public JEmbed Build() { JEmbed emb = new JEmbed(); if (!isBM) { emb.Title = "Shop"; } else { emb.Title = ":spy: Black Market :spy:"; } emb.ThumbnailUrl = Constants.Images.ForkBot; emb.ColorStripe = Constants.Colours.YORK_RED; var restock = new TimeSpan(4, 0, 0).Add(openDate - Var.CurrentDate()); if (!isBM) { emb.Description = $"The shop will restock in {restock.Hours} hours and {restock.Minutes} minutes."; } else { emb.Description = $"Welcome to the Black Market... Buy somethin and get out. We'll restock in {restock.Hours} hours and {restock.Minutes} minutes."; } for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { var itemID = items[i]; string emote = DBFunctions.GetItemEmote(items[i]); string name = DBFunctions.GetItemName(itemID); string desc; desc = DBFunctions.GetItemDescription(itemID, isBM); int stockAmt = stock[i]; int price = DBFunctions.GetItemPrice(itemID); if (price < 0) { price = -price; } emb.Fields.Add(new JEmbedField(x => { x.Header = $"{emote} {name.Replace("_", " ")} - {price} coins [{stockAmt} left in stock]"; x.Text = desc; })); } if (!isBM) { var count = DBFunctions.GetRelevantNewsCount(); if (count > 0) { emb.Fields.Add(new JEmbedField(x => { var newsPrice = DBFunctions.GetItemPrice("newspaper"); x.Header = $"📰 Newspaper - { newsPrice } [({count}) current article(s)]"; x.Text = "The Daily Fork! Get all the now information of what's going on around ForkBot!"; })); } } return(emb); }
public bool HasItem(string item, int amount = 1) { return(HasItem(DBFunctions.GetItemID(item), amount)); }
public void RemoveItem(int itemID) => RemoveItem(DBFunctions.GetItemName(itemID));
public bool HasItem(int itemID, int amount = 1) { return(DBFunctions.UserHasItem(this, itemID, amount)); }
public bool GiveItem(int itemID) { return(GiveItem(DBFunctions.GetItemName(itemID))); }