Esempio n. 1
        //Vertices need to be reduced to 2D
        //see Akenine-Möller, Tomas; Haines, Eric; Hoffman, Naty (2016): Real-Time Rendering, p. 754
        /// <summary>
        /// Tests if a point/vertex lies inside or outside a face - Only use this if you know the face AND vertex lie in the same plane and this plane is parallel to xy or xz or yz!
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="geometry">The geometry the polygon (here: face) belongs to.</param>
        /// <param name="face">The faces to be tested. It will not be Reduced2D!</param>
        /// <param name="v">The vertex to be tested.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool IsPointInPolygon(this Geometry geometry, Face face, float3 v)
            var inside    = false;
            var faceVerts = geometry.GetFaceVertices(face.Handle).ToList();

            var v1    = geometry.GetVertexByHandle(faceVerts.Last().Handle);
            var v1Pos = geometry.Get2DVertPos(face, v1.Handle);

            var y0 = v1Pos.y >= v.y;

            foreach (var vert in faceVerts)
                var e1Pos = geometry.Get2DVertPos(face, vert.Handle);

                var y1 = e1Pos.y >= v.y;
                if (y0 != y1)
                    if ((e1Pos.y - v.y) * (v1Pos.x - e1Pos.x) >=
                        (e1Pos.x - v.x) * (v1Pos.y - e1Pos.y) == y1)
                        inside = !inside;
                y0    = y1;
                v1Pos = e1Pos;
Esempio n. 2
        private static Dictionary <int, Vertex> GetFaceVertices(Geometry geometry)
            var allFaces        = geometry.GetAllFaces();
            var allFaceVertices = new Dictionary <int, Vertex>();

            foreach (var face in allFaces)
                var faceVertices = geometry.GetFaceVertices(face.Handle).ToList();
                var tempVertex   = new Vertex(face.Handle, GeometricOperations.GetVerticesMeanPos(faceVertices));
                allFaceVertices.Add(face.Handle, tempVertex);
Esempio n. 3
        private static void TriangulateMonotone(Face face)
            var faceVertices = new List <Vertex>();

            foreach (var vHandle in _geometry.GetFaceVertices(face.Handle))

            if (faceVertices.Count.Equals(3))

            var sortedVerts = GetSortedVertices(_geometry, face, faceVertices);
            var vertStack   = new Stack <Vertex>();
            var leftChain   = GetLeftChain(sortedVerts, face).ToList();


            for (var i = 2; i < sortedVerts.Count - 1; i++)
                var current = sortedVerts[i];

                if (!IsLeftChain(leftChain, current) && IsLeftChain(leftChain, vertStack.Peek()) ||
                    IsLeftChain(leftChain, current) && !IsLeftChain(leftChain, vertStack.Peek()))
                    while (vertStack.Count > 0)
                        var popped = vertStack.Pop();

                        if (vertStack.Count > 0)
                            _geometry.InsertDiagonal(current.Handle, popped.Handle);
                    vertStack.Push(sortedVerts[i - 1]);
                    var popped = vertStack.Pop();

                    Vertex next;
                    Vertex prev;

                    if (IsLeftChain(leftChain, popped))
                        next = sortedVerts[i];
                        prev = vertStack.Peek();
                        next = vertStack.Peek();
                        prev = sortedVerts[i];

                    while (vertStack.Count > 0 && !_geometry.IsAngleGreaterOrEqualPi(face, next, popped, prev))
                        popped = vertStack.Pop();

                        if (vertStack.Count > 0)
                            if (IsLeftChain(leftChain, popped))
                                next = sortedVerts[i];
                                prev = vertStack.Peek();
                                next = vertStack.Peek();
                                prev = sortedVerts[i];

                        _geometry.InsertDiagonal(current.Handle, popped.Handle);

            var count = vertStack.Count;

            for (var j = 0; j < count; j++)
                var popped = vertStack.Pop();

                if (j == 0)
                if (j != count - 1)
                    _geometry.InsertDiagonal(sortedVerts.Last().Handle, popped.Handle);
Esempio n. 4
        private static Geometry ExtrudeFaceByHandle(Geometry geometry, int faceHandle, float offset, float3 extrusionVector)
            var face = geometry.GetFaceByHandle(faceHandle);

