Esempio n. 1
        public static PointArray <bool> ScanToArray(Point source, Func <Point, bool> condition, SourceOption sourceOption = SourceOption.AlwaysIncludeSource)
            PointArray <bool> result = new PointArray <bool>(GameUniverse.MapWidth, GameUniverse.MapHeight);

            foreach (Point p in Scan(source, condition, sourceOption))
                result[p] = true;
Esempio n. 2
        public DungeonMap(GameUniverse g) : base(g)
            CurrentDepthSeed = MapRNG.GetNext();
            Func <Point, bool> isInBounds = p => p.X >= 0 && p.X < Width && p.Y >= 0 && p.Y < Height;

            Creatures             = new Grid <Creature, Point>(isInBounds);
            Tiles                 = new PointArray <TileType>(Width, Height);
            Features              = new FeatureMap(Width, Height);
            Traps                 = new Dictionary <Point, Trap>();
            Items                 = new Grid <Item, Point>(isInBounds);
            NeverInLineOfSight    = new PointArray <bool>(Width, Height);
            Light                 = new LightMap(g);
            DirectionPlayerExited = new PointArray <Dir8>(Width, Height);
            //todo, more here?
            Seen = new PointArray <bool>(Width, Height);
Esempio n. 3
 public static bool HasLOS(this Point source, Point destination, PointArray <TileType> map)         //todo, move this, to use NeverInLOS from DungeonMap
     if (TileDefinition.IsOpaque(map[destination]))
         Point[] neighbors = GetNeighborsBetween(destination, source);
         for (int i = 0; i < neighbors.Length; ++i)
             if (TileDefinition.IsOpaque(map[neighbors[i]]))
             if (CheckReciprocalBresenhamLineOfSight(source, neighbors[i], map))
         return(CheckReciprocalBresenhamLineOfSight(source, destination, map));
Esempio n. 4
        public static bool CheckReciprocalBresenhamLineOfSight(this Point source, Point destination, PointArray <TileType> map)         //todo, what to do with map?
            int x1         = source.X;
            int y1         = source.Y;
            int x2         = destination.X;
            int y2         = destination.Y;
            int dx         = Math.Abs(x2 - x1);
            int dy         = Math.Abs(y2 - y1);
            int incrementX = x1 == x2? 0 : x1 < x2? 1 : -1;
            int incrementY = y1 == y2? 0 : y1 < y2? 1 : -1;

            if (dx <= 1 && dy <= 1)
                return(true);                               // Automatically pass the check for anything in the same or adjacent cells.
            // Next, handle simple cases that don't need Bresenham at all. These cases correspond to straight lines in the 8 directions:
            if (dx == 0 || dy == 0 || (y1 + x1 == y2 + x2) || (y1 - x1 == y2 - x2))     // (if slope is undefined, 0, -1, or 1)
                    x1 += incrementX;                     // Increment first, so that the opacity of 'source' is ignored.
                    y1 += incrementY;
                    if (TileDefinition.IsOpaque(map[x1, y1]))
                } while(x1 != x2 || y1 != y2);
            // If it wasn't a simple case, move on to reciprocal Bresenham:
            bool xMajor   = (dx > dy);
            int  er       = 0;      // error accumulator
            bool blockedA = false;  // These 2 are used to track whether each of the 2 possible paths per line is blocked or not.
            bool blockedB = false;  // (The result is equivalent to calculating 2 regular Bresenham lines, source->dest and dest->source.)

            if (xMajor)
                    x1 += incrementX;
                    er += dy;
                    if (er << 1 > dx)
                        y1 += incrementY;
                        er -= dx;
                    if (TileDefinition.IsOpaque(map[x1, y1]))
                        if (blockedB || er << 1 != dx)
                        blockedA = true;
                    if (er << 1 == dx)                   // This is the part that makes this reciprocal, by checking both options while crossing a corner.
                        y1 += incrementY;                // Increment Y, then check the new position:
                        if (TileDefinition.IsOpaque(map[x1, y1]))
                            if (blockedA || er << 1 != dx)
                            blockedB = true;
                        er -= dx;
                } while(x1 != x2);
            else              // Y-major
                    y1 += incrementY;
                    er += dx;
                    if (er << 1 > dy)
                        x1 += incrementX;
                        er -= dy;
                    if (TileDefinition.IsOpaque(map[x1, y1]))
                        if (blockedB || er << 1 != dy)
                        blockedA = true;
                    if (er << 1 == dy)
                        x1 += incrementX;
                        if (TileDefinition.IsOpaque(map[x1, y1]))
                            if (blockedA || er << 1 != dy)
                            blockedB = true;
                        er -= dy;
                } while(y1 != y2);
Esempio n. 5
 public LightMap(GameUniverse g) : base(g)
     lightSources      = new MultiValueDictionary <Point, int>();
     tempRemovedLights = new MultiValueDictionary <Point, int>();
     cellBrightness    = new PointArray <int>(Width, Height);