A wrapper for audio data, with a suite of audio processing methods. Used throughout G-Audio. Note: When requesting GATData instances from GATManager.GetDataContainer( int size ), you will in fact be handed an instance of a managed subclass ( GATDataAllocator.GATManagedData ) which responds to Retain() and Release() calls. See the example scenes that comes with G-Audio for examples of typical use.
Inheritance: RetainableObject, IGATDataOwner
Esempio n. 1
        public int GetResampledData(GATData target, int targetLength, int offsetInTarget, double pitch)
            double dLastIndex = _nextIndex + pitch * (targetLength - 1);
            int    iLastIndex = ( int )dLastIndex;;
            int    sign       = System.Math.Sign(pitch);

            if (dLastIndex - ( double )iLastIndex > 0d)
                iLastIndex += sign;

            if (iLastIndex >= _data.Count - 1)
                targetLength = ( int )((( double )(_data.Count - 1) - _nextIndex) / pitch);
                target.ResampleCopyFrom(_data.ParentArray, _nextIndex + ( double )_data.MemOffset, targetLength, offsetInTarget, pitch);

            else if (iLastIndex < 0)
                targetLength = -( int )((_nextIndex - 1d) / pitch) + 1;

                target.ResampleCopyFrom(_data.ParentArray, _nextIndex + ( double )_data.MemOffset, targetLength, offsetInTarget, pitch);

                target.ResampleCopyFrom(_data.ParentArray, _nextIndex + ( double )_data.MemOffset, targetLength, offsetInTarget, pitch);
                _nextIndex = dLastIndex + pitch;
Esempio n. 2
        public override void PlaySample(int index, double dspTime)
            if (_sampleBank.IsLoaded == false)

            PatternSample sampleInfo = _samples[index];

            if (onPatternWillPlay != null)
                onPatternWillPlay(sampleInfo, index, dspTime);

            if (_envelopeModule != null)
                if (sampleInfo.ProcessedSample == null)
                    sampleInfo.ProcessedSample = _sampleBank.GetProcessedSample(sampleInfo.SampleName, _envelopeModule.Envelope, sampleInfo.Pitch);

                sampleInfo.ProcessedSample.PlayScheduled(_player, dspTime, _trackNb, sampleInfo.Gain);
                GATData data = _sampleBank.GetAudioData(sampleInfo.SampleName);
                _player.PlayDataScheduled(data, dspTime, _trackNb, sampleInfo.Gain);
Esempio n. 3
        public int GetData(GATData target, int targetLength, int offsetInTarget, bool reverse = false)
            int nextIndex = ( int )_nextIndex;
            int sign      = reverse ? -1 : 1;
            int lastIndex = nextIndex + targetLength * sign;

            if (lastIndex >= _data.Count)
                targetLength = _data.Count - nextIndex;
            else if (lastIndex < 0)
                targetLength = nextIndex + 1;
                lastIndex    = 0;

            if (reverse == false)
                target.CopyFrom(_data.ParentArray, offsetInTarget, nextIndex + _data.MemOffset, targetLength);
                target.CopyFrom(_data.ParentArray, offsetInTarget, lastIndex + _data.MemOffset, targetLength);
                target.Reverse(offsetInTarget, targetLength);

            _nextIndex = ( int )lastIndex;

Esempio n. 4
        public override void RemoveSample(string name)
            GATData data = _samplesByName[name];

Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Extracts the audio data from an AudioClip and sets it in a GATData object.
        /// Memory is allocated according to the specified GATDataAllocationMode.
        /// </summary>
        public static GATData ToGATData(this AudioClip clip, GATDataAllocationMode mode)
            GATData data;

            float[] tempArray;

            tempArray = new float[clip.samples];

            clip.GetData(tempArray, 0);

                        #if UNITY_EDITOR
            if (Application.isPlaying == false)
                mode = GATDataAllocationMode.Unmanaged;

            if (mode == GATDataAllocationMode.Managed)
                data = GATManager.GetDataContainer(clip.samples);
                data.CopyFrom(tempArray, 0, 0, clip.samples);
            else if (mode == GATDataAllocationMode.Fixed)
                data = GATManager.GetFixedDataContainer(clip.samples, "ClipData: " + clip.name);
                data.CopyFrom(tempArray, 0, 0, clip.samples);
                data = new GATData(tempArray);

        public IGATProcessedSample GetProcessedSample(GATData sourceSample, double pitch, GATEnvelope envelope)
            if (envelope == null)
                envelope = GATEnvelope.nullEnvelope;

            int i;

