Esempio n. 1
        public void Initialize()
            this.max_connections = 10000;
            this.buffer_size     = 1024;

            this.buffer_manager = new BufferManager(this.max_connections * this.buffer_size * this.pre_alloc_count, this.buffer_size);

            this.receive_event_args_pool = new SocketAsyncEventArgsPool(this.max_connections);
            this.send_event_args_pool    = new SocketAsyncEventArgsPool(this.max_connections);


            SocketAsyncEventArgs arg;

            for (int i = 0; i < this.max_connections; i++)
                // 동일한 소켓에 대고 send, reciev를 하므로
                // user token은 세션별로 하나씩만 만들어 놓고
                // receive, send EventArgs에서 동일한 token을 참조하도록 구성합니다.
                CUserToken token = new CUserToken();

                // receive pool
                    arg            = new SocketAsyncEventArgs();
                    arg.Completed += new EventHandler <SocketAsyncEventArgs>(receive_completed);
                    arg.UserToken  = token;



                // send pool
                    arg            = new SocketAsyncEventArgs();
                    arg.Completed += new EventHandler <SocketAsyncEventArgs>(send_completed);
                    arg.UserToken  = token;
Esempio n. 2
        // Initializes the server by preallocating reusable buffers and
        // context objects.  These objects do not need to be preallocated
        // or reused, but it is done this way to illustrate how the API can
        // easily be used to create reusable objects to increase server performance.
        public void Initialize()
            // receive버퍼만 할당해 놓는다.
            // send버퍼는 보낼때마다 할당하든 풀에서 얻어오든 하기 때문에.
            //int pre_alloc_count = 1;
            //var totalBytes = ServerOpt.MaxConnectionCount * ServerOpt.ReceiveBufferSize * pre_alloc_count;
            //BufferManager buffer_manager = new BufferManager(totalBytes, ServerOpt.ReceiveBufferSize);

            // receive버퍼만 할당해 놓는다.
            // send버퍼는 보낼때마다 할당하든 풀에서 얻어오든 하기 때문에.
            const int pre_alloc_count = 1;
            int       argsCount       = ServerOpt.MaxConnectionCount * pre_alloc_count;
            int       argsBufferSize  = ServerOpt.ClientReceiveBufferSize;

            ReceiveEventArgsPool = new SocketAsyncEventArgsPool();
            ReceiveEventArgsPool.Init(SocketAsyncEventArgsPoolBufferMgrType.Concurrent, argsCount, argsBufferSize);

            SendEventArgsPool = new SocketAsyncEventArgsPool();

            // preallocate pool of SocketAsyncEventArgs objects
            SocketAsyncEventArgs arg;

            for (int i = 0; i < ServerOpt.MaxConnectionCount; i++)
                // 더이상 UserToken을 미리 생성해 놓지 않는다.
                // 다수의 클라이언트에서 접속 -> 메시지 송수신 -> 접속 해제를 반복할 경우 문제가 생김.
                // 일단 on_new_client에서 그때 그때 생성하도록 하고,
                // 소켓이 종료되면 null로 세팅하여 오류 발생시 확실히 드러날 수 있도록 코드를 변경한다.

                // receive pool
                    //Pre-allocate a set of reusable SocketAsyncEventArgs
                    arg            = new SocketAsyncEventArgs();
                    arg.Completed += new EventHandler <SocketAsyncEventArgs>(ReceiveCompleted);
                    arg.UserToken  = null;

                    // assign a byte buffer from the buffer pool to the SocketAsyncEventArg object

                    // add SocketAsyncEventArg to the pool

                // send pool
                    //Pre-allocate a set of reusable SocketAsyncEventArgs
                    arg            = new SocketAsyncEventArgs();
                    arg.Completed += new EventHandler <SocketAsyncEventArgs>(SendCompleted);
                    arg.UserToken  = null;

                    // send버퍼는 보낼때 설정한다. SetBuffer가 아닌 BufferList를 사용.
                    arg.SetBuffer(null, 0, 0);

                    // add SocketAsyncEventArg to the pool
