Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// SetPSRWBuffer & SetPSRWTexture share same registers.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="register"></param>
        /// <param name="buffer"></param>
        /// <param name="initialCount">An array of append and consume buffer offsets.
        /// A value of -1 indicates to keep the current offset.
        /// Any other values set the hidden counter for that appendable and consumable UAV. </param>
        public void SetPSRWTexture(int register, RenderTargetSurface surface)
            if (register > 8)
                throw new GraphicsException("Could not bind RW texture at register " + register.ToString() + " (max 8)");

            lock (deviceContext) {
                DeviceContext.OutputMerger.SetUnorderedAccessView(register, surface == null?null:surface.UAV, -1);
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Internal constructor to create RT for backbuffer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="device"></param>
        /// <param name="backbufColor"></param>
        internal RenderTarget2D(GraphicsDevice device, D3D.Texture2D backbufColor) : base(device)
            if (backbufColor.Description.Format != DXGI.Format.R8G8B8A8_UNorm)

            Width       = backbufColor.Description.Width;
            Height      = backbufColor.Description.Height;
            Format      = ColorFormat.Rgba8;
            MipCount    = 1;
            SampleCount = backbufColor.Description.SampleDescription.Count;
            SRV         = null;

            tex2D       = backbufColor;
            surfaces    = new RenderTargetSurface[1];
            surfaces[0] = new RenderTargetSurface(new RenderTargetView(device.Device, backbufColor), null, tex2D, 0, Format, Width, Height, SampleCount);
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dst">target to copy to</param>
        /// <param name="src">target to copy from</param>
        public void Copy( RenderTargetSurface dst, ShaderResource src )

            using( new PixEvent() ) {

                if(dst == null) {
                } else {
                    rs.SetTargets( null, dst );

                rs.PipelineState			=	factory[ (int)ShaderFlags.COPY ];
                rs.PixelShaderResources[0]	= src;

                rs.Draw( 3, 0 );
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source"></param>
        /// <param name="destination"></param>
        public void Resolve(RenderTargetSurface source, RenderTargetSurface destination)
            if (source.Width != destination.Width || source.Height != destination.Height)
                throw new GraphicsException("Could not resolve: source and destination are not the same size");

            if (source.SampleCount <= 1)
                throw new GraphicsException("Could not resolve: source surface is not multisampled");

            if (destination.SampleCount > 1)
                throw new GraphicsException("Could not resolve: destination surface is multisampled");

            lock (deviceContext) {
                deviceContext.ResolveSubresource(source.Resource, source.Subresource, destination.Resource, destination.Subresource, Converter.Convert(source.Format));
Esempio n. 5
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="depthStencil"></param>
 /// <param name="renderTargets"></param>
 public void GetTargets( out DepthStencilSurface depthStencil, out RenderTargetSurface[] renderTargets )
     depthStencil	=	depthStencilSurface;
     renderTargets	=	renderTargetSurfaces.ToArray();
Esempio n. 6
 void SetViewport( RenderTargetSurface dst )
     rs.SetViewport( 0,0, dst.Width, dst.Height );
Esempio n. 7
        public void StretchRect4x4( RenderTargetSurface dst, RenderTarget2D src, SamplerState filter = null )

            using( new PixEvent() ) {

                rs.SetTargets( null, dst );

                rs.PipelineState			=	factory[ (int)ShaderFlags.DOWNSAMPLE_2_4x4 ];
                rs.VertexShaderResources[0] =	src;
                rs.PixelShaderResources[0]	=	src;
                rs.PixelShaderSamplers[0]	=	filter ?? SamplerState.LinearPointClamp;

                rs.Draw( 3, 0 );
Esempio n. 8
        public void RadialBlur( RenderTargetSurface dst, RenderTarget2D src, Vector2 blurPoint, float offset, float size )

            var data = new Vector4(blurPoint.X, blurPoint.Y, offset, size);

            using( new PixEvent() ) {

                rs.SetTargets( null, dst );

                rs.PipelineState			=	factory[ (int)ShaderFlags.RADIAL_BLUR ];
                rs.VertexShaderResources[0] =	src;
                rs.PixelShaderResources[0]	=	src;
                rs.PixelShaderSamplers[0]	=	SamplerState.LinearPointClamp;
                rs.PixelShaderConstants[0]	=	radialDataCB;
                rs.VertexShaderConstants[0] =	radialDataCB;

                rs.Draw( 3, 0 );
Esempio n. 9
        public void LinearizeDepth( RenderTargetSurface dst, ShaderResource src )
            throw new NotImplementedException();
            #if false
            Debug.Assert( Game.IsServiceExist<Camera>() );