            List <ProcessedAudioChunk> chunks = _processedChunksInMemory[sourceSample];
            ProcessedAudioChunk        sample;

            for (i = 0; i < chunks.Count; i++)
                if (chunks[i].envelope == envelope && chunks[i].Pitch == pitch)
                    sample = chunks[i];

            sample = new ProcessedAudioChunk(sourceSample, envelope, this, pitch);               //Here is the main dif with base class
 public void CleanUp()
     if (_audioData != null)
         _audioData = null;
Esempio n. 8
        public override void AddSample( GATData data, string sampleName )
            base.AddSample( data, sampleName );

            if( _cache == null )
                _cache = new GATProcessedSamplesCache( _totalCapacity );

            _cache.AddSample( data );
Esempio n. 9
 public void Init(GATData isample, GATTrack track, OnShouldMixSample callback, float gain = 1f)
     AudioData          = isample;
     _track             = track;
     _onShouldMixSample = callback;
     _gain        = gain;
     IsFirstChunk = true;
     _count       = isample.Count;
     _fadeStart   = -1;
Esempio n. 10
 public void Init(GATData isample, AGATPanInfo panInfo, OnShouldMixSample callback, float gain = 1f)
     AudioData          = isample;
     PanInfo            = panInfo;
     _onShouldMixSample = callback;
     _gain        = gain;
     IsFirstChunk = true;
     _count       = isample.Count;
     _fadeStart   = -1;
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="GATAudioThreadStreamToCache"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stream">The observed multichannel or mono stream.</param>
        /// <param name="caches">The caches to record to, one per channel must be provided.</param>
        /// <param name="handler">Optional callback fired when the cache is full.</param>
        public GATAudioThreadStreamToCache( IGATAudioThreadStream stream, GATData[] caches, AtEndHandler handler = null )
            _numFramesPerRead = stream.BufferSizePerChannel;

            Caches = caches;

            _stream = stream;

            _onEnd = handler;
Esempio n. 12
 void OnAudioFilterRead(float[] data, int nbOfChannels)
     if (__didInitialize == false)
         __bufferHandle  = GCHandle.Alloc(data, GCHandleType.Pinned);
         __bufferPointer = __bufferHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject();
         AudioBuffer     = new GATData(data);
         __didInitialize = true;
Esempio n. 13
        public override void AddSample(GATData data, string sampleName)
            base.AddSample(data, sampleName);

            if (_cache == null)
                _cache = new GATProcessedSamplesCache(_totalCapacity);

Esempio n. 14
		public void RemoveSample( GATData sample )
			List< ProcessedAudioChunk > chunks = _processedChunksInMemory[ sample ];
			int i;

			for( i = 0; i < chunks.Count; i++ )
				chunks[ i ].CleanUp();

			_processedChunksInMemory.Remove( sample );
        public void RemoveSample(GATData sample)
            List <ProcessedAudioChunk> chunks = _processedChunksInMemory[sample];
            int i;

            for (i = 0; i < chunks.Count; i++)

Esempio n. 16
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a sample to the bank, which will retain it, and manage cache for it
        /// if GATActiveSamplebank.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void AddSample(GATData data, string sampleName)
            if (_allSamples == null)

            _samplesByName.Add(sampleName, data);
            _allKeys = null;
        protected void Dispose(bool explicitely)
            if (_disposed)

            _sourceStream = null;
            _sharedBuffer = null;
            _disposed     = true;
Esempio n. 18
        /// <summary>
        /// Plays the sample directly.
        /// Panning may be controlled through the provided
        /// AGATPanInfo instance.
        /// </summary>
        public IGATBufferedSampleOptions PlayData(GATData sample, AGATPanInfo panInfo, float gain = 1f, OnShouldMixSample mixCallback = null)
            BufferedSample newSample = GetBufferedSample();

            newSample.Init(sample, panInfo, mixCallback, gain);

            lock ( _samplesToEnqueue )

Esempio n. 19
        /// <summary>
        /// Additive copy to another GATData instance
        /// </summary>
        public void MixTo(GATData destination, int destinationIndex, int sourceIndex, int length)
            float[] destinationArray = destination._parentArray;
            sourceIndex      += _offset;
            length           += sourceIndex;
            destinationIndex += destination._offset;

            while (sourceIndex < length)
                destinationArray[destinationIndex] += _parentArray[sourceIndex];
Esempio n. 20
        public void SetData(GATData data)
            _nextIndex = 0d;
            if (_data != null)
            _data = data;

            if (data != null)
Esempio n. 21
        /// <summary>
        /// Releases a specific sample and it's associated cache.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void RemoveSample(string sampleName)
            GATData data = _samplesByName[sampleName];

            _allKeys = null;

            if (_allSamples.Count == 0)
                _allSamples    = null;
                _samplesByName = null;
Esempio n. 22
        public static void CleanUpStatics()
            if (__didInitialize == false)


