Esempio n. 1
 public CacheAvoidance(CacheObject parent, AvoidanceType type, Ray R, double speed)
     : base(parent)
     AvoidanceType = type;
     AvoidanceValue = Bot.Settings.Avoidance.Avoidances[(int)type];
     ray_ = R;
     Speed = speed;
     projectile_startPosition = base.Position;
Esempio n. 2
        public override void Initialize()
            base.Test = (ref CacheObject obj) =>
                 if (Bot.Settings.Debug.FunkyLogFlags.HasFlag(LogLevel.Movement))
                     string avoidances = "";
                     Bot.Targeting.Cache.Environment.TriggeringAvoidances.ForEach(a => avoidances = avoidances + a.AvoidanceType.ToString() + ", ");
                     Logger.Write(LogLevel.Movement, "Avoidances Triggering: {0}", avoidances);

                 //Reuse the last generated safe spot...
                 if (DateTime.Now.Subtract(Bot.Targeting.Cache.LastAvoidanceMovement).TotalSeconds < this.iSecondsAvoidMoveFor)
                     Vector3 reuseV3 = Bot.NavigationCache.AttemptToReuseLastLocationFound();
                     if (reuseV3 != Vector3.Zero)
                         if (!ObjectCache.Obstacles.IsPositionWithinAvoidanceArea(reuseV3))
                             obj = new CacheObject(reuseV3, TargetType.Avoidance, 20000f, "SafeReuseAvoid", 2.5f, -1);
                             return true;

                 Vector3 vAnySafePoint;

                 //Check if we have any movement abilities we can cast.. if so lets not check avoidance intersections.
                 PointCheckingFlags flags = Bot.Settings.Plugin.AvoidanceFlags;
                 if (Bot.Character.Class.HasCastableMovementAbility())
                     flags &= ~(PointCheckingFlags.AvoidanceIntersection | PointCheckingFlags.BlockedDirection);

                 if (Bot.NavigationCache.AttemptFindSafeSpot(out vAnySafePoint, Vector3.Zero, flags))
                     float distance = vAnySafePoint.Distance(Bot.Character.Data.Position);

                     Logger.DBLog.DebugFormat("Avoid Movement found AT {0} with {1} Distance", vAnySafePoint.ToString(), distance);

                     //setup avoidance target
                     obj = new CacheObject(vAnySafePoint, TargetType.Avoidance, 20000f, "SafeAvoid", 2.5f, -1);

                     //Estimate time we will be reusing this movement vector3
                     this.iSecondsAvoidMoveFor = 1 + (int)(distance / 5f);
                     return true;
                 {//Failed to find any location..

                     //Set the future date we must wait for to retry..
                     AvoidRetryDate = DateTime.Now.AddMilliseconds(Bot.Settings.Avoidance.FailureRetryMilliseconds);

                 return false;
Esempio n. 3
        public override void Initialize()
            this.Test = (ref CacheObject obj) =>

                //Resuse last safespot until timer expires!
                if (DateTime.Now.Subtract(Bot.Targeting.Cache.LastFleeAction).TotalSeconds < this.iSecondsFleeMoveFor)
                    Vector3 reuseV3 = Bot.NavigationCache.AttemptToReuseLastLocationFound();
                    if (reuseV3 != Vector3.Zero)
                        if (!ObjectCache.Objects.IsPointNearbyMonsters(reuseV3, Bot.Settings.Fleeing.FleeMaxMonsterDistance)
                            && !ObjectCache.Obstacles.IsPositionWithinAvoidanceArea(reuseV3))
                            obj = new CacheObject(reuseV3, TargetType.Fleeing, 20000f, "ReuseFleeSpot", 2.5f, -1);
                            return true;


                Vector3 vAnySafePoint;

                //Setup Line of Sight for last target if its a unit and still valid..
                Vector3 LineOfSight =
                      Bot.Targeting.Cache.LastCachedTarget.targetType.HasValue &&
                      Bot.Targeting.Cache.LastCachedTarget.targetType.Value == TargetType.Unit &&
                      Bot.Targeting.Cache.LastCachedTarget.ObjectIsValidForTargeting ? Bot.Targeting.Cache.LastCachedTarget.Position
                                                                               : Vector3.Zero;
                PointCheckingFlags flags = Bot.Settings.Plugin.FleeingFlags;
                if (Bot.Character.Class.HasCastableMovementAbility())
                    flags &= ~(PointCheckingFlags.AvoidanceIntersection | PointCheckingFlags.BlockedDirection);

                if (Bot.NavigationCache.AttemptFindSafeSpot(out vAnySafePoint, LineOfSight, flags))
                    float distance = vAnySafePoint.Distance(Bot.Character.Data.Position);

                    Logger.DBLog.DebugFormat("Flee Movement found AT {0} with {1} Distance", vAnySafePoint.ToString(), distance.ToString());

                    obj = new CacheObject(vAnySafePoint, TargetType.Fleeing, 20000f, "FleeSpot", 2.5f, -1);
                    this.iSecondsFleeMoveFor = 1 + (int)(distance / 5f);
                    return true;
                {//Failed to find any location..

                    //Set the future date we must wait for to retry..
                    FleeRetryDate = DateTime.Now.AddMilliseconds(Bot.Settings.Fleeing.FailureRetryMilliseconds);


                return false;
Esempio n. 4
        public CacheAvoidance(CacheObject parent, AvoidanceType avoidancetype)
            : base(parent)
            AvoidanceType = avoidancetype;
            AvoidanceValue = Bot.Settings.Avoidance.Avoidances[(int)avoidancetype];

            //Special avoidances that require additional loops before removal (note: the loops are checked every 150ms, but obstacles are checked twice!)
            if (AvoidanceType.HasFlag(AvoidanceType.TreeSpore) && SNOID == 6578)
                RefreshRemovalCounter = 75;
            else if (AvoidanceType.HasFlag(AvoidanceType.GrotesqueExplosion))
                RefreshRemovalCounter = 25;
            else if (AvoidanceType.HasFlag(AvoidanceType.DemonicForge))
                RefreshRemovalCounter = 10;
Esempio n. 5
        public override void Initialize()
            base.Test = (ref CacheObject obj) =>
                this.bStayPutDuringAvoidance = false;

                //cluster update

                //Standard weighting of valid objects -- updates current target.
                this.WeightEvaluationObjList(ref obj);

                //Final Possible Target Check
                if (obj == null)
                    // No valid targets but we were told to stay put?
                    if (this.bStayPutDuringAvoidance)
                        //Lets check our avoidance object list
                        if (Bot.Targeting.Cache.objectsIgnoredDueToAvoidance.Count > 0 && DateTime.Now.Subtract(lastAvoidanceConnectSearch).TotalMilliseconds > 4000)
                            Logger.DBLog.InfoFormat("Preforming Avoidance Connection Search on Potential Objects");
                            lastAvoidanceConnectSearch = DateTime.Now;

                            //Update or Create Bot Postion GPRect
                            GPRectangle botrect = new GPRectangle(Bot.Character.Data.Position);
                            Vector3 connectVector3;
                            foreach (CacheObject testobj in Bot.Targeting.Cache.objectsIgnoredDueToAvoidance)
                                if (botrect.TryFindSafeSpot(Bot.Character.Data.Position, out connectVector3, testobj.Position, PointCheckingFlags.AvoidanceOverlap | PointCheckingFlags.BlockedDirection | PointCheckingFlags.MonsterOverlap | PointCheckingFlags.ObstacleOverlap | PointCheckingFlags.RaycastWalkable, new List<GridPoint>()))
                                    obj = new CacheObject(connectVector3, TargetType.Avoidance, 20000, "Avoid Connection", 2.5f, -1);
                                    return true;