            var camera = Game.GetService<Camera>();

            bufLinearizeDepth.Data.linearizeDepthA = 1.0f / camera.FrustumZFar - 1.0f / camera.FrustumZNear;
            bufLinearizeDepth.Data.linearizeDepthB = 1.0f / camera.FrustumZNear;

            var isDepthMSAA = ( src.SampleCount > 1 );
            var depthShader = (int)( isDepthMSAA ? ShaderFlags.RESOLVE_AND_LINEARIZE_DEPTH_MSAA : ShaderFlags.LINEARIZE_DEPTH );

            string signature;


            using( new PixEvent() ) {
                bufLinearizeDepth.SetCBufferPS( 0 );

                shaders.SetPixelShader( depthShader );
                shaders.SetVertexShader( depthShader );

                rs.SetRenderTargets( dst );
                src.SetPS( 0 );

                rs.Draw( Primitive.TriangleList, 3, 0 );
Esempio n. 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs FXAA antialiasing.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dst">Target buffer to render FXAA to</param>
        /// <param name="src">Source image with luminance in alpha</param>
        public void Fxaa( RenderTargetSurface dst, ShaderResource src )

            using( new PixEvent() ) {

                if(dst == null) {
                } else {
                    SetViewport( dst );
                    rs.SetTargets( null, dst );

                rs.PipelineState			=	factory[ (int)ShaderFlags.FXAA ];
                rs.VertexShaderResources[0] =	src;
                rs.PixelShaderResources[0]	=	src;
                rs.PixelShaderSamplers[0]	=	SamplerState.LinearPointClamp;

                rs.Draw( 3, 0 );
Esempio n. 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates render target
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="?"></param>
        /// <param name="format"></param>
        /// <param name="width"></param>
        /// <param name="height"></param>
        /// <param name="samples"></param>
        /// <param name="mips"></param>
        /// <param name="debugName"></param>
        void Create(ColorFormat format, int width, int height, int samples, bool mips, bool enableRWBuffer)
            bool msaa = samples > 1;


            if (mips && samples > 1)
                throw new ArgumentException("Render target should be multisampler either mipmapped");

            SampleCount = samples;

            Format      = format;
            SampleCount = samples;
            Width       = width;
            Height      = height;
            Depth       = 1;
            MipCount    = mips ? ShaderResource.CalculateMipLevels(width, height) : 1;

            var texDesc = new Texture2DDescription();

            texDesc.Width             = width;
            texDesc.Height            = height;
            texDesc.ArraySize         = 1;
            texDesc.BindFlags         = BindFlags.RenderTarget | BindFlags.ShaderResource;
            texDesc.CpuAccessFlags    = CpuAccessFlags.None;
            texDesc.Format            = Converter.Convert(format);
            texDesc.MipLevels         = mips ? MipCount : 1;
            texDesc.OptionFlags       = mips ? ResourceOptionFlags.GenerateMipMaps : ResourceOptionFlags.None;
            texDesc.SampleDescription = new DXGI.SampleDescription(samples, 0);
            texDesc.Usage             = ResourceUsage.Default;

            if (enableRWBuffer)
                texDesc.BindFlags |= BindFlags.UnorderedAccess;

            tex2D = new D3D.Texture2D(device.Device, texDesc);
            SRV   = new ShaderResourceView(device.Device, tex2D);

            //	Create surfaces :
            surfaces = new RenderTargetSurface[MipCount];

            for (int i = 0; i < MipCount; i++)
                width  = GetMipSize(Width, i);
                height = GetMipSize(Height, i);

                var rtvDesc = new RenderTargetViewDescription();
                rtvDesc.Texture2D.MipSlice = i;
                rtvDesc.Dimension          = msaa ? RenderTargetViewDimension.Texture2DMultisampled : RenderTargetViewDimension.Texture2D;
                rtvDesc.Format             = Converter.Convert(format);

                var rtv = new RenderTargetView(device.Device, tex2D, rtvDesc);

                UnorderedAccessView uav = null;

                if (enableRWBuffer)
                    var uavDesc = new UnorderedAccessViewDescription();
                    uavDesc.Buffer.ElementCount = width * height;
                    uavDesc.Buffer.FirstElement = 0;
                    uavDesc.Buffer.Flags        = UnorderedAccessViewBufferFlags.None;
                    uavDesc.Dimension           = UnorderedAccessViewDimension.Texture2D;
                    uavDesc.Format             = Converter.Convert(format);
                    uavDesc.Texture2D.MipSlice = i;

                    uav = new UnorderedAccessView(device.Device, tex2D, uavDesc);

                surfaces[i] = new RenderTargetSurface(rtv, uav, tex2D, i, format, width, height, samples);
Esempio n. 12
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="view"></param>
        /// <param name="projection"></param>
        public void RenderLighting( Matrix view, Matrix projection, RenderTargetSurface hdrTarget, ShaderResource occlusionMap )
            var device = Game.GraphicsDevice;

