Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Add a request or response message string
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Msg">string a message to add</param>
        /// <param name="bRequest">bool true is added to request message</param>
        /// <param name="bAddTimeStamp">bool true is added a timestamp in front of the specified string</param>
        public void AddMessage(string Msg, bool bRequest, bool bAddTimeStamp)
            string Output = string.Empty;

            if (bAddTimeStamp)
                Output = string.Format("{0} {1}", HartUtil.GetTimeStamp(), Msg);
                Output = Msg;

            if (bRequest)
                if (m_Request.Length > 0)
                    m_Request += "\r\n";

                m_Request += Output;
                if (m_Response.Length > 0)
                    m_Response += "\r\n";

                m_Response += Output;
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Receive a HART-IP Response from the network connection.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns><see cref="HartIPResponse"/></returns>
        protected override HartIPResponse GetResponse()
            HartIPResponse Rsp      = null;
            BinaryReader   breader  = null;
            MemoryStream   inStream = null;

                if (m_socket == null)

                    byte[]     RspMsg       = new byte[HARTIPMessage.MAX_HARTMSG_LENGTH];
                    int        nRecvLen     = 0;
                    IPEndPoint sender       = new IPEndPoint(/*m_HostIp*/ IPAddress.Any, 0);
                    EndPoint   senderRemote = (EndPoint)sender;
                    nRecvLen = m_socket.ReceiveFrom(RspMsg, ref senderRemote);
                    if (nRecvLen == 0)

                    String TimeStamp = HartUtil.GetTimeStamp();
                    inStream = new System.IO.MemoryStream(RspMsg);
                    breader  = new System.IO.BinaryReader(inStream);
                    // set position to the beginning of the stream
                    breader.BaseStream.Position = 0;

                    int nRecvPort = ((IPEndPoint)senderRemote).Port;
                    if (m_nSendPort != nRecvPort)
                        m_nSendPort = ((IPEndPoint)senderRemote).Port;

                    Rsp = new HartIPResponse(breader, TimeStamp);
                    if (breader != null)
                    if (inStream != null)
            } while (false);

        /// <summary>
        /// Send a Hart request to connected network HART-IP device.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Request"><see cref="HartIPRequest"/></param>
        /// <returns>bool True if it is success to send the HART request.</returns>
        protected override bool SendRequest(HartIPRequest Request)
            bool   bSuccess  = false;
            String TimeStamp = HartUtil.GetTimeStamp();

            if (m_socket != null)
                Request.TimeStamp = TimeStamp;
                bSuccess          = true;
                m_Error = "SendRequest Error: Socket is already closed.";
                LogMsg.Instance.Log("Error, Socket is already closed in SendRequest.", true);

Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Write message in debug console and/or write into a file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="msg">String message to write</param>
        /// <param name="bAddTimeStamp">bool true to add timestamp in front of message</param>
        /// <param name="bAddEmptyLine">bool true to add empty line after the message</param>
        /// <remark>It will write a message to debug console console screen,
        /// and/or write to log file.</remark>
        public void Log(String msg, bool bAddTimeStamp, bool bAddEmptyLine)
                lock (SyncRoot)
                    String strOutput;

                    if (bAddTimeStamp)
                        String TimeStamp = HartUtil.GetTimeStamp();
                        strOutput = String.Format("{0}, {1}", TimeStamp, msg);
                        strOutput = msg;

                    // Check if display output string to screen
                    if (m_bOutputToScreen)

                    if (m_bLogToFile)
                        if (m_Count >= m_Limit)
                            m_Count = 0;
                        WriteMsgToFile(m_strFileName, strOutput, bAddEmptyLine);
            } while (false); /* ONCE */
        /// <summary>
        /// HartIPResponse
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inBuffer">BinaryReader</param>
        /// <param name="TimeStamp">String response timestamp</param>
        internal HartIPResponse(BinaryReader inBuffer, String TimeStamp)
            : base("Rx")
            byte   Version, MsgType, MsgId, Status;
            ushort usMsgByteCount;

