Esempio n. 1
        public CToken(CToken token)
            m_Type          = token.m_Type;
            m_SubType       = token.m_SubType;
            m_pszLexeme     = token.m_pszLexeme;
            m_pszDDItemName = null;
            //Anil August 26 2005 For handling DD variable and Expression
            if (token.m_pszDDItemName != null)
                m_pszDDItemName = token.m_pszDDItemName;

            m_nSymbolTableIndex    = token.m_nSymbolTableIndex;
            m_i32constant_pool_idx = token.m_i32constant_pool_idx;
            m_i32LineNo            = token.m_i32LineNo;
            m_bIsGlobal            = token.m_bIsGlobal; //Vibhor 070705: Added
            m_bIsRoutineToken      = false;             //Anil Octobet 5 2005 for handling Method Calling Method
            m_bIsReturnToken       = false;             //Anil Octobet 5 2005 for handling Method Calling Method

            m_nSymbolTableScopeIndex = 0;               //SCR26200 Felix for handling Nested Depth of Symbol

            if (token.m_pCompound != null)
                m_pCompound = new COMPOUND_DATA();
                m_pCompound = token.m_pCompound;
Esempio n. 2
 public CToken(string szLexeme)
     m_pszLexeme              = szLexeme;
     m_pszDDItemName          = null;//Added By Anil August 22 2005
     m_pCompound              = null;
     m_Type                   = RUL_TOKEN_TYPE.RUL_TYPE_NONE;
     m_SubType                = RUL_TOKEN_SUBTYPE.RUL_SUBTYPE_NONE;
     m_nSymbolTableIndex      = -1;
     m_i32constant_pool_idx   = -1;
     m_i32LineNo              = -1;
     m_bIsGlobal              = false; //Vibhor 070705: Added
     m_bIsRoutineToken        = false; //Anil Octobet 5 2005 for handling Method Calling Method
     m_bIsReturnToken         = false; //Anil Octobet 5 2005 for handling Method Calling Method
     m_nSymbolTableScopeIndex = 0;     //SCR26200 Felix for handling Nested Depth of Symbol
Esempio n. 3
        int m_nSymbolTableScopeIndex; //SCR26200 Felix for handling Nested Depth of Symbol

        public CToken()
            m_pszLexeme     = null;
            m_pszDDItemName = null;//Anil August 26 2005 For handling DD variable and Expression
            ////m_pCompound = null;
            m_Type                   = RUL_TOKEN_TYPE.RUL_TYPE_NONE;
            m_SubType                = RUL_TOKEN_SUBTYPE.RUL_SUBTYPE_NONE;
            m_nSymbolTableIndex      = -1;
            m_i32constant_pool_idx   = -1;
            m_i32LineNo              = -1;
            m_bIsGlobal              = false; //Vibhor 070705: Added
            m_bIsRoutineToken        = false; //Anil Octobet 5 2005 for handling Method Calling Method
            m_bIsReturnToken         = false; //Anil Octobet 5 2005 for handling Method Calling Method
            m_nSymbolTableScopeIndex = 0;     ///SCR26200 /Felix for handling Nested Depth of Symbol
            m_pCompound              = new COMPOUND_DATA();
Esempio n. 4
        public void Identify(ref string szData)
            szData += "<";
            szData += m_pszLexeme;
            szData += ">";
            COMPOUND_DATA cda = GetCompoundData();

            if (cda != null)
                szData += cda.m_szName;
                szData += ",";
                szData += cda.m_szAttribute;
            szData += "</";
            szData += m_pszLexeme;
            szData += ">";
Esempio n. 5
        public CToken(string szLexeme, RUL_TOKEN_TYPE Type, RUL_TOKEN_SUBTYPE SubType, COMPOUND_DATA cmpData, int i32LineNo)
            m_pszLexeme     = szLexeme;
            m_pszDDItemName = null;//Added By Anil August 22 2005

            m_Type                 = Type;
            m_SubType              = SubType;
            m_nSymbolTableIndex    = -1;
            m_i32constant_pool_idx = -1;
            m_i32LineNo            = i32LineNo;
            m_bIsGlobal            = false; //Vibhor 070705: Added

            m_pCompound               = new COMPOUND_DATA();
            m_pCompound.m_szName      = cmpData.m_szName;
            m_pCompound.m_szAttribute = cmpData.m_szAttribute;
            m_bIsReturnToken          = false; //Anil Octobet 5 2005 for handling Method Calling Method
            m_bIsRoutineToken         = false; //Anil Octobet 5 2005 for handling Method Calling Method
            m_nSymbolTableScopeIndex  = 0;     //SCR26200 Felix for handling Nested Depth of Symbol