            LightingFlags	flags = LightingFlags.NONE;

            if (!Config.SkipDirectLight) {
                flags	|=	LightingFlags.DIRECT;

                if (Config.ShowCSMSplits) {
                    flags |= LightingFlags.SHOW_SPLITS;
            if (!Config.SkipOmniLights) {
                flags	|=	LightingFlags.OMNI;

                if (Config.ShowOmniLightTileLoad) {
                    flags |= LightingFlags.SHOW_OMNI_LOAD;
            if (!Config.SkipSpotLights) {
                flags	|=	LightingFlags.SPOT;

                if (Config.ShowSpotLightTileLoad) {
                    flags |= LightingFlags.SHOW_SPOT_LOAD;
            if (Config.UseUE4LightingModel) {
                flags |= LightingFlags.USE_UE4;

            //	Setup compute shader parameters and states :
            try {
                device.PipelineState	=	factory[ (int)flags ];


                var cbData	=	new LightingParams();
                var invView	=	Matrix.Invert( view );
                var invVP	=	Matrix.Invert( view * projection );
                var viewPos	=	invView.TranslationVector;

                cbData.DirectLightDirection		=	new Vector4( DirectLightDirection, 0 );
                cbData.DirectLightIntensity		=	DirectLightIntensity.ToVector4();
                cbData.Projection				=	projection;

                cbData.CSMViewProjection0		=	csmViewProjections[0];
                cbData.CSMViewProjection1		=	csmViewProjections[1];
                cbData.CSMViewProjection2		=	csmViewProjections[2];
                cbData.CSMViewProjection3		=	csmViewProjections[3];

                cbData.View						=	view;
                cbData.ViewPosition				=	new Vector4(viewPos,1);
                cbData.InverseViewProjection	=	invVP;
                cbData.CSMFilterRadius			=	new Vector4( Config.CSMFilterSize );

                cbData.AmbientColor				=	AmbientLevel;

                PrepareOmniLights( view, projection );
                PrepareSpotLights( view, projection );

                //	set states :
                device.SetTargets( null, hdrTarget );

                lightingCB.SetData( cbData );

                device.ComputeShaderSamplers[0]	=	SamplerState.PointClamp;
                device.ComputeShaderSamplers[1]	=	SamplerState.LinearClamp;
                device.ComputeShaderSamplers[2]	=	SamplerState.ShadowSampler;

                device.ComputeShaderResources[0]	=	diffuseBuffer;
                device.ComputeShaderResources[1]	=	specularBuffer;
                device.ComputeShaderResources[2]	=	normalMapBuffer;
                device.ComputeShaderResources[3]	=	depthBuffer;
                device.ComputeShaderResources[4]	=	csmColor;
                device.ComputeShaderResources[5]	=	spotColor;
                device.ComputeShaderResources[6]	=	MaskAtlas.Texture;
                device.ComputeShaderResources[7]	=	omniLightBuffer;
                device.ComputeShaderResources[8]	=	spotLightBuffer;
                device.ComputeShaderResources[9]	=	occlusionMap;

                device.ComputeShaderConstants[0]	=	lightingCB;

                device.SetCSRWTexture( 0, lightAccumBuffer.Surface );

                //	Dispatch :
                device.Dispatch( MathUtil.IntDivUp( hdrTarget.Width, BlockSizeX ), MathUtil.IntDivUp( hdrTarget.Height, BlockSizeY ), 1 );
            } catch ( UbershaderException e ) {


            //	Add accumulated light  :
            device.SetTargets( null, hdrTarget );

            var sb = Game.GetService<SpriteBatch>();

            sb.Begin( SpriteBlend.Additive );

                sb.Draw( lightAccumBuffer, 0, 0, lightAccumBuffer.Width, lightAccumBuffer.Height, Color.White );



            /*if ( Config.ShowSpotLightExtents ) {
                device.SetTargets( null, hdrTarget );

                var sb = Game.GetService<SpriteBatch>();
                sb.Begin( BlendState.Additive );
                    foreach ( var spot in spotLightData ) {

