Esempio n. 1
		}// property

		public Board(int rows, int columns) {
			_rows = rows;
			_columns = columns;

			_cards = new Card[rows][];
			for (int row=0; row<rows; row++){
				_cards [row] = new Card[columns];
				//for (int col=0; col<columns; col++){
				//	_cards [row] [col] = null;
				//}// for
			}// for

		}// Card
Esempio n. 2
		}// GetCardAt

		public void SetCardAt(int row, int column, Card card){
			_cards [Mathf.Clamp (row, 0, _rows)] [Mathf.Clamp (column, 0, _columns)] = card;
		}// SetCardAt
Esempio n. 3
		}// CreateInfrastructure

		protected CardView AddCardView(int player, Card card){
			CardView cv = AddCardView (player, card.Color, card.Value);
			cv.CardModel = card;
			cv.CardModel.Position = player;
			return cv;
		}// AddCard
Esempio n. 4
		}// SpawnCard

		protected CardView SpawnCard(Card cardModel){

			GameObject card = GameObject.Instantiate (PrefabCard);
			CardView view = card.GetComponent<CardView> ();
			view.CardModel = cardModel;
			return view;
		}// SpawnCard
Esempio n. 5
		}// ValidateRoutine_BesidesLast

		protected bool ValidateRoutine_NotBesidesLast(Card played, Card onboard, int column, int row){
			return !ValidateRoutine_BesidesLast (played, onboard, column, row);
		}// ValidateRoutine_NotBesidesLast
Esempio n. 6
		}// FixedUpdate

		protected void LateUpdate() {
			if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space) && _keys.TryPress(KeyCode.Space)) {
				BeginMatch ();
			}// fi

			// Show board cards.
			if (_selectedCard == null && Input.GetKey (KeyCode.Return)){// && _keys.TryPress (KeyCode.Return)) {
				if (!_camPosBoardActive) {
					_camPosBoardActive = true;
					_camPosStashed = _camPosCurrent;
					ApplyCamPosition (CamPosBoard, TimeCamFlightBoard);
				}// fi
			} else {
				if (_camPosBoardActive) {
					ApplyCamPosition (_camPosStashed, TimeCamFlightBoard);
					_camPosBoardActive = false;
				}// fi
			}// fi

			// Check if card is targeted.
			if (_matchRunning){
				Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
					//Camera.main.ViewportPointToRay(new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0f));
				RaycastHit hitinfo;

				//Vector3 hit =;
				bool interaction = false;
				if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hitinfo, 1<<LayerMask.NameToLayer("Card"))){

					if ((hitinfo.collider.gameObject.layer & LayerMask.NameToLayer("Card")) != 0){
						Debug.Log("Hit card=" +;
					} else {
						Debug.Log("Hit noncard with objectname=" +;
					}// fi
					//if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hitinfo, 100.0f)){
					hit = hitinfo.point;
					if (hit.y < MaxDepth)
						hit.y = MaxDepth;
					this.transform.position = hit;

					if (
						((hitinfo.collider.gameObject.layer & LayerMask.NameToLayer("Card")) != 0)

						// Unhighlight previously highlighted object first.
						if (_interacttarget != null && _interacttarget != hitinfo.collider.gameObject) {
							if (_highlightable != null){
								_highlightable = null;
							}// fi
							_interacttarget = null;
						}// fi

						// Ensure that player can only select cards of own deck.
						CardView cv = hitinfo.collider.gameObject.GetComponent<CardView> ();
						if (cv == null && ("Number") == 0) {
							cv = hitinfo.collider.gameObject.transform.parent.gameObject.GetComponent<CardView> ();
						}// fi
						//if (cv == null) {
						//	DbgOut.LogError ("Failed to get CardView from object=" +;
						//} else if (cv.CardModel == null){
						//	DbgOut.LogError ("CardView has null CardModel; object=" +;
						//}// fi

						if ((cv != null && cv.CardModel != null)
							&& ((_selectedCard == null && cv.CardModel.Position == _match.PlayerAction)
								|| (_selectedCard != null && _selectedTarget == null && cv.CardModel.Position == Card.POSITION_BOARD
									&& DoCheckCardFits(_selectedCardModel, cv)))){

							_interacttarget = hitinfo.collider.gameObject;
							CardView cv2 = _interacttarget.GetComponent<CardView> ();
							if (cv2 == null && ("Number") == 0)
								_interacttarget = _interacttarget.transform.parent.gameObject;

							_highlightable = _interacttarget.GetComponent<Highlightable>();
							if (_highlightable != null && _highlightable.enabled){
								interaction = true;
							}// fi
						}// fi

					}// fi
				}// fi
				if (!interaction) {
					if (_highlightable != null) {
						_highlightable.Unhighlight ();
						_highlightable = null;
					}// fi

					_interacttarget = null;
				} else {

					if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)){

						// Check if player selects card.
						if (_selectedCard == null) {
							_selectedCard = _interacttarget;
							CardView cvSelected = _selectedCard.GetComponent<CardView> ();
							_selectedCardModel = cvSelected.CardModel;

