public MyGame(ContentManager content, GraphicsDevice graphics) { this.content = content; = graphics; rocket = new Rocket(graphics,content); camera = new Camera(graphics.Viewport); backgroundPosition = new Vector2(-graphics.Viewport.Width/2, -graphics.Viewport.Height/2); pauseBgPosition = new Vector2(-graphics.Viewport.Width / 2, -graphics.Viewport.Height / 2); healthTexture = content.Load<Texture2D>("health/health0"); asteroids = new List<Asteroid>(); background = new List<Texture2D>(); background2 = new List<Texture2D>(); bonus = new List<Bonus>(); r = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { Asteroid newasteroid = new Asteroid(content, graphics.Viewport,r.Next(0,3),r.Next(3,4),r.Next(-700,-300),r.Next(-700,-300),r.Next(-5,5),r.Next(-5,5),(float)(r.Next(1,2)/10)); asteroids.Add(newasteroid); } for (int i = 0; i <= 150; i++) { Texture2D backgroundTexture = content.Load<Texture2D>("gamebg/gamebg" + i); background.Add(backgroundTexture); } currentBg = background[0]; pauseBg = content.Load<Texture2D>("pausebg"); pauseTexture = content.Load<Texture2D>("pause"); gameoverTexture = content.Load<Texture2D>("gameover"); font1 = content.Load<SpriteFont>("SpriteFont1"); bgsound1 = content.Load<Song>("audio/bgsound1"); crashsound = content.Load<SoundEffect>("audio/crash"); hitsound = content.Load<SoundEffect>("audio/hit"); MediaPlayer.Play(bgsound1); MediaPlayer.IsRepeating = true; }
public Game1.GameState Update(MouseState mouse, GameTime gametime) { int removeIndex = 0; int removeBullet = 0; int removeBonus = 0; bool intersect = false; bool intersectBonus = false; Asteroid distroidAsteroid = null; if (pause == false && gameover == false) { rocket.Update(mouse, background[0], backgroundPosition); camera.Update(gametime, rocket,backgroundPosition,background[0]); if (Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.Escape) && lastKey.IsKeyUp(Keys.Escape)) { pause = true; } //remove all the asteroids that need to be disappear for (int i = 0; i < asteroids.Count; i++) { if (asteroids[i].remove) { score += (asteroids[i].randomshape - 2); asteroids.RemoveAt(i); i--; } } //check the intersect of the asteroid and the bullets foreach (Asteroid asteroid in asteroids) { asteroid.Update(background[0], backgroundPosition); for (int i = 0; i < rocket.bullets.Count; i++) { if (IntersectPixel.intersectPixel(asteroid.asteroidRec, asteroid.textureData, rocket.bullets[i].bulletRec, rocket.bullets[i].textureData)) { distroidAsteroid = asteroid; asteroid.disapper = true; removeBullet = i; intersect = true; crashsound.Play(); break; } } if (intersect == true) { break; } removeIndex++; } // if any asteroid intersect with bullet, then remove the asteroid if (intersect == true) { if (distroidAsteroid != null) { if (r.Next(0, 10) == 2) { Bonus newBonus = new Bonus(content, graphics.Viewport, r.Next(0, 4), (int)distroidAsteroid.position.X, (int)distroidAsteroid.position.Y, r.Next(-5, 5), r.Next(-5, 5), (float)(r.Next(1, 2) / 10)); bonus.Add(newBonus); } if (distroidAsteroid.randomshape > 3) { if (distroidAsteroid.distroid.A == 255) { Asteroid newasteroid = new Asteroid(content, graphics.Viewport, r.Next(0, 4), distroidAsteroid.randomshape - 1, (int)distroidAsteroid.position.X, (int)distroidAsteroid.position.Y, r.Next(-5, 5), r.Next(-5, 5), (float)(r.Next(1, 2) / 10)); asteroids.Add(newasteroid); newasteroid = new Asteroid(content, graphics.Viewport, r.Next(0, 4), distroidAsteroid.randomshape - 