ToString() public method

public ToString ( ) : string
return string
        public static bool UpdateNamedObjectsFromBaseType(INamedObjectContainer namedObjectContainer)
            bool haveChangesOccurred = false;

            List <NamedObjectSave> referencedObjectsBeforeUpdate = new List <NamedObjectSave>();

            for (int i = 0; i < namedObjectContainer.NamedObjects.Count; i++)
                if (namedObjectContainer.NamedObjects[i].DefinedByBase)

            List <NamedObjectSave> namedObjectsSetByDerived     = new List <NamedObjectSave>();
            List <NamedObjectSave> namedObjectsExposedInDerived = new List <NamedObjectSave>();

            List <INamedObjectContainer> baseElements = new List <INamedObjectContainer>();

            // June 1, 2011:
            // The following code
            // was using AddRange instead
            // of manually looping, but this
            // is only possible in .NET 4.0, and
            // GlueView still uses 3.1.
            // July 24, 2011
            // Before today, this
            // code would loop through
            // all base Entities and search
            // for SetByDerived properties in
            // any NamedObjectSave. This caused
            // bugs.  Basically if you had 3 Elements
            // in an inheritance chain and the one at the
            // very base defined a NOS to be SetByDerived, then
            // anything that inherited directly from the base should
            // be forced to define it.  If it does, then the 3rd Element
            // in the inheritance chain shouldn't have to define it, but before
            // to day it did.  This caused a lot of problems including generated
            // code creating the element twice.
            if (namedObjectContainer is EntitySave)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(namedObjectContainer.BaseObject))
                //List<EntitySave> allBase = ((EntitySave)namedObjectContainer).GetAllBaseEntities();
                //foreach (EntitySave baseEntitySave in allBase)
                //    baseElements.Add(baseEntitySave);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(namedObjectContainer.BaseObject))
                //List<ScreenSave> allBase = ((ScreenSave)namedObjectContainer).GetAllBaseScreens();
                //foreach (ScreenSave baseScreenSave in allBase)
                //    baseElements.Add(baseScreenSave);

            foreach (INamedObjectContainer baseNamedObjectContainer in baseElements)
                if (baseNamedObjectContainer != null)

            #region See if there are any objects to be removed from the derived.
            for (int i = referencedObjectsBeforeUpdate.Count - 1; i > -1; i--)
                bool contains = false;

                for (int j = 0; j < namedObjectsSetByDerived.Count; j++)
                    if (referencedObjectsBeforeUpdate[i].InstanceName == namedObjectsSetByDerived[j].InstanceName &&
                        contains = true;

                for (int j = 0; j < namedObjectsExposedInDerived.Count; j++)
                    if (referencedObjectsBeforeUpdate[i].InstanceName == namedObjectsExposedInDerived[j].InstanceName &&
                        contains = true;

                if (!contains)
                    NamedObjectSave nos = referencedObjectsBeforeUpdate[i];

                    string message = "The following object is marked as \"defined by base\" but it is not contained in " +
                                     "any base elements\n\n" + nos.ToString() + "\n\nWhat would you like to do?";

                    MultiButtonMessageBox mbmb = new MultiButtonMessageBox();

                    mbmb.MessageText = message;

                    mbmb.AddButton("Remove " + nos.ToString(), DialogResult.Yes);
                    mbmb.AddButton("Keep it, make it not \"defined by base\"", DialogResult.No);

                    DialogResult result = mbmb.ShowDialog();

                    if (result == DialogResult.Yes)
                        // We got a NamedObject we should remove
                        nos.DefinedByBase      = false;
                        nos.InstantiatedByBase = false;
                    haveChangesOccurred = true;

            #region Next, see if there are any objects to be added
            for (int i = 0; i < namedObjectsSetByDerived.Count; i++)
                NamedObjectSave namedObjectSetByDerived = namedObjectsSetByDerived[i];

