public void GetuserProfile(string accesstoken) { string url = "" + accesstoken + ""; WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(url); request.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials; WebResponse response = request.GetResponse(); Stream dataStream = response.GetResponseStream(); StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(dataStream); string responseFromServer = reader.ReadToEnd(); reader.Close(); response.Close(); JavaScriptSerializer js = new JavaScriptSerializer(); Userclass userinfo = js.Deserialize <Userclass>(responseFromServer); Business.ScsBO sbo = new Business.ScsBO(); Entity.Staff st = sbo.login(; if (st == null || (st.account != || !st.status.Equals("active")) || st.role.Equals("Admin")) { Response.Redirect("~/UI/Login.aspx?status=error"); } Session["account"] = st.staffName; Session["usermail"] =; lbUserName.Text = st.staffName; //set session to check table Session["accountID"] = st.accountID; Session["role"] = st.role; }
protected void changeRate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Business.ScsBO sbo = new Business.ScsBO(); int rMark = Convert.ToInt32(tbMark.Text); int rBehavior = Convert.ToInt32(tbBehavior.Text); int rAttend = Convert.ToInt32(tbAttendance.Text); int rFail = Convert.ToInt32(tbFailcourse.Text); if (rdal.canUpdatePercent(rMark, rBehavior, rAttend, rFail)) { Entity.Rate rt = new Entity.Rate(); rt.markRate = rMark; rt.behRate = rBehavior; rt.attentRate = rAttend; rt.failCout = rFail; rdal.updatePercent(rt); rdal.rankking(); // DataTable dt =; //GridView1.DataSourceID = null; //GridView1.DataSource = dt; //GridView1.DataBind(); } else { lbNoitice2.Text = "Cập nhật thất bại"; } lbSuccess.Text = "Cập nhật thành công"; Response.Redirect("~/UI/Control.aspx"); }
protected void ButSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { StaffDAL stdal = new StaffDAL(); tab = 3; string selected = Request.QueryString["studentID"]; int staffID = (int)(Session["accountID"]); Business.ScsBO sbo = new Business.ScsBO(); if (FileUploadSave.HasFile) { string imagefile = Path.GetFileName(FileUploadSave.PostedFile.FileName); if (sbo.canUpfile(imagefile)) { FileUploadSave.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~/Images/") + FileUploadSave.PostedFile.FileName); //sbo.insertFile(imagefile, "Images/" + imagefile, selected, staffID); stdal.insertComment(selected, "", staffID.ToString(), imagefile); upLabel.Text = "Tải lên thành công!"; grMyComment.DataBind(); } else { Label1.Text = "File tải lên trùng tên !"; } } else { Label1.Text = "Lỗi "; } }
protected void btnUpdateStaff_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { StaffDAL stdal = new StaffDAL(); tab = 3; string selected = Request.QueryString["studentID"]; Business.ScsBO sbo = new Business.ScsBO(); stdal.isUpdateStaffName(selected, drpStaff.SelectedValue); lbResult.Text = "Cập nhật thành công"; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { StudentDAL stdal = new StudentDAL(); Business.ScsBO sbo = new Business.ScsBO(); string studentID = Request.QueryString["studentID"]; if (stdal.updateMove(studentID)) { Response.Redirect("~/UI/distribution.aspx"); } }
protected void rdComment_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { StaffDAL stdal = new StaffDAL(); tab = 3; string selected = Request.QueryString["studentID"]; int staffID = (int)(Session["accountID"]); Business.ScsBO sb = new Business.ScsBO(); stdal.insertComment(selected, rdComment.SelectedValue, staffID.ToString(), ""); Label10.Text = "Thêm nhận xét thành công!"; grMyComment.DataBind(); }
protected void cbRemove_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { StaffDAL stdal = new StaffDAL(); string selected = Request.QueryString["studentID"]; Business.ScsBO sbo = new Business.ScsBO(); if (cbRemove.Checked == false) { stdal.insertTakecareStatus(selected, 0); } else { stdal.insertTakecareStatus(selected, 1); } }