            //get HE of Face
            var start = geometry.GetHalfEdgeByHandle(face.OuterHalfEdge);
            var next  = start;

            var vertexIncHe     = new Dictionary <int, List <HalfEdge> >();
            var allFaceVertices = geometry.GetFaceVertices(faceHandle);

            foreach (var vertex in allFaceVertices)
                vertexIncHe.Add(vertex.Handle, geometry.GetVertexStartingHalfEdges(vertex.Handle).ToList());
            var allH2NEdges = new List <HalfEdge>();

                var nextOriginV = geometry.GetVertexByHandle(next.OriginVertex);
                var newVertex   = new Vertex(geometry.CreateVertHandleId(), nextOriginV.VertData.Pos);

                var twinEdge     = geometry.GetHalfEdgeByHandle(next.TwinHalfEdge);
                var prevEdge     = geometry.GetHalfEdgeByHandle(next.PrevHalfEdge);
                var prevTwinEdge = geometry.GetHalfEdgeByHandle(prevEdge.TwinHalfEdge);

                nextOriginV.VertData.Pos = nextOriginV.VertData.Pos + extrusionVector * offset;

                var h4  = new HalfEdge(geometry.CreateHalfEdgeHandleId());
                var h2n = new HalfEdge(geometry.CreateHalfEdgeHandleId());

                var h1 = new HalfEdge(geometry.CreateHalfEdgeHandleId());

                var currentList = vertexIncHe[nextOriginV.Handle];
                foreach (var halfEdge in currentList)
                    if (halfEdge == next)
                    var edge = GeomEditing.UpdateHalfEdgeOrigin(halfEdge, newVertex.Handle);

                nextOriginV.IncidentHalfEdge = next.Handle;

                h4.OriginVertex  = nextOriginV.Handle;
                h2n.OriginVertex = newVertex.Handle;
                h1.OriginVertex  = newVertex.Handle;

                h4.TwinHalfEdge  = h2n.Handle;
                h2n.TwinHalfEdge = h4.Handle;

                h4.NextHalfEdge = h1.Handle;
                h1.PrevHalfEdge = h4.Handle;

                h1.TwinHalfEdge       = next.TwinHalfEdge;
                twinEdge.TwinHalfEdge = h1.Handle;

                prevTwinEdge.OriginVertex = newVertex.Handle;

                newVertex.IncidentHalfEdge = h2n.Handle;

                geometry.DictVertices.Add(newVertex.Handle, newVertex);
                geometry.DictHalfEdges.Add(h4.Handle, h4);
                geometry.DictHalfEdges.Add(h1.Handle, h1);
                geometry.DictHalfEdges.Add(h2n.Handle, h2n);


                next = geometry.GetHalfEdgeByHandle(next.NextHalfEdge);
            } while (start != next);

            start = geometry.GetHalfEdgeByHandle(face.OuterHalfEdge);
            next  = start;
                var newFace = new Face(geometry.CreateFaceHandleId());

                var twinEdge = geometry.GetHalfEdgeByHandle(next.TwinHalfEdge);

                var h1 = geometry.GetHalfEdgeByHandle(twinEdge.TwinHalfEdge);
                var h2 = allH2NEdges.First(n => n.OriginVertex == twinEdge.OriginVertex);
                var h3 = new HalfEdge(geometry.CreateHalfEdgeHandleId());
                var h4 = geometry.GetHalfEdgeByHandle(h1.PrevHalfEdge);

                //set Face
                h1.IncidentFace = newFace.Handle;
                h2.IncidentFace = newFace.Handle;
                h3.IncidentFace = newFace.Handle;
                h4.IncidentFace = newFace.Handle;

                h1.NextHalfEdge = h2.Handle;
                h2.NextHalfEdge = h3.Handle;
                h3.NextHalfEdge = h4.Handle;
                h4.NextHalfEdge = h1.Handle;

                h1.PrevHalfEdge = h4.Handle;
                h2.PrevHalfEdge = h1.Handle;
                h3.PrevHalfEdge = h2.Handle;
                h4.PrevHalfEdge = h3.Handle;

                h3.TwinHalfEdge       = next.Handle;
                h3.OriginVertex       = geometry.GetHalfEdgeByHandle(next.NextHalfEdge).OriginVertex;
                next.TwinHalfEdge     = h3.Handle;
                newFace.OuterHalfEdge = h1.Handle;

                //write all changes

                geometry.DictHalfEdges.Add(h3.Handle, h3);
                geometry.DictFaces.Add(newFace.Handle, newFace);

                newFace.FaceData.FaceNormal = GeometricOperations.CalculateFaceNormal(geometry.GetFaceVertices(newFace.Handle).ToList());


                next = geometry.GetHalfEdgeByHandle(next.NextHalfEdge);
            } while (start != next);

Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Insets a Face with a given offset. The new, center Face has the same Handle as the original Face.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="geometry">The geometry on which to perform a face inset.</param>
        /// <param name="faceHandle">The Handle of the face, the new one will be inseted to.</param>
        /// <param name="insetOffset">The offset of the inset in percent. Use values between 0 and 1. A value of 0.5f means 50% of the original face remains.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns the geometry with edited faces.</returns>
        public static Geometry InsetFace(this Geometry geometry, int faceHandle, float insetOffset)
            if (insetOffset >= 1)
                throw new ArgumentException("insetOffset can not be greate or equal to 1.");
            if (insetOffset <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("insetOffset can not be smaller or equal to 0.");

            var face            = geometry.GetFaceByHandle(faceHandle);
            var allFaceVertices = geometry.GetFaceVertices(faceHandle).ToList();
            var meanPos         = GeometricOperations.GetVerticesMeanPos(allFaceVertices);

