Esempio n. 1
        // Create the threads
        public void Generate()
            // Create array of WParts
            WpArray = new WPart[NO_OF_THREADS];

            // Create array of ManualResetEvents
            ManualResetEvent[] doneEvents = new ManualResetEvent[NO_OF_THREADS];

            double x_step = (FC.fractalArea.x2 - FC.fractalArea.x1) / NO_OF_THREADS;

            for (int i = 0; i < NO_OF_THREADS; i++)
                doneEvents[i] = new ManualResetEvent(false);

                FractalArea fa_temp = new FractalArea
                    x1 = FC.fractalArea.x1 + x_step * i,
                    x2 = FC.fractalArea.x1 + x_step * i + x_step,

                    y1 = FC.fractalArea.y1,
                    y2 = FC.fractalArea.y2

                WPart WP = new WPart(FC.width / NO_OF_THREADS, FC.height, FC.fractalType, FC.w_max, fa_temp, FC.dx, FC.dy, doneEvents[i]);
                WpArray[i] = WP;
                ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(WP.ThreadPoolCallback, i);

            Calculating = true;

            // Wait for all threads in pool to complete
            foreach (var e in doneEvents)

            Calculating = false;

            PB.Image = DrawArea;
Esempio n. 2
        //Colorise and display the fractal
        public void Draw()
            int wi;

            for (int i = 0; i < NO_OF_THREADS; i++)
                WPart WP = WpArray[i];

                for (int Xcount = 0; Xcount < WP.width; Xcount++)
                    for (int Ycount = 0; Ycount < WP.height; Ycount++)
                        // Draw pixel
                        wi = WP.w_data[Xcount, Ycount];

                        if (wi < FC.w_max)
                            const byte alpha = 255;
                            byte       red   = Convert.ToByte(FC.R * wi / FC.w_max);
                            byte       green = Convert.ToByte(FC.G * wi / FC.w_max);
                            byte       blue  = Convert.ToByte(FC.B * wi / FC.w_max);
                            byte[]     color = { alpha, red, green, blue };
                            if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)
                            DrawArea.SetPixel(Xcount + WP.width * i, Ycount, Color.FromArgb(BitConverter.ToInt32(color, 0)));
                            DrawArea.SetPixel(Xcount + WP.width * i, Ycount, Color.Black);