            __bufferPointer = IntPtr.Zero;
            __didInitialize = false;
            __wasAdded      = false;

            AudioBuffer = null;
        /// <summary>
        /// The splitter will begin broadcasting it's
        /// sub streams immediately.
        /// </summary>
        public GATAudioThreadStreamSplitter(IGATAudioThreadStream stream, GATDataAllocationMode bufferAllocationMode)
            int i;

            _sourceStreamChannels = stream.NbOfChannels;
            if (_sourceStreamChannels < 2)
                Debug.LogWarning("source stream is mono: " + stream.StreamName);

            IntPtr outputBufferPointer = IntPtr.Zero;

            _sharedBufferSize = stream.BufferSizePerChannel;

            if (bufferAllocationMode == GATDataAllocationMode.Unmanaged)
                _sharedBufferArray = new float[_sharedBufferSize];
                _sharedBuffer      = new GATData(_sharedBufferArray);
                if (bufferAllocationMode == GATDataAllocationMode.Fixed)
                    _sharedBuffer = GATManager.GetFixedDataContainer(_sharedBufferSize, "StreamSplitter buffer");
                    _sharedBuffer = GATManager.GetDataContainer(_sharedBufferSize);

                _sharedBufferArray  = _sharedBuffer.ParentArray;
                outputBufferPointer = _sharedBuffer.GetPointer();

            _memOffset = _sharedBuffer.MemOffset;

            _streamProxies = new GATAudioThreadStreamProxy[_sourceStreamChannels];

            for (i = 0; i < _sourceStreamChannels; i++)
                _streamProxies[i] = new GATAudioThreadStreamProxy(_sharedBufferSize, 1, outputBufferPointer, _sharedBuffer.MemOffset, (stream.StreamName + " split " + i));


            _sourceStream = stream;
Esempio n. 24
        /// <summary>
        /// Additive copy and gain to another GATData instance
        /// </summary>
        public void GainMixTo(GATData destinationData, int sourceIndex, int destinationIndex, int length, float gain)
            sourceIndex += _offset;
            length      += sourceIndex;

            float[] destinationArray = destinationData.ParentArray;

            destinationIndex += destinationData._offset;

            while (sourceIndex < length)
                destinationArray[destinationIndex] += _parentArray[sourceIndex] * gain;
        /// <summary>
        /// The splitter will begin broadcasting it's 
        /// sub streams immediately. 
        /// </summary>
        public GATAudioThreadStreamSplitter( IGATAudioThreadStream stream, GATDataAllocationMode bufferAllocationMode )
            int i;

            _sourceStreamChannels = stream.NbOfChannels;
            if( _sourceStreamChannels < 2 )
                Debug.LogWarning( "source stream is mono: " + stream.StreamName );

            IntPtr outputBufferPointer = IntPtr.Zero;

            _sharedBufferSize	= stream.BufferSizePerChannel;

            if( bufferAllocationMode == GATDataAllocationMode.Unmanaged )
                _sharedBufferArray = new float[ _sharedBufferSize ];
                _sharedBuffer = new GATData( _sharedBufferArray );
                if( bufferAllocationMode == GATDataAllocationMode.Fixed )
                    _sharedBuffer = GATManager.GetFixedDataContainer( _sharedBufferSize, "StreamSplitter buffer" );
                    _sharedBuffer = GATManager.GetDataContainer( _sharedBufferSize );

                _sharedBufferArray 	= _sharedBuffer.ParentArray;
                outputBufferPointer = _sharedBuffer.GetPointer();

            _memOffset			= _sharedBuffer.MemOffset;

            _streamProxies = new GATAudioThreadStreamProxy[ _sourceStreamChannels ];

            for( i = 0; i < _sourceStreamChannels; i++ )
                _streamProxies[ i ] = new GATAudioThreadStreamProxy( _sharedBufferSize, 1, outputBufferPointer, _sharedBuffer.MemOffset, ( stream.StreamName + " split " + i ) );

            stream.AddAudioThreadStreamClient( this );

            _sourceStream = stream;
Esempio n. 26
        /// <summary>
        /// Allocates caches retrievable in the Caches property.
        /// </summary>
        public void AllocateCaches(double duration, bool managedData)
            if (!_isInited)

            if (_streamToCache != null && Caches != null)

            cacheDuration = duration;

            _cacheNumFrames = ( int )(cacheDuration * GATInfo.OutputSampleRate);

            useManagedData = managedData;

            GATData[] caches = new GATData[_stream.NbOfChannels];

            int i;

            for (i = 0; i < caches.Length; i++)
                if (useManagedData)
                    if (_cacheNumFrames > GATManager.DefaultDataAllocator.LargestFreeChunkSize)
                        int j;
                        for (j = 0; j < i; j++)
                        throw new GATException("Chunk is too large to be allocated in managed memory, consider using unmanaged setting");

                    caches[i] = GATManager.GetDataContainer(_cacheNumFrames);
                    caches[i] = new GATData(new float[_cacheNumFrames]);