                        sb.Draw( sb.TextureWhite,
                            new Color(32,0,32,255) );

            } */
Esempio n. 13
 /// <summary>
 /// Clears render target using given color
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="surface"></param>
 /// <param name="color"></param>
 public void Clear( RenderTargetSurface surface, Color4 color )
     lock (deviceContext) {
         deviceContext.ClearRenderTargetView( surface.RTV, SharpDXHelper.Convert( color ) );
Esempio n. 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates render target
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="?"></param>
        /// <param name="format"></param>
        /// <param name="width"></param>
        /// <param name="height"></param>
        /// <param name="samples"></param>
        /// <param name="mips"></param>
        /// <param name="debugName"></param>
        void Create(ColorFormat format, int size, int samples, bool mips, string debugName)
            bool msaa = samples > 1;


            if (mips && samples > 1)
                throw new ArgumentException("Render target should be multisampler either mipmapped");

            SampleCount = samples;

            Format      = format;
            SampleCount = samples;
            Width       = size;
            Height      = size;
            Depth       = 1;
            MipCount    = mips ? ShaderResource.CalculateMipLevels(Width, Height) : 1;

            var texDesc = new Texture2DDescription();

            texDesc.Width             = Width;
            texDesc.Height            = Height;
            texDesc.ArraySize         = 6;
            texDesc.BindFlags         = BindFlags.RenderTarget | BindFlags.ShaderResource;
            texDesc.CpuAccessFlags    = CpuAccessFlags.None;
            texDesc.Format            = Converter.Convert(format);
            texDesc.MipLevels         = mips ? MipCount : 1;
            texDesc.OptionFlags       = ResourceOptionFlags.TextureCube | (mips ? ResourceOptionFlags.GenerateMipMaps : ResourceOptionFlags.None);
            texDesc.SampleDescription = new DXGI.SampleDescription(samples, 0);
            texDesc.Usage             = ResourceUsage.Default;

            texCube = new D3D.Texture2D(device.Device, texDesc);
            SRV     = new ShaderResourceView(device.Device, texCube);

            //	Create surfaces :
            surfaces = new RenderTargetSurface[MipCount, 6];

            for (int mip = 0; mip < MipCount; mip++)
                int width  = GetMipSize(Width, mip);
                int height = GetMipSize(Height, mip);

                for (int face = 0; face < 6; face++)
                    var rtvDesc = new RenderTargetViewDescription();
                    rtvDesc.Texture2DArray.MipSlice        = mip;
                    rtvDesc.Texture2DArray.FirstArraySlice = face;
                    rtvDesc.Texture2DArray.ArraySize       = 1;
                    rtvDesc.Dimension = msaa ? RenderTargetViewDimension.Texture2DMultisampledArray : RenderTargetViewDimension.Texture2DArray;
                    rtvDesc.Format    = Converter.Convert(format);

                    var rtv = new RenderTargetView(device.Device, texCube, rtvDesc);

                    int subResId = Resource.CalculateSubResourceIndex(mip, face, MipCount);

                    surfaces[mip, face] = new RenderTargetSurface(rtv, null, texCube, subResId, format, Width, Height, samples);
Esempio n. 15
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates render target
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="?"></param>
        /// <param name="format"></param>
        /// <param name="width"></param>
        /// <param name="height"></param>
        /// <param name="samples"></param>
        /// <param name="mips"></param>
        /// <param name="debugName"></param>
        void Create( ColorFormat format, int size, int samples, bool mips, string debugName )
            bool msaa	=	samples > 1;

            CheckSamplesCount( samples );

            if (mips && samples>1) {
                throw new ArgumentException("Render target should be multisampler either mipmapped");

            SampleCount		=	samples;

            Format		=	format;
            SampleCount	=	samples;
            Width		=	size;
            Height		=	size;
            Depth		=	1;
            MipCount	=	mips ? ShaderResource.CalculateMipLevels( Width, Height ) : 1;

            var	texDesc	=	new Texture2DDescription();
                texDesc.Width				=	Width;
                texDesc.Height				=	Height;
                texDesc.ArraySize			=	6;
                texDesc.BindFlags			=	BindFlags.RenderTarget | BindFlags.ShaderResource;
                texDesc.CpuAccessFlags		=	CpuAccessFlags.None;
                texDesc.Format				=	Converter.Convert( format );
                texDesc.MipLevels			=	mips ? MipCount : 1;
                texDesc.OptionFlags			=	ResourceOptionFlags.TextureCube | (mips ? ResourceOptionFlags.GenerateMipMaps : ResourceOptionFlags.None);
                texDesc.SampleDescription	=	new DXGI.SampleDescription(samples, 0);
                texDesc.Usage				=	ResourceUsage.Default;

            texCube	=	new D3D.Texture2D( device.Device, texDesc );
            SRV		=	new ShaderResourceView( device.Device, texCube );