1, (int)distroidAsteroid.position.X, (int)distroidAsteroid.position.Y, r.Next(-5, 5), r.Next(-5, 5), (float)(r.Next(1, 2) / 10)); asteroids.Add(newasteroid); } } rocket.bullets.RemoveAt(removeBullet); } } //check if the rocket intersect with asteroid foreach (Asteroid asteroid in asteroids) { if (IntersectPixel.intersectPixel(asteroid.asteroidRec, asteroid.textureData, rocket.rocketRectangle, rocket.textureData) && asteroid != lastIntersectAsteroid) { -= 10; lastIntersectAsteroid = asteroid; hitsound.Play(); break; } } //check if the rocket intersect with asteroid foreach (Bonus bounsitem in bonus) { bounsitem.Update(background[0], backgroundPosition); if (IntersectPixel.intersectPixel(bounsitem.bonusRec, bounsitem.textureData, rocket.rocketRectangle, rocket.textureData)) { switch (bounsitem.type) { case 0: rocket.damageup++; break; case 1: level++; asteroids.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < level + 4; i++) { Asteroid newasteroid; if (level <= 4) { newasteroid = new Asteroid(content, graphics.Viewport, r.Next(0, 3), r.Next(3, level + 3), r.Next(-700, -300), r.Next(-700, -300), r.Next(-5, 5), r.Next(-5, 5), (float)(r.Next(1, 2) / 10)); } else { newasteroid = new Asteroid(content, graphics.Viewport, r.Next(0, 3), r.Next(3, 7), r.Next(-700, -300), r.Next(-700, -300), r.Next(-5, 5), r.Next(-5, 5), (float)(r.Next(1, 2) / 10)); } asteroids.Add(newasteroid); } break; case 2:; break; case 3: rocket.tangentialVelocity += 1; break; } intersectBonus = true; break; } removeBonus++; } if (intersectBonus) { bonus.RemoveAt(removeBonus); intersectBonus = false; } if (asteroids.Count == 0) { level++; for (int i = 0; i < level+4; i++) { Asteroid newasteroid; if (level <= 4) { newasteroid = new Asteroid(content, graphics.Viewport, r.Next(0, 3), r.Next(3, level + 3), r.Next(-700, -300), r.Next(-700, -300), r.Next(-5, 5), r.Next(-5, 5), (float)(r.Next(1, 2) / 10)); } else { newasteroid = new Asteroid(content, graphics.Viewport, r.Next(0, 3), r.Next(3, 7), r.Next(-700, -300), r.Next(-700, -300), r.Next(-5, 5), r.Next(-5, 5), (float)(r.Next(1, 2) / 10)); } asteroids.Add(newasteroid); } } currentFrame++; if (currentFrame >= 150) { currentFrame = 0; } currentBg = background[currentFrame]; scorePosition = new Vector2((int), (int) +40); levelPosition = new Vector2((int) + 20, (int) + 80); lifePosition = new Vector2((int) + 20, (int) + 120); healthRec = new Rectangle((int) + 20, (int) + 400, * 8, healthTexture.Height); if ( <= 100 && > 80) { healthTexture = content.Load<Texture2D>("health/health0"); } else if ( < 80 && > 60) { healthTexture = content.Load<Texture2D>("health/health1"); } else if ( < 60 && > 20) { healthTexture = content.Load<Texture2D>("health/health3"); } else if ( < 20) { healthTexture = content.Load<Texture2D>("health/health2"); } if ( == 1) { bg1volume = 0; if (changesong == false) { bgsound1 = content.Load<Song>("audio/bgsound2"); MediaPlayer.Play(bgsound1); MediaPlayer.IsRepeating = true; changesong = true; } } else if ( == 0) { gameover = true; } } else if( pause ) { pauseRec =new Rectangle((int)rocket.rocketPosition.X , (int)rocket.rocketPosition.Y -150,pauseTexture.Width,pauseTexture.Height); if( Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.Escape) && lastKey.IsKeyUp(Keys.Escape)) { pause = false; } } else if (gameover) { gameoverRec = new Rectangle((int), (int), pauseTexture.Width, pauseTexture.Height); } lastKey = Keyboard.GetState(); return Game1.GameState.Playing; }