            _streamToCache.Loop   = _loopedCaching;
            _streamToCache.Caches = caches;
            public ProcessedAudioChunk(GATData sourcesample, GATEnvelope ienvelope, GATProcessedSamplesCache parentCache, double pitch = 1d)
                sourceSample = sourcesample;
                envelope     = ienvelope;
                _parentCache = parentCache;

                if (envelope == GATEnvelope.nullEnvelope)                  //_cachedLength will never change
                    _cachedLength = sourcesample.Count;
                    _cachedLength = envelope.Length;

Esempio n. 28
            public int DoFade(GATData target, double dspTime, int lengthInSamples)
                int    offset = 0;
                double chunkDuration;
                float  lerpVal;
                float  fromGain, toGain;

                if (_startDspTime == 0d)
                    _startDspTime   = dspTime;
                    _fadeEndDspTime = dspTime + _duration;
                else if (dspTime < _startDspTime)                  // fade out start, don't adjust length in samples: we will return it to signal fade hasn't finished
                    offset = ( int )((dspTime - _startDspTime) * GATInfo.OutputSampleRate);

                chunkDuration = (( double )lengthInSamples - offset) / GATInfo.OutputSampleRate;

                if (chunkDuration + dspTime > _fadeEndDspTime)
                    chunkDuration = _fadeEndDspTime - dspTime;

                    if (chunkDuration <= 0d)

                    lengthInSamples = ( int )(chunkDuration * GATInfo.OutputSampleRate);

                lerpVal  = ( float )((dspTime - _startDspTime) / _duration);
                fromGain = Mathf.Lerp(_fromGain, _toGain, lerpVal);

                dspTime += chunkDuration;

                lerpVal = ( float )((dspTime - _startDspTime) / _duration);

                toGain = Mathf.Lerp(_fromGain, _toGain, lerpVal);

                target.Fade(fromGain, toGain, lengthInSamples - offset, offset);

                _lastGain = toGain;

        bool IGATTrackContributor.MixToTrack(GATData trackMonoBuffer, int trackNb)
            if (_streamBuffer == null || _streamDataEmpty)

            if (_exclusive)
                trackMonoBuffer.CopyFrom(_streamBuffer, 0, _streamOffset, GATInfo.AudioBufferSizePerChannel);
                trackMonoBuffer.MixFrom(_streamBuffer, 0, _streamOffset, GATInfo.AudioBufferSizePerChannel);

Esempio n. 30
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs the same operation as ToGATData, but splits interleaved channels in seperate GATData 
        /// instances.
        /// </summary>
        public static GATData[] ExtractChannels( this AudioClip clip, GATDataAllocationMode mode )
            GATData[] channelsData;
            float[] tempArray;
            int i;
            int length;

            tempArray = new float[ clip.samples * clip.channels ];

            clip.GetData( tempArray, 0 );

            channelsData = new GATData[ clip.channels ];

            length = clip.samples;

            #if UNITY_EDITOR
            if( Application.isPlaying == false )
                mode = GATDataAllocationMode.Unmanaged;

            for( i = 0; i < clip.channels; i++ )

                if( mode == GATDataAllocationMode.Managed )
                    channelsData[ i ] = GATManager.GetDataContainer( length );
                else if( mode == GATDataAllocationMode.Fixed )
                    channelsData[ i ] = GATManager.GetFixedDataContainer( length, clip.name+" channel"+i+" data" );
                    channelsData[ i ] = new GATData( new float[ length ] );

                channelsData[ i ].CopyFromInterlaced( tempArray, length, i, clip.channels );

            return channelsData;
Esempio n. 31
        protected virtual void OnEnable()
            if (GATInfo.NbOfChannels == 0)

            if (_player != null)              //Object has just been deserialized, only setup transient objects
                _panInfo = new GATDynamicPanInfo(_player, true);

                _trackBuffer             = GATManager.GetFixedDataContainer(GATInfo.AudioBufferSizePerChannel, "track" + TrackNb + " buffer");
                _audioThreadStreamProxy  = new GATAudioThreadStreamProxy(GATInfo.AudioBufferSizePerChannel, 1, _trackBuffer.GetPointer(), _trackBuffer.MemOffset, ("Track " + _trackNb + " stream"));
                _player.onPlayerWillMix += PlayerWillBeginMixing;
                _mute   = _nextMute;               //only _nextMute is serialized
                _active = true;
Esempio n. 32
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs the same operation as ToGATData, but splits interleaved channels in seperate GATData
        /// instances.
        /// </summary>
        public static GATData[] ExtractChannels(this AudioClip clip, GATDataAllocationMode mode)
            GATData[] channelsData;
            float[]   tempArray;
            int       i;
            int       length;

            tempArray = new float[clip.samples * clip.channels];

            clip.GetData(tempArray, 0);

            channelsData = new GATData[clip.channels];

            length = clip.samples;

