private void _freeRequestData() { if (this.m_requestData != null) { this.m_requestData.Dispose(); this.m_requestData = null; } }
public static void MakeFTPRequest(Session oSession, ref PipeReadBuffer buffBody, out HTTPResponseHeaders oRH) { FtpWebResponse response; if ((oSession.oRequest == null) || (oSession.oRequest.headers == null)) { throw new ArgumentException("Session missing request objects."); } if (buffBody == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Response Stream may not be null."); } string fullUrl = oSession.fullUrl; FtpWebRequest request = (FtpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create(fullUrl); request.CachePolicy = new RequestCachePolicy(RequestCacheLevel.BypassCache); if (fullUrl.EndsWith("/")) { request.Method = "LIST"; } else { request.Method = "RETR"; if (oSession.oFlags.ContainsKey("FTP-UseASCII")) { request.UseBinary = false; } else { request.UseBinary = FiddlerApplication.Prefs.GetBoolPref("fiddler.ftp.UseBinary", true); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(oSession.oRequest.headers._uriUserInfo)) { string sString = Utilities.UrlDecode(Utilities.TrimAfter(oSession.oRequest.headers._uriUserInfo, '@')); string userName = Utilities.TrimAfter(sString, ':'); string password = sString.Contains(":") ? Utilities.TrimBefore(sString, ':') : string.Empty; request.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(userName, password); } else if (oSession.oRequest.headers.ExistsAndContains("Authorization", "Basic ")) { string s = oSession.oRequest.headers["Authorization"].Substring(6); s = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String(s)); string str6 = Utilities.TrimAfter(s, ':'); string str7 = Utilities.TrimBefore(s, ':'); request.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(str6, str7); } else if (oSession.oFlags.ContainsKey("x-AutoAuth") && oSession.oFlags["x-AutoAuth"].Contains(":")) { string str8 = Utilities.TrimAfter(oSession.oFlags["x-AutoAuth"], ':'); string str9 = Utilities.TrimBefore(oSession.oFlags["x-AutoAuth"], ':'); request.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(str8, str9); } else if (FiddlerApplication.Prefs.GetBoolPref("fiddler.ftp.AlwaysDemandCredentials", false)) { byte[] bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Please provide login credentials for this FTP server".PadRight(0x200, ' ')); buffBody.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); oRH = new HTTPResponseHeaders(); oRH.HTTPResponseCode = 0x191; oRH.HTTPResponseStatus = "401 Need Creds"; oRH.Add("Content-Length", buffBody.Length.ToString()); oRH.Add("WWW-Authenticate", "Basic realm=\"ftp://" + + "\""); return; } request.UsePassive = FiddlerApplication.Prefs.GetBoolPref("fiddler.ftp.UsePassive", true); request.Proxy = null; try { response = (FtpWebResponse) request.GetResponse(); } catch (WebException exception) { byte[] buffer2; FtpWebResponse response2 = (FtpWebResponse) exception.Response; if (response2 != null) { if (FtpStatusCode.NotLoggedIn == response2.StatusCode) { buffer2 = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("This FTP server requires login credentials".PadRight(0x200, ' ')); buffBody.Write(buffer2, 0, buffer2.Length); oRH = new HTTPResponseHeaders(); oRH.HTTPResponseCode = 0x191; oRH.HTTPResponseStatus = "401 Need Creds"; oRH.Add("Content-Length", buffBody.Length.ToString()); oRH.Add("WWW-Authenticate", "Basic realm=\"ftp://" + + "\""); return; } buffer2 = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", "Fiddler was unable to act as a HTTP-to-FTP gateway for this response. ", response2.StatusDescription, string.Empty.PadRight(0x200, ' '))); buffBody.Write(buffer2, 0, buffer2.Length); } else { buffer2 = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", "Fiddler was unable to act as a HTTP-to-FTP gateway for this response. ", exception.Message, string.Empty.PadRight(0x200, ' '))); buffBody.Write(buffer2, 0, buffer2.Length); } oRH = new HTTPResponseHeaders(); oRH.HTTPResponseCode = 0x1f8; oRH.HTTPResponseStatus = "504 HTTP-FTP Gateway failed"; oRH.Add("Content-Length", buffBody.Length.ToString()); return; } Stream responseStream = response.GetResponseStream(); byte[] buffer3 = new byte[0x2000]; for (int i = responseStream.Read(buffer3, 0, 0x2000); i > 0; i = responseStream.Read(buffer3, 0, 0x2000)) { buffBody.Write(buffer3, 0, i); } oRH = new HTTPResponseHeaders(); oRH.HTTPResponseCode = 200; oRH.HTTPResponseStatus = "200 OK"; oRH.Add("FTP-Status", Utilities.ConvertCRAndLFToSpaces(response.StatusDescription)); oRH.Add("Content-Length", buffBody.Length.ToString()); response.Close(); }
