); stateCommands[k++] = string.Format("X-{0};", (nUDProbeSaveX.Value + nUDWorkpieceDiameter.Value / 2)); // 9 will be replaced stateCommands[k++] = string.Format("G91 G00 Y-{0};", (nUDProbeTravelY.Value + nUDWorkpieceDiameter.Value / 2)); stateCommands[k++] = string.Format("Z-{0}", nUDProbeTravelZ.Value); // 12 stateCommands[k++] = string.Format("{0} Y{1} F{2};", ProbeCommand, nUDWorkpieceDiameter.Value, nUDProbeFeed.Value); // probe 2 stateCommands[k++] = string.Format("G91 G00 Y-{0};", nUDProbeSaveY.Value); stateCommands[k++] = string.Format("Z{0};", nUDProbeTravelZ.Value); stateCommands[k++] = string.Format("Y{0};", (nUDWorkpieceDiameter.Value + 2 * nUDProbeSaveY.Value + nUDDiameter.Value)); stateCommands[k++] = string.Format("Z-{0}", nUDProbeTravelZ.Value); // 17 stateCommands[k++] = string.Format("{0} Y-{1} F{2};", ProbeCommand, nUDWorkpieceDiameter.Value, nUDProbeFeed.Value); // probe 3 stateCommands[k++] = string.Format("G91 G00 Y{0};", nUDProbeSaveY.Value); stateCommands[k++] = string.Format("Z{0};", nUDProbeTravelZ.Value); stateCommands[k++] = string.Format("G53 G00 Y{0};", probeStartMachine.Y); } probingCount = 1; sendCommandEvent(new CmdEventArgs(stateCommands[probingCount++].Replace(',', '.'))); setProgressCF(nUDWorkpieceDiameter.Value); isIdle = false; timer1.Enabled = true; }
public static bool AlmostEqual(xyzPoint a, xyzPoint b) { // return (Math.Abs(a.X - b.X) <= grbl.resolution) && (Math.Abs(a.Y - b.Y) <= grbl.resolution) && (Math.Abs(a.Z - b.Z) <= grbl.resolution); return(gcode.isEqual(a.X, b.X) && gcode.isEqual(a.Y, b.Y) && gcode.isEqual(a.Z, b.Z)); }
public bool withinLimits(xyzPoint actualMachine, xyzPoint actualWorld) { return(withinLimits(actualMachine, minx - actualWorld.X, miny - actualWorld.Y) && withinLimits(actualMachine, maxx - actualWorld.X, maxy - actualWorld.Y)); }
public xyArcPoint(xyzPoint tmp) { X = tmp.X; Y = tmp.Y; CX = 0; CY = 0; mode = 0; }
public xyPoint(xyzPoint tmp) { X = tmp.X; Y = tmp.Y; }
public xyzabcuvwPoint(xyzPoint tmp) { X = tmp.X; Y = tmp.Y; Z = tmp.Z; A = tmp.A; B = 0; C = 0; U = 0; V = 0; W = 0; }
public coordByLine(int line, int figure, xyzPoint p, double a, double dist) { lineNumber = line; figureNumber = figure; actualPos = p; alpha = a; distance = dist; isArc = false; }
public coordByLine(int line, int figure, xyzPoint p, double a, bool isarc) { lineNumber = line; figureNumber = figure; actualPos = p; alpha = a; distance = -1; isArc = isarc; }
public void resetAll(xyzPoint tmp) { resetAll(); actualPos = new xyzabcuvwPoint(tmp); }
public static bool AlmostEqual(xyzPoint b, xyzPoint c) { return((Math.Abs(b.X - c.X) <= grbl.resolution) && (Math.Abs(b.Y - c.Y) <= grbl.resolution) && (Math.Abs(b.Z - c.Z) <= grbl.resolution)); }
public void resetAll(xyzPoint tmp) { resetAll(); actualPos = tmp; }