protected void btnUpdateRank_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { tab = 3; string selected = Request.QueryString["studentID"]; Business.ScsBO sbo = new Business.ScsBO(); Rank rt = new Rank(); rt.studentID = selected; rt.rank = drpChangeRank.SelectedValue; RankDAL rdal = new RankDAL(); rdal.isUpdateRank(rt.studentID, rt.rank); lbNoitice.Text = "Cập nhật thành công !"; }
protected void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { tab = 3; string selected = Request.QueryString["studentID"]; grMyComment.Visible = false; grOtherComment.Visible = false; Business.ScsBO sbo = new Business.ScsBO(); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); dt = sbo.searchComment(selected, tbSearch.Text); grShowAllComment.DataSourceID = null; grShowAllComment.DataSource = dt; grShowAllComment.DataBind(); lbResult.Text = dt.Rows.Count + " " + "Kết Quả Tìm Kiếm"; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { string checkrole = (string)(Session["role"]); string account = (string)(Session["account"]); lbUserName.Text = account; if (account == null) { Response.Redirect("~/UI/Login.aspx"); } if (checkrole == "HeadStaff") { divide.Visible = true; logCare.Visible = true; control.Visible = true; } else { divide.Visible = false; logCare.Visible = false; control.Visible = false; } Business.ScsBO sbo = new Business.ScsBO(); DataTable dt = sbo.updateNotes();; StringBuilder html = new StringBuilder(); //Table start. html.Append("<table id='example' class='table table-striped table-bordered table-list'>"); //Building the Header row. html.Append("<thead>"); html.Append("<tr class='info'>"); foreach (DataColumn column in dt.Columns) { html.Append("<th>"); html.Append(column.ColumnName); html.Append("</th>"); } html.Append("</tr>"); html.Append("</thead>"); //Building the Data rows. html.Append("<tbody>"); foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { html.Append("<tr>"); string url = ""; html.Append("<td align='left' valign='top'><a href=" + url + "Profile.aspx?studentID=" + row[0] + ">" + row[0] + "</a></td>"); for (int i = 1; i < dt.Columns.Count; i++) { List <Entity.StatusCheck> stl = new List <Entity.StatusCheck>(); stl = sbo.loadCheck(); if (i == 1) { html.Append("<td>"); html.Append(row[i]); foreach (Entity.StatusCheck sc in stl) { if (sc.attention == true && sc.studentID.Equals(row[0].ToString())) { html.Append(" <span style='color: red; ' class='glyphicon'></span>"); break; } } html.Append("</td>"); } else { html.Append("<td>"); html.Append(row[i]); html.Append("</td>"); } } html.Append("</tr>"); } //Table end. html.Append("</table>"); html.Append("</tbody"); //Append the HTML string to Placeholder. Panel3.Controls.Add(new Literal { Text = html.ToString() }); }catch (Exception ee) { Response.Redirect("~/UI/Error.aspx"); } }
protected void btnAddComment_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Business.ScsBO sb = new Business.ScsBO(); StaffDAL stdal = new StaffDAL(); tab = 3; string selected = Request.QueryString["studentID"]; int staffID = (int)(Session["accountID"]); if (this.comment.Value != "") { if (FileUploadSave.HasFile) { string imagefile = Path.GetFileName(FileUploadSave.PostedFile.FileName); int fileSize = FileUploadSave.PostedFile.ContentLength; if (fileSize < 409600) { if (sb.canUpfile(imagefile)) { FileUploadSave.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~/Images/") + FileUploadSave.PostedFile.FileName); //sbo.insertFile(imagefile, "Images/" + imagefile, selected, staffID); stdal.insertComment(selected, comment.Value, staffID.ToString(), imagefile); //upLabel.Text = "Tải lên thành công!"; //grMyComment.DataBind(); } else { Label1.Text = "File tải lên trùng tên !"; } } else { Label1.Text = "File tải lên không quá 4MB !"; } } else { stdal.insertComment(selected, comment.Value, staffID.ToString(), ""); } Label10.Text = "Thêm nhận xét thành công !"; grMyComment.DataBind(); } else if (FileUploadSave.HasFile) { string imagefile = Path.GetFileName(FileUploadSave.PostedFile.FileName); int fileSize = FileUploadSave.PostedFile.ContentLength; if (fileSize < 409600) { if (sb.canUpfile(imagefile)) { FileUploadSave.