Esempio n. 1
        // creating app with name f1 => apptype = Compose_f1
        // create app with name f1 (fabric:/f1)
        // service name is from docker compose file
        public async Task CreateApp(string appName, string imagePath, int replicaCount)
            var yaml = $"version: \"3\"\r\nservices:\r\n    {appName}Service:\r\n        image: {imagePath}\r\n        ports:\r\n             - \"{_nextAvailablePort++}:1337/http\"\r\n        deploy:\r\n            replicas: {replicaCount}";
            var composeApplication = new ComposeApplication(appName, yaml);
            await _clusterManager.CreateComposeApp(composeApplication);

            //todo add locks
            _sfApps[appName] = new ServiceFabricApp(appName, $"{appName}Service");
Esempio n. 2
        private async Task LoadExistingApps()
            var appsJson = await _clusterManager.GetApplications();

            foreach (var item in appsJson.Items)
                string key = Convert.ToString(item.Id);
                if (!_sfApps.ContainsKey(key))
                    _sfApps[key] = new ServiceFabricApp(key, $"{key}Service");