            Version = inBuffer.ReadByte();
            if (Version != HARTIPMessage.HART_UDP_TCP_MSG_VERSION)
                throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("HartIPResponse Error: Unsupported Response Message Version: {0}.",

            // If the input timestamp is null or empty, get the current time as timestamp
            if ((TimeStamp != null) && (TimeStamp.Length > 0))
                m_TimeStamp = TimeStamp;
                m_TimeStamp = HartUtil.GetTimeStamp();

            MsgType = inBuffer.ReadByte();
            MsgId   = inBuffer.ReadByte();
            Status  = inBuffer.ReadByte();

            // Create message header
            MsgHeader = new HartIPMessageHeader(MsgType, (MessageId)MsgId, Status);
            // transaction id
            m_TransactionId = (ushort)IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder((short)inBuffer.ReadUInt16());
            // byte count
            usMsgByteCount = (ushort)IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder((short)inBuffer.ReadUInt16());
            // message body byte count
            m_HartCmdSize = (ushort)(usMsgByteCount - HARTIPMessage.HART_MSG_HEADER_SIZE);

            if (m_HartCmdSize > HARTIPMessage.MAX_HARTMSG_LENGTH)
                m_HartCmdSize = HARTIPMessage.MAX_HARTMSG_LENGTH;

            // get data bytes if message has data
            if (m_HartCmdSize > 0)
                ushort usExtra;
                int    nIndex;
                int    j, i;

                // get the message bytes
                for (i = MsgHeader.ByteCount, j = 0; i < usMsgByteCount; i++, j++)
                    m_HartCmd[j] = inBuffer.ReadByte();

                // if the message is the ACK or BACK (notify) type
                if (MsgType == HARTIPMessage.HART_ACK || MsgType == HARTIPMessage.HART_PUBLISH_NOTIFY)
                    // Check if response is initiate session
                    if (MsgHeader.MsgId == MessageId.SESSION_INITIATE)
                        nIndex       = 0;
                        m_cDataCount = (byte)m_HartCmdSize;
                        m_cRspcode   = MsgHeader.Status;
                    // Check if it is a long frame
                    else if ((m_HartCmd[0] & 0x80) == 0x80)
                        // get the extra
                        usExtra      = (ushort)((m_HartCmd[0] & 0x60) >> 5);
                        nIndex       = 6 + usExtra;
                        m_cCmd       = m_HartCmd[nIndex++];
                        m_cDataCount = m_HartCmd[nIndex++];
                        // subtract response code and device status bytes
                        m_cDataCount -= 2;
                        // get respsone code and device status bytes
                        m_cRspcode      = m_HartCmd[nIndex++];
                        m_cDeviceStatus = m_HartCmd[nIndex++];
                        // it is a short frame
                        nIndex          = 2;
                        m_cCmd          = m_HartCmd[nIndex++];
                        m_cDataCount    = m_HartCmd[nIndex++];
                        m_cRspcode      = m_HartCmd[nIndex++];
                        m_cDeviceStatus = m_HartCmd[nIndex++];
                        // subtract response code and device status bytes
                        m_cDataCount -= 2;

                    // Get the rest of response data bytes and store them in the data array
                    m_Data = new byte[m_cDataCount];
                    for (i = nIndex, j = 0; j < m_cDataCount; i++, j++)
                        m_Data[j] = m_HartCmd[i];
                m_cRspcode = MsgHeader.Status;
Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Send HART device a command 84.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Dev"><see cref="HartDevice"/></param>
        /// <param name="usDeviceIndex">ushort</param>
        /// <returns><see cref="HartDevice"/></returns>
        private HartDevice SendCmd84(HartDevice Dev, ushort usDeviceIndex)
            HartDevice HDevice = null;
            ushort     usDeviceType;
            uint       nDeviceId;

            byte[]         Req = new byte[11];
            HartIPResponse Rsp = null;

            if (Dev != null)
                usDeviceType = Dev.DeviceType;
                nDeviceId    = Dev.DeviceId;

                // send cmd to HART Device get the device list
                Req[0]  = 0x82; // long frame
                Req[1]  = (byte)(((usDeviceType >> 8) & 0x3F) | 0x80);
                Req[2]  = (byte)(usDeviceType & 0x0ff);
                Req[3]  = (byte)((nDeviceId >> 16) & 0x0ff);
                Req[4]  = (byte)((nDeviceId >> 8) & 0x0ff);
                Req[5]  = (byte)(nDeviceId & 0x0ff);
                Req[6]  = HARTIPMessage.CMD_READ_SUB_DEVICE_IDENTITY; // cmd byte
                Req[7]  = 2;                                          // byte count
                Req[8]  = (byte)((usDeviceIndex >> 8) & 0x0ff);
                Req[9]  = (byte)(usDeviceIndex & 0x0ff);
                Req[10] = HartUtil.GetCheckSum(Req, 10); // get check sum byte

                Rsp = SendHartRequest(Req, 11);
                if (Rsp != null)
                    byte cDataCount = Rsp.DataCount;
                    if ((Rsp.ResponseCode != HARTIPMessage.RSP_SUCCESS) &&
                        (Rsp.Command != HARTIPMessage.CMD_READ_SUB_DEVICE_IDENTITY) ||
                        (cDataCount < 44))
                        m_Error = String.Format("{0} Received Cmd 84 invalid response from HART device.\r\n{1}",
                                                HartUtil.GetTimeStamp(), Rsp.ToString());
                        byte   cIOCard, cChannel, cUniversalCmdRev;
                        byte[] Data = new byte[cDataCount];
                        Data = Rsp.Data;
                        int    nIndex = 2;
                        ushort usSubDeviceType;
                        uint   nSubDeviceId;
                        String Tag = String.Empty;

                        cIOCard  = Data[nIndex++];
                        cChannel = Data[nIndex++];
                        // skip the MfgId (2 bytes)
                        nIndex += 2;

                        // get the device type
                        usSubDeviceType = (ushort)((Data[nIndex] << 8) + (Data[nIndex + 1] & 0x0ff));
                        nIndex         += 2;

                        // get the device id
                        nSubDeviceId = (uint)((Data[nIndex] << 16) + (Data[nIndex + 1] << 8) +
                                              (Data[nIndex + 2] & 0x0ff));
                        nIndex += 3;

                        // get the universal cmd rev
                        cUniversalCmdRev = Data[nIndex++];

                        // get the tag
                        for (int i = nIndex; i < (nIndex + HARTIPMessage.MAX_LONG_TAG_LENGTH); i++)
                            char ch = (char)(Data[i] & 0x00ff);
                            if (ch == 0)

                            Tag += ch;

                        Tag = Tag.TrimEnd();
                        // if tag is empty, set it to 'Unknown' with its device type and device id similar to MAC address
                        if (Tag.Length == 0)
                            String strOUI = (cUniversalCmdRev >= 7) ? "00-1B-1E" : "00-00-00";

                            Tag = String.Format("Unknown ({0}-{1:X2}-{2:X2}-{3:X2}-{4:X2}-{5:X2})",
                                                new object[] { strOUI,
                                                               (usSubDeviceType >> 8),
                                                               (usSubDeviceType & 0x0ff),
                                                               (nSubDeviceId >> 16 & 0x0ff),
                                                               (nSubDeviceId >> 8 & 0x0ff),
                                                               (nSubDeviceId & 0x0ff) });

                        // Create sub-device
                        HDevice         = new HartDevice(usSubDeviceType, nSubDeviceId, cUniversalCmdRev, Dev);
                        HDevice.Name    = Tag;
                        HDevice.IOCard  = cIOCard;
                        HDevice.Channel = cChannel;