internal ServerChatter(Session oSession) { this._lngLastChunkInfoOffset = -1L; this.m_session = oSession; this.m_responseData = new PipeReadBuffer(false); }
internal bool ReadResponse() { if (this.pipeServer == null) { if (this.m_session.isFTP && !this.m_session.isFlagSet(SessionFlags.SentToGateway)) { FTPGateway.MakeFTPRequest(this.m_session, ref this.m_responseData, out this.m_inHeaders); return true; } return false; } int iMaxByteCount = 0; bool flag = false; bool flag2 = false; bool flag3 = false; bool flag4 = false; byte[] arrBuffer = new byte[_cbServerReadBuffer]; do { try { iMaxByteCount = this.pipeServer.Receive(arrBuffer); if (0L == this.m_session.Timers.ServerBeginResponse.Ticks) { this.m_session.Timers.ServerBeginResponse = DateTime.Now; } if (iMaxByteCount <= 0) { flag = true; FiddlerApplication.DoReadResponseBuffer(this.m_session, arrBuffer, 0); if (CONFIG.bDebugSpew) { FiddlerApplication.DebugSpew(string.Format("READ FROM {0}: returned 0 signaling end-of-stream", this.pipeServer)); } } else { if (CONFIG.bDebugSpew) { FiddlerApplication.DebugSpew(string.Format("READ FROM {0}:\n{1}", this.pipeServer, Utilities.ByteArrayToHexView(arrBuffer, 0x20, iMaxByteCount))); } if (!FiddlerApplication.DoReadResponseBuffer(this.m_session, arrBuffer, iMaxByteCount)) { flag2 = true; } this.m_responseData.Write(arrBuffer, 0, iMaxByteCount); this.m_responseTotalDataCount += iMaxByteCount; if ((this.m_inHeaders == null) && this.GetHeaders()) { this.m_session.Timers.FiddlerGotResponseHeaders = DateTime.Now; if ((this.m_session.state == SessionStates.Aborted) && this.m_session.isAnyFlagSet(SessionFlags.ProtocolViolationInResponse)) { return false; } FiddlerApplication.DoResponseHeadersAvailable(this.m_session); string inStr = this.m_inHeaders["Content-Type"]; if (inStr.OICStartsWithAny(new string[] { "text/event-stream", "multipart/x-mixed-replace" }) && FiddlerApplication.Prefs.GetBoolPref("", true)) { this.m_session.bBufferResponse = false; } else if (CONFIG.bStreamAudioVideo && inStr.OICStartsWithAny(new string[] { "video/", "audio/", "application/x-mms-framed" })) { this.m_session.bBufferResponse = false; } if (!this.m_session.bBufferResponse && this.m_session.HTTPMethodIs("CONNECT")) { this.m_session.bBufferResponse = true; } if (!this.m_session.bBufferResponse && (0x65 == this.m_inHeaders.HTTPResponseCode)) { this.m_session.bBufferResponse = true; } if (!this.m_session.bBufferResponse && (this.m_session.oRequest.pipeClient == null)) { this.m_session.bBufferResponse = true; } if ((!this.m_session.bBufferResponse && ((0x191 == this.m_inHeaders.HTTPResponseCode) || (0x197 == this.m_inHeaders.HTTPResponseCode))) && this.m_session.oFlags.ContainsKey("x-AutoAuth")) { this.m_session.bBufferResponse = true; } this.m_session.SetBitFlag(SessionFlags.ResponseStreamed, !this.m_session.bBufferResponse); if (!this.m_session.bBufferResponse) { if (this.m_session.oFlags.ContainsKey("response-trickle-delay")) { int num2 = int.Parse(this.m_session.oFlags["response-trickle-delay"]); this.m_session.oRequest.pipeClient.TransmitDelay = num2; } if (this.m_session.oFlags.ContainsKey("log-drop-response-body") || FiddlerApplication.Prefs.GetBoolPref("", false)) { flag3 = true; } } } if ((this.m_inHeaders != null) && this.m_session.isFlagSet(SessionFlags.ResponseStreamed)) { if (!flag4 && !this.LeakResponseBytes()) { flag4 = true; } if (flag3) { this.m_session.SetBitFlag(SessionFlags.ResponseBodyDropped, true); if (this._lngLastChunkInfoOffset > -1L) { this.ReleaseStreamedChunkedData(); } else if (this.m_inHeaders.ExistsAndContains("Transfer-Encoding", "chunked")) { this.ReleaseStreamedChunkedData(); } else { this.ReleaseStreamedData(); } } } } } catch (SocketException exception) { flag2 = true; if (exception.ErrorCode == 0x274c) { this.m_session["X-ServerPipeError"] = "Timed out while reading response."; } else { FiddlerApplication.Log.LogFormat("> Session #{0} raised exception {1}", new object[] {, Utilities.DescribeException(exception) }); } } catch (Exception exception2) { flag2 = true; if (exception2 is OperationCanceledException) { this.m_session.state = SessionStates.Aborted; FiddlerApplication.Log.LogFormat("> Session #{0} was aborted {1}", new object[] {, Utilities.DescribeException(exception2) }); } else if (exception2 is OutOfMemoryException) { FiddlerApplication.ReportException(exception2); this.m_session.state = SessionStates.Aborted; FiddlerApplication.Log.LogFormat("> Session #{0} Out of Memory", new object[] { }); } else { FiddlerApplication.Log.LogFormat("> Session #{0} raised exception {1}", new object[] {, Utilities.DescribeException(exception2) }); } } } while ((!flag && !flag2) && ((this.m_inHeaders == null) || !this.isResponseBodyComplete())); this.m_session.Timers.ServerDoneResponse = DateTime.Now; if (this.m_session.isFlagSet(SessionFlags.ResponseStreamed)) { this.m_session.Timers.ClientDoneResponse = this.m_session.Timers.ServerDoneResponse; } if ((0L == this.m_responseTotalDataCount) && (this.m_inHeaders == null)) { flag2 = true; } arrBuffer = null; if (flag2) { this.m_responseData.Dispose(); this.m_responseData = null; return false; } if (this.m_inHeaders == null) { FiddlerApplication.HandleHTTPError(this.m_session, SessionFlags.ProtocolViolationInResponse, true, true, "The Server did not return properly-formatted HTTP Headers. Maybe missing altogether (e.g. HTTP/0.9), maybe only \\r\\r instead of \\r\\n\\r\\n?\n"); this.m_session.SetBitFlag(SessionFlags.ResponseStreamed, false); this.m_inHeaders = new HTTPResponseHeaders(CONFIG.oHeaderEncoding); this.m_inHeaders.HTTPVersion = "HTTP/1.0"; this.m_inHeaders.HTTPResponseCode = 200; this.m_inHeaders.HTTPResponseStatus = "200 This buggy server did not return headers"; this.iEntityBodyOffset = 0; return true; } return true; }
internal void Initialize(bool bAllocatePipeReadBuffer) { if (bAllocatePipeReadBuffer) { this.m_responseData = new PipeReadBuffer(false); } else { this.m_responseData = null; } this._lngLeakedOffset = this._iBodySeekProgress = this.iEntityBodyOffset = 0; this._lngLastChunkInfoOffset = -1L; this.m_inHeaders = null; this._bLeakedHeaders = false; this.pipeServer = null; this._bWasForwarded = false; this.m_session.SetBitFlag(SessionFlags.ServerPipeReused, false); }
internal void FreeResponseDataBuffer() { this.m_responseData.Dispose(); this.m_responseData = null; }
private void _deleteInformationalMessage() { this.m_inHeaders = null; byte[] buffer = new byte[this.m_responseData.Length - this.iEntityBodyOffset]; this.m_responseData.Position = this.iEntityBodyOffset; this.m_responseData.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); this.m_responseData.Dispose(); this.m_responseData = new PipeReadBuffer(buffer.Length); this.m_responseData.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); this.m_responseTotalDataCount = 0L; this.iEntityBodyOffset = this._iBodySeekProgress = 0; }
private void ReleaseStreamedData() { this.m_responseData = new PipeReadBuffer(false); this._lngLeakedOffset = 0L; if (this.iEntityBodyOffset > 0) { this.m_responseTotalDataCount -= this.iEntityBodyOffset; this.iEntityBodyOffset = 0; } }
private void ReleaseStreamedChunkedData() { long num; if (this.iEntityBodyOffset > this._lngLastChunkInfoOffset) { this._lngLastChunkInfoOffset = this.iEntityBodyOffset; } Utilities.IsChunkedBodyComplete(this.m_session, this.m_responseData, this._lngLastChunkInfoOffset, out this._lngLastChunkInfoOffset, out num); int iDefaultCapacity = (int) (this.m_responseData.Length - this._lngLastChunkInfoOffset); PipeReadBuffer buffer = new PipeReadBuffer(iDefaultCapacity); buffer.Write(this.m_responseData.GetBuffer(), (int) this._lngLastChunkInfoOffset, iDefaultCapacity); this.m_responseData = buffer; this._lngLeakedOffset = iDefaultCapacity; this._lngLastChunkInfoOffset = 0L; this.iEntityBodyOffset = 0; }
internal bool ReadRequest() { if (this.m_requestData != null) { FiddlerApplication.ReportException(new InvalidOperationException("ReadRequest called when requestData buffer already existed.")); return(false); } if (this.pipeClient == null) { FiddlerApplication.ReportException(new InvalