        // Translation

        // Convert objectId (or source urn) to Base64 encoded urn.
        // This is an utility. Not using Forge API itself.
        protected void ButtonToUrn64_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Convert objectId (=source urn) to base64 encoded urn.
            string objectId = TextBoxObjectId.Text;
            string urn64    = Forge.ObjectIdToUrn64(objectId);

            // Show the urn64 in the form.
            TextBoxUrn64.Text = urn64;

            // This is not a REST call. We only clear the field with a message.
            InitRequestResponse("Convert ObjectId to Base64 encoded urn.", "");
        protected void ButtonTranslate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string accessToken = Session["authToken"] as string;
            string urn64       = TextBoxUrn64.Text;

            // Here is the main part that we call Forge API to translate
            // the file for viewing.
            bool result = Forge.Translate(accessToken, urn64);

            // For our learning,
            // show the request and response in the form.
        // Shows a list of objects in the bucket.
        protected void ButtonObjects_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string accessToken = Session["authToken"] as string;
            string bucketKey   = TextBoxBucketKey.Text;

            // Here is the main part that we call Forge API bucket objects.
            // Returns a list of bucket objects.
            string bucketObjects = Forge.GetBucketObjects(accessToken, bucketKey);

            // For our learning,
            // show the request and response in the form.
        protected void ButtonBucketDetails_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string accessToken = HttpContext.Current.Session["authToken"] as string;
            string bucketKey   = TextBoxBucketKey.Text;

            // Here is the main part that we call Forge API bucket details.
            // Return value is bucket detail.
            string details = Forge.GetBucketDetails(accessToken, bucketKey);

            // For our learning,
            // show the request and response in the form.
        protected void ButtonStatus_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string accessToken = Session["authToken"] as string;
            string urn64       = TextBoxUrn64.Text;

            // Here is the main part that we call Forge API to check
            // the status of translation.
            // Possible value of status: pending/success/inprogress/failed/timeout.
            string status = Forge.GetManifest(accessToken, urn64);

            // For our learning,
            // show the request and response in the form.
        // Bucket
        protected void ButtonBucketCreate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string accessToken = HttpContext.Current.Session["authToken"] as string;
            string bucketKey   = TextBoxBucketKey.Text;
            string policyKey   = "transient"; // transient(24h)/temporary(30days)/persistent

            // Here is the main part that we call Forge API bucket creation.
            // Return true if success, false otherwise.
            bool result = Forge.CreateBucket(accessToken, bucketKey, policyKey);

            // For our learning,
            // show the request and response in the form.
        // Upload
        protected void ButtonUpload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string accessToken = Session["authToken"] as string;
            string bucketKey   = TextBoxBucketKey.Text;
            string objectName  = FileUpload1.FileName;

            byte[] fileData = FileUpload1.FileBytes;

            // Here is the main part that we call Forge API upload
            string objectId = Forge.Upload(accessToken, bucketKey, objectName, fileData);

            // show the objectId = urn:xxx on the page.
            TextBoxObjectId.Text = objectId; // "urn:xxx"

            // For our learning,
            // show the request and response in the form.
        //  Authentication
        protected void ButtonToken_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string scope = "bucket:create bucket:read data:read data:write";

            // Here is the main part that we call Forge authenticate.
            string authToken = Forge.Authenticate(scope);

            bool authenticated = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(authToken);

            if (authenticated)
                // Save authToken for this session
                Session["authToken"] = authToken;

                // Show the obtained token in the UI.
                // Note: in real world applications, you don't expose token.
                // This is for our learning and testing.
                TextBoxToken.Text = authToken;

            // Show the request and response in the form.
            // This is for learning purpose.