            //Dict sotres countEdges; [0] = edge1.handle, [1] = edge2twin.handle, [2] = edge3.handle, [3] = vertex.Handle
            var edgeStorage = new Dictionary <int, int[]>();

            var countEdges = 0;

            var start = geometry.GetHalfEdgeByHandle(face.OuterHalfEdge);
            var next  = start;

                var nextEdge      = next.NextHalfEdge;
                var currentVertex = geometry.GetVertexByHandle(next.OriginVertex);

                var currentPos = currentVertex.VertData.Pos;
                var newPos     = (currentPos - meanPos) * insetOffset + meanPos;

                var newVertex = new Vertex(geometry.CreateVertHandleId(), newPos);
                var nextNext  = geometry.GetHalfEdgeByHandle(next.NextHalfEdge);
                var edge1     = new HalfEdge(geometry.CreateHalfEdgeHandleId());
                var edge2Twin = new HalfEdge(geometry.CreateHalfEdgeHandleId());
                var edge2     = new HalfEdge(geometry.CreateHalfEdgeHandleId());
                var edge3     = new HalfEdge(geometry.CreateHalfEdgeHandleId());
                var newFace   = new Face(geometry.CreateFaceHandleId());

                //store info
                edgeStorage.Add(countEdges, new[] { edge1.Handle, edge2Twin.Handle, edge3.Handle, newVertex.Handle });

                newVertex.IncidentHalfEdge = edge3.Handle;
                newFace.OuterHalfEdge      = edge1.Handle;
                edge1.OriginVertex         = nextNext.OriginVertex;
                edge3.OriginVertex         = newVertex.Handle;
                edge2Twin.OriginVertex     = newVertex.Handle;
                edge2.TwinHalfEdge     = edge2Twin.Handle;
                edge2Twin.TwinHalfEdge = edge2.Handle;
                edge1.NextHalfEdge = edge2.Handle;
                edge2.NextHalfEdge = edge3.Handle;
                edge3.NextHalfEdge = next.Handle;
                next.NextHalfEdge  = edge1.Handle;
                edge1.PrevHalfEdge = next.Handle;
                edge2.PrevHalfEdge = edge1.Handle;
                edge3.PrevHalfEdge = edge2.Handle;
                next.PrevHalfEdge  = edge3.Handle;
                edge1.IncidentFace          = newFace.Handle;
                edge2.IncidentFace          = newFace.Handle;
                edge3.IncidentFace          = newFace.Handle;
                next.IncidentFace           = newFace.Handle;
                edge2Twin.IncidentFace      = face.Handle;
                newFace.FaceData.FaceNormal = face.FaceData.FaceNormal;

                //write changes
                geometry.DictVertices.Add(newVertex.Handle, newVertex);
                geometry.DictFaces.Add(newFace.Handle, newFace);
                geometry.DictHalfEdges.Add(edge1.Handle, edge1);
                geometry.DictHalfEdges.Add(edge2Twin.Handle, edge2Twin);
                geometry.DictHalfEdges.Add(edge2.Handle, edge2);
                geometry.DictHalfEdges.Add(edge3.Handle, edge3);

                next = geometry.GetHalfEdgeByHandle(nextEdge);
            } while (start != next);

            for (var i = 0; i < countEdges; i++)
                var prevFace = i - 1;
                var nextFace = i + 1;

                var faceData = edgeStorage[i];

                if (i == 0)
                    prevFace = countEdges - 1;
                if (i == countEdges - 1)
                    nextFace           = 0;
                    face.OuterHalfEdge = faceData[1];

                var prevFaceData = edgeStorage[prevFace];
                var nextFaceData = edgeStorage[nextFace];

                var edge2Twin = geometry.GetHalfEdgeByHandle(faceData[1]);
                var edge3     = geometry.GetHalfEdgeByHandle(faceData[2]);
                var edge3Twin = geometry.GetHalfEdgeByHandle(prevFaceData[0]);
                var edge2     = geometry.GetHalfEdgeByHandle(edge2Twin.TwinHalfEdge);

                edge2Twin.PrevHalfEdge = prevFaceData[1];
                edge2Twin.NextHalfEdge = nextFaceData[1];
                edge2.OriginVertex     = nextFaceData[3];
                edge3Twin.TwinHalfEdge = edge3.Handle;
                edge3.TwinHalfEdge     = edge3Twin.Handle;


Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates and returns a UV-Sphere as a DCEL with the specified dimensions centered in the worlds coordinate system.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="radius">Radius of the sphere.</param>
        /// <param name="horizontalResolution">Lines of latitude, smallest value is 3.</param>
        /// <param name="verticalResolution">Lines of longitude, smallest value is 3.</param>
        /// <returns>A UV-Sphere centered in the world coordinate system as a DCEL.</returns>
        public static Geometry CreateSpehreGeometry(float radius, int horizontalResolution, int verticalResolution)
            //check input
            if (radius <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Radius can not be <= 0");
            if (horizontalResolution <= 3)
                horizontalResolution = 3;
            if (verticalResolution <= 2)
                verticalResolution = 2;

            var sphere    = new Geometry();
            var northPole = new Vertex(sphere.CreateVertHandleId(), new float3(0, radius, 0));
            var southPole = new Vertex(sphere.CreateVertHandleId(), new float3(0, -radius, 0));

            var horizontalAngleStep = System.Math.PI * 2 / horizontalResolution; // s
            var verrticalAngleStep  = System.Math.PI / verticalResolution;       // t

            var currentLatitudeVerticesHandles = new int[horizontalResolution];
            var lastlatitudeVerticesHandles    = new int[horizontalResolution]; //stores last vertices to connect them later with the next latitude vertices

            for (var i = 1; i < verticalResolution + 1; i++)
                //create all vertices
                if (i < verticalResolution)
                    for (var j = 0; j < horizontalResolution; j++)
                        //create all Vertices of current latitude
                        var xPos = (float)(radius * System.Math.Sin(horizontalAngleStep * j) * System.Math.Sin(verrticalAngleStep * i));
                        var yPos = (float)(radius * System.Math.Cos(verrticalAngleStep * (i)));
                        var zPos = (float)(radius * System.Math.Cos(horizontalAngleStep * j) * System.Math.Sin(verrticalAngleStep * i));

                        var circleVertex = new Vertex(sphere.CreateVertHandleId(), new float3(xPos, yPos, zPos));
                        sphere.DictVertices.Add(circleVertex.Handle, circleVertex);
                        currentLatitudeVerticesHandles[j] = circleVertex.Handle;

                //create faces
                var topHeHandles = new int[horizontalResolution];
                for (var j = 0; j < horizontalResolution; j++)
                    // bottom triangles of sphere
                    if (i == verticalResolution)
                        var bottomTriangle = new Face(sphere.CreateFaceHandleId());

                        var h1 = new HalfEdge(sphere.CreateHalfEdgeHandleId());
                        var h2 = new HalfEdge(sphere.CreateHalfEdgeHandleId());
                        var h3 = new HalfEdge(sphere.CreateHalfEdgeHandleId());
                        topHeHandles[j] = h1.Handle;

                        h1.NextHalfEdge = h2.Handle;
                        h2.NextHalfEdge = h3.Handle;
                        h3.NextHalfEdge = h1.Handle;
                        h1.PrevHalfEdge = h3.Handle;
                        h2.PrevHalfEdge = h1.Handle;
                        h3.PrevHalfEdge = h2.Handle;
                        h1.IncidentFace = bottomTriangle.Handle;
                        h2.IncidentFace = bottomTriangle.Handle;
                        h3.IncidentFace = bottomTriangle.Handle;
                        h1.OriginVertex = currentLatitudeVerticesHandles[j];
                        h2.OriginVertex = j == horizontalResolution - 1 ? currentLatitudeVerticesHandles[0] : currentLatitudeVerticesHandles[j + 1];
                        h3.OriginVertex = southPole.Handle;
                        bottomTriangle.OuterHalfEdge = h1.Handle;

                        southPole.IncidentHalfEdge = h3.Handle;

                        //write changes
                        sphere.DictHalfEdges.Add(h1.Handle, h1);
                        sphere.DictHalfEdges.Add(h2.Handle, h2);
                        sphere.DictHalfEdges.Add(h3.Handle, h3);
                        sphere.DictFaces.Add(bottomTriangle.Handle, bottomTriangle);

                    // top triangles of sphere
                    else if (i == 1)
                        var topTriangle = new Face(sphere.CreateFaceHandleId());

                        var h1 = new HalfEdge(sphere.CreateHalfEdgeHandleId());
                        var h2 = new HalfEdge(sphere.CreateHalfEdgeHandleId());
                        var h3 = new HalfEdge(sphere.CreateHalfEdgeHandleId());
                        topHeHandles[j] = h1.Handle;