                        if (Bot.Targeting.Cache.Environment.TriggeringAvoidances.Count == 0)
                            obj = new CacheObject(Bot.Character.Data.Position, TargetType.Avoidance, 20000, "StayPutPoint", 2.5f, -1);
                            return true;

                return false;
Esempio n. 6
        public override void Initialize()
            base.Test = (ref CacheObject obj) =>
                if (Bot.Character.Data.Position.Distance(Bot.Targeting.Cache.StartingLocation) > Bot.Settings.Backtracking.MinimumDistanceFromStart)
                    //Generate the path here so we can start moving..
                    Navigation.NP.MoveTo(Bot.Targeting.Cache.StartingLocation, "Backtracking", true);

                    //Setup a temp target that the handler will use
                    obj = new CacheObject(Bot.Targeting.Cache.StartingLocation, TargetType.Backtrack, 20000, "Backtracking", Bot.Settings.Backtracking.MinimumDistanceFromStart);
                    return true;

                Bot.Targeting.Cache.Backtracking = false;
                return false;

Esempio n. 7
        ///Resets/Updates cache and misc vars
        private void InitObjectRefresh()
            //Cache last target only if current target is not avoidance (Movement).
            LastCachedTarget = CurrentTarget != null ? CurrentTarget : ObjectCache.FakeCacheObject;

            if (CurrentTarget != null && CurrentTarget.targetType.HasValue && ObjectCache.CheckTargetTypeFlag(CurrentTarget.targetType.Value, TargetType.AvoidanceMovements))
                if (CurrentTarget.targetType.Value == TargetType.Fleeing)
                    LastFleeAction = DateTime.Now;
                    FleeingLastTarget = true;
                    LastAvoidanceMovement = DateTime.Now;
                    AvoidanceLastTarget = true;
                FleeingLastTarget = false;
                AvoidanceLastTarget = false;

            //Traveling Flag Reset
            TravellingAvoidance = false;

            //Reset target
            CurrentTarget = null;
            CurrentUnitTarget = null;

            //Kill Loot Radius Update

            // Refresh buffs (so we can check for wrath being up to ignore ice balls and anything else like that)

            // Bunch of variables used throughout
            // Reset the counters for monsters at various ranges

            //Check if we should trim our SNO cache..
            if (DateTime.Now.Subtract(ObjectCache.cacheSnoCollection.lastTrimming).TotalMilliseconds > Bot.Settings.Plugin.UnusedSNORemovalRate)

            //Check Cached Object Removal flag
            if (RemovalCheck)
                //Remove flagged objects
                var RemovalObjs = (from objs in ObjectCache.Objects.Values
                                   where objs.NeedsRemoved
                                   select objs.RAGUID).ToList();

                foreach (var item in RemovalObjs)
                    CacheObject thisObj = ObjectCache.Objects[item];

                    //remove prioritized raguid
                    if (Bot.NavigationCache.PrioritizedRAGUIDs.Contains(item))

                    //Blacklist flag check
                    if (thisObj.BlacklistFlag != BlacklistType.None)
                        BlacklistCache.AddObjectToBlacklist(thisObj.RAGUID, thisObj.BlacklistFlag);


                RemovalCheck = false;

            //Increase counter, clear entries if overdue.

            //Non-Combat behavior we reset temp blacklist so we don't get killed by "ignored" units..
            if (Bot.IsInNonCombatBehavior)

            //Check Gold Inactivity
Esempio n. 8
        ///Refreshes Cache and updates current target
        public void Refresh()
            //Update Character (just incase it wasnt called before..)
            Bot.Character.Data.Update(false, true);

            //Reset key targeting vars always!

            //Update object cache collection

            //Update last Refresh Time
            lastRefreshedObjects = DateTime.Now;

            //Refresh Obstacles
            ObjectCache.Obstacles.Values.ForEach(obj => obj.RefreshObject());

            //Check avoidance requirement still valid
            if (RequiresAvoidance)
                if (!AvoidanceLastTarget &&
                     DateTime.Now.Subtract(Bot.Targeting.Movement.LastMovementAttempted).TotalMilliseconds < 300 &&//We are moving..?
                     !ObjectCache.Obstacles.IsPositionWithinAvoidanceArea(Bot.Targeting.Movement.CurrentTargetLocation) &&
                     !ObjectCache.Obstacles.TestVectorAgainstAvoidanceZones(Bot.Character.Data.Position, Bot.Targeting.Movement.CurrentTargetLocation))
                    RequiresAvoidance = false;
                else if (AvoidanceLastTarget && LastCachedTarget.CentreDistance <= 2.5f)
                    RequiresAvoidance = false;
                else if (Environment.TriggeringAvoidances.Count == 0)
                    RequiresAvoidance = false;

            //This is our list of objects we consider to be valid for targeting.
            ValidObjects = ObjectCache.Objects.Values.Where(o => o.ObjectIsValidForTargeting).ToList();

            //Update Prioritize Flag
            bPrioritizeCloseRangeUnits = (Bot.Settings.Targeting.PrioritizeCloseRangeUnits && Bot.Settings.Targeting.PrioritizeCloseRangeMinimumUnits <= Environment.SurroundingUnits);

            // Still no target, let's end it all!
            if (!RefreshTargetBehaviors())
                StartingLocation = Vector3.Zero;

                if (ExitGame.ShouldExitGame)
                    //Have not started exit behavior.. global overlord will begin so lets exit!
                    if (!ExitGame.BehaviorEngaged)
                        CurrentTarget = null;
                    else if (DateTime.Now.Subtract(ExitGame.BehaviorEngagedTime).TotalSeconds > 60)
                    {//We started behavior over a minute ago.. lets just exit already!!
                        Logger.DBLog.InfoFormat("[Funky] Forcing Exiting behavior after one minute!");
                        CurrentTarget = null;
Esempio n. 9
 public CacheItem(CacheObject baseobj)
     : base(baseobj)
Esempio n. 10
 public CacheInteractable(CacheObject baseobj)
     : base(baseobj)
Esempio n. 11
 public CacheObstacle(CacheObject fromObj)
     : base(fromObj)
     if (!Obstacletype.HasValue)
         Obstacletype = ObstacleType.None;
Esempio n. 12
        public override bool TestIntersection(CacheObject OBJ, Vector3 BotPosition)
            if (Obstacletype.Value == ObstacleType.MovingAvoidance)
                Vector3 ProjectileEndPoint = MathEx.GetPointAt(Position, ProjectileMaxRange, Rotation);
                return GridPoint.LineIntersectsLine(BotPosition, Position, PointPosition, ProjectileEndPoint);

            return MathEx.IntersectsPath(base.Position, Radius, BotPosition, OBJ.Position);
Esempio n. 13
 public CacheLineOfSight(CacheObject obj, Vector3 pos)
     OrginCacheObject = obj;
     Position = pos;
Esempio n. 14
        internal RunStatus TargetMoveTo(CacheObject obj)
            #region DebugInfo
            if (Bot.Settings.Debug.DebugStatusBar)
                string Action = "[Move-";
                switch (obj.targetType.Value)
                    case TargetType.Avoidance:
                        Action += "Avoid] ";
                    case TargetType.Fleeing:
                        Action += "Flee] ";

                    case TargetType.Backtrack:
                        Action += "BackTrack] ";

                    case TargetType.LineOfSight:
                        Action += "LOS] ";

                    case TargetType.Unit:
                        if (Bot.NavigationCache.groupRunningBehavior && Bot.NavigationCache.groupingCurrentUnit != null && Bot.NavigationCache.groupingCurrentUnit == obj)
                            Action += "Grouping] ";
                            Action += "Combat] ";

                    case TargetType.Item:
                    case TargetType.Gold:
                    case TargetType.Globe:
                        Action += "Pickup] ";
                    case TargetType.Interactable:
                        Action += "Interact] ";
                    case TargetType.Container:
                        Action += "Open] ";
                    case TargetType.Destructible:
                    case TargetType.Barricade:
                        Action += "Destroy] ";
                    case TargetType.Shrine:
                        Action += "Click] ";