            //	Create surfaces :
            surfaces	=	new RenderTargetSurface[ MipCount, 6 ];

            for ( int mip=0; mip<MipCount; mip++ ) {

                int width	=	GetMipSize( Width,  mip );
                int height	=	GetMipSize( Height, mip );

                for ( int face=0; face<6; face++) {

                    var rtvDesc = new RenderTargetViewDescription();
                        rtvDesc.Texture2DArray.MipSlice			=	mip;
                        rtvDesc.Texture2DArray.FirstArraySlice	=	face;
                        rtvDesc.Texture2DArray.ArraySize		=	1;
                        rtvDesc.Dimension						=	msaa ? RenderTargetViewDimension.Texture2DMultisampledArray : RenderTargetViewDimension.Texture2DArray;
                        rtvDesc.Format							=	Converter.Convert( format );

                    var rtv	=	new RenderTargetView( device.Device, texCube, rtvDesc );

                    int subResId	=	Resource.CalculateSubResourceIndex( mip, face, MipCount );

                    surfaces[mip,face]	=	new RenderTargetSurface( rtv, null, texCube, subResId, format, Width, Height, samples );
Esempio n. 16
		/// <summary>
		/// Renders sky with specified technique
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="rendCtxt"></param>
		/// <param name="techName"></param>
		public void Render( GameTime gameTime, DepthStencilSurface depthBuffer, RenderTargetSurface hdrTarget, Matrix view, Matrix projection )
			var camera = Game.GetService<Camera>();

			var scale		=	Matrix.Scaling( Params.SkySphereSize );
			var rotation	=	Matrix.Identity;

			var	sunPos		=	GetSunDirection();
			var sunColor	=	GetSunGlowColor();


			//rs.DepthStencilState = depthBuffer==null? DepthStencilState.None : DepthStencilState.Default ;

			rs.SetViewport( 0, 0, hdrTarget.Width, hdrTarget.Height );

			rs.SetTargets( depthBuffer, hdrTarget );

			var viewMatrix = view;
			var projMatrix = projection;

			skyConstsData.MatrixWVP		= scale * rotation * MathUtil.Transformation( viewMatrix.Right, viewMatrix.Up, viewMatrix.Backward ) * projMatrix;
			skyConstsData.SunPosition	= sunPos;
			skyConstsData.SunColor		= sunColor;
			skyConstsData.Turbidity		= Params.SkyTurbidity;
			skyConstsData.Temperature	= Temperature.Get( Params.SunTemperature ); 
			skyConstsData.SkyIntensity	= Params.SkyIntensity;
			skyConstsCB.SetData( skyConstsData );
			rs.VertexShaderConstants[0] = skyConstsCB;
			rs.PixelShaderConstants[0] = skyConstsCB;

			//	Sky :
			SkyFlags flags = SkyFlags.PROCEDURAL_SKY;

			ApplyColorSpace( ref flags );
			rs.PipelineState	=	factory[(int)flags];
			for ( int j=0; j<skySphere.Meshes.Count; j++) {
				var mesh = skySphere.Meshes[j];

				rs.SetupVertexInput( vertexBuffers[j], indexBuffers[j] );
				rs.DrawIndexed( mesh.IndexCount, 0, 0 );

			//	Clouds :
			scale		=	Matrix.Scaling( Params.SkySphereSize, Params.SkySphereSize, Params.SkySphereSize );
			//scale		=	Matrix.Scaling( Params.SkySphereSize, Params.SkySphereSize * 0.1f, Params.SkySphereSize );
			skyConstsData.MatrixWVP		= scale * rotation * MathUtil.Transformation( viewMatrix.Right, viewMatrix.Up, viewMatrix.Backward ) * projMatrix;
			skyConstsData.SunPosition	= sunPos;
			skyConstsData.SunColor		= GetSunLightColor();
			skyConstsData.Turbidity		= Params.SkyTurbidity;
			skyConstsData.Temperature	= Temperature.Get( Params.SunTemperature ); 
			skyConstsData.SkyIntensity	= Params.SkyIntensity;
			skyConstsData.Ambient		= GetAmbientLevel().ToVector3();
			skyConstsData.Time			= (float)gameTime.Total.TotalSeconds;
			skyConstsCB.SetData( skyConstsData );

			flags = SkyFlags.CLOUDS;

			for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {

				 if (i==0) flags = SkyFlags.CLOUDS| SkyFlags.A;
				 if (i==1) flags = SkyFlags.CLOUDS| SkyFlags.B;
				 if (i==2) flags = SkyFlags.CLOUDS| SkyFlags.C;

