Esempio n. 1
        public static AuthSession Create(Account account)
            AuthSession sess = new AuthSession() {
                AccountID = account.AccountID,
                SessionCode = Tools.GenerateHash(16),
                LastRefresh = DateTime.Now,
                Rank = account.Rank

            if (stSessions.ContainsKey(account.AccountID))
                stSessions[account.AccountID] = sess;
                stSessions.Add(account.AccountID, sess);

            return sess;
        public void DeleteTest()
            Account acc = new Account()
                Username = "******",
                Email = "*****@*****.**",
                PasswordHash = "0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef".ToCharArray(),
                Rank = Rank.Verified

            DatabaseManager.Insert( acc );
            acc = DatabaseManager.SelectFirst<Account>( x => x.Username == acc.Username );
            DatabaseManager.Delete<Account>( x => x.Username == acc.Username );
            acc = DatabaseManager.SelectFirst<Account>( x => x.Username == acc.Username );

            Assert.IsNull( acc, "Entity not deleted" );
Esempio n. 3
 public static void Remove(Account account)
Esempio n. 4
 public static AuthSession Get(Account account)
     return Get(account.AccountID);
Esempio n. 5
 public bool HasBlocked(Account account)
     return Player.GetPlayer(account).MessageSettings == MessageSettings.BlockAll ||
         DatabaseManager.SelectFirst<BlockedUser>(x => x.BlockerID == AccountID &&
             x.BlockedID == account.AccountID) != null;
Esempio n. 6
        public static Responses.ErrorResponse AttemptRegister(String uname, String email, String phash)
            if (uname == null || uname.Length == 0)
                return new Responses.ErrorResponse("no username given");

            if (!Account.IsUsernameValid(uname))
                return new Responses.ErrorResponse("invalid username");

            if (phash == null || phash.Length == 0)
                return new Responses.ErrorResponse("no password hash given");

            phash = phash.ToLower();

            if (!Account.IsPasswordHashValid(phash))
                return new Responses.ErrorResponse("invalid password hash");

            if (email == null || email.Length == 0)
                return new Responses.ErrorResponse("no email address given");

            email = email.ToLower();

            if (!Account.IsEmailValid(email))
                return new Responses.ErrorResponse("invalid email address");

            List<Account> clashes = DatabaseManager.Select<Account>(x => x.Username == uname || x.Email == email);

            if (clashes.Count > 0) {
                if (clashes[0].Username == uname)
                    return new Responses.ErrorResponse("username already in use");
                    return new Responses.ErrorResponse("email already in use");

            Account account = new Account() {
                Username = uname,
                PasswordHash = phash.ToCharArray(),
                Email = email,
                Rank = Rank.Unverified,
                RegistrationDate = DateTime.Now,
                AvatarID = 2130837506

            account = DatabaseManager.Select<Account>(x => x.Email == email)[0];

            DatabaseManager.Insert(new Event(EventType.Register, account.AccountID));

            EmailValidationCode.Create(EmailValidationType.Activate, account).SendEmail(account);

            return null;
        public static Responses.ErrorResponse AttemptGet(EmailValidationType type,
            String email, String code, out EmailValidationCode valid, out Account account)
            valid = null;
            account = null;

            if (email == null || email.Length == 0)
                return new Responses.ErrorResponse("no email address given");

            if (!Account.IsEmailValid(email))
                return new Responses.ErrorResponse("invalid email address");

            if (code == null || code.Length == 0)
                return new Responses.ErrorResponse("no validation code given");

            if (!Account.IsPasswordHashValid(code))
                return new Responses.ErrorResponse("invalid validation code");

            account = DatabaseManager.SelectFirst<Account>(x => x.Email == email);

            if (account == null)
                return new Responses.ErrorResponse("invalid email address");

            valid = EmailValidationCode.Get(type, account);

            if (valid == null || !code.EqualsCharArray(valid.Code)) {
                valid = null;
                return new Responses.ErrorResponse("invalid validation code");

            if (valid.IsExpired) {
                valid = null;
                return new Responses.ErrorResponse("expired validation code");

            return null;
Esempio n. 8
        public bool CheckAuth(NameValueCollection args, out Account account,
            out Responses.ErrorResponse error, bool acceptSession = true, bool onlyValidated = true)
            error = new Responses.ErrorResponse("auth error");
            account = null;