                        h1.NextHalfEdge           = h2.Handle;
                        h2.NextHalfEdge           = h3.Handle;
                        h3.NextHalfEdge           = h1.Handle;
                        h1.PrevHalfEdge           = h3.Handle;
                        h2.PrevHalfEdge           = h1.Handle;
                        h3.PrevHalfEdge           = h2.Handle;
                        h1.IncidentFace           = topTriangle.Handle;
                        h2.IncidentFace           = topTriangle.Handle;
                        h3.IncidentFace           = topTriangle.Handle;
                        h1.OriginVertex           = j == horizontalResolution - 1 ? currentLatitudeVerticesHandles[0] : currentLatitudeVerticesHandles[j + 1];
                        h2.OriginVertex           = currentLatitudeVerticesHandles[j];
                        h3.OriginVertex           = northPole.Handle;
                        topTriangle.OuterHalfEdge = h1.Handle;

                        var currentVertex = sphere.GetVertexByHandle(currentLatitudeVerticesHandles[j]);
                        currentVertex.IncidentHalfEdge = h2.Handle;
                        northPole.IncidentHalfEdge     = h3.Handle;

                        //write changes
                        sphere.DictHalfEdges.Add(h1.Handle, h1);
                        sphere.DictHalfEdges.Add(h2.Handle, h2);
                        sphere.DictHalfEdges.Add(h3.Handle, h3);
                        sphere.DictFaces.Add(topTriangle.Handle, topTriangle);
                    // middle quads of sphere
                        var quad = new Face(sphere.CreateFaceHandleId());

                        var h1 = new HalfEdge(sphere.CreateHalfEdgeHandleId());
                        var h2 = new HalfEdge(sphere.CreateHalfEdgeHandleId());
                        var h3 = new HalfEdge(sphere.CreateHalfEdgeHandleId());
                        var h4 = new HalfEdge(sphere.CreateHalfEdgeHandleId());
                        topHeHandles[j] = h1.Handle;

                        h1.NextHalfEdge    = h2.Handle;
                        h2.NextHalfEdge    = h3.Handle;
                        h3.NextHalfEdge    = h4.Handle;
                        h4.NextHalfEdge    = h1.Handle;
                        h1.PrevHalfEdge    = h4.Handle;
                        h2.PrevHalfEdge    = h1.Handle;
                        h3.PrevHalfEdge    = h2.Handle;
                        h4.PrevHalfEdge    = h3.Handle;
                        h1.IncidentFace    = quad.Handle;
                        h2.IncidentFace    = quad.Handle;
                        h3.IncidentFace    = quad.Handle;
                        h4.IncidentFace    = quad.Handle;
                        quad.OuterHalfEdge = h1.Handle;

                        h4.OriginVertex = currentLatitudeVerticesHandles[j];
                        h3.OriginVertex = j == horizontalResolution - 1 ? currentLatitudeVerticesHandles[0] : currentLatitudeVerticesHandles[j + 1];
                        h2.OriginVertex = j == horizontalResolution - 1 ? lastlatitudeVerticesHandles[0] : lastlatitudeVerticesHandles[j + 1];
                        h1.OriginVertex = lastlatitudeVerticesHandles[j];

                        var currentVertex = sphere.GetVertexByHandle(currentLatitudeVerticesHandles[j]);
                        currentVertex.IncidentHalfEdge = h4.Handle;

                        //write changes
                        sphere.DictFaces.Add(quad.Handle, quad);
                        sphere.DictHalfEdges.Add(h1.Handle, h1);
                        sphere.DictHalfEdges.Add(h2.Handle, h2);
                        sphere.DictHalfEdges.Add(h3.Handle, h3);
                        sphere.DictHalfEdges.Add(h4.Handle, h4);

                //set twins
                for (int j = 0; j < horizontalResolution; j++)
                    //set twins of adjacent triangles bottom
                    if (i == 1)
                        int nextH1Index;
                        nextH1Index = j == 0 ? horizontalResolution - 1 : j - 1;
                        var h1     = sphere.GetHalfEdgeByHandle(topHeHandles[j]);
                        var h2     = sphere.GetHalfEdgeByHandle(h1.NextHalfEdge);
                        var nextH1 = sphere.GetHalfEdgeByHandle(topHeHandles[nextH1Index]);
                        var nextH3 = sphere.GetHalfEdgeByHandle(nextH1.PrevHalfEdge);
                        nextH3.TwinHalfEdge = h2.Handle;
                        h2.TwinHalfEdge     = nextH3.Handle;

                    else if (i == verticalResolution)
                        int nextH1Index;
                        nextH1Index = j == 0 ? horizontalResolution - 1 : j - 1;
                        var h1     = sphere.GetHalfEdgeByHandle(topHeHandles[j]);
                        var h3     = sphere.GetHalfEdgeByHandle(h1.PrevHalfEdge);
                        var nextH1 = sphere.GetHalfEdgeByHandle(topHeHandles[nextH1Index]);
                        var nextH2 = sphere.GetHalfEdgeByHandle(nextH1.NextHalfEdge);
                        nextH2.TwinHalfEdge = h3.Handle;
                        h3.TwinHalfEdge     = nextH2.Handle;

                    else //set twins of adjacent quads
                        var h1 = sphere.GetHalfEdgeByHandle(topHeHandles[j]);
                        var h4 = sphere.GetHalfEdgeByHandle(h1.PrevHalfEdge);

