Esempio n. 1
        public InformationBarMargin(IWpfTextView textView, ITextDocument document, IEditorOperations editorOperations, ITextUndoHistory undoHistory)
            _textView    = textView;
            _document    = document;
            _operations  = editorOperations;
            _undoHistory = undoHistory;

            _telemetrySession = TelemetrySessionForPPT.Create(this.GetType().Assembly);

            var informationBar = new InformationBarControl();

            informationBar.Tabify.Click        += Tabify;
            informationBar.Untabify.Click      += Untabify;
            informationBar.Hide.Click          += Hide;
            informationBar.DontShowAgain.Click += DontShowAgain;

            this.Height  = 0;
            this.Content = informationBar;
            this.Name    = MarginName;

            document.FileActionOccurred += FileActionOccurred;

            // Delay the initial check until the view gets focus.
            textView.GotAggregateFocus += GotAggregateFocus;
Esempio n. 2
        public InformationBarMargin(IWpfTextView textView, ITextDocument document, IEditorOperations editorOperations, ITextUndoHistory undoHistory)
            _textView = textView;
            _document = document;
            _operations = editorOperations;
            _undoHistory = undoHistory;

            var informationBar = new InformationBarControl();
            informationBar.Tabify.Click += Tabify;
            informationBar.Untabify.Click += Untabify;
            informationBar.Hide.Click += Hide;
            informationBar.DontShowAgain.Click += DontShowAgain;

            this.Height = 0;
            this.Content = informationBar;
            this.Name = MarginName;

            document.FileActionOccurred += FileActionOccurred;

            // Delay the initial check until the view gets focus
            textView.GotAggregateFocus += GotAggregateFocus;