Esempio n. 1
        *              OPERATIONS - REMOVE FIXTURES FROM TEAMS            *
        public static void removeTeamFixtures(League whichLeague, Team deleteTeam, int fixtureDeleteCounter)
            // loop through all fixtures in the league...
            foreach (Fixture F in whichLeague.getAllLeagueFixtures().ToArray())
                // if the home team names match then remove the team and all its selected fixtures...
                if (F.getFixtureHomeTeam().Contains(deleteTeam.getTeamName()))
                    whichLeague.deleteFixture(whichLeague.getAllLeagueFixtures(), F, fixtureDeleteCounter);
                    fixtureDeleteCounter -= 1;

                // if the away team names match then remove the team and all its selected fixtures...
                if (F.getFixtureAwayTeam().Contains(deleteTeam.getTeamName()))
                    whichLeague.deleteFixture(whichLeague.getAllLeagueFixtures(), F, fixtureDeleteCounter);
                    fixtureDeleteCounter -= 1;

                // otherwise increment the deletion counter...
                fixtureDeleteCounter += 1;

            // rewrite the text file without the selected team...
            Operations.writeAllFixtures(frmMainMenu.inputFootball, frmMainMenu.allLeagues);
Esempio n. 2
        *            OPERATIONS - DELETE PROCESSED FIXTURE                *
        public static void deletePlayedFixture(League whichLeague, Fixture whichFixture)
            whichLeague = (League)frmMainMenu.allLeagues[frmMainMenu.leagueSelected];
            var theLeagues = whichLeague.getAllLeagueFixtures();

            // loop through each fixture in 'theLeagues', convert to array to prevent
            // the Enumerator changed error exception to be thrown by compiler...
            foreach (Fixture f in theLeagues.ToArray())
                // Get the correct fixture...
                if (f.getFixtureHomeTeam() == whichFixture.getFixtureHomeTeam() &&
                    f.getFixtureAwayTeam() == whichFixture.getFixtureAwayTeam())
                    // otherwise delete the item at the selected index...

                    Operations.writeAllLeagues(frmMainMenu.inputFootball, frmMainMenu.allLeagues);
                    Operations.writeAllFixtures(frmMainMenu.inputFootball, frmMainMenu.allLeagues);

                    // prompt the user that the fixture has been deleted...
                    MessageBox.Show("Success - The Fixture: " + f.getFixtureHomeTeam() + " vs " + f.getFixtureAwayTeam()
                                    + " has been deleted.", "Fixture Deleted");
Esempio n. 3
        *             EDIT FIXTURE - GET THE FIXTURE DETAILS              *
        private void getFixtureDetails()
                // local variables...
                int       selectedLeague  = frmMainMenu.leagueSelected;
                int       selectedFixture = frmMainMenu.fixtureSelected;
                ArrayList allOfTheLeagues = frmMainMenu.allLeagues;

                League  currentLeague  = (League)allOfTheLeagues[selectedLeague];
                Fixture currentFixture = (Fixture)currentLeague.getAllLeagueFixtures()[selectedFixture];

                // set input fields to the currentFixture details...
                cboLeagues.Text         = currentLeague.getLeagueName();
                txtFixtureDate.Text     = currentFixture.getFixtureDate();
                txtFixtureTime.Text     = currentFixture.getFixtureTime();
                txtFixtureLocation.Text = currentFixture.getFixtureLocation();
                cboHomeTeam.Text        = currentFixture.getFixtureHomeTeam();
                cboAwayTeam.Text        = currentFixture.getFixtureAwayTeam();

                // loop through each team in allTeams...
                foreach (Team t in frmMainMenu.allTeams)
                    // check to see if the right home team has been selected...
                    if (t.getTeamName().ToString() == cboHomeTeam.Text)
                        // render the left panel using t's details...