            // Are we currently incapacitated? If so then wait...
            if (Bot.Character.Data.bIsIncapacitated || Bot.Character.Data.bIsRooted)
                return RunStatus.Running;

            //Ignore skip ahead cache for LOS movements..
            if (Bot.Settings.Debug.SkipAhead && obj.targetType.Value != TargetType.LineOfSight)

            // Some stuff to avoid spamming usepower EVERY loop, and also to detect stucks/staying in one place for too long
            bool bForceNewMovement = false;

            //Herbfunk: Added this to prevent stucks attempting to move to a target blocked. (Case: 3 champs behind a wall, within range but could not engage due to being on the other side.)
            #region Non Movement Counter Reached
            if (NonMovementCounter > Bot.Settings.Plugin.MovementNonMovementCount)
                Logger.Write(LogLevel.Movement, "non movement counter reached {0}", NonMovementCounter);

                if (obj.Actortype.HasValue && obj.Actortype.Value.HasFlag(ActorType.Item))
                    if (NonMovementCounter > 250)
                        //Are we stuck?
                        if (!Navigation.MGP.CanStandAt(Bot.Character.Data.Position))
                            Logger.DBLog.InfoFormat("Character is stuck inside non-standable location.. attempting townportal cast..");
                            NonMovementCounter = 0;
                            return RunStatus.Running;

                    //Check if we can walk to this location from current location..
                    if (!Navigation.CanRayCast(Bot.Character.Data.Position, CurrentTargetLocation, UseSearchGridProvider: true))
                        obj.RequiresLOSCheck = true;
                        obj.BlacklistLoops = 50;

                        Logger.Write(LogLevel.Movement, "Ignoring Item {0} -- due to RayCast Failure!", obj.InternalName);

                        Bot.Targeting.Cache.bForceTargetUpdate = true;
                        return RunStatus.Running;
                else if (ObjectCache.CheckTargetTypeFlag(obj.targetType.Value, TargetType.LineOfSight | TargetType.Backtrack))

                    Logger.Write(LogLevel.Movement, "Line of Sight Movement Stalled!");

                    Bot.NavigationCache.LOSmovementObject = null;
                    Bot.Targeting.Cache.bForceTargetUpdate = true;
                    NonMovementCounter = 0;
                    // Reset the emergency loop counter and return success
                    return RunStatus.Running;
                    Logger.Write(LogLevel.Movement, "Ignoring obj {0} ", obj.InternalName + " _ SNO:" + obj.SNOID);
                    obj.BlacklistLoops = 50;
                    obj.RequiresLOSCheck = true;
                    Bot.Targeting.Cache.bForceTargetUpdate = true;
                    NonMovementCounter = 0;

                    // Reset the emergency loop counter and return success
                    return RunStatus.Running;

            //update misc movement info (rotation, state, flags, etc)

            //Do a priority check for nearby obstacle objects.

            #region Evaluate Last Action

            // Position didn't change last update.. check if we are stuck!
            if (DateTime.Now.Subtract(lastPositionChange).TotalMilliseconds > 150 &&
                (!Bot.NavigationCache.IsMoving || Bot.NavigationCache.currentMovementState == MovementState.WalkingInPlace || Bot.NavigationCache.currentMovementState.Equals(MovementState.None)))
                bForceNewMovement = true;
                if (DateTime.Now.Subtract(LastMovementDuringCombat).TotalMilliseconds >= 250)
                    LastMovementDuringCombat = DateTime.Now;

                    // Tell target finder to prioritize close-combat targets incase we were bodyblocked
                    #region TargetingPriortize
                    switch (BlockedMovementCounter)
                        case 2:
                        case 3:
                            if (Bot.NavigationCache.groupRunningBehavior)
                                Logger.Write(LogLevel.Movement, "Grouping Behavior stopped due to blocking counter");

                                Bot.NavigationCache.groupingSuspendedDate = DateTime.Now.AddMilliseconds(4000);
                                Bot.Targeting.Cache.bForceTargetUpdate = true;
                                return RunStatus.Running;

                            if (!ObjectCache.CheckTargetTypeFlag(obj.targetType.Value, TargetType.AvoidanceMovements))
                                //Finally try raycasting to see if navigation is possible..
                                if (obj.Actortype.HasValue &&
                                     (obj.Actortype.Value == ActorType.Gizmo || obj.Actortype.Value == ActorType.Monster))
                                    Vector3 hitTest;
                                    // No raycast available, try and force-ignore this for a little while, and blacklist for a few seconds
                                    if (Navigator.Raycast(Bot.Character.Data.Position, obj.Position, out hitTest))
                                        if (hitTest != Vector3.Zero)
                                            obj.RequiresLOSCheck = true;
                                            obj.BlacklistLoops = 10;
                                            Logger.Write(LogLevel.Movement, "Ignoring object " + obj.InternalName + " due to not moving and raycast failure!", true);

                                            Bot.Targeting.Cache.bForceTargetUpdate = true;
                                            return RunStatus.Running;
                                else if (obj.targetType.Value == TargetType.Item)
                                    obj.BlacklistLoops = 10;
                                    Bot.Targeting.Cache.bForceTargetUpdate = true;
                                if (!Navigation.CanRayCast(Bot.Character.Data.Position, CurrentTargetLocation, NavCellFlags.AllowWalk))
                                    Logger.Write(LogLevel.Movement, "Cannot continue with avoidance movement due to raycast failure!");
                                    BlockedMovementCounter = 0;

                                    Bot.NavigationCache.vlastSafeSpot = Vector3.Zero;
                                    Bot.Targeting.Cache.bForceTargetUpdate = true;
                                    return RunStatus.Running;

                    return RunStatus.Running;
                // Movement has been made, so count the time last moved!
                LastMovementDuringCombat = DateTime.Now;

            // See if we want to ACTUALLY move, or are just waiting for the last move command...
            if (!bForceNewMovement && IsAlreadyMoving && CurrentTargetLocation == LastTargetLocation && DateTime.Now.Subtract(LastMovementCommand).TotalMilliseconds <= 100)
                return RunStatus.Running;

            // If we're doing avoidance, globes or backtracking, try to use special abilities to move quicker
            #region SpecialMovementChecks
            if (ObjectCache.CheckTargetTypeFlag(obj.targetType.Value, Bot.Settings.Combat.CombatMovementTargetTypes))
                Skill MovementPower;
                Vector3 MovementVector = Bot.Character.Class.FindCombatMovementPower(out MovementPower, obj.Position);
                if (MovementVector != Vector3.Zero)
                    ZetaDia.Me.UsePower(MovementPower.Power, MovementVector, Bot.Character.Data.iCurrentWorldID, -1);