				ApplyColorSpace( ref flags );
				rs.PipelineState			=	factory[(int)flags];
				rs.PixelShaderResources[0]	=	clouds;
				rs.PixelShaderResources[1]	=	cirrus;
				rs.PixelShaderResources[2]	=	noise;
				rs.PixelShaderResources[3]	=	arrows;
				rs.PixelShaderSamplers[0]	=	SamplerState.AnisotropicWrap;
				for ( int j=0; j<cloudSphere.Meshes.Count; j++) {
					var mesh = cloudSphere.Meshes[j];

					rs.SetupVertexInput( cloudVertexBuffers[j], cloudIndexBuffers[j] );
					rs.DrawIndexed( mesh.IndexCount, 0, 0 );

Esempio n. 17
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs luminance measurement, tonemapping, applies bloom.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="target">LDR target.</param>
        /// <param name="hdrImage">HDR source image.</param>
        public void Render( GameTime gameTime, RenderTargetSurface target, ShaderResource hdrImage )
            var device	=	Game.GraphicsDevice;
            var filter	=	Game.GetService<Filter>();
            var ds		=	Game.GetService<DebugStrings>();

            //	Rough downsampling of source HDR-image :
            filter.StretchRect( averageLum.Surface, hdrImage );

            //	Make bloom :
            filter.StretchRect( bloom0.Surface, hdrImage );

            filter.GaussBlur( bloom0, bloom1, Config.GaussBlurSigma, 0 );
            filter.GaussBlur( bloom0, bloom1, Config.GaussBlurSigma, 1 );
            filter.GaussBlur( bloom0, bloom1, Config.GaussBlurSigma, 2 );
            filter.GaussBlur( bloom0, bloom1, Config.GaussBlurSigma, 3 );

            //	Setup parameters :
            var paramsData	=	new Params();
            paramsData.AdaptationRate		=	1 - (float)Math.Pow( 0.5f, gameTime.ElapsedSec / Config.AdaptationHalfLife );
            paramsData.LuminanceLowBound	=	Config.LuminanceLowBound;
            paramsData.LuminanceHighBound	=	Config.LuminanceHighBound;
            paramsData.KeyValue				=	Config.KeyValue;
            paramsData.BloomAmount			=	Config.BloomAmount;

            paramsCB.SetData( paramsData );
            device.PixelShaderConstants[0]	=	paramsCB;

            //	Measure and adapt :
            device.SetTargets( null, measuredNew );

            device.PixelShaderResources[0]	=	averageLum;
            device.PixelShaderResources[1]	=	measuredOld;

            device.PipelineState		=	factory[ (int)(Flags.MEASURE_ADAPT) ];

            device.Draw( 3, 0 );

            //	Tonemap and compose :
            device.SetTargets( null, target );

            device.PixelShaderResources[0]	=	hdrImage;// averageLum;
            device.PixelShaderResources[1]	=	measuredNew;// averageLum;
            device.PixelShaderResources[2]	=	bloom0;// averageLum;
            device.PixelShaderResources[3]	=	Game.GetService<SpriteBatch>().TextureWhite;
            device.PixelShaderSamplers[0]	=	SamplerState.LinearClamp;

            Flags op = Flags.LINEAR;
            if (Config.TonemappingOperator==TonemappingOperator.Filmic)   { op = Flags.FILMIC;   }
            if (Config.TonemappingOperator==TonemappingOperator.Linear)   { op = Flags.LINEAR;	 }
            if (Config.TonemappingOperator==TonemappingOperator.Reinhard) { op = Flags.REINHARD; }

            device.PipelineState		=	factory[ (int)(Flags.TONEMAPPING|op) ];

            device.Draw( 3, 0 );