                        int nextH1Index;

                        nextH1Index = j == 0 ? horizontalResolution - 1 : j - 1;

                        var nextH1 = sphere.GetHalfEdgeByHandle(topHeHandles[nextH1Index]);
                        var nextH2 = sphere.GetHalfEdgeByHandle(nextH1.NextHalfEdge);

                        nextH2.TwinHalfEdge = h4.Handle;
                        h4.TwinHalfEdge     = nextH2.Handle;


                    //set twin of face on top
                    if (i > 1)
                        var h1         = sphere.GetHalfEdgeByHandle(topHeHandles[j]);
                        var lastVertex = sphere.GetVertexByHandle(lastlatitudeVerticesHandles[j]);
                        var topH1      = sphere.GetHalfEdgeByHandle(lastVertex.IncidentHalfEdge);
                        while (true)
                            if (topH1.TwinHalfEdge == 0)
                            topH1 = sphere.GetHalfEdgeByHandle(topH1.NextHalfEdge);
                        topH1.TwinHalfEdge = h1.Handle;
                        h1.TwinHalfEdge    = topH1.Handle;

                Array.Copy(currentLatitudeVerticesHandles, lastlatitudeVerticesHandles,
            sphere.DictVertices.Add(northPole.Handle, northPole);
            sphere.DictVertices.Add(southPole.Handle, southPole);

            //calculate normals
            var allFaces = sphere.GetAllFaces().ToList();

            foreach (var face in allFaces)
                sphere.SetFaceNormal(sphere.GetFaceVertices(face.Handle).ToList(), face);

Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates and returns a Pyramid as a DCEL with the specified dimensions centered in the worlds coordinate system.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dimensionX">Width of the Pyramid in X-dimension</param>
        /// <param name="dimensionY">Height of the Pyramid in Y-dimension.</param>
        /// <param name="dimensionZ">Depth of the Pyramid in Z-dimension.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Geometry CreatePyramidGeometry(float dimensionX, float dimensionY, float dimensionZ)
            //check input
            if (dimensionX <= 0 || dimensionY <= 0 || dimensionZ <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("The dimension values can not be <= 0");

            var xPos = dimensionX / 2.0f;
            var yPos = dimensionY / 2.0f;
            var zPos = dimensionZ / 2.0f;

            var pyramid   = new Geometry();
            var positions = new float3[5];

            //stores all Vertices positions
            positions[0] = new float3(-xPos, -yPos, -zPos);
            positions[1] = new float3(xPos, -yPos, -zPos);
            positions[2] = new float3(xPos, -yPos, zPos);
            positions[3] = new float3(-xPos, -yPos, zPos);
            positions[4] = new float3(0, yPos, 0);

            var baseFace = new Face(6)
                OuterHalfEdge = 4

            //create and add vertices
            for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                Vertex current = new Vertex(pyramid.CreateVertHandleId(), positions[i]);
                if (i < 4)
                    current.IncidentHalfEdge = i * 4 + 1;
                if (i == 4)
                    current.IncidentHalfEdge = 3;
                pyramid.DictVertices.Add(current.Handle, current);

            //create add Edges and Faces
            for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                var h1 = new HalfEdge(i * 4 + 1);
                var h2 = new HalfEdge(i * 4 + 2);
                var h3 = new HalfEdge(i * 4 + 3);
                var h4 = new HalfEdge(i * 4 + 4);

                var sideFace = new Face(i + 2)
                    OuterHalfEdge = h1.Handle

                h1.IncidentFace = sideFace.Handle;
                h2.IncidentFace = sideFace.Handle;
                h3.IncidentFace = sideFace.Handle;
                h4.IncidentFace = baseFace.Handle;
                h1.NextHalfEdge = h2.Handle;
                h2.NextHalfEdge = h3.Handle;
                h3.NextHalfEdge = h1.Handle;
                h1.PrevHalfEdge = h3.Handle;
                h2.PrevHalfEdge = h1.Handle;
                h3.PrevHalfEdge = h2.Handle;
                h3.OriginVertex = pyramid.DictVertices[5].Handle;

                h1.TwinHalfEdge = h4.Handle;
                h4.TwinHalfEdge = h1.Handle;

                if (i < 3)
                    h4.PrevHalfEdge = (i + 1) * 4 + 4;
                    h2.TwinHalfEdge = (i + 1) * 4 + 3;

                    h1.OriginVertex = pyramid.DictVertices[i + 1].Handle;
                    h2.OriginVertex = pyramid.DictVertices[i + 2].Handle;
                    h4.OriginVertex = pyramid.DictVertices[i + 2].Handle;
                    h4.PrevHalfEdge = 4;
                    h2.TwinHalfEdge = 3;