                    // Store the current destination for comparison incase of changes next loop
                    LastTargetLocation = CurrentTargetLocation;
                    // Reset total body-block count, since we should have moved
                    //if (DateTime.Now.Subtract(Bot.Targeting.Cache.Environment.lastForcedKeepCloseRange).TotalMilliseconds>=2000)
                    BlockedMovementCounter = 0;

                    return RunStatus.Running;

                //Special Whirlwind Code
                if (Bot.Character.Class.AC == ActorClass.Barbarian && Bot.Character.Class.HotBar.HotbarPowers.Contains(SNOPower.Barbarian_Whirlwind))
                    // Whirlwind against everything within range (except backtrack points)
                    if (Bot.Character.Data.dCurrentEnergy >= 10
                         && Bot.Targeting.Cache.Environment.iAnythingWithinRange[(int)RangeIntervals.Range_20] >= 1
                         && obj.DistanceFromTarget <= 12f
                         && (!Bot.Character.Class.HotBar.HotbarPowers.Contains(SNOPower.Barbarian_Sprint) || Bot.Character.Class.HotBar.HasBuff(SNOPower.Barbarian_Sprint))
                         && (ObjectCache.CheckTargetTypeFlag(obj.targetType.Value, TargetType.AvoidanceMovements | TargetType.Gold | TargetType.Globe) == false)
                         && (obj.targetType.Value != TargetType.Unit
                         || (obj.targetType.Value == TargetType.Unit && !obj.IsTreasureGoblin
                              && (!Bot.Settings.Class.bSelectiveWhirlwind
                                    || Bot.Targeting.Cache.Environment.bAnyNonWWIgnoreMobsInRange
                                    || !CacheIDLookup.hashActorSNOWhirlwindIgnore.Contains(obj.SNOID)))))
                        // Special code to prevent whirlwind double-spam, this helps save fury
                        bool bUseThisLoop = SNOPower.Barbarian_Whirlwind != Bot.Character.Class.LastUsedAbility.Power;
                        if (!bUseThisLoop)
                            if (Bot.Character.Class.Abilities[SNOPower.Barbarian_Whirlwind].LastUsedMilliseconds >= 200)
                                bUseThisLoop = true;
                        if (bUseThisLoop)
                            ZetaDia.Me.UsePower(SNOPower.Barbarian_Whirlwind, CurrentTargetLocation, Bot.Character.Data.iCurrentWorldID);
                        // Store the current destination for comparison incase of changes next loop
                        LastTargetLocation = CurrentTargetLocation;
                        BlockedMovementCounter = 0;
                        return RunStatus.Running;

            // Now for the actual movement request stuff
            IsAlreadyMoving = true;
            UseTargetMovement(obj, bForceNewMovement);

            // Store the current destination for comparison incase of changes next loop
            LastMovementAttempted = DateTime.Now;
            LastTargetLocation = CurrentTargetLocation;

            //Check if we moved at least 5f..
            if (LastPlayerLocation.Distance(Bot.Character.Data.Position) <= 5f)
                NonMovementCounter = 0;
                BlockedMovementCounter = 0;

            //store player location
            LastPlayerLocation = Bot.Character.Data.Position;

            return RunStatus.Running;
Esempio n. 15
        private void UseTargetMovement(CacheObject obj, bool bForceNewMovement = false)
            float currentDistance = Vector3.Distance(LastTargetLocation, CurrentTargetLocation);
            if (DateTime.Now.Subtract(LastMovementAttempted).TotalMilliseconds >= 250 || (currentDistance >= 2f && !Bot.NavigationCache.IsMoving) || bForceNewMovement)
                bool UsePowerMovement = true;

                //Check for any circumstances where we use actor movement instead of power. (click or click-hold)
                if (ObjectCache.CheckTargetTypeFlag(obj.targetType.Value, TargetType.AvoidanceMovements))
                    if (NonMovementCounter < 10 || currentDistance > 50f)
                        UsePowerMovement = false;
                else if (ObjectCache.CheckTargetTypeFlag(obj.targetType.Value, TargetType.LineOfSight | TargetType.Backtrack))
                    if (currentDistance > 30f)
                        UsePowerMovement = false;
                    //Use Walk Power when not using LOS Movement, target is not an item and target does not ignore LOS.
                    if (!(NonMovementCounter < 10 &&
                        !obj.UsingLOSV3 &&
                        !obj.IgnoresLOSCheck &&
                         (obj.targetType.Value != TargetType.Item) &&
                         obj.targetType.Value != TargetType.Interactable))
                        UsePowerMovement = false;

                //Preform Movement!
                if (!UsePowerMovement)
                    ZetaDia.Me.UsePower(SNOPower.Walk, CurrentTargetLocation, Bot.Character.Data.iCurrentWorldID);

                //and record when we sent the movement..
                LastMovementCommand = DateTime.Now;
Esempio n. 16
 ///Used to recreate from temp into obstacle object.
 public CacheObject(CacheObject parent)
     : base(parent)
     AcdGuid = parent.AcdGuid;
     BlacklistFlag = parent.BlacklistFlag;
     BlacklistLoops_ = parent.BlacklistLoops_;
     gprect_ = parent.gprect_;
     InteractionAttempts = parent.InteractionAttempts;
     lineofsight = new LOSInfo(this);
     LoopsUnseen_ = parent.LoopsUnseen_;
     losv3_ = parent.losv3_;
     LosSearchRetryMilliseconds_ = parent.LosSearchRetryMilliseconds_;
     NeedsRemoved = parent.NeedsRemoved;
     NeedsUpdate = parent.NeedsUpdate;
     PrioritizedDate = parent.PrioritizedDate;
     PriorityCounter = parent.PriorityCounter;
     position_ = parent.Position;
     radius_ = parent.Radius;
     RAGUID = parent.RAGUID;
     ref_DiaObject = parent.ref_DiaObject;
     removal_ = parent.removal_;
     RequiresLOSCheck = parent.RequiresLOSCheck;
     SummonerID = parent.SummonerID;
     weight_ = parent.Weight;
     HandleAsAvoidanceObject = parent.HandleAsAvoidanceObject;
     Properties = parent.Properties;
Esempio n. 17
 ///Tests if this intersects with current bot position using CacheObject
 public virtual bool TestIntersection(CacheObject OBJ, Vector3 BotPosition)
     return MathEx.IntersectsPath(base.Position, Radius, BotPosition, BotMeleeVector);
Esempio n. 18
        public override void Initialize()
            base.Test = (ref CacheObject obj) =>
                if (obj == null)
                    if (Bot.NavigationCache.LOSmovementObject != null &&
                        (Bot.NavigationCache.LOSmovementObject.CentreDistance < 50f && !Bot.NavigationCache.LOSmovementObject.CacheContainsOrginObject()))
                    {//Invalidated the Line of sight obj!

                        Logger.Write(LogLevel.Movement, "LOS Object is No Longer Valid -- Reseting.");

                        Bot.NavigationCache.LOSmovementObject = null;

                        if (Bot.Targeting.Cache.LastCachedTarget.targetType.Value == TargetType.LineOfSight)

                    if (Bot.NavigationCache.LOSmovementObject == null)
                    {//New LOS Movement Selection.

