Esempio n. 1
        static void DeleteFunction(FitnessAppFYPLAB.StrengthInsertRead StrengthFunctions, FitnessAppFYPLAB.CardioInsertRead CardioFunctions, FitnessAppFYPLAB.BalanceInsertRead BalanceFunctions, FitnessAppFYPLAB.CreateFunction SynthesizeTables, SQLiteConnection sqlite_conn_strength, SQLiteConnection sqlite_conn_cardio, SQLiteConnection sqlite_conn_balance, ref string ChooseTable, ref int Choice1, ref int Choice2, ref int Choice3, ref int Choice4)
            SQLiteConnection ConnType = null;

            if (Choice1 == 1)
                ConnType = sqlite_conn_strength;


                StrengthFunctions.ReadDataStrength(sqlite_conn_strength, ref ChooseTable, ref Choice2, ref Choice3, ref Choice4);

            if (Choice1 == 2)
                ConnType = sqlite_conn_cardio;

                CardioFunctions.ReadDataCardio(sqlite_conn_cardio, ref ChooseTable, ref Choice2, ref Choice3, ref Choice4);

            if (Choice1 == 3)
                ConnType = sqlite_conn_balance;

                BalanceFunctions.ReadDataBalance(sqlite_conn_balance, ref ChooseTable, ref Choice2, ref Choice3, ref Choice4);

            Console.Write("Please enter the number in the Index column to delete the workout: ");

            int    ToDelete    = ReadInt32(Console.ReadLine());
            string DeleteQuery = "DELETE FROM " + ChooseTable + " WHERE PK = " + ToDelete;

            SQLiteCommand DelQuery;

            DelQuery             = ConnType.CreateCommand();
            DelQuery.CommandText = DeleteQuery;
            DelQuery.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.Text;
Esempio n. 2
        static void SeeFunction(FitnessAppFYPLAB.StrengthInsertRead StrengthFunctions, FitnessAppFYPLAB.CardioInsertRead CardioFunctions, FitnessAppFYPLAB.BalanceInsertRead BalanceFunctions, FitnessAppFYPLAB.CreateFunction SynthesizeTables, SQLiteConnection sqlite_conn_strength, SQLiteConnection sqlite_conn_cardio, SQLiteConnection sqlite_conn_balance, ref string ChooseTable, ref int Choice1, ref int Choice2, ref int Choice3, ref int Choice4)
            if (Choice1 == 1)

                StrengthFunctions.ReadDataStrength(sqlite_conn_strength, ref ChooseTable, ref Choice2, ref Choice3, ref Choice4);

            if (Choice1 == 2)

                CardioFunctions.ReadDataCardio(sqlite_conn_cardio, ref ChooseTable, ref Choice2, ref Choice3, ref Choice4);

            if (Choice1 == 3)

                BalanceFunctions.ReadDataBalance(sqlite_conn_balance, ref ChooseTable, ref Choice2, ref Choice3, ref Choice4);