            String sessionCode = args["session"];
            String passwordHash = args["phash"];
            String username = null;
            int userid = -1;

            if (args["uname"] != null) {
                username = args["uname"];
                if (username.Length == 0) {
                    error = new Responses.ErrorResponse("auth error: no username given");
                    return false;
                if (!Account.IsUsernameValid(username)) {
                    error = new Responses.ErrorResponse("auth error: invalid credentials");
                    return false;
            } else if (args["uid"] != null) {
                if (!Int32.TryParse(args["uid"], out userid)) {
                    error = new Responses.ErrorResponse("auth error: invalid userid");
                    return false;
            } else {
                error = new Responses.ErrorResponse("auth error: no username or user id given");
                return false;

            if (acceptSession && sessionCode != null && sessionCode.Length > 0) {
                if (!AuthSession.IsCodeValid(sessionCode)) {
                    error = new Responses.ErrorResponse("auth error: invalid session code");
                    return false;
            } else if (passwordHash != null && passwordHash.Length > 0) {
                if (!Account.IsPasswordHashValid(passwordHash)) {
                    error = new Responses.ErrorResponse("auth error: invalid credentials");
                    return false;
            } else {
                if (acceptSession)
                    error = new Responses.ErrorResponse("auth error: no password or session code given");
                    error = new Responses.ErrorResponse("auth error: no password given");

                return false;

            if (username != null) {
                account = DatabaseManager.SelectFirst<Account>(x => x.Username == username);
            } else {
                account = DatabaseManager.SelectFirst<Account>(x => x.AccountID == userid);

            if (account == null) {
                error = new Responses.ErrorResponse("auth error: incorrect credentials");
                return false;

            if (passwordHash != null && passwordHash.Length != 0) {
                if (!passwordHash.EqualsCharArray(account.PasswordHash)) {
                    error = new Responses.ErrorResponse("auth error: incorrect credentials");
                    return false;
            } else {
                AuthSession sess = AuthSession.Get(account);

                if (sess == null || !sessionCode.EqualsCharArray(sess.SessionCode)) {
                    error = new Responses.ErrorResponse("auth error: incorrect session code");
                    return false;

                if (sess.IsExpired) {
                    error = new Responses.ErrorResponse("auth error: session expired");
                    return false;


            if (onlyValidated && account.Rank < Rank.Verified) {
                error = new Responses.ErrorResponse("auth error: account not activated");
                return false;

            return true;
        public void SendEmail(Account account)
            var link = string.Format("{0}{1}?email={2}&code={3}",
                Program.ServerAddress, Type.ToString().ToLower(), account.Email, new String(Code));

            var subject = string.Empty;
            var message = string.Empty;
            switch (Type) {
                case EmailValidationType.Activate:
                    subject = "Foritude account activation";
                    message = "To finish the registration process just click this link: {0}\n\nHave fun!";
                case EmailValidationType.ResetPassword:
                    subject = "Foritude password reset";
                    message = "To finish the password reset process just click this link: {0}\n\nHave fun!";
                case EmailValidationType.Remove:
                    subject = "Fortitude account removal";
                    message = "To finish the account removal process just click this link: {0}\n\nSorry to see you go!";

            message = String.Format(message, link);

            EmailManager.Send(account.Email, subject, String.Format("Hey {0},\n{1}", account.Username, message ));
 public static void Remove(EmailValidationType type, Account account)
     Remove(type, account.AccountID);
        public static EmailValidationCode Get(EmailValidationType type, Account account)
            if (stCodes[type].ContainsKey(account.AccountID)) {
                EmailValidationCode code = stCodes[type][account.AccountID];

                if (!code.IsExpired)
                    return code;


            return null;
        public static EmailValidationCode Create(EmailValidationType type, Account account)
            if (type == EmailValidationType.Activate && account.IsVerified)
                return null;

            EmailValidationCode code = new EmailValidationCode() {
                Type = type,
                AccountID = account.AccountID,
                Code = Tools.GenerateHash(),
                SentDate = DateTime.Now

            if (stCodes[type].ContainsKey(account.AccountID))
                stCodes[type][account.AccountID] = code;
                stCodes[type].Add(account.AccountID, code);

            return code;
Esempio n. 13
 public static Player GetPlayer(Account acc)
     return GetPlayer(acc.AccountID);