Esempio n. 1
 public static Position GetVector(Position source, Position target)
     double distance = Calc.GetDistance(source, target);
     double deltaX = (target.X - source.X) / distance;
     double deltaY = (target.Y - source.Y) / distance;
     return new Position(deltaX,deltaY);
Esempio n. 2
        static void EvaluatePool()
            Position poolCenter = new Position(0, 0);
            // checks for collision between frogs - both are dead
            if (Calc.GetDistance(frogs[0].Pos, frogs[1].Pos) < 2 * Frog.FrogRadius)
                algoAlive[0] = false;
                algoAlive[1] = false;
            // checks for collision between each frog and pool border - each is dead
            for (int i = 0; i < frogs.Length; i++)
                if (Calc.GetDistance(frogs[i].Pos, poolCenter) + Frog.FrogRadius > Frog.PoolRadus)
                    algoAlive[i] = false;

            // checks for collision with enemy bullet
            for (int i = 0; i < frogs.Length; i++)
                for (int bul = 0; bul < bullets[i].Count; bul++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < Bullet.BulletSpeed; j++)
                        if (Calc.GetDistance(bullets[i][bul].Pos, frogs[frogs.Length - i - 1].Pos) < Frog.FrogRadius)
                            algoAlive[frogs.Length - i - 1] = false;

                        // adds single target vector to current bullet position
                        bullets[i][bul].Pos = bullets[i][bul].Pos.Add(bullets[i][bul].Target);

                        // checks for out of pool condition
                        if (Calc.GetDistance(bullets[i][bul].Pos, poolCenter) > Frog.PoolRadus)

            // update pool radius
Esempio n. 3
 public Position Add(Position vector)
     return new Position(this.X + vector.X, this.Y + vector.Y);
Esempio n. 4
 public static double GetDistance(Position source, Position target)
     return Math.Sqrt((source.X - target.X) * (source.X - target.X) + (source.Y - target.Y) * (source.Y - target.Y));
Esempio n. 5
 public static Position RotateVectorCounterClockwise(Position source)
     // (x,y) => (y, -x)
     return new Position(source.Y, -source.X);
Esempio n. 6
 public static Position RotateVectorClockwise(Position source)
     // (x,y) => (-y, x)
     return new Position(-source.Y, source.X);
Esempio n. 7
 public static bool HasImpact(Position source, double radius, Position target)
     return (GetDistance(source, target) <= radius);
Esempio n. 8
        static void SaveMove( string text = "")
            text = text.Replace(Environment.NewLine, " ");
            string[] input = text.Split(' ');

            // shoot first from current position if it can
            if (input.Length > 3 && input[3] == "shoot" && frogs[bothAlgosCounter % 2].TimeToReload == 0)
                Position target = new Position(double.Parse(input[4]), double.Parse(input[5]));
                Position vector = Calc.GetVector(frogs[bothAlgosCounter % 2].Pos, target);
                // puts bullet ar pair of current position and single vector for the next move
                bullets[bothAlgosCounter % 2].Add(
                    new Bullet(frogs[bothAlgosCounter % 2].Pos.X, frogs[bothAlgosCounter % 2].Pos.Y, vector.X, vector.Y));
                // sets reload waiting time
                frogs[bothAlgosCounter % 2].TimeToReload = 8;

            // then moves to new position
            if (input[0] == "move")
                // gets the requested new position and if it is above distance of MaxJumpDistance (2.0)
                // calculates the vector, scales it and add it to the current position
                Position next = new Position(double.Parse(input[1]), double.Parse(input[2]));
                if (Calc.GetDistance(frogs[bothAlgosCounter % 2].Pos, next) > Frog.MaxJumpDistance)
                    frogs[bothAlgosCounter % 2].Pos =
                        frogs[bothAlgosCounter % 2].Pos.Add(Calc.GetVector(frogs[bothAlgosCounter % 2].Pos, next).Scale(2.0));
                    frogs[bothAlgosCounter % 2].Pos = next;
Esempio n. 9
 public bool GetShoot(out Position target)
     bool shoot = (this.IsShooting && this.CanShoot);
     target = new Position(this.ShootTargetPos.X, this.ShootTargetPos.Y); // copy
     return shoot;
Esempio n. 10
        public bool RunFromPoolBorder()
            bool moved = false;
            Position center = new Position(0, 0);
            Position toCheck = this.Pos;
            double distanceToBorder = PoolRadus - (Calc.GetDistance(toCheck, center) + FrogRadius);
            if (distanceToBorder < MinimalDistanceToBorder)
                // move to the center immediately with max speed
                this.NextMovePos = this.Pos.Add(Calc.GetVector(toCheck, center).Scale(MaxJumpDistance));
                moved = true;

            return moved;
Esempio n. 11
        public bool RunFromEnemy(Frog enemy)
            // try to keep distance to enemy as much as possible
            // move randomly to the left or to the right of the vector between frogs

            // get enemy direction
            Position enemyVector = Calc.GetVector(this.Pos, enemy.Pos);

            // hardcoded decision table with random selector
            Position[] moves = new Position[12];
            moves[0] = Calc.GetVector(this.Pos, new Position(0, 0)); // run to center
            moves[1] = Calc.RotateVectorClockwise(enemyVector); // run clockwise to the enemy position
            moves[2] = Calc.RotateVectorCounterClockwise(enemyVector); // run counter-clockwise to the enemy position
            moves[3] = moves[0]; // run to center
            moves[4] = moves[0]; // run to center
            moves[5] = moves[1]; // run counter-clockwise to the enemy position
            moves[6] = moves[1]; // run counter-clockwise to the enemy position
            moves[7] = moves[0]; // run to center
            moves[8] = moves[2]; // run counter-clockwise to the enemy position
            moves[9] = moves[1]; // run counter-clockwise to the enemy position
            moves[10] = enemyVector; // run forward to the enemy
            moves[11] = new Position(0,0); // stay at current position

            double distanceToEnemy = Calc.GetDistance(this.Pos, enemy.Pos);
            double scaleFactor = generator.NextDouble() * (Frog.MaxJumpDistance - Frog.MinJumpDistance) + Frog.MinJumpDistance;

            // check if frogs are in range (in 2 moves bullet can reach the frog, but we can run away in these 2 moves)
            bool closeToEnemy = (distanceToEnemy < 2 * Bullet.BulletSpeed);

            // and if yes - exclude last two choices - stay and move forward
            int chooseMove = generator.Next(closeToEnemy ? moves.Length - 2 : moves.Length);
            this.NextMovePos = this.Pos.Add(moves[chooseMove].Scale(scaleFactor));

            if (closeToEnemy)

            return (chooseMove != 3); // if stays then no move has been selected