Esempio n. 1
        private static XElement ParseDescription(XElement xElement, RssItem newItem, XElement subElement)
            subElement = xElement.Element("description");
            if (subElement != null)
                newItem.Description = subElement.Value;

                int indexOfComment = newItem.Description.IndexOf("<!--");

                if (indexOfComment != -1)
                    string commentSection = newItem.Description.Substring(indexOfComment);

                    int indexOfLinkStart = commentSection.IndexOf("/><a href=\"");
                    if (indexOfLinkStart != -1)
                        indexOfLinkStart = indexOfLinkStart + "/><a href=\"".Length;

                        string stringContainingFileAtStart = commentSection.Substring(indexOfLinkStart);

                        int endOfFile = stringContainingFileAtStart.IndexOf("\"");

                        string file = stringContainingFileAtStart.Substring(0, endOfFile);

                        newItem.DirectLink = file;
            return subElement;
Esempio n. 2
        public static RssItem FromXElement(XElement xElement)
            RssItem newItem = new RssItem();

            var subElement = xElement.Element("title");
            if (subElement != null)
                newItem.Title = subElement.Value;

            subElement = ParseDescription(xElement, newItem, subElement);

            subElement = xElement.Element("comments");
            if (subElement != null)
                newItem.Comments = subElement.Value;

            subElement = xElement.Element("pubDate");
            if (subElement != null)
                newItem.PublishedDate = xElement.Element("pubDate").Value;
            return newItem;
Esempio n. 3
        private static XElement ParseDescription(XElement xElement, RssItem newItem, XElement subElement)
            subElement = xElement.Element("description");
            if (subElement != null)
                newItem.Description = subElement.Value;

                int indexOfComment = newItem.Description.IndexOf("<!--");

                if (indexOfComment != -1)
                    string commentSection = newItem.Description.Substring(indexOfComment);

                    int indexOfLinkStart = commentSection.IndexOf("/><a href=\"");
                    if (indexOfLinkStart != -1)
                        indexOfLinkStart = indexOfLinkStart + "/><a href=\"".Length;

                        string stringContainingFileAtStart = commentSection.Substring(indexOfLinkStart);

                        int endOfFile = stringContainingFileAtStart.IndexOf("\"");

                        string file = stringContainingFileAtStart.Substring(0, endOfFile);

                        newItem.DirectLink = file;
Esempio n. 4
        public static RssItem FromXElement(XElement xElement)
            RssItem newItem = new RssItem();

            var subElement = xElement.Element("title");

            if (subElement != null)
                newItem.Title = subElement.Value;

            subElement = ParseDescription(xElement, newItem, subElement);

            subElement = xElement.Element("comments");
            if (subElement != null)
                newItem.Comments = subElement.Value;

            subElement = xElement.Element("pubDate");
            if (subElement != null)
                newItem.PublishedDate = xElement.Element("pubDate").Value;
Esempio n. 5
        public static void StartDownloadingInformation(string url, Action <AllFeed, DownloadState> callback)
            Thread thread = new Thread(() =>
                AllFeed toReturn     = null;
                DownloadState result = DownloadState.Error;
                    // Create a request for the URL.
                    WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(url);
                    // If required by the server, set the credentials.
                    request.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
                    // Get the response.
                    using (HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse())
                        using (Stream dataStream = response.GetResponseStream())
                            using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(dataStream))
                                // Read the content.
                                string responseFromServer = reader.ReadToEnd();
                                toReturn = new AllFeed();
                                //toReturn = FileManager.XmlDeserializeFromString<AllFeed>(responseFromServer);
                                XDocument doc = XDocument.Parse(responseFromServer);

                                foreach (var xElement in doc.Element("rss").Element("channel").Elements("item"))
                                    RssItem newItem = RssItem.FromXElement(xElement);

                    result = DownloadState.InformationDownloaded;
                catch (Exception e)
                    result = DownloadState.Error;
                callback(toReturn, result);

Esempio n. 6
        private void ShowSelectedPluginInformation()
            object selectedItem = ListBox.SelectedItem;

            if (selectedItem == null)
                LastUpdatedTitleLabel.Text = "Select an item to view update information";
                LastUpdatedTitleLabel.Visible = true;

                LastUpdatedValueLabel.Visible = false;

                RemoteActionButton.Visible = false;
            else if(AllFeed != null)
                RssItem item = GetItemFor(AllFeed, SelectedPlugin);

                SelectedRssItem = item;

                if (item != null)
                    string glueLink = item.GlueLink;
                    SelectedPlugin.RemoteLocation = glueLink;

                    if (SelectedPlugin.DownloadState == DownloadState.InformationDownloaded)
                        LastUpdatedTitleLabel.Text = "Last Update: ";

                        LastUpdatedValueLabel.Visible = true;
                        LastUpdatedValueLabel.Text =  SelectedPlugin.LastUpdate.ToString();

                        RemoteActionButton.Visible = true;
                        RemoteActionButton.Text = "Go to GlueVault";

                        RemoteActionButton2.Visible = true;
                        RemoteActionButton2.Text = "Install Latest Plugin";
                    else if(SelectedPlugin.DownloadState == DownloadState.NotStarted)
                        LastUpdatedTitleLabel.Text = "Downloading information for " + item.Title;
                                // The window may have been closed already
                                if (this.Visible)
                                        // no big deal, it's disposed most likely because the user closed the window.
                    else if (SelectedPlugin.DownloadState == DownloadState.Error)
                        LastUpdatedTitleLabel.Text = "Error getting information about plugin";

                        RemoteActionButton.Visible = true;
                        RemoteActionButton2.Visible = false;

                        RemoteActionButton.Text = "Try again";

                    LastUpdatedTitleLabel.Text = "Plugin not found on";
                    LastUpdatedValueLabel.Visible = false;
                    RemoteActionButton.Visible = false;
                    RemoteActionButton2.Visible = false;

                //LastUpdatedTitleLabel.Text = "Last Updated:";
                //LastUpdatedValueLabel.Text = "12 34 5678";

                //LastUpdatedTitleLabel.Visible = true;
                //LastUpdatedValueLabel.Visible = true;

                //RemoteActionButton.Visible = true;
                //RemoteActionButton.Text = "Refresh";