                    // check to see if the right away team is selected
                    if (t.getTeamName().ToString() == cboAwayTeam.Text)
                        // render the left panel using t's details...

            catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
            { }

            catch (Exception)
                MessageBox.Show("Please select a fixture from the list before trying to edit one.", "Operation Failed");
Esempio n. 4
        *                   EDIT FIXTURE - EDIT THE FIXTURE               *
        private void btnEditFixture_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // local variables...
            bool   validationCheck = false;
            League whichLeague     = (League)frmMainMenu.allLeagues[frmMainMenu.leagueSelected];

            // initialisation...
            // FIXTURE ORDER = fixtureLeague, fixtureDate, fixtureTime, fixtureLocation, fixtureHomeTeam, fixtureAwayTeam
            string tempFixtureLeague   = cboLeagues.Text;
            string tempFixtureDate     = txtFixtureDate.Text;
            string tempFixtureTime     = txtFixtureTime.Text;
            string tempFixtureLocation = txtFixtureLocation.Text;
            string tempFixtureHomeTeam = cboHomeTeam.Text;
            string tempFixtureAwayTeam = cboAwayTeam.Text;

            // do validation...
            validationCheck = cboLeagues != null && Operations.notNullTextBox(txtFixtureDate, "the fixture date") &&
                              Operations.notNullTextBox(txtFixtureTime, "the fixture time") && Operations.notNullTextBox(txtFixtureLocation, "the fixtures location") &&
                              cboHomeTeam != null && cboAwayTeam != null;

            // if the validation returns true then...
            if (validationCheck)
                // create the tempFixture object...
                Fixture tempFixture = new Fixture(tempFixtureDate, tempFixtureTime, tempFixtureLocation, tempFixtureHomeTeam, tempFixtureAwayTeam);

                // use the replaceFixture method (in League) to replace team, then rewrite file...
                whichLeague.replaceFixture(whichLeague.getAllLeagueFixtures(), tempFixture, frmMainMenu.fixtureSelected);
                Operations.writeAllFixtures(frmMainMenu.inputFootball, frmMainMenu.allLeagues);

                // prompt the user of success and reset the form...
                MessageBox.Show("SUCCESS: The fixture has been amended, " + tempFixtureHomeTeam + " shall play " + tempFixtureAwayTeam + " on "
                                + tempFixtureDate + " at " + tempFixtureTime + " at " + tempFixtureLocation + ".");

Esempio n. 5
        *          OPERATIONS - READ IN LEAGUE & FIXTURE DATA             *
        public static void readFootball(string theFile, ArrayList allLeaguesandFixtures)
            // local variables
            StreamReader inLeagues = null;
            bool         anyMoreLeaguesAndFixtures = false;

            string[] leagueData  = new string[frmMainMenu.numLeagueItems];
            string[] FixtureData = new string[frmMainMenu.numFixtureItems];
            League   tempLeague;
            Fixture  tempFixture;
            int      numFixturesInLeagues;

            // if the file opened without error then...
            if (Operations.fileOpenForReadOK(theFile, ref inLeagues))
                // read the first League Fixtures
                anyMoreLeaguesAndFixtures = Operations.getNext(frmMainMenu.numLeagueItems, inLeagues, leagueData);

                // loop through for all League's in file
                while (anyMoreLeaguesAndFixtures == true)
                        numFixturesInLeagues = Convert.ToInt32(leagueData[3]);      // last item is num of teams

                        // LEAGUE ORDER = leagueName, leagueSponsor, leaguePrize, leagueNumFixtures
                        tempLeague = new League(leagueData[0], leagueData[1], leagueData[2], Convert.ToInt32(leagueData[3]));

                        // Read all Fixture's into the League
                        for (int i = 0; i < numFixturesInLeagues; i++)
                            getNext(frmMainMenu.numFixtureItems, inLeagues, FixtureData);

                            // Fixture order = fixtureData, fixtureTime, fixtureLocation, fixtureHomeTeam, fixtureAwayTeam
                            tempFixture = new Fixture(FixtureData[0], FixtureData[1], FixtureData[2], FixtureData[3], FixtureData[4]);

                            tempLeague.addFixtureToLeague(tempLeague.getAllLeagueFixtures(), tempFixture);

                        // add the league and its fixtures into the data-structure
                        //tempLeague.addLeagueToLeague(tempLeague.getAllLeagues(), tempLeague);

                        anyMoreLeaguesAndFixtures = getNext(frmMainMenu.numLeagueItems, inLeagues, leagueData);
                    catch (FormatException)

            // close the streamReader
            if (inLeagues != null)

            //   foreach (League L in allLeaguesandFixtures)
            // {

            //   L.addLeagueToLeague(L.getAllLeagues(), L);

            //    }
        } // end read books