Esempio n. 1
        public override IEnumerable <IMove> ValidMovesFor(MapCellLocation location, HeroState owner, HeroState target, MapState map)
            // can the target move to the cell we're on?
            if (map.CanMoveTo(target, location, out MapCellState currentCell))
                yield break;

            // if the target can move to my position, I need to be able to move
            // in the same direction to the next cell
            var(dr, dc)    = MapCellLocation.Diff(location, target.Location);
            (int r, int c) = location;
            if (map.CanMoveTo(owner, (r + dr, c + dc), out MapCellState desiredCell))
                var moveTargetBack = new MoveHeroTo(target, 1, currentCell, map);
                var moveMeBack     = new MoveHeroTo(owner, 1, desiredCell, map);
                yield return(new AggregateMove(moveMeBack, moveTargetBack));
Esempio n. 2
        public override IEnumerable <IMove> ValidMovesFor(MapCellLocation location, HeroState owner, HeroState target, MapState map)
            // can the owner move to the target's position?
            if (!map.CanMoveTo(owner, target.Location, out MapCellState targetCell))
                yield break;

            // can the target move to the owner's position?
            if (!map.CanMoveTo(target, location, out MapCellState ownerCell))
                yield break;

            // the swap can be done!
            var moveOwnerToTarget = new MoveHeroTo(owner, 1, targetCell, map);
            var moveTargetToOwner = new MoveHeroTo(target, 1, ownerCell, map);

            yield return(new AggregateMove(moveOwnerToTarget, moveTargetToOwner));