							DoSelectCard ();

							_camPosStashed = _camPosCurrent;
							ApplyCamPosition (CamPosBoard, TimeCamFlightBoard);

						} else if (_selectedTarget == null){
							_selectedTarget = _interacttarget;

							DoPlayCard ();
						}// fi
					}// fi

				}// fi

				if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown (1)) {
					if (_selectedCard != null) {
						DoUnselectCard ();

						_selectedCard = null;

						ApplyCamPosition (_camPosStashed, TimeCamFlightBoard);
					}// fi
				}// fi

			}// fi

			#region debug
			//if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.X) && _keys.TryPress(KeyCode.X)) {
			//	EndTurn();
			//}// fi
			#endregion debug
		}// LateUpdate
Esempio n. 7
		}// ValidateRoutine_SameOddEven

		protected bool ValidateRoutine_MixedOddEven(Card played, Card onboard, int column, int row){
			return !ValidateRoutine_SameOddEven(played, onboard, column, row);
		}// ValidateRoutine_MixedOddEven
Esempio n. 8
		}// ValidateRoutine_MixedOddEven

		protected bool ValidateRoutine_BesidesLast(Card played, Card onboard, int column, int row){
			int diffX = Mathf.Abs (_lastBoardColumn - column);
			int diffY = Mathf.Abs (_lastBoardRow - row);
			return (
				(diffX==1 && diffY<2)
				|| (diffX==0 && diffY == 1)
		}// ValidateRoutine_BesidesLast
Esempio n. 9
		}// ValidateRoutine_RedBlue

		protected bool ValidateRoutine_GreenBlue(Card played, Card onboard, int column, int row){
			return (onboard.Color.CompareTo(CardColor.Green)==0)
				|| (onboard.Color.CompareTo(CardColor.Blue)==0);
		}// ValidateRoutine_GreenBlue
Esempio n. 10
		}// ValidateRoutine_GreenBlue

		protected bool ValidateRoutine_SameOddEven(Card played, Card onboard, int column, int row){
			return (((played.Value + onboard.Value) % 2) == 0);
		}// ValidateRoutine_SameOddEven
Esempio n. 11
		}// ValidateRoutine_Common

		protected bool ValidateRoutine_YellowRed(Card played, Card onboard, int column, int row){
			return (onboard.Color.CompareTo(CardColor.Yellow)==0)
				|| (onboard.Color.CompareTo(CardColor.Red)==0);
		}// ValidateRoutine_YellowRed
Esempio n. 12
		}// CheckMatchEnd

		#region Routine validators

		protected bool ValidateRoutine_Common(Card played, Card onboard, int column, int row){
			return (onboard.Color.CompareTo(played.Color)==0)
				|| (onboard.Color.CompareTo(played.Color)!=0 && (onboard.Value <= played.Value));
		}// ValidateRoutine_Common
Esempio n. 13
		}// DoUnselectCard

		protected void DoPlayCard(){

			DbgOut.Log ("Playing card.");

			CardView cvplayed = _selectedCard.GetComponent<CardView>();
			CardView cvtarget = _selectedTarget.GetComponent<CardView>();

			// Hide the temporary selection view.
			DoUnselectCard ();

			// Remember the last played card.
			_lastPlayedCard = cvplayed.CardModel;
			_lastBoardCard = cvtarget.CardModel;
			_lastBoardColumn = cvtarget.Column;
			_lastBoardRow = cvtarget.Row;

			// Return card from board to reserve stack.
			DbgOut.Log ("Returning card to reserve; card=" + cvtarget.CardModel.ToString ());
			_match.PlayDeck.ReturnCard (cvtarget.CardModel);

			// Place it on the board.
			cvtarget.CardModel = cvplayed.CardModel;
			cvtarget.CardModel.Position = Card.POSITION_BOARD;
			DbgOut.Log ("Placing card on board; removing from player hand; card=" + cvplayed.CardModel.ToString ());

			// Remove card from player hand.
			Player player = _match.GetPlayer (_match.PlayerAction);
			player.Cards.Remove (cvplayed.CardModel);
			cvplayed.CardModel = null;
			cvplayed.gameObject.SetActive (false);
			//Renderer rend = cvplayed.gameObject.GetComponent<Renderer> ();
			//rend.enabled = false;

			if (CheckMatchEnd ()) {
				EndMatch ();
			} else {
				EndTurn ();
			}// fi
		}// DoPlayCard
Esempio n. 14
		}// CheckPlayerCanPlay

		protected bool DoCheckCardFits(Card selected, CardView cv){
				ValidateRoutine_Common(selected, cv.CardModel, cv.Column, cv.Row)
				&& (_match.GetPlayer(_match.PlayerAction).Routine.Validator(selected, cv.CardModel, cv.Column, cv.Row))
		}// DoCheckCardFits
Esempio n. 15
		}// DrawCard

		public void ReturnCard(Card card){
			card.Position = Card.POSITION_RESERVE;
			_cardsInReserve.Add (card);
			_cardsInPlay.Remove (card);
		}// ReturnCard