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~/Images/") + FileUploadSave.PostedFile.FileName); //sbo.insertFile(imagefile, "Images/" + imagefile, selected, staffID); stdal.insertComment(selected, comment.Value, staffID.ToString(), imagefile); upLabel.Text = "Tải lên thành công!"; grMyComment.DataBind(); } else { Label1.Text = "File tải lên trùng tên !"; } } else { Label1.Text = "File tải lên không quá 4MB !"; } } else { Label11.Text = "Lỗi !"; } }
public void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Label10.Text = ""; lbNoitice.Text = ""; Label1.Text = ""; Label11.Text = ""; lbResult.Text = ""; upLabel.Text = ""; try { if ((Session["account"]) == null || (Session["role"]) == null || (Session["accountID"]) == null) { Response.Redirect("~/UI/Login.aspx"); } string selected = Request.QueryString["studentID"]; string checkrole = (string)(Session["role"]); string account = (string)(Session["account"]); int staffID = (int)(Session["accountID"]); lbUserName.Text = account; if (checkrole == "HeadStaff") { divide.Visible = true; logCare.Visible = true; control.Visible = true; btnUpdateStaff.Visible = true; lbGuide.Visible = true; drpStaff.Visible = true; } else { divide.Visible = false; logCare.Visible = false; control.Visible = false; btnUpdateStaff.Visible = false; lbGuide.Visible = false; drpStaff.Visible = false; } Business.ScsBO sbo = new Business.ScsBO(); //int staffID = (int)(Session["accountID"]); //ServiceReference1.WebService1SoapClient ws = new ServiceReference1.WebService1SoapClient(); //ServiceReference1.Student s = ws.getStudentInf(selected); ServiceReference2.SAPISoapClient fap = new ServiceReference2.SAPISoapClient(); List <StudentProfile> stp = new List <StudentProfile>(); string inf = fap.GetStudentById(selected); stp = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <StudentProfile> >(inf); decimal t = fap.CheckBlance(selected); stImage.ImageUrl = "data:image/png;base64," + Convert.ToBase64String(fap.RetriveImage(selected)); currrentTerm.Text = stp[0].currentTermNo; finance.Text = t.ToString("00.##" + "VND"); dob.Text = stp[0].dateOfBirth.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); addr.Text = stp[0].address; name.Text = stp[0].fullName; rollnumb.Text = stp[0].rollNumber; phonenumb.Text = stp[0].phone; mail.Text = stp[0].email; curr.Text = stp[0].batch; member.Text = stp[0].membercode; ktx.Text = stp[0].termPaid; dateofissue.Text = stp[0].dateOfIsue.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); major.Text = stp[0].major; mode.Text = stp[0].chuuyenNganh; status.Text = stp[0].statusCode; limit7year.Text = stp[0].HanBayNam; dropout.Text = stp[0].QD_ThoiHoc; changeCampus.Text = stp[0].QD_BaoLuu_Exchange; changeMajor.Text = stp[0].qd_chuyennganh; getDiscipline.Text = stp[0].qD_kyluat; gruadation.Text = stp[0].qD_Tn; svcq.Text = stp[0].QD_SV_ChinhQuy; rejoin.Text = stp[0].qD_rejoin; contact.Text = stp[0].parentPhone; parent.Text = stp[0].parentName; if (!Page.IsPostBack) { string currentSemester = "Spring2018"; RankDAL rdal = new RankDAL(); //Comment cm = sbo.getComment(selected); StatusCheck stk = sbo.loadTickCheckProfile(selected); Rank r = rdal.loadRank(selected, currentSemester); Student st = sbo.loadTakecareStaff(selected); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(st.StaffName)) { drpStaff.SelectedValue = st.StaffName; } else { Label24.Text = "Chưa có người chăm sóc , vui lòng chọn NV"; } //TextArea1.Value = cm.content+" bởi "+cm.staffName; drpChangeRank.SelectedValue = r.rank; cbAttent.Checked = stk.attention; } Series series = Chart1.Series["Series1"]; List <GpaTerm> list = sbo.listGpa(selected); Chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.Title = "Điểm trung bình (GPA)"; for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { series.Points.AddXY(list[i].semester.ToString(), Math.Round(list[i].gpa, 2)); series.ToolTip = " #VALX #VALY"; } List <BehaviorTerm> beList = sbo.beList(selected); Series series2 = Chart2.Series["Series2"]; Chart2.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.Title = "Điểm hành vi (Behavior)"; for (int b = 0; b < beList.Count; b++) { series2.Points.AddXY(beList[b].semester.ToString(), Math.Round(beList[b].behavior, 2)); series2.ToolTip = " #VALX #VALY"; } List <Curricurlum> listFail = new List <Curricurlum>(); string failcourse = fap.getFailCourse(selected); if (!failcourse.Equals("Data not found")) { listFail = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <Curricurlum> >(failcourse); } for (int f = 0; f < listFail.Count; f++) { pnStudy.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(listFail[f].subjectCode + "</br>")); } this.lbFailnumb.Text = listFail.Count.ToString(); //********************** //string currentSemester = "Spring2018"; ServiceReference1.WebService1SoapClient ws = new ServiceReference1.WebService1SoapClient(); ServiceReference1.ArrayOfGetTeacherComment flist = ws.getCommentBehavior(selected); for (int be = 0; be < flist.Count; be++) { Panel3.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(flist[be].contentComment + " " + flist[be].teacherID + "</br>")); } //***************** DataTable dt = sbo.curriculum(selected); //Building an HTML string. StringBuilder html = new StringBuilder(); //Table start. html.Append("<table id='curi' class='table table-hover'>"); html.Append("<thead>"); //Building the Header row. html.Append("<tr class='info'>"); foreach (DataColumn column in dt.Columns) { html.Append("<th>"); html.Append(column.ColumnName); html.Append("</th>"); } html.Append("</tr>"); html.Append("</thead>"); html.Append("<tbody>"); //Building the Data rows. foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { html.Append("<tr>"); foreach (DataColumn column in dt.Columns) { html.Append("<td>"); html.Append(row[column.ColumnName]); html.Append("</td>"); } html.Append("</tr>"); } //Table end. html.Append("</table>"); html.Append("</tbody>"); //Append the HTML string to Placeholder. Panel1.Controls.Add(new Literal { Text = html.ToString() }); //*************************************** DataTable dt2 = sbo.getTimetable(selected); //Building an HTML string. StringBuilder html2 = new StringBuilder(); //Table start. html2.Append("<table id='time' class='table table-hover'>"); html2.Append("<thead>"); //Building the Header row. html2.Append("<tr class='info'>"); foreach (DataColumn column2 in dt2.Columns) { html2.Append("<th>"); html2.Append(column2.ColumnName); html2.Append("</th>"); } html2.Append("</tr>"); html2.Append("</thead>"); html2.Append("<tbody>"); //Building the Data rows. foreach (DataRow row2 in dt2.Rows) { html2.Append("<tr>"); foreach (DataColumn column2 in dt2.Columns) { html2.Append("<td>"); html2.Append(row2[column2.ColumnName]); html2.Append("</td>"); } html2.Append("</tr>"); } //Table end. html2.Append("</table>"); html2.Append("</tbody>"); //Append the HTML string to Placeholder. scheduleStudy.Controls.Add(new Literal { Text = html2.ToString() }); //******************************************************** DataTable dt3 = sbo.scheduleExam(selected); //Building an HTML string. StringBuilder html3 = new StringBuilder(); //Table start. html3.Append("<table id='exam' class='table table-hover'>"); html3.Append("<thead>"); //Building the Header row. html3.Append("<tr class='info'>"); foreach (DataColumn column3 in dt3.Columns) { html3.Append("<th>"); html3.Append(column3.ColumnName); html3.Append("</th>"); } html3.Append("</tr>"); html3.Append("</thead>"); html3.Append("<tbody>"); //Building the Data rows. foreach (DataRow row3 in dt3.Rows) { html3.Append("<tr>"); foreach (DataColumn column3 in dt3.Columns) { html3.Append("<td>"); html3.Append(row3[column3.ColumnName]); html3.Append("</td>"); } html3.Append("</tr>"); } //Table end. html3.Append("</table>"); html3.Append("</tbody>"); //Append the HTML string to Placeholder. scheduleExam.Controls.Add(new Literal { Text = html3.ToString() }); //grOtherComment.DataBind(); } catch (Exception ee) { Response.Redirect("~/UI/Error.aspx"); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if ((Session["account"]) == null || (Session["role"]) == null || (Session["accountID"]) == null) { Response.Redirect("~/UI/Login.aspx"); } if (this.IsPostBack) { return; } Business.ScsBO sbo = new Business.ScsBO(); int accountID = (int)(Session["accountID"]); string checkrole = (string)(Session["role"]); string account = (string)(Session["account"]); lbUserName.Text = account; if (checkrole.Equals("HeadStaff")) { divide.Visible = true; logCare.Visible = true; control.Visible = true; } else { divide.Visible = false; logCare.Visible = false; control.Visible = false; } //********************** List <StatusCheck> stl = new List <StatusCheck>(); stl = sbo.loadCheck(); if (checkrole.Equals("CareStaff")) { DataTable dt = sbo.myStudent(accountID); //Building an HTML string. System.Text.StringBuilder html = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); //Table start. html.Append("<table id='overview' class='table table-striped table-bordered table-list'>"); html.Append("<thead>"); //Building the Header row. html.Append("<tr>"); foreach (DataColumn column in dt.Columns) { html.Append("<th>"); html.Append(column.ColumnName); html.Append("</th>"); } html.Append("</tr>"); html.Append("</thead>"); html.Append("<tbody>"); //Building the Data rows. int gpaFlag = 0; int behaviorFlag = 0; int attenFalg = 0; int failFlag = 0; //int checkFlag = 0; List <Compare> cp = new List <Compare>(); cp = sbo.takeDataCompare(accountID.ToString()); foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { html.Append("<tr>"); string url = ""; html.Append("<td align='left' valign='top'><a href=" + url + "Profile.aspx?studentID=" + row[0] + ">" + row[0] + "</a></td>"); for (int i = 1; i < dt.Columns.Count; i++) { //Rank r =sbo.GetDataToCompare(semester,row[0].ToString()); //stl = sbo.loadCheck(); if (i == 1) { html.Append("<td>"); html.Append(row[i]); foreach (StatusCheck sc in stl) { if (sc.attention == true && sc.studentID.Equals(row[0].ToString())) { html.Append(" <span style='color: red; ' class='glyphicon'></span>"); break; } } html.Append("</td>"); } else if (i == 2) { for (int j = gpaFlag; j < cp.Count; j++) { html.Append("<td>"); html.Append(row[i]); if ((double)cp[j].gpa > (double)cp[j].gpa2) { html.Append("<span style='color:green;' class='glyphicon'></span>"); } else if ((double)cp[j].gpa == (double)cp[j].gpa2 || (double)cp[j].gpa2 == 0) { } else { html.Append("<span style='color:red;' class='glyphicon'></span>"); } html.Append("</td>"); gpaFlag++; break; } } else if (i == 3) { for (int j = behaviorFlag; j < cp.Count; j++) { html.Append("<td>"); html.Append(row[i]); if ((double)cp[j].behavior > (double)cp[j].behavior2) { html.Append("<span style='color:green;' class='glyphicon'></span>"); } else if ((double)cp[j].behavior == (double)cp[j].behavior2 || (double)cp[j].behavior2 == 0) { } else { html.Append("<span style='color:red;' class='glyphicon'></span>"); } html.Append("</td>"); behaviorFlag++; break; } } else if (i == 4) { for (int j = attenFalg; j < cp.Count; j++) { html.Append("<td>"); html.Append(row[i]); if ((double)cp[j].atten > (double)cp[j].atten2) { html.Append("<span style='color:green;' class='glyphicon'></span>"); } else if ((double)cp[j].atten == (double)cp[j].atten2 || (double)cp[j].atten2 == 0) { } else { html.Append("<span style='color:red;' class='glyphicon'></span>"); } html.Append("</td>"); attenFalg++; break; } } else if (i == 5) { //for (int j = failFlag; j < cp.Count; j++) //{ html.Append("<td>"); html.Append(row[i]); //if ((double)cp[j].failcourse < (double)cp[j].failcourse2) //{ // html.Append("<span style='color:green;' class='glyphicon'></span>"); //} //else if ((double)cp[j].failcourse == (double)cp[j].failcourse2) //{ //} //else //{ // html.Append("<span style='color:red;' class='glyphicon'></span>"); //} html.Append("</td>"); // failFlag++; // break; //} } else { html.Append("<td>"); html.Append(row[i]); html.Append("</td>"); } } html.Append("</tr>"); } //Table end. html.Append("</table>"); html.Append("<tbody>"); //Append the HTML string to Placeholder. Panel1.Controls.Add(new Literal { Text = html.ToString() }); } else { DataTable dt2 = sbo.myStudentForHead(); //Building an HTML string. System.Text.StringBuilder html2 = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); //Table start. html2.Append("<table id='overview' class='table table-striped table-bordered table-list'>"); html2.Append("<thead>"); //Building the Header row. html2.Append("<tr>"); foreach (DataColumn column2 in dt2.Columns) { html2.Append("<th>"); html2.Append(column2.ColumnName); html2.Append("</th>"); } html2.Append("</tr>"); html2.Append("</thead>"); html2.Append("<tbody>"); //Building the Data rows. int gpaFlag = 0; int behaviorFlag = 0; int attenFalg = 0; ////int failFlag = 0; //int checkFlag = 0; List <Compare> cp = new List <Compare>(); cp = sbo.takeDataCompareForHead(); foreach (DataRow row2 in dt2.Rows) { html2.Append("<tr>"); string url = ""; html2.Append("<td align='left' valign='top'><a href=" + url + "Profile.aspx?studentID=" + row2[0] + ">" + row2[0] + "</a></td>"); for (int i = 1; i < dt2.Columns.Count; i++) { //Rank r =sbo.GetDataToCompare(semester,row[0].ToString()); //stl = sbo.loadCheck(); if (i == 1) { html2.Append("<td>"); html2.Append(row2[i]); foreach (StatusCheck sc in stl) { if (sc.attention == true && sc.studentID.Equals(row2[0].ToString())) { html2.Append(" <span style='color: red; ' class='glyphicon'></span>"); break; } } html2.Append("</td>"); } else if (i == 2) { for (int j = gpaFlag; j < cp.Count; j++) { html2.Append("<td>"); html2.Append(row2[i]); if ((double)cp[j].gpa > (double)cp[j].gpa2) { html2.Append("<span style='color:green;' class='glyphicon'></span>"); } else { html2.Append("<span style='color:red;' class='glyphicon'></span>"); } html2.Append("</td>"); gpaFlag++; break; } } else if (i == 3) { for (int j = behaviorFlag; j < cp.Count; j++) { html2.Append("<td>"); html2.Append(row2[i]); if ((double)cp[j].behavior > (double)cp[j].behavior2) { html2.Append("<span style='color:green;' class='glyphicon'></span>"); } else { html2.Append("<span style='color:red;' class='glyphicon'></span>"); } html2.Append("</td>"); behaviorFlag++; break; } } else if (i == 4) { for (int j = attenFalg; j < cp.Count; j++) { html2.Append("<td>"); html2.Append(row2[i]); if ((double)cp[j].atten > (double)cp[j].atten2) { html2.Append("<span style='color:green;' class='glyphicon'></span>"); } else { html2.Append("<span style='color:red;' class='glyphicon'></span>"); } html2.Append("</td>"); attenFalg++; break; } } else if (i == 5) { //for (int j = failFlag; j < cp.Count; j++) //{ html2.Append("<td>"); html2.Append(row2[i]); //if ((double)cp[j].failcourse < (double)cp[j].failcourse2) //{ // html2.Append("<span style='color:green;' class='glyphicon'></span>"); //} //else if ((double)cp[j].failcourse == (double)cp[j].failcourse2) //{ //} //else //{ // html2.Append("<span style='color:red;' class='glyphicon'></span>"); //} html2.Append("</td>"); //failFlag++; //break; //} } else { html2.Append("<td>"); html2.Append(row2[i]); html2.Append("</td>"); } } html2.Append("</tr>"); } //Table end. html2.Append("</table>"); html2.Append("<tbody>"); //Append the HTML string to Placeholder. Panel1.Controls.Add(new Literal { Text = html2.ToString() }); } } catch (Exception ee) { Response.Redirect("~/UI/Error.aspx"); } //****************** }