public void TC1_CreateNewCustomer()
            //Following Variable needs to be filled accordingly for each Test Method. Do not have spaces within Module & Test name
            Reporter.strCurrentModule = "Manager_Account";
            Reporter.strCurrentScenarioID = "SC1";
            Reporter.strCurrentTestID = "TC1";
            Reporter.strCurrentTestDesc = "Create New Customer";
            //Default Reporting function call for Test Method. Please do not REMOVE this functions calls

            DataTable oTable = ExcelUtil.ExcelToTable(GlbVar.strRelativePath + "03_Application_Tier" + GlbVar.sysFileSeperator + "TestData" + GlbVar.sysFileSeperator + "TestData.xlsx", "Data");

            DataRow[] oDataRows = oTable.Select("TestCaseID = '" + Reporter.strCurrentTestID + "' and ExecutionFlag = 'Y'");
            foreach (DataRow oDataRow in oDataRows)
                //Default Test data Fetching code. Please do not remove it
                ExcelUtil.oCurrentDataRow = oDataRow;
                string CustName = oDataRow["CustName"].ToString();
                int.TryParse(oDataRow["Iteration"].ToString(), out  Reporter.intCurrentIteration);
                //Default Reporting function call for Test Method. Please do not REMOVE this functions calls

                //Start Point for Coding the Test case. 
                LoginPage oLoginPage = new LoginPage();



                //End Point for Coding the Test case. 

            //Default Reporting function call for Test Method. Please do not REMOVE this functions calls
        public void GivenIHaveLoggedIntoGuruManagerHomepage(int p0)
             DataTable oTable = ExcelUtil.ExcelToTable(GlbVar.strRelativePath + "03_Application_Tier" + GlbVar.sysFileSeperator + "TestData" + GlbVar.sysFileSeperator + "TestData.xlsx", "Data");

            DataRow[] oDataRows = oTable.Select("TestCaseID = '" + Reporter.strCurrentTestID + "' and ExecutionFlag = 'Y'");
            foreach (DataRow oDataRow in oDataRows)
                //Default Test data Fetching code. Please do not remove it
                ExcelUtil.oCurrentDataRow = oDataRow;
                string CustName = oDataRow["CustName"].ToString();
                int.TryParse(oDataRow["Iteration"].ToString(), out  Reporter.intCurrentIteration);
                //Default Reporting function call for Test Method. Please do not REMOVE this functions calls

                //Start Point for Coding the Test case. 
            oLoginPage = new LoginPage();
            oHomePage = oLoginPage.loginToApplication();