            //	swap luminanice buffers :
            Misc.Swap( ref measuredNew, ref measuredOld );
Esempio n. 18
 /// <summary>
 /// Clears render target using given color
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="surface"></param>
 /// <param name="color"></param>
 public void Clear(RenderTargetSurface surface, Color4 color)
     lock (deviceContext) {
         deviceContext.ClearRenderTargetView(surface.RTV, SharpDXHelper.Convert(color));
Esempio n. 19
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source"></param>
        /// <param name="destination"></param>
        public void Resolve( RenderTargetSurface source, RenderTargetSurface destination )
            if ( source.Width != destination.Width || source.Height != destination.Height ) {
                throw new GraphicsException( "Could not resolve: source and destination are not the same size");

            if ( source.SampleCount <= 1 ) {
                throw new GraphicsException( "Could not resolve: source surface is not multisampled");

            if ( destination.SampleCount > 1 ) {
                throw new GraphicsException( "Could not resolve: destination surface is multisampled");

            lock (deviceContext) {
                deviceContext.ResolveSubresource( source.Resource, source.Subresource, destination.Resource, destination.Subresource, Converter.Convert( source.Format ) );
Esempio n. 20
        /// <summary>
        /// SetPSRWBuffer & SetPSRWTexture share same registers.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="register"></param>
        /// <param name="buffer"></param>
        /// <param name="initialCount">An array of append and consume buffer offsets. 
        /// A value of -1 indicates to keep the current offset. 
        /// Any other values set the hidden counter for that appendable and consumable UAV. </param>
        public void SetPSRWTexture( int register, RenderTargetSurface surface )
            if (register>8) {
                throw new GraphicsException("Could not bind RW texture at register " + register.ToString() + " (max 8)");

            lock (deviceContext) {
                DeviceContext.OutputMerger.SetUnorderedAccessView ( register, surface==null?null:surface.UAV, -1 );
Esempio n. 21
        /// <summary>
        /// Renders sky with specified technique
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rendCtxt"></param>
        /// <param name="techName"></param>
        public void Render( GameTime gameTime, DepthStencilSurface depthBuffer, RenderTargetSurface hdrTarget, Matrix view, Matrix projection, RenderTarget2D cloudTarget, RenderTarget2D smallerCloudTarget)
            var camera = Game.GetService<Camera>();

            var scale		=	Matrix.Scaling( Params.SkySphereSize );
            var rotation	=	Matrix.Identity;

            var	sunPos		=	GetSunDirection();
            var sunColor	=	GetSunGlowColor();


            //rs.DepthStencilState = depthBuffer==null? DepthStencilState.None : DepthStencilState.Default ;

            rs.SetViewport( 0, 0, hdrTarget.Width, hdrTarget.Height );

            rs.SetTargets( depthBuffer, hdrTarget );

            var viewMatrix = view;
            var projMatrix = projection;

            skyConstsData.MatrixWVP		= scale * rotation * MathUtil.Transformation( viewMatrix.Right, viewMatrix.Up, viewMatrix.Backward ) * projMatrix;
            skyConstsData.SunPosition	= sunPos;
            skyConstsData.SunColor		= sunColor;
            skyConstsData.Turbidity		= Params.SkyTurbidity;
            skyConstsData.Temperature	= Temperature.Get( Params.SunTemperature );
            skyConstsData.SkyIntensity	= Params.SkyIntensity;

            skyConstsCB.SetData( skyConstsData );

            rs.VertexShaderConstants[0] = skyConstsCB;
            rs.PixelShaderConstants[0] = skyConstsCB;

            //	Sky :
            SkyFlags flags = SkyFlags.PROCEDURAL_SKY;
            ApplyColorSpace( ref flags );

            rs.PipelineState	=	factory[(int)flags];

            for ( int j=0; j<skySphere.Meshes.Count; j++) {
                var mesh = skySphere.Meshes[j];

                rs.SetupVertexInput( vertexBuffers[j], indexBuffers[j] );
                rs.DrawIndexed( mesh.IndexCount, 0, 0 );

            //	Clouds :
            scale		=	Matrix.Scaling( Params.SkySphereSize, Params.SkySphereSize, Params.SkySphereSize );
            //scale		=	Matrix.Scaling( Params.SkySphereSize, Params.SkySphereSize * 0.1f, Params.SkySphereSize );
            skyConstsData.MatrixWVP		= scale * rotation * MathUtil.Transformation( viewMatrix.Right, viewMatrix.Up, viewMatrix.Backward ) * projMatrix;
            skyConstsData.SunPosition	= sunPos;
            skyConstsData.SunColor		= GetSunLightColor();
            skyConstsData.Turbidity		= Params.SkyTurbidity;
            skyConstsData.Temperature	= Temperature.Get( Params.SunTemperature );
            skyConstsData.SkyIntensity	= Params.SkyIntensity;
            skyConstsData.Ambient		= GetAmbientLevel().ToVector3();
            skyConstsData.Time			= (float)gameTime.Total.TotalSeconds;

            skyConstsCB.SetData( skyConstsData );

            rs.SetTargets( depthBuffer, hdrTarget);
            //			rs.SetTargets( null, cloudTarget.Surface );

            flags = SkyFlags.CLOUDS;