                NamedObjectSave matchingDefinedByBase = null;// contains = false;
                for (int j = 0; j < referencedObjectsBeforeUpdate.Count; j++)
                    if (referencedObjectsBeforeUpdate[j].InstanceName == namedObjectSetByDerived.InstanceName &&
                        matchingDefinedByBase = referencedObjectsBeforeUpdate[j];

                if (matchingDefinedByBase == null)
                    AddSetByDerivedNos(namedObjectContainer, namedObjectSetByDerived, false);
                    MatchDerivedToBase(namedObjectSetByDerived, matchingDefinedByBase);

            for (int i = 0; i < namedObjectsExposedInDerived.Count; i++)
                NamedObjectSave namedObjectSetByDerived = namedObjectsExposedInDerived[i];

                NamedObjectSave matchingDefinedByBase = null;// contains = false;
                for (int j = 0; j < referencedObjectsBeforeUpdate.Count; j++)
                    if (referencedObjectsBeforeUpdate[j].InstanceName == namedObjectSetByDerived.InstanceName &&
                        matchingDefinedByBase = referencedObjectsBeforeUpdate[j];

                if (matchingDefinedByBase == null)
                    AddSetByDerivedNos(namedObjectContainer, namedObjectSetByDerived, true);
                    MatchDerivedToBase(namedObjectSetByDerived, matchingDefinedByBase);


        private static MemberInfo GetMemberInfoForMember(NamedObjectSave namedObjectSave, string typeName, string variableToReset)
            Type type = null;

            if (namedObjectSave.SourceType == SourceType.Entity)
                type = typeof(PositionedObject);

                type = TypeManager.GetTypeFromString(typeName);

            if (type == null)
                // this is an unknown type, so we should just return null;
                return null;

                string firstVariable = variableToReset;

                bool shouldRecur = false;

                if (variableToReset.Contains('.'))
                    firstVariable = variableToReset.Substring(0, variableToReset.IndexOf('.'));
                    shouldRecur = true;

                MemberInfo[] memberInfoArray = type.GetMember(firstVariable);

                if (memberInfoArray.Length == 0)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Could not find any members with the name " + firstVariable + " in the NamedObject " + namedObjectSave.ToString() + " of type " + type);

                MemberInfo memberInfo = memberInfoArray[0];

                if (shouldRecur)
                    string typeOfMember = null;

                    if (memberInfo is FieldInfo)
                        typeOfMember = ((FieldInfo)memberInfo).FieldType.Name;
                        typeOfMember = ((PropertyInfo)memberInfo).PropertyType.Name;
                    return GetMemberInfoForMember(namedObjectSave, typeOfMember, variableToReset.Substring(variableToReset.IndexOf('.') + 1));
                    return memberInfo;
        private static string WriteMethodForClone(NamedObjectSave namedObject, ICodeBlock codeBlock,
            List<string[]> referencedFilesAlreadyUsingFullFile, AssetTypeInfo nosAti, string objectName,
            ReferencedFileSave rfs, IElement container, string containerName, string overridingName)
            int lastParen = namedObject.SourceName.LastIndexOf(" (");
            string nameOfSourceInContainer = namedObject.SourceName.Substring(0, lastParen);
            // This could have a quote in the name.  If so we want to escape it since this will be put in code:
            nameOfSourceInContainer = nameOfSourceInContainer.Replace("\"", "\\\"");

            string cloneString = ".Clone()";

            string namedObjectToPullFrom = null;
            foreach (string[] stringPair in referencedFilesAlreadyUsingFullFile)
                if (rfs != null && stringPair[0] == rfs.Name && !namedObject.SourceName.StartsWith("Entire File ("))
                    namedObjectToPullFrom = stringPair[1];

            // September 30, 2012
            // Now all files - whether
            // they are part of an Entity
            // or part of a Screen, are static.
            // This means that the rfs.IsSharedStatic
            // check will usually fail.  However, Screens
            // will still add to managers even for static
            // object, so we want to make sure that we don't
            // clone an object already added to managers, so we
            // need the last check to see if the container is a ScreenSave.
            if (nosAti == null || !nosAti.CanBeCloned || namedObjectToPullFrom != null || (rfs != null && rfs.IsSharedStatic == false) || container is ScreenSave)
                cloneString = "";

            if (nosAti != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(nosAti.CustomCloneMethod))
                cloneString = nosAti.CustomCloneMethod;