                        Bot.Targeting.Cache.Environment.LoSMovementObjects = Bot.Targeting.Cache.Environment.LoSMovementObjects.OrderBy(o => o.CentreDistance).ToList();
                        foreach (var cobj in Bot.Targeting.Cache.Environment.LoSMovementObjects)
                        {//Iterate Units

                            if (Bot.NavigationCache.LOSBlacklistedRAGUIDs.Contains(cobj.RAGUID)) continue;

                            if (!Navigation.NP.CanFullyClientPathTo(cobj.Position)) continue;

                            Logger.Write(LogLevel.Movement, "Line of Sight Started for object {0} -- with {1} vectors", cobj.InternalName, Navigation.NP.CurrentPath.Count);


                            //Set the object
                            Bot.NavigationCache.LOSmovementObject = new CacheLineOfSight(cobj, cobj.Position);


                    if (Bot.NavigationCache.LOSmovementObject != null)
                    {//Line of Sight unit is valid

                        //See if the orgin object is still valid..
                        if (Bot.NavigationCache.LOSmovementObject.CentreDistance<75f)
                            if (!Bot.NavigationCache.LOSmovementObject.CacheContainsOrginObject())
                                Logger.Write(LogLevel.Movement, "Line of Sight Ending due to Orgin Object No Longer Available!");
                                Bot.NavigationCache.LOSmovementObject = null;
                                return false;
                                //Update Position using Orgin Object?

                        Navigation.NP.MoveTo(Bot.NavigationCache.LOSmovementObject.Position, "LOS", true);
                        if (Navigation.NP.CurrentPath.Count > 0)
                            //Setup a temp target that the handler will use
                            obj = new CacheObject(Bot.NavigationCache.LOSmovementObject.Position, TargetType.LineOfSight, 1d, "LOS Movement", Navigation.NP.PathPrecision);
                            return true;

                return false;
Esempio n. 19
 public CacheServerObject(CacheObject parent)
     : base(parent)
     //if (IsDemonicForge)
     //	UpdateRotation();
     //	FacingStartVector3 = MathEx.GetPointAt(Position, 15f, Rotation);
     //	FacingEndVector3 = MathEx.GetPointAt(FacingStartVector3, 30f, Rotation);
Esempio n. 20
 public LOSInfo(CacheObject obj)
Esempio n. 21
        internal static void IgnoreThisObject(CacheObject thisobj, bool removal = true, bool blacklistSNOID = true)
            //Logger.DBLog.InfoFormat("[Blacklist] Obj RAGUID {0} SNOID {1} ({2})", thisobj.RAGUID, thisobj.SNOID, thisobj.InternalName);

            int sno, raguid;
            sno = thisobj.SNOID;
            raguid = thisobj.RAGUID;

            //Add to our blacklist so we don't create it again..

            if (blacklistSNOID)
                //Blacklist SNO so we don't create it ever again!

            if (removal)
                //Clear SNO cache entries..

                if (ObjectCache.Objects.ContainsKey(raguid))

Esempio n. 22
        ///Iterates through Usable objects and sets the Bot.CurrentTarget to the highest weighted object found inside the given list.
        private void WeightEvaluationObjList(ref CacheObject CurrentTarget)
            // Store if we are ignoring all units this cycle or not
            bool bIgnoreAllUnits = !Bot.Targeting.Cache.Environment.bAnyChampionsPresent
                                        && ((!Bot.Targeting.Cache.Environment.bAnyTreasureGoblinsPresent && Bot.Settings.Targeting.GoblinPriority >= 2) || Bot.Settings.Targeting.GoblinPriority < 2)
                                        && Bot.Character.Data.dCurrentHealthPct >= 0.85d;

            //clear our last "avoid" list..

            double iHighestWeightFound = 0;

            foreach (CacheObject thisobj in Bot.Targeting.Cache.ValidObjects)

                if (thisobj.Weight == 1)
                    // Force the character to stay where it is if there is nothing available that is out of avoidance stuff and we aren't already in avoidance stuff
                    thisobj.Weight = 0;
                    if (!Bot.Targeting.Cache.RequiresAvoidance)
                        this.bStayPutDuringAvoidance = true;


                // Is the weight of this one higher than the current-highest weight? Then make this the new primary target!
                if (thisobj.Weight > iHighestWeightFound && thisobj.Weight > 0)
                    //Check combat looting (Demonbuddy Setting)
                    if (iHighestWeightFound > 0
                                         && thisobj.targetType.Value == TargetType.Item
                                         && !CharacterSettings.Instance.CombatLooting
                                         && CurrentTarget.targetType.Value == TargetType.Unit) continue;

                    //cache RAGUID so we can switch back if we need to
                    int CurrentTargetRAGUID = CurrentTarget != null ? CurrentTarget.RAGUID : -1;

                    //Set our current target to this object!
                    CurrentTarget = ObjectCache.Objects[thisobj.RAGUID];

                    bool resetTarget = false;

                    if (!Bot.Character.Class.IsMeleeClass && CurrentTarget.targetType.Value == TargetType.Unit && Bot.Targeting.Cache.Environment.NearbyAvoidances.Count > 0)
                    {//Ranged Class -- Unit -- with Nearby Avoidances..

                        //We are checking if this target is valid and will not cause avoidance triggering due to movement.

                        //set unit target (for Ability selector).
                        Bot.Targeting.Cache.CurrentUnitTarget = (CacheUnit)CurrentTarget;

                        //Generate next Ability..
                        Skill nextAbility = Bot.Character.Class.AbilitySelector(Bot.Targeting.Cache.CurrentUnitTarget, Bot.Targeting.Cache.LastCachedTarget.targetType == TargetType.NoMovement);

                        if (nextAbility == Bot.Character.Class.DefaultAttack && !Bot.Character.Class.CanUseDefaultAttack)
                        {//No valid ability found

                            Logger.Write(LogLevel.Target, "Could not find a valid ability for unit {0}", thisobj.InternalName);

                            //if (thisobj.ObjectIsSpecial)
                            //     ObjectCache.Objects.objectsIgnoredDueToAvoidance.Add(thisobj);
                            resetTarget = true;

                            Vector3 destination = nextAbility.DestinationVector;
                            if (ObjectCache.Obstacles.TestVectorAgainstAvoidanceZones(Bot.Character.Data.Position, destination))
                                //if (!thisobj.ObjectIsSpecial)
                                //	resetTarget = true;

                        //reset unit target
                        Bot.Targeting.Cache.CurrentUnitTarget = null;

                    //Avoidance Attempt to find a location where we can attack!
                    if (Bot.Targeting.Cache.objectsIgnoredDueToAvoidance.Contains(thisobj))
                        //Wait if no valid target found yet.. and no avoidance movement required.
                        if (!Bot.Targeting.Cache.RequiresAvoidance)
                            this.bStayPutDuringAvoidance = true;

                        resetTarget = true;

                    if (resetTarget)
                        CurrentTarget = CurrentTargetRAGUID != -1 ? ObjectCache.Objects[CurrentTargetRAGUID] : null;

                    iHighestWeightFound = thisobj.Weight;

            } // Loop through all the objects and give them a weight
Esempio n. 23
        ///Adds/Updates CacheObjects inside collection by Iteration of RactorList
        ///This is the method that caches all live data about an object!
        internal static bool UpdateCacheObjectCollection()
            HashSet<int> hashDoneThisRactor = new HashSet<int>();
            using (ZetaDia.Memory.AcquireFrame(true))
                if (!ZetaDia.IsInGame || ZetaDia.IsLoadingWorld || !ZetaDia.Me.IsValid) return false;

                foreach (Actor thisActor in ZetaDia.Actors.RActorList)
                    int tmp_raGUID;
                    DiaObject thisObj;

                    if (!thisActor.IsValid) continue;
                    //Convert to DiaObject
                    thisObj = (DiaObject)thisActor;
                    tmp_raGUID = thisObj.RActorGuid;