            //int i = 0;
            for (int i=0; i<3; i++)

                 if (i==0) flags = SkyFlags.CLOUDS| SkyFlags.A | SkyFlags.RED;
                 if (i==1) flags = SkyFlags.CLOUDS| SkyFlags.B | SkyFlags.GREEN;
                 if (i==2) flags = SkyFlags.CLOUDS| SkyFlags.C | SkyFlags.BLUE;

                ApplyColorSpace( ref flags );

                rs.PipelineState			=	factory[(int)flags];
                rs.PixelShaderResources[0]	=	clouds;
                rs.PixelShaderResources[1]	=	cirrus;
                rs.PixelShaderResources[2]	=	noise;
                rs.PixelShaderResources[3]	=	arrows;
                rs.PixelShaderSamplers[0]	=	SamplerState.AnisotropicWrap;

                for ( int j=0; j<cloudSphere.Meshes.Count; j++) {
                    var mesh = cloudSphere.Meshes[j];

                    rs.SetupVertexInput( cloudVertexBuffers[j], cloudIndexBuffers[j] );
                    rs.DrawIndexed( mesh.IndexCount, 0, 0 );
            #if false
            var filter = Game.GetService<Filter>();

            //filter.RadialBlur(smallerCloudTarget.Surface, cloudTarget, new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f), 1.0f, -0.2f);

                Vector4 sunProj = Vector4.Transform(new Vector4(sunPos, 0), viewMatrix);
                sunProj = 	Vector4.Transform(sunProj, projMatrix);
                sunProj = new Vector4(sunProj.X / sunProj.W, sunProj.Y / sunProj.W, sunProj.Z / sunProj.W, 1);
                Vector2 relSunPosition = new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f);

                //if ( Math.Abs(sunProj.X ) < 1 && Math.Abs (sunProj.Y) < 1){
                    relSunPosition = new Vector2( (sunProj.X + 1) / 2, - (sunProj.Y - 1) / 2);

                //Log.Message(relSunPosition + "");
                filter.RadialBlur(smallerCloudTarget.Surface, cloudTarget, relSunPosition, 1.0f, -0.2f);

            flags = SkyFlags.BLUR_CLOUD;
            skyConstsData.MatrixWVP = Matrix.Identity;
            skyConstsCB.SetData( skyConstsData );

            rs.SetTargets(null, hdrTarget);

            ApplyColorSpace( ref flags );
            rs.VertexShaderConstants[0] = skyConstsCB;
            rs.PixelShaderConstants[0] = skyConstsCB;

            rs.PipelineState			=	factory[(int)flags];
            rs.PixelShaderResources[4]	=	cloudTarget;
            rs.PixelShaderSamplers[1]	=	SamplerState.LinearWrap;

            var v0	=	new VertexColorTextureTBN { Position = new Vector3( -1.0f, -1.0f, 0 ), TexCoord = new Vector2( 0, 1 ), };
            var v1	=	new VertexColorTextureTBN { Position = new Vector3( 1.0f, 1.0f, 0 ),  TexCoord = new Vector2( 1, 0 ),   };
            var v2	=	new VertexColorTextureTBN { Position = new Vector3( -1.0f, 1.0f, 0 ),  TexCoord = new Vector2( 0, 0 ), };
            var v3	=	new VertexColorTextureTBN { Position = new Vector3( -1.0f, -1.0f, 0 ), TexCoord = new Vector2( 0, 1 ), };
            var v4	=	new VertexColorTextureTBN { Position = new Vector3( 1.0f, -1.0f, 0 ),  TexCoord = new Vector2( 1, 1 ),  };
            var v5	=	new VertexColorTextureTBN { Position = new Vector3( 1.0f, 1.0f, 0 ),  TexCoord = new Vector2( 1, 0 ),   };//*/

            var data = new VertexColorTextureTBN[] { v0, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5 };
            vertexBufferBlur.SetData( data, 0, 6 );
            //for ( int j=0; j<cloudSphere.Meshes.Count; j++) {
            //		var mesh = cloudSphere.Meshes[j];

            //		rs.SetupVertexInput( cloudVertexBuffers[j], cloudIndexBuffers[j] );
            //		rs.DrawIndexed( mesh.IndexCount, 0, 0 );
            //	}
            rs.SetupVertexInput( vertexBufferBlur, null );
            rs.Draw( 6, 0 );