                    h1.OriginVertex = pyramid.DictVertices[i + 1].Handle;
                    h2.OriginVertex = pyramid.DictVertices[1].Handle;
                    h4.OriginVertex = pyramid.DictVertices[1].Handle;
                if (i > 0)
                    h3.TwinHalfEdge = (i - 1) * 4 + 2;
                    h4.NextHalfEdge = (i - 1) * 4 + 4;
                    h3.TwinHalfEdge = 3 * 4 + 2;
                    h4.NextHalfEdge = 3 * 4 + 4;
                pyramid.DictHalfEdges.Add(h1.Handle, h1);
                pyramid.DictHalfEdges.Add(h2.Handle, h2);
                pyramid.DictHalfEdges.Add(h3.Handle, h3);
                pyramid.DictHalfEdges.Add(h4.Handle, h4);

                pyramid.DictFaces.Add(sideFace.Handle, sideFace);
            pyramid.DictFaces.Add(baseFace.Handle, baseFace);

            var allFaces = pyramid.GetAllFaces().ToList();

            foreach (var face in allFaces)
                var faceVertices = pyramid.GetFaceVertices(face.Handle).ToList();
                pyramid.SetFaceNormal(faceVertices, face);

Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates and returns a cone with the given dimensions.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="baseRadius">The radius of the base circle.</param>
        /// <param name="dimensionY">The height of the cone.</param>
        /// <param name="sliceCount">The horizontal resolution of the base circle. Min value is 3. For a basic cone 15.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Geometry CreateConeGeometry(float baseRadius, float dimensionY, int sliceCount)
            //check input
            if (sliceCount < 3)
                sliceCount = 3;
            if (baseRadius <= 0 || dimensionY <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("You can not input parameters <= 0");

            var cone      = new Geometry();
            var northPole = new Vertex(cone.CreateVertHandleId(), new float3(0, dimensionY / 2, 0));
            var southPole = new Vertex(cone.CreateVertHandleId(), new float3(0, -dimensionY / 2, 0));

            var angleStep = System.Math.PI * 2 / sliceCount;
            var yPos      = -dimensionY / 2.0f;

            int[] firstHandles = null; //stores the handles of the first slice to connect it later with the last slice

            var lastH3     = new HalfEdge();
            var lastH2     = new HalfEdge();
            var lastVertex = southPole;

            for (var i = 1; i < sliceCount + 1; i++)
                var x = (float)System.Math.Cos(angleStep * i) * baseRadius;
                var z = (float)System.Math.Sin(angleStep * i) * baseRadius;

                var tempVertex = new Vertex(cone.CreateVertHandleId(), new float3(x, yPos, z));

                //south to temp
                var h1 = new HalfEdge(cone.CreateHalfEdgeHandleId());
                var h2 = new HalfEdge(cone.CreateHalfEdgeHandleId()); //twin of h1

                tempVertex.IncidentHalfEdge = h2.Handle;
                h1.OriginVertex             = southPole.Handle;
                h2.OriginVertex             = tempVertex.Handle;
                h1.TwinHalfEdge             = h2.Handle;
                h2.TwinHalfEdge             = h1.Handle;

                //temp to north
                var h3 = new HalfEdge(cone.CreateHalfEdgeHandleId());
                var h4 = new HalfEdge(cone.CreateHalfEdgeHandleId());

                northPole.IncidentHalfEdge = h3.Handle;
                southPole.IncidentHalfEdge = h1.Handle;

                h3.OriginVertex = northPole.Handle;
                h4.OriginVertex = tempVertex.Handle;
                h3.TwinHalfEdge = h4.Handle;
                h4.TwinHalfEdge = h3.Handle;

                if (lastVertex == southPole)
                    firstHandles = new[] { tempVertex.Handle, h1.Handle, h4.Handle };
                    lastH3       = h3;
                    lastH2       = h2;
                    cone.DictVertices.Add(tempVertex.Handle, tempVertex);
                    cone.DictHalfEdges.Add(h1.Handle, h1);
                    cone.DictHalfEdges.Add(h2.Handle, h2);
                    cone.DictHalfEdges.Add(h3.Handle, h3);
                    cone.DictHalfEdges.Add(h4.Handle, h4);
                    lastVertex = tempVertex;

                //temp to last
                var h5 = new HalfEdge(cone.CreateHalfEdgeHandleId());
                var h6 = new HalfEdge(cone.CreateHalfEdgeHandleId());

                h5.OriginVertex = lastVertex.Handle;
                h6.OriginVertex = tempVertex.Handle;
                h5.TwinHalfEdge = h6.Handle;
                h6.TwinHalfEdge = h5.Handle;