                        #if UNITY_EDITOR
            if (Application.isPlaying == false)
                mode = GATDataAllocationMode.Unmanaged;

            for (i = 0; i < clip.channels; i++)
                if (mode == GATDataAllocationMode.Managed)
                    channelsData[i] = GATManager.GetDataContainer(length);
                else if (mode == GATDataAllocationMode.Fixed)
                    channelsData[i] = GATManager.GetFixedDataContainer(length, clip.name + " channel" + i + " data");
                    channelsData[i] = new GATData(new float[length]);

                channelsData[i].CopyFromInterlaced(tempArray, length, i, clip.channels);

Esempio n. 33
        /// <summary>
        /// Called by GATPlayer.
        /// Needed when overriding default mixing:
        /// If a sample is routed through a track,
        /// it should be mixed to it.
        /// </summary>
        public void MixFrom(GATData data, int index, int offsetInBuffer, int length, float gain = 1f)
            if (!_active)

            if (_bufferIsDirty)              //Contains old data
                int lastIndex = offsetInBuffer + length;

                if (lastIndex < GATInfo.AudioBufferSizePerChannel || offsetInBuffer > 0)                  //if what we want to add to the buffer doesn't fill it, let's clear it first

                if (gain == 1f)
                    data.CopyTo(_trackBuffer, offsetInBuffer, index, length);                       // no need to mix on dirty or empty data, simply copy
                    data.CopyGainTo(_trackBuffer, index, offsetInBuffer, length, gain);

                _bufferIsDirty = false;
                if (gain == 1f)
                    data.MixTo(_trackBuffer, offsetInBuffer, index, length);
                    data.GainMixTo(_trackBuffer, index, offsetInBuffer, length, gain);

            _hasData = true;
Esempio n. 34
        protected void FillWithResampledData(GATData sourceData, GATData targetData, int fromIndex, int targetLength, double pitch)
            //check that we have enough samples to fulfill the request:
            int appliedLength = GATMaths.ClampedResampledLength(sourceData.Count - fromIndex, targetLength, pitch);

            if (appliedLength < 0)
                                #if GAT_DEBUG
                Debug.LogWarning("requested offset is out of bounds.");

            sourceData.ResampleCopyTo(fromIndex, targetData, appliedLength, pitch);

            //if we did not have enough samples, clear the rest:
            if (appliedLength < targetLength)
                targetData.Clear(appliedLength, targetData.Count - appliedLength);
Esempio n. 35
        /// <summary>
        /// Additive copy and interpolated gain to another GATData instance
        /// </summary>
        public void MixSmoothedGainTo(int sourceIndex, GATData destination, int destinationIndex, int length, float fromGain, float toGain)
            float interpolationDelta;

            float[] destinationArray;
            interpolationDelta = (toGain - fromGain) / length;

            destinationIndex += destination._offset;
            sourceIndex      += _offset;

            length          += sourceIndex;
            destinationArray = destination._parentArray;

            while (sourceIndex < length)
                destinationArray[destinationIndex] += _parentArray[sourceIndex] * fromGain;
                fromGain += interpolationDelta;
Esempio n. 36
		public IGATProcessedSample GetProcessedSample( GATData sourceSample, double pitch, GATEnvelope envelope )
			if( envelope == null )
				envelope = GATEnvelope.nullEnvelope;
			int i;
			List<ProcessedAudioChunk> chunks = _processedChunksInMemory[ sourceSample ];
			ProcessedAudioChunk sample;
			for( i = 0; i < chunks.Count; i++ )
				if( chunks[i].envelope == envelope && chunks[i].Pitch == pitch )
					sample = chunks[i];
					return sample;
			sample = new ProcessedAudioChunk( sourceSample, envelope, this, pitch ); //Here is the main dif with base class
			chunks.Add( sample );
			return sample;
Esempio n. 37
		public void AddSample( GATData sample )
			_processedChunksInMemory.Add( sample, new List< ProcessedAudioChunk >() );
Esempio n. 38
        /// <summary>
        /// Additive copy and gain to another GATData instance
        /// </summary>
        public void GainMixTo( GATData destinationData, int sourceIndex, int destinationIndex, int length, float gain )
            sourceIndex += _offset;
            length 		+= sourceIndex;

            float[] destinationArray = destinationData.ParentArray;

            destinationIndex += destinationData._offset;