                    // See if we've already checked this ractor, this loop
                    if (hashDoneThisRactor.Contains(tmp_raGUID)) continue;

                    //Update RactorGUID and check blacklisting..
                    if (BlacklistCache.IsRAGUIDBlacklisted(tmp_raGUID)) continue;
                    CacheObject tmp_CachedObj;

                    if (!Objects.TryGetValue(tmp_raGUID, out tmp_CachedObj))
                        Vector3 tmp_position;
                        int tmp_acdguid;
                        int tmp_SNOID;

                        #region SNO
                        //Lookup SNO
                            tmp_SNOID = thisObj.ActorSNO;
                        catch (NullReferenceException)
                            //Logger.DBLog.InfoFormat("Failure to get SNO from object! RaGUID: {0}", tmp_raGUID);

                        //check our SNO blacklist
                        if (BlacklistCache.IsSNOIDBlacklisted(tmp_SNOID) && !CacheIDLookup.hashSummonedPets.Contains(tmp_SNOID)) continue;

                        #region Position
                            tmp_position = thisObj.Position;
                        catch (NullReferenceException)
                            //Logger.DBLog.InfoFormat("Failure to get position vector for RAGUID {0}", tmp_raGUID);


                        #region AcdGUID
                            tmp_acdguid = thisObj.ACDGuid;
                        catch (NullReferenceException)
                            //Logger.DBLog.InfoFormat("Failure to get ACDGUID for RAGUID {0}", tmp_raGUID);


                        tmp_CachedObj = new CacheObject(tmp_SNOID, tmp_raGUID, tmp_acdguid, tmp_position);
                        //Reset unseen var
                        tmp_CachedObj.LoopsUnseen = 0;

                        if (thisObj.CommonData == null || thisObj.CommonData.ACDGuid != thisObj.ACDGuid) continue;
                    catch (NullReferenceException)

                    //Check if this object is a summoned unit by a player...
                    #region SummonedUnits
                    if (tmp_CachedObj.IsSummonedPet)
                        // Get the summoned-by info, cached if possible
                        if (!tmp_CachedObj.SummonerID.HasValue)
                                tmp_CachedObj.SummonerID = thisObj.CommonData.GetAttribute<int>(ActorAttributeType.SummonedByACDID);
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                //Logger.DBLog.InfoFormat("[Funky] Safely handled exception getting summoned-by info [" + tmp_CachedObj.SNOID.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "]");

                        //See if this summoned unit was summoned by the bot.
                        if (Bot.Character.Data.iMyDynamicID == tmp_CachedObj.SummonerID.Value)
                            //Now modify the player data pets count..
                            if (Bot.Character.Class.AC == ActorClass.Monk)
                            else if (Bot.Character.Class.AC == ActorClass.DemonHunter)
                                if (CacheIDLookup.hashDHPets.Contains(tmp_CachedObj.SNOID))
                                else if (CacheIDLookup.hashDHSpikeTraps.Contains(tmp_CachedObj.SNOID) && tmp_CachedObj.CentreDistance <= 50f)
                            else if (Bot.Character.Class.AC == ActorClass.Witchdoctor)
                                if (CacheIDLookup.hashZombie.Contains(tmp_CachedObj.SNOID))
                                else if (CacheIDLookup.hashGargantuan.Contains(tmp_CachedObj.SNOID))
                            else if (Bot.Character.Class.AC == ActorClass.Wizard)
                                //only count when range is within 45f (so we can summon a new one)
                                if (CacheIDLookup.hashWizHydras.Contains(tmp_CachedObj.SNOID) && tmp_CachedObj.CentreDistance <= 45f)

                        //We return regardless if it was summoned by us or not since this object is not anything we want to deal with..
                        tmp_CachedObj.NeedsRemoved = true;

                    //Update any SNO Data.
                    #region SNO_Cache_Update
                    if (tmp_CachedObj.ref_DiaObject == null || tmp_CachedObj.ContainsNullValues())
                        if (!tmp_CachedObj.UpdateData(thisObj, tmp_CachedObj.RAGUID))
                    else if (!tmp_CachedObj.IsFinalized)
                    {//Finalize this data by recreating it and updating the Sno cache with a new finalized entry, this also clears our all Sno cache dictionaries since we no longer need them!

                    //Special Cache for Interactable Server Objects
                    if (CheckTargetTypeFlag(tmp_CachedObj.targetType.Value, TargetType.ServerInteractable))
                        if (!Bot.Game.Profile.InteractableObjectCache.ContainsKey(tmp_CachedObj.RAGUID))
                            Bot.Game.Profile.InteractableObjectCache.Add(tmp_CachedObj.RAGUID, tmp_CachedObj);

                        //Do not add to main cache!

                    //Objects with static positions already cached don't need to be updated here.
                    if (!tmp_CachedObj.NeedsUpdate) continue;

                    //Obstacles -- (Not an actual object we add to targeting.)
                    if (CheckTargetTypeFlag(tmp_CachedObj.targetType.Value, TargetType.Avoidance) || tmp_CachedObj.IsObstacle || tmp_CachedObj.HandleAsAvoidanceObject)
                        #region Obstacles

                        CacheObstacle thisObstacle;
                        //Do we have this cached?
                        if (!Obstacles.TryGetValue(tmp_CachedObj.RAGUID, out thisObstacle))
                            AvoidanceType AvoidanceType = AvoidanceType.None;
                            if (tmp_CachedObj.IsAvoidance)
                                AvoidanceType = AvoidanceCache.FindAvoidanceUsingSNOID(tmp_CachedObj.SNOID);
                                if (AvoidanceType == AvoidanceType.None)
                                    AvoidanceType = AvoidanceCache.FindAvoidanceUsingName(tmp_CachedObj.InternalName);
                                    if (AvoidanceType == AvoidanceType.None) continue;

                            if (tmp_CachedObj.IsAvoidance && tmp_CachedObj.IsProjectileAvoidance)
                            {//Ranged Projectiles require more than simple bounding points.. so we create it as avoidance zone to cache it with properties.
                                //Check for intersection..
                                    ActorMovement thisMovement = thisObj.Movement;
                                    Vector2 Direction = thisMovement.DirectionVector;
                                    Ray R = new Ray(tmp_CachedObj.Position, Direction.ToVector3());
                                    double Speed;
                                    //Lookup Cached Speed, or add new entry.
                                    if (!dictProjectileSpeed.TryGetValue(tmp_CachedObj.SNOID, out Speed))
                                        Speed = thisMovement.DesiredSpeed;
                                        dictProjectileSpeed.Add(tmp_CachedObj.SNOID, Speed);

                                    thisObstacle = new CacheAvoidance(tmp_CachedObj, AvoidanceType, R, Speed);

                                        Logger.Write(LogLevel.Cache, "Failed to create projectile avoidance with rotation and speed. {0}", tmp_CachedObj.InternalName);
                            else if (tmp_CachedObj.IsAvoidance)
                                //Poison Gas Can Be Friendly...
                                if (AvoidanceType == AvoidanceType.PoisonGas)
                                    int TeamID = 0;
                                        TeamID = thisObj.CommonData.GetAttribute<int>(ActorAttributeType.TeamID);