                //create top triangles south-temp-last
                var triangle1 = new Face(cone.CreateFaceHandleId());
                h5.NextHalfEdge         = h4.Handle;
                triangle1.OuterHalfEdge = h5.Handle;
                h4.NextHalfEdge         = lastH3.Handle;
                lastH3.NextHalfEdge     = h5.Handle;
                h5.IncidentFace         = triangle1.Handle;
                h4.IncidentFace         = triangle1.Handle;
                lastH3.IncidentFace     = triangle1.Handle;
                h5.PrevHalfEdge         = lastH3.Handle;
                lastH3.PrevHalfEdge     = h4.Handle;
                h4.PrevHalfEdge         = h5.Handle;

                var triangle2 = new Face(cone.CreateFaceHandleId());
                h6.NextHalfEdge         = lastH2.Handle;
                triangle2.OuterHalfEdge = h6.Handle;
                lastH2.NextHalfEdge     = h1.Handle;
                h1.NextHalfEdge         = h6.Handle;
                h6.IncidentFace         = triangle2.Handle;
                lastH2.IncidentFace     = triangle2.Handle;
                h1.IncidentFace         = triangle2.Handle;
                h6.PrevHalfEdge         = h1.Handle;
                h1.PrevHalfEdge         = lastH2.Handle;
                lastH2.PrevHalfEdge     = h6.Handle;

                cone.DictVertices.Add(tempVertex.Handle, tempVertex);
                cone.DictHalfEdges.Add(h1.Handle, h1);
                cone.DictHalfEdges.Add(h2.Handle, h2);
                cone.DictHalfEdges.Add(h3.Handle, h3);
                cone.DictHalfEdges.Add(h4.Handle, h4);
                cone.DictHalfEdges.Add(h5.Handle, h5);
                cone.DictHalfEdges.Add(h6.Handle, h6);
                cone.DictFaces.Add(triangle1.Handle, triangle1);
                cone.DictFaces.Add(triangle2.Handle, triangle2);

                lastH2     = h2;
                lastH3     = h3;
                lastVertex = tempVertex;
            //add south and north pole
            cone.DictVertices.Add(southPole.Handle, southPole);
            cone.DictVertices.Add(northPole.Handle, northPole);

            //create last 2 triangles
            var firstVertex = cone.GetVertexByHandle(firstHandles[0]);
            var firtstH1    = cone.GetHalfEdgeByHandle(firstHandles[1]);
            var firstH4     = cone.GetHalfEdgeByHandle(firstHandles[2]);

            var lastH5 = new HalfEdge(cone.CreateHalfEdgeHandleId());
            var lastH6 = new HalfEdge(cone.CreateHalfEdgeHandleId());

            lastH5.OriginVertex = lastVertex.Handle;
            lastH6.OriginVertex = firstVertex.Handle;
            lastH5.TwinHalfEdge = lastH6.Handle;
            lastH6.TwinHalfEdge = lastH5.Handle;

            //create to triangles south-temp-last, north-last-temp
            var triangleL1 = new Face(cone.CreateFaceHandleId())
                OuterHalfEdge = lastH5.Handle

            lastH5.NextHalfEdge  = firstH4.Handle;
            firstH4.NextHalfEdge = lastH3.Handle;
            lastH3.NextHalfEdge  = lastH5.Handle;
            lastH5.IncidentFace  = triangleL1.Handle;
            firstH4.IncidentFace = triangleL1.Handle;
            lastH3.IncidentFace  = triangleL1.Handle;
            lastH5.PrevHalfEdge  = lastH3.Handle;
            lastH3.PrevHalfEdge  = firstH4.Handle;
            firstH4.PrevHalfEdge = lastH5.Handle;

            var triangleL2 = new Face(cone.CreateFaceHandleId())
                OuterHalfEdge = lastH6.Handle

            lastH6.NextHalfEdge   = lastH2.Handle;
            lastH2.NextHalfEdge   = firtstH1.Handle;
            firtstH1.NextHalfEdge = lastH6.Handle;
            lastH6.IncidentFace   = triangleL2.Handle;
            lastH2.IncidentFace   = triangleL2.Handle;
            firtstH1.IncidentFace = triangleL2.Handle;
            lastH6.PrevHalfEdge   = firtstH1.Handle;
            firtstH1.PrevHalfEdge = lastH2.Handle;
            lastH2.PrevHalfEdge   = lastH6.Handle;

            cone.DictHalfEdges.Add(lastH5.Handle, lastH5);
            cone.DictHalfEdges.Add(lastH6.Handle, lastH6);
            cone.DictFaces.Add(triangleL1.Handle, triangleL1);
            cone.DictFaces.Add(triangleL2.Handle, triangleL2);

            //face normals
            var allFaces = cone.GetAllFaces().ToList();

            foreach (var face in allFaces)
                cone.SetFaceNormal(cone.GetFaceVertices(face.Handle).ToList(), face);