            while( sourceIndex < length )
                destinationArray[ destinationIndex ] += _parentArray[ sourceIndex ] * gain;
Esempio n. 39
 public void GlissCopyFrom( GATData sourceData, int fromIndex, double fromPitch, double toPitch )
     fromIndex += sourceData.MemOffset;
     GlissCopyFrom( sourceData.ParentArray, fromIndex, this.Count, fromPitch, toPitch );
Esempio n. 40
 //no processing
 public override void ProcessSample( GATData sample )
Esempio n. 41
 void OnAudioFilterRead( float[] data, int nbOfChannels )
     if( __didInitialize == false )
         __bufferHandle  = GCHandle.Alloc( data, GCHandleType.Pinned );
         __bufferPointer = __bufferHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject();
         AudioBuffer 	= new GATData( data );
         __didInitialize = true;
Esempio n. 42
            public GATData[] LoadNext( BackgroundWorker worker, float[] deInterleaveBuffer )
                GATData[] containers;
                int i;
                int channels;

                if( _paths.Count == 0 )
                    Status = LoadOperationStatus.Done;
                    return null;

                AGATAudioFile file;

                    file = AGATAudioFile.OpenAudioFileAtPath( _paths.Dequeue() );
                catch( System.Exception e )
                #if UNITY_EDITOR
                    Debug.LogException( e );
                    FailReason = LoadOperationFailReason.CannotOpenFile;
                    Status = LoadOperationStatus.Failed;
                    return null;

                using( file )
                    channels = file.Channels;
                    CurrentFileName = file.FileName;
                    if( !_forceMono && channels > 1 )
                        containers = new GATData[ channels ];
                        containers = new GATData[ 1 ];

                    for( i = 0; i < containers.Length; i++ )
                        if( _allocationMode == GATDataAllocationMode.Fixed ) //GZComment: allocation fail leaks
                            try{ containers[ i ] = GATManager.GetFixedDataContainer( file.NumFrames, file.FileName ); }
                            catch( System.Exception ex )
                                ReleaseContainers( containers );
                                Status = LoadOperationStatus.Failed;
                                FailReason = LoadOperationFailReason.OutOfPreAllocatedMemory;
                                #if UNITY_EDITOR
                                Debug.LogException( ex );
                                return null;
                        else if( _allocationMode == GATDataAllocationMode.Managed ) //GZComment: allocation fail leaks
                                containers[ i ] = GATManager.GetDataContainer( file.NumFrames );
                            catch( System.Exception ex )
                                ReleaseContainers( containers );
                                Status = LoadOperationStatus.Failed;
                                FailReason = LoadOperationFailReason.NoLargeEnoughChunkInAllocator;
                                #if UNITY_EDITOR
                                Debug.LogException( ex );
                                return null;
                            containers[ i ] = new GATData( new float[ file.NumFrames ] );

                    int framesPerRead;
                    int framesRead;
                    int totalFramesRead = 0;

                    if( channels > 1 )
                        framesPerRead = deInterleaveBuffer.Length / channels;

                        while( true )
                            if( worker.CancellationPending )
                                ReleaseContainers( containers );

                                return null;

                            framesRead = file.ReadNextChunk( deInterleaveBuffer, 0, framesPerRead );

                            if( _forceMono ) // Only supported for stereo files
                                int numSamples = framesRead * channels;

                                for( i = 0; i < numSamples; i+= channels )
                                    deInterleaveBuffer[ i ] += deInterleaveBuffer[ i + 1 ];

                                containers[ 0 ].CopyFromInterlaced( deInterleaveBuffer, framesRead, totalFramesRead, 0, channels );
                                for( i = 0; i < channels; i++ )
                                    containers[ i ].CopyFromInterlaced( deInterleaveBuffer, framesRead, totalFramesRead, i, channels );

                            totalFramesRead += framesRead;

                            if( _reportsProgress )
                                worker.ReportProgress( 0, new ProgressInfo( ( float )totalFramesRead / file.NumFrames, file.FileName ) );

                            if( framesRead < framesPerRead )

                        int framesLeft;

                        while( totalFramesRead < file.NumFrames )
                            if( worker.CancellationPending )
                                ReleaseContainers( containers );
                                return null;

                            framesLeft = file.NumFrames - totalFramesRead;
                            framesPerRead = ( framesLeft < 16384 ? framesLeft : 16384 );
                            framesRead = file.ReadNextChunk( containers[ 0 ].ParentArray, containers[ 0 ].MemOffset + totalFramesRead, framesPerRead );
                            totalFramesRead += framesRead;

                            if( _reportsProgress )
                                worker.ReportProgress( 0, new ProgressInfo( ( float )totalFramesRead / file.NumFrames, file.FileName ) );

                return containers;
Esempio n. 43
 /// <summary>
 /// Performs a resampled
 /// copy to another GATData
 /// instance.
 /// The resampling algorithm
 /// performs naive linear interpolation.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>
 /// The next interpolated index.
 /// </returns>
 public double ResampleCopyTo( double trueInterpolatedIndex, GATData destinationSample, int targetLength, double resamplingFactor )
     return destinationSample.ResampleCopyFrom( _parentArray, trueInterpolatedIndex, targetLength, 0, resamplingFactor );
Esempio n. 44
        /// <summary>
        /// Additive copy and interpolated gain to another GATData instance
        /// </summary>
        public void MixSmoothedGainTo( int sourceIndex, GATData destination, int destinationIndex, int length, float fromGain, float toGain )
            float interpolationDelta;
            float[] destinationArray;
            interpolationDelta = ( toGain - fromGain ) / length;

            destinationIndex += destination._offset;
            sourceIndex += _offset;

            length += sourceIndex;
            destinationArray = destination._parentArray;

            while( sourceIndex < length )
                destinationArray[destinationIndex] += _parentArray[sourceIndex] * fromGain;
                fromGain += interpolationDelta;
                destinationIndex ++;
Esempio n. 45
        /// <summary>
        /// Called by GATPlayer.
        /// Needed when overriding default mixing:
        /// If a sample is routed through a track,
        /// it should be mixed to it.
        /// </summary>
        public void MixFrom( GATData data, int index, int offsetInBuffer, int length, float gain = 1f )
            if( !_active )

            if( _bufferIsDirty ) //Contains old data
                int lastIndex = offsetInBuffer + length;

                if( lastIndex < GATInfo.AudioBufferSizePerChannel || offsetInBuffer > 0 ) //if what we want to add to the buffer doesn't fill it, let's clear it first

                if( gain == 1f )
                    data.CopyTo( _trackBuffer, offsetInBuffer, index, length ); // no need to mix on dirty or empty data, simply copy
                    data.CopyGainTo( _trackBuffer, index, offsetInBuffer, length, gain );

                _bufferIsDirty = false;
                if( gain == 1f )
                    data.MixTo( _trackBuffer, offsetInBuffer, index, length );
                    data.GainMixTo( _trackBuffer, index, offsetInBuffer, length, gain );

            _hasData = true;
Esempio n. 46
			public ProcessedAudioChunk( GATData sourcesample, GATEnvelope ienvelope, GATProcessedSamplesCache parentCache, double pitch = 1d )
				sourceSample = sourcesample;
				envelope 	= ienvelope;
				_parentCache = parentCache;
				if( envelope == GATEnvelope.nullEnvelope ) //_cachedLength will never change
					_cachedLength = sourcesample.Count;
					_cachedLength = envelope.Length;

				SetPitch( pitch );
Esempio n. 47
 /// <summary>
 /// Copies data from a GATData instance to another.
 /// </summary>
 public void CopyTo( GATData destinationData, int destinationIndex, int sourceIndex, int length )
     System.Array.Copy( _parentArray, sourceIndex + _offset, destinationData._parentArray, destinationIndex + destinationData._offset, length );
Esempio n. 48
        protected virtual void OnEnable()
            if( GATInfo.NbOfChannels == 0 )

            if( _player != null ) //Object has just been deserialized, only setup transient objects
                _panInfo = new GATDynamicPanInfo( _player, true );
                _panInfo.SetGains( _gains );

                _trackBuffer = GATManager.GetFixedDataContainer( GATInfo.AudioBufferSizePerChannel, "track"+TrackNb+" buffer" );
                _audioThreadStreamProxy = new GATAudioThreadStreamProxy( GATInfo.AudioBufferSizePerChannel, 1, _trackBuffer.GetPointer(), _trackBuffer.MemOffset, ( "Track " + _trackNb + " stream" ) );
                _player.onPlayerWillMix += PlayerWillBeginMixing;
                _mute = _nextMute; //only _nextMute is serialized
                _active = true;
Esempio n. 49
 /// <summary>
 /// Copies data from a GATData instance to another and 
 /// applies interpolated gain.
 /// </summary>
 public void CopySmoothedGainTo( int sourceIndex, GATData destination, int destinationIndex, int length, float fromGain, float toGain )
     sourceIndex += _offset;
     destination.CopySmoothedGainFrom( _parentArray, sourceIndex, destinationIndex, length, fromGain, toGain );
Esempio n. 50
        /// <summary>
        /// Additive copy to another GATData instance
        /// </summary>
        public void MixTo( GATData destination, int destinationIndex, int sourceIndex, int length )
            float[] destinationArray = destination._parentArray;
            sourceIndex += _offset;
            length += sourceIndex;
            destinationIndex += destination._offset;

            while( sourceIndex < length )
                destinationArray[ destinationIndex ] += _parentArray[sourceIndex];
                destinationIndex ++;
Esempio n. 51
			public void CleanUp()
				if( _audioData != null )
					_audioData = null;
Esempio n. 52
        /// <summary>
        /// Allocates caches retrievable in the Caches property.
        /// </summary>
        public void AllocateCaches( double duration, bool managedData )
            if( !_isInited )
                Start ();

            if( _streamToCache != null && Caches != null )

            cacheDuration = duration;

            _cacheNumFrames = ( int )( cacheDuration * GATInfo.OutputSampleRate );

            useManagedData = managedData;

            GATData[] caches = new GATData[ _stream.NbOfChannels ];

            int i;

            for( i = 0; i < caches.Length; i++ )
                if( useManagedData )
                    if( _cacheNumFrames > GATManager.DefaultDataAllocator.LargestFreeChunkSize )
                        int j;
                        for( j = 0; j < i; j++ )
                            caches[ i ].Release();
                        throw new GATException( "Chunk is too large to be allocated in managed memory, consider using unmanaged setting" );

                    caches[ i ] = GATManager.GetDataContainer( _cacheNumFrames );
                    caches[ i ] = new GATData( new float[ _cacheNumFrames ] );

            _streamToCache.Loop   = _loopedCaching;
            _streamToCache.Caches = caches;
Esempio n. 53
			void UpdateContainer()
				if( _audioData != null )
				if( Application.isPlaying )
					_audioData = GATManager.GetDataContainer( _cachedLength );
					_audioData = new GATData( new float[ _cachedLength ] );
				_audioData = GATManager.GetDataContainer( _cachedLength );
Esempio n. 54
        protected void FillWithSampleData( GATData sourceData, GATData targetData, int fromIndex, int length )
            bool tooLong = ( fromIndex + length > sourceData.Count );

            int appliedLength = tooLong ? sourceData.Count - fromIndex : length;

            if( appliedLength < 0 )
                #if GAT_DEBUG
                Debug.LogWarning( "requested offset is out of bounds." );

            sourceData.CopyTo( targetData, 0, fromIndex, appliedLength );

            #if GAT_DEBUG
            if( tooLong )
                Debug.LogWarning( "requested length at fromIndex out of bounds, filling as much as possible" );
Esempio n. 55
        protected void FillWithResampledData( GATData sourceData, GATData targetData, int fromIndex, int targetLength, double pitch )
            //check that we have enough samples to fulfill the request:
            int appliedLength = GATMaths.ClampedResampledLength( sourceData.Count - fromIndex, targetLength, pitch );

            if( appliedLength < 0 )
                #if GAT_DEBUG
                Debug.LogWarning( "requested offset is out of bounds." );

            sourceData.ResampleCopyTo( fromIndex, targetData, appliedLength, pitch );

            //if we did not have enough samples, clear the rest:
            if( appliedLength < targetLength )
                targetData.Clear( appliedLength, targetData.Count - appliedLength );
Esempio n. 56
        /// <summary>
        /// Immediately applies all
        /// processing properties to
        /// the passed GATData object.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void ProcessSample( GATData sample )
            if( _normalize )
                sample.Normalize( _normalizeValue );

            if( _reverse )

            if( _fadeInSamples > 0 )
                sample.FadeIn( _fadeInSamples );

            if( _fadeOutSamples > 0 )
                sample.FadeOut( _fadeOutSamples );
Esempio n. 57
 public ProgressInfo( GATData[] channelData, string filename )
     progress = 1f;
     data = channelData;
     fileName = filename;
Esempio n. 58
 /// <summary>
 /// Performs a resampled
 /// copy to another 
 /// GATData instance
 /// The resampling algorithm
 /// performs naive linear interpolation.
 /// Warning: for resampling in chunks, use
 /// the method of the same name which returns
 /// a double interpolated index.
 /// </summary>
 public void ResampleCopyTo( int sourceIndex, GATData destinationSample, int targetLength, double resamplingFactor )
     sourceIndex += _offset;
     destinationSample.ResampleCopyFrom( _parentArray, ( double )sourceIndex, targetLength, 0, resamplingFactor );
Esempio n. 59
 void ReleaseContainers( GATData[] containers )
     int i;
     if( containers != null )
         for( i = 0; i < containers.Length; i++ )
             if( containers[ i ] != null )
                 containers[ i ].Release();
        bool IGATTrackContributor.MixToTrack( GATData trackMonoBuffer, int trackNb )
            if( _streamBuffer == null || _streamDataEmpty )
                return false;

            if( _exclusive )
                trackMonoBuffer.CopyFrom( _streamBuffer, 0, _streamOffset, GATInfo.AudioBufferSizePerChannel );
                trackMonoBuffer.MixFrom( _streamBuffer, 0, _streamOffset, GATInfo.AudioBufferSizePerChannel );

            return true;