                                            Logger.Write(LogLevel.Cache, "Failed to retrieve TeamID attribute for object {0}", thisObstacle.InternalName);

                                    //ID of 1 means its non-hostile! (-1?) 2??
                                    //if (TeamID==1||TeamID==-1)
                                    if (TeamID != 10)
                                        //Logger.Write(LogLevel.None, "Ignoring Avoidance {0} due to Friendly TeamID match!", tmp_CachedObj.InternalName);
                                        BlacklistCache.AddObjectToBlacklist(tmp_CachedObj.RAGUID, BlacklistType.Permanent);

                                thisObstacle = new CacheAvoidance(tmp_CachedObj, AvoidanceType);
                                thisObstacle = new CacheServerObject(tmp_CachedObj);


                    if (tmp_CachedObj.ObjectShouldBeRecreated)
                        //Specific updates
                        if (tmp_CachedObj.Actortype.Value == ActorType.Item)
                            tmp_CachedObj = new CacheItem(tmp_CachedObj);
                        else if (tmp_CachedObj.Actortype.Value == ActorType.Monster)
                            tmp_CachedObj = new CacheUnit(tmp_CachedObj);
                        else if (tmp_CachedObj.Actortype.Value == ActorType.Gizmo)

                            if (CheckTargetTypeFlag(tmp_CachedObj.targetType.Value, TargetType.Interactables))
                                tmp_CachedObj = new CacheInteractable(tmp_CachedObj);
                                tmp_CachedObj = new CacheDestructable(tmp_CachedObj);

                        //Update Properties

                    if (!tmp_CachedObj.UpdateData())
                        if (!tmp_CachedObj.IsStillValid())
                            tmp_CachedObj.NeedsRemoved = true;


                    //Obstacle cache
                    if (tmp_CachedObj.Obstacletype.Value != ObstacleType.None
                          && (CheckTargetTypeFlag(tmp_CachedObj.targetType.Value, TargetType.ServerObjects)))
                        CacheObstacle thisObstacleObj;

                        if (!Obstacles.TryGetValue(tmp_CachedObj.RAGUID, out thisObstacleObj))
                            CacheServerObject newobj = new CacheServerObject(tmp_CachedObj);
                            Obstacles.Add(tmp_CachedObj.RAGUID, newobj);

                            //Add nearby objects to our collection (used in navblock/obstaclecheck methods to reduce queries)
                            if (CacheIDLookup.hashSNONavigationObstacles.Contains(newobj.SNOID))
                                Navigation.MGP.AddCellWeightingObstacle(newobj.SNOID, newobj.Radius);
                            if (thisObstacleObj.targetType.Value == TargetType.Unit)
                                //Since units position requires updating, we update using the CacheObject
                                thisObstacleObj.Position = tmp_CachedObj.Position;
                                Obstacles[tmp_CachedObj.RAGUID] = thisObstacleObj;

                    //cache it
                    if (Objects.ContainsKey(tmp_CachedObj.RAGUID))
                        Objects[tmp_CachedObj.RAGUID] = tmp_CachedObj;
                        Objects.Add(tmp_CachedObj.RAGUID, tmp_CachedObj);

                } //End of Loop

            }// End of Framelock

            //Tally up unseen objects.
            var UnseenObjects = Objects.Keys.Where(O => !hashDoneThisRactor.Contains(O)).ToList();
            if (UnseenObjects.Any())
                for (int i = 0; i < UnseenObjects.Count(); i++)

            //Trim our collection every 5th refresh.
            if (UpdateLoopCounter > 4)
                UpdateLoopCounter = 0;
                //Now flag any objects not seen for 5 loops. Gold/Globe only 1 loop.
                foreach (var item in Objects.Values.Where(CO =>
                    (CO.LoopsUnseen >= 5 || //5 loops max..
                    (CO.targetType.HasValue && (CheckTargetTypeFlag(CO.targetType.Value, TargetType.Gold | TargetType.Globe)) && CO.LoopsUnseen > 0)))) //gold/globe only 1 loop!
                    item.NeedsRemoved = true;

            return true;
Esempio n. 24
 public CacheGizmo(CacheObject baseobj)
     : base(baseobj)
Esempio n. 25
        public override void Initialize()
            base.Test = (ref CacheObject obj) =>
                if (obj == null)
                    // See if we should wait for milliseconds for possible loot drops before continuing run
                    if (DateTime.Now.Subtract(Bot.Targeting.Cache.lastHadUnitInSights).TotalMilliseconds <= Bot.Settings.AfterCombatDelay && DateTime.Now.Subtract(Bot.Targeting.Cache.lastHadEliteUnitInSights).TotalMilliseconds <= 10000 ||
                        //Cut the delay time in half for non-elite monsters!
                        DateTime.Now.Subtract(Bot.Targeting.Cache.lastHadUnitInSights).TotalMilliseconds <= Bot.Settings.AfterCombatDelay)
                        obj = new CacheObject(Bot.Character.Data.Position, TargetType.NoMovement, 20000, "WaitForLootDrops", 2f, -1);
                        return true;

                    //Herbfunks wait after loot containers are opened. 3s for rare chests, half the settings delay for everything else.
                    if ((DateTime.Now.Subtract(Bot.Targeting.Cache.lastHadRareChestAsTarget).TotalMilliseconds <= 3750) ||
                        (DateTime.Now.Subtract(Bot.Targeting.Cache.lastHadContainerAsTarget).TotalMilliseconds <= (Bot.Settings.AfterCombatDelay * 1.25)) ||
                        (DateTime.Now.Subtract(Bot.Targeting.Cache.lastSeenCursedShrine).TotalMilliseconds <= (1000)))
                        obj = new CacheObject(Bot.Character.Data.Position, TargetType.NoMovement, 20000, "ContainerLootDropsWait", 2f, -1);
                        return true;
                    if (DateTime.Now.Subtract(Bot.Targeting.Cache.lastSeenCursedShrine).TotalMilliseconds <= (1000))
                        Bot.Targeting.Cache.UpdateQuestMonsterProperty = true;
                        obj = new CacheObject(Bot.Character.Data.Position, TargetType.NoMovement, 20000, "CursedShrineWait", 2f, -1);
                        return true;
                        Bot.Targeting.Cache.UpdateQuestMonsterProperty = false;