            AssetTypeInfo rfsAti = null;
            if (rfs != null)
                rfsAti = rfs.GetAssetTypeInfo();

            bool usesFullConversion = false;

            if (rfsAti != null && rfsAti.Conversion.Count != 0)
                var foundConversion = rfsAti.Conversion.FirstOrDefault(item => item.ToType == namedObject.InstanceType);

                if (foundConversion != null)
                    cloneString = foundConversion.ConversionPattern.Replace("{NEW}", objectName);
                    cloneString = cloneString.Replace("{THIS}", rfs.GetInstanceName());
                    usesFullConversion = true;

            if (namedObjectToPullFrom != null)
                containerName = namedObjectToPullFrom;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(overridingName))
                containerName = overridingName;

            string listMemberName = ContentParser.GetMemberNameForList(FileManager.GetExtension(namedObject.SourceFile), namedObject.InstanceType);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(listMemberName))
                listMemberName += ".";

            if (nameOfSourceInContainer == "Entire File" && string.IsNullOrEmpty(listMemberName))
                if (usesFullConversion)
                    codeBlock.Line(cloneString + ";");
                else if (cloneString.Contains("{THIS}"))
                    string entireString = cloneString.Replace("{THIS}", objectName);
                    entireString = entireString.Replace("{SOURCE_FILE}", containerName);

                    codeBlock.Line(string.Format("{0} = {1}{2};",
                string findByNameLine = "";
                if (nosAti != null)
                    findByNameLine = nosAti.FindByNameSyntax;

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(findByNameLine))
                        string message = "The object " + namedObject.ToString() + " is part of a file.  To be properly generated " +
                            "the AssetTypeInfo (or CSV value) for " + nosAti.ToString() + " must contain a FindByNameSyntax property";

                        throw new Exception(message);

                findByNameLine = findByNameLine.Replace("OBJECTNAME", nameOfSourceInContainer);

                string possibleDot = ".";

                if (findByNameLine.StartsWith("["))
                    possibleDot = "";

                //if (namedObject.AddToManagers)
                    // Not sure why we don't clone on a non add to manager.  This post right here suggests we should
                    // and I tend to believe Scott so...I'm following his advice:
                    codeBlock.Line(string.Format("{0} = {1}{2}{3}{4}{5};",

                //    stringBuilder.AppendLine(
                //        string.Format("\t\t\t{0} = {1}{2}{3}{4};",
                //            objectName,
                //            containerName,
                //            possibleDot,
                //            listMemberName,
                //            findByNameLine));
            return containerName;
        private static void CreateVariableResetField(NamedObjectSave namedObjectSave, string typeName, ICodeBlock codeBlock)
            for (int i = 0; i < namedObjectSave.VariablesToReset.Count; i++)
                string variableToReset = namedObjectSave.VariablesToReset[i];

                string typeOfResetVariable = "";
                MemberInfo memberInfo = null;

                    memberInfo = GetMemberInfoForMember(namedObjectSave, typeName, variableToReset);
                catch (InvalidOperationException)
                    // If we got here that means that the object doesn't have a variable matching what was passed in.
                    // That's okay, we can just continue...well, after we tell the user about the problem.

                if (memberInfo == null)
                    GlueGui.ShowMessageBox("Error generating code for " + namedObjectSave.ToString() + ":\nCould not find variable " + variableToReset + " in " + namedObjectSave.SourceClassType);
                    if (memberInfo is PropertyInfo)
                        typeOfResetVariable = TypeManager.ConvertToCommonType(((PropertyInfo)memberInfo).PropertyType.ToString());
                        typeOfResetVariable = TypeManager.ConvertToCommonType(((FieldInfo)memberInfo).FieldType.ToString());


                    // 1/2/2011
                    // The following
                    // used to be protected
                    // (instance) variable, but
                    // this greatly bloats the size
                    // of instances.  I'm going to make
                    // these variables static and we'll see
                    // if this causes problems.
                    codeBlock.Line(StringHelper.SpaceStrings("static", typeOfResetVariable, namedObjectSave.InstanceName) +
                                   variableToReset.Replace(".", "") + "Reset;");