public GameStateManager(Game pmGame) { game= pmGame; game.window.viewport.Resize+= onResize; states= new Dictionary<string, GameState>(); currState= -1; }
public GameFrame(Game pmGame) { game= pmGame; frame= new PCGameWindow(); viewport= new PCViewport(); resizeComponents= defaultResizeComponents; ((PCGameWindow)frame).setDoubleBuffered(true); viewport.clearColor= new Color("#f0ffff"); frame.title= "Game"; frame.size= new Size2(800, 640); frame.onResize+= frameResize; frame.addControl(viewport); resizeComponents(); }
// Renders the border given the game to render it on, state 0 is normal, state 1 is disabled, state 2 is hovered, and state 3 is pressed public void render(Game game, Rectangle prevClipRegion, byte state) {; switch((int)(style)) { case 0: return; case 1: renderSolid(ref game, state); break; case 2: renderDashed(ref game, state); break; case 3: renderDotted(ref game, state); break; case 4: renderDouble(ref game, state); break; case 5: renderGroove(ref game, state); break; case 6: renderRidge(ref game, state); break; case 7: renderInset(ref game, state); break; case 8: renderOutset(ref game, state); break; }; }
// Renders the border as a solid border protected virtual void renderSolid(ref Game game, byte state) { // Variables Color colorUsed= colors.normal; if(state== 1) colorUsed= colors.disabled; if(state== 2) colorUsed= colors.hovered; if(state== 3) colorUsed= colors.pressed; Rectangle(x-borderSize, y-borderSize, width+borderSize*2f, height+borderSize*2f), colorUsed, borderSize); Rectangle(x-borderSize, y-borderSize, width+borderSize*2f, height+borderSize*2f), colorUsed, borderSize); }
// Renders the border as a ridge border protected virtual void renderRidge(ref Game game, byte state) { // Variables Color colorUsed= colors.normal; Color colorBUsed= secondSetColors.normal; if(state== 1) { colorUsed= colors.disabled; colorBUsed= secondSetColors.disabled; } if(state== 2) { colorUsed= colors.hovered; colorBUsed= secondSetColors.hovered; } if(state== 3) { colorUsed= colors.pressed; colorBUsed= secondSetColors.pressed; } Rectangle(x-borderSize, y-borderSize, width+borderSize*2f, height+borderSize*2f), colorBUsed, borderSize); Rectangle(x-borderSize, y-borderSize, width+borderSize*2f, height+borderSize*2f), colorBUsed, borderSize);, colorUsed, 1f);, colorUsed, 1f); }
// Renders the border as a outset border protected virtual void renderOutset(ref Game game, byte state) { // Variables Color colorUsed= colors.normal; Color colorBUsed= secondSetColors.normal; if(state== 1) { colorUsed= colors.disabled; colorBUsed= secondSetColors.disabled; } if(state== 2) { colorUsed= colors.hovered; colorBUsed= secondSetColors.hovered; } if(state== 3) { colorUsed= colors.pressed; colorBUsed= secondSetColors.pressed; } Point2(x, y), new Point2(x, y+height), colorBUsed, borderSize); Point2(x, y), new Point2(x+width, y), colorBUsed, borderSize); Point2(x+width, y+height), new Point2(x, y+height), colorUsed, borderSize); Point2(x+width, y+height), new Point2(x+width, y), colorUsed, borderSize); }
// Pre-initializes the mod public virtual void preInit(Game game) { }
// Used to safely override and render without having to destroy the main render stuff protected override void innerRender(ref Game game, ref GameTime time) { }
// Renders the gui control normally protected override void renderNormal(ref Game game, ref GameTime time) {, pFont, location, pFGColors.normal); }
// Renders the gui control normally protected override void renderNormal(ref Game game, ref GameTime time) {, pBGColors.normal);, pFont, location, pFGColors.normal); pBorder.render(game, pBounds, 0); }
// Renders the gui control when it is being pressed down on protected override void renderPressed(ref Game game, ref GameTime time) {, pBGColors.pressed);, pFont, location, pFGColors.pressed); pBorder.render(game, pBounds, 3); }
// Renders the progress bar private void renderProgressBar(ref Game game, ref GameTime time, Color baseColor, Color textColor, Color progColor, Color progLeftColor) { // Variables float p; if(pHorizontal) { p= width*pProgress;, baseColor); if(p> 0) Rectangle(new Point2(x+1f, y+1f), new Size2(p-2f, height-2f)), progColor); else p= 1f; Rectangle(new Point2(x+p, y+1f), new Size2((width-p)-1f, height-2f)), progLeftColor); } else { // TODO: Change for vertical progress bar p= height*pProgress;, baseColor); if(p> 0) Rectangle(new Point2(x+1f, y+1f), new Size2(width-2f, p-2f)), progColor); else p= 1f; Rectangle(new Point2(x+p, y+1f), new Size2(width-2f, (p-height)-1f)), progLeftColor); } if(pAutoLabel) {, pFont, location, textColor); } }
// Renders the gui control when it is pressed down on protected override void renderPressed(ref Game game, ref GameTime time) { renderProgressBar(ref game, ref time, pBGColors.pressed, pFGColors.pressed, pProgressColors.pressed, pProgressLeftColors.pressed); }
// Renders the gui control normally protected override void renderNormal(ref Game game, ref GameTime time) { renderProgressBar(ref game, ref time, pBGColors.normal, pFGColors.normal, pProgressColors.normal, pProgressLeftColors.disabled); }
// Initializes the mod public virtual void init(Game game) { }
// Renders the gui control when it is pressed down on protected override void renderPressed(ref Game game, ref GameTime time) {, pFont, location, pFGColors.pressed); }
// Post-Initializes the mod public virtual void postInit(Game game) { }
// Renders the border as a dashed border protected virtual void renderDashed(ref Game game, byte state) { // Variables Color colorUsed= colors.normal; if(state== 1) colorUsed= colors.disabled; if(state== 2) colorUsed= colors.hovered; if(state== 3) colorUsed= colors.pressed; GL.LineStipple(1, ushort.MaxValue-255); GL.Enable(EnableCap.LineStipple); Rectangle(x-borderSize, y-borderSize, width+borderSize*2f, height+borderSize*2f), colorUsed, borderSize); GL.Disable(EnableCap.LineStipple); Rectangle(x-borderSize, y-borderSize, width+borderSize*2f, height+borderSize*2f), colorUsed, borderSize); }
// Renders the gui control normally protected override void renderNormal(ref Game game, ref GameTime time) {, pBGColors.normal); base.renderNormal(ref game, ref time); if(bHasSelection) { } }
public GUIManager(Game pmGame) { game= pmGame; csets= new Dictionary<string, GUISet>(); actives= new List<int>(); }