                    // Finally, a special check for waiting for wrath of the berserker cooldown before engaging Azmodan
                    if (Bot.Character.Class.HotBar.HotbarPowers.Contains(SNOPower.Barbarian_WrathOfTheBerserker) && Bot.Settings.Class.bWaitForWrath && !Bot.Character.Class.Abilities[SNOPower.Barbarian_WrathOfTheBerserker].AbilityUseTimer() &&
                        Bot.Character.Data.iCurrentWorldID == 121214 &&
                        (Vector3.Distance(Bot.Character.Data.Position, new Vector3(711.25f, 716.25f, 80.13903f)) <= 40f || Vector3.Distance(Bot.Character.Data.Position, new Vector3(546.8467f, 551.7733f, 1.576313f)) <= 40f))
                        Logger.DBLog.InfoFormat("[Funky] Waiting for Wrath Of The Berserker cooldown before continuing to Azmodan.");
                        obj = new CacheObject(Bot.Character.Data.Position, TargetType.NoMovement, 20000, "GilesWaitForWrath", 0f, -1);
                        return true;
                    // And a special check for wizard archon
                    if (Bot.Character.Class.HotBar.HotbarPowers.Contains(SNOPower.Wizard_Archon) && !Bot.Character.Class.Abilities[SNOPower.Wizard_Archon].AbilityUseTimer() && Bot.Settings.Class.bWaitForArchon && ZetaDia.CurrentWorldId == 121214 &&
                        (Vector3.Distance(Bot.Character.Data.Position, new Vector3(711.25f, 716.25f, 80.13903f)) <= 40f || Vector3.Distance(Bot.Character.Data.Position, new Vector3(546.8467f, 551.7733f, 1.576313f)) <= 40f))
                        Logger.DBLog.InfoFormat("[Funky] Waiting for Wizard Archon cooldown before continuing to Azmodan.");
                        obj = new CacheObject(Bot.Character.Data.Position, TargetType.NoMovement, 20000, "GilesWaitForArchon", 0f, -1);
                        return true;
                    // And a very sexy special check for WD BigBadVoodoo
                    if (Bot.Character.Class.HotBar.HotbarPowers.Contains(SNOPower.Witchdoctor_BigBadVoodoo) && !PowerManager.CanCast(SNOPower.Witchdoctor_BigBadVoodoo) && ZetaDia.CurrentWorldId == 121214 &&
                        (Vector3.Distance(Bot.Character.Data.Position, new Vector3(711.25f, 716.25f, 80.13903f)) <= 40f || Vector3.Distance(Bot.Character.Data.Position, new Vector3(546.8467f, 551.7733f, 1.576313f)) <= 40f))
                        Logger.DBLog.InfoFormat("[Funky] Waiting for WD BigBadVoodoo cooldown before continuing to Azmodan.");
                        obj = new CacheObject(Bot.Character.Data.Position, TargetType.NoMovement, 20000, "GilesWaitForVoodooo", 0f, -1);
                        return true;

                    //Currently preforming an interactive profile behavior (check if in town and not vendoring)
                    if (Bot.Game.Profile.PreformingInteractiveBehavior && (!Bot.Character.Data.bIsInTown || !BrainBehavior.IsVendoring))
                        if (Bot.Game.Profile.InteractableCachedObject.Position.Distance(Bot.Character.Data.Position) > 50f)
                            if (Bot.Targeting.Cache.LastCachedTarget.Position != Bot.Game.Profile.InteractableCachedObject.Position)

                            //Generate the path here so we can start moving..
                            Navigation.NP.MoveTo(Bot.Game.Profile.InteractableCachedObject.Position, "ReturnToOOCLoc", true);

                            //Setup a temp target that the handler will use
                            obj = new CacheObject(Bot.Game.Profile.InteractableCachedObject.Position, TargetType.LineOfSight, 1d, "ReturnToOOCLoc", 10f, Bot.Game.Profile.InteractableCachedObject.RAGUID);
                            return true;

                    //Check if we engaged in combat..
                    bool EngagedInCombat = false;
                    float distanceFromStart = 0f;
                    if (Bot.Targeting.Cache.LastCachedTarget != ObjectCache.FakeCacheObject && !Bot.Targeting.Cache.Backtracking && Bot.Targeting.Cache.StartingLocation != Vector3.Zero)
                        EngagedInCombat = true;
                        distanceFromStart = Bot.Character.Data.Position.Distance(Bot.Targeting.Cache.StartingLocation);
                        //lets see how far we are from our starting location.
                        if (distanceFromStart > 20f &&
                              !Navigation.CanRayCast(Bot.Character.Data.Position, Funky.PlayerMover.vLastMoveTo, UseSearchGridProvider: true))
                            Logger.Write(LogLevel.Movement, "Updating Navigator in Target Refresh");

                            //Navigator.MoveTo(Funky.PlayerMover.vLastMoveTo, "original destination", true);

                    //Check if our current path intersects avoidances. (When not in town, and not currently inside avoidance)
                    if (!Bot.Character.Data.bIsInTown && (Bot.Settings.Avoidance.AttemptAvoidanceMovements || Bot.Character.Data.CriticalAvoidance)
                            && Navigation.NP.CurrentPath.Count > 0
                            && Bot.Targeting.Cache.Environment.TriggeringAvoidances.Count == 0)
                        if (ObjectCache.Obstacles.TestVectorAgainstAvoidanceZones(Bot.Character.Data.Position, Navigation.NP.CurrentPath.Current))
                            obj = new CacheObject(Bot.Character.Data.Position, TargetType.NoMovement, 20000, "AvoidanceIntersection", 2.5f, -1);
                            return true;

                    //Backtracking Check..
                    if (EngagedInCombat && Bot.Settings.Backtracking.EnableBacktracking && distanceFromStart >= Bot.Settings.Backtracking.MinimumDistanceFromStart)
                        Bot.Targeting.Cache.Backtracking = true;
                        obj = new CacheObject(Bot.Targeting.Cache.StartingLocation, TargetType.Backtrack, 20000, "Backtracking", 2.5f);
                        return true;

                return obj != null;
Esempio n. 26
        ///Tracks Current Profile Behavior and sets IsRunningOOCBehavior depending on the current Type of behavior.
        internal void CheckCurrentProfileBehavior()
            if (DateTime.Now.Subtract(LastProfileBehaviorCheck).TotalMilliseconds > 450)
                LastProfileBehaviorCheck = DateTime.Now;

                if (currentProfileBehavior == null
                     || ProfileManager.CurrentProfileBehavior != null
                     && ProfileManager.CurrentProfileBehavior.Behavior != null
                     && currentProfileBehavior.Behavior.Guid != ProfileManager.CurrentProfileBehavior.Behavior.Guid)
                    currentProfileBehavior = ProfileManager.CurrentProfileBehavior;
                    Logger.Write(LogLevel.Event, "Profile Behavior Changed To {0}", currentProfileBehavior.GetType().ToString());

                    Type profileTagType = currentProfileBehavior.GetType();
                    if (oocDBTags.Contains(profileTagType))
                        if (InteractiveTags.Contains(profileTagType))
                            ProfileBehaviorIsOOCInteractive = true;
                            Logger.DBLog.DebugFormat("Interactable Profile Tag!");

                            InteractableCachedObject = GetInteractiveCachedObject(currentProfileBehavior);
                            if (InteractableCachedObject != null)
                                Logger.DBLog.DebugFormat("Found Cached Interactable Server Object");

                            ProfileBehaviorIsOOCInteractive = false;
                            InteractableCachedObject = null;

                        Logger.DBLog.DebugFormat("Current Profile Behavior has enabled OOC Behavior.");
                        IsRunningOOCBehavior = true;
                        ProfileBehaviorIsOOCInteractive = false;
                        InteractableCachedObject = null;
                        IsRunningOOCBehavior = false;

Esempio n. 27
 public CacheDestructable(CacheObject baseobj)
     : base(baseobj)
Esempio n. 28
 internal void ResetTargetHandling()
     CurrentTarget = null;
     StartingLocation = Vector3.Zero;
     bWaitingForPower = false;
     bWaitingAfterPower = false;
     bWaitingForPotion = false;
     bWasRootedLastTick = false;
     recheckCount = 0;
     reCheckedFinished = false;
     CheckItemLootStackCount = 0;
     Backtracking = false;
Esempio n. 29
 public CacheUnit(CacheObject baseobj)
     : base(baseobj)
     //update properties
Esempio n. 30
 public TargetChangedArgs(CacheObject newobj, TargetBehavioralTypes sendingtype)
     newObject = newobj;
     targetBehaviorUsed = sendingtype;
Esempio n. 31
 public CacheItem(CacheObject baseobj)
     : base(baseobj)