Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the possible action branches that arrive at the goals required state.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="goal"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        List <GoapNode> GetGoalTree(GoapGoal goal)
            List <GoapNode> EndNodes = new List <GoapNode>();
            GoapNode        RootNode = new GoapNode(null, 0, goal.RequiredWorldState, null);

            // check if the world state already matches this goal.
            if (TestGoalStateAgainstWorldState(goal))
                return(new List <GoapNode>());

            List <GoapAction> ImmedeateActions = GetGoalActions(goal);

            foreach (GoapAction action in ImmedeateActions)
                // test each immediate action's pre-requisite states against the world states.
                if (TestActionAgainstWorldState(action))
                    EndNodes.Add(new GoapNode(RootNode, RootNode.CumulativeCost + action.Cost, action.SatisfiesStates, action));
                    // recurse through this action's state requirements until it either matches the world state or has no prerequisites.
                    EndNodes.AddRange(GetActionTree(action, new GoapNode(RootNode, RootNode.CumulativeCost + action.Cost, action.SatisfiesStates, action)));

Esempio n. 2
        // Returns a list of actions (from the available actions) that satisfy one or all of our goals required states.
        List <GoapAction> GetGoalActions(GoapGoal goal)
            List <GoapAction> ReturnActions = new List <GoapAction>();

            foreach (GoapState state in goal.RequiredWorldState)
                foreach (GoapAction action in AvailableActions)
                    if (action.CanActionRun())
                        for (int i = 0; i < action.SatisfiesStates.Count; ++i)
                            if (GoapState.Compare(state, action.SatisfiesStates[i]))
Esempio n. 3
        // test to see if our current world state matches that of our goals required states.
        bool TestGoalStateAgainstWorldState(GoapGoal goal)
            bool GoalStatesMatch = true;

            foreach (GoapState goalState in goal.RequiredWorldState)
                bool currentStateCheck = false;
                foreach (GoapState worldState in CurrentWorldState)
                    if (GoapState.Compare(worldState, goalState))
                        currentStateCheck = true;

                if (!currentStateCheck)
                    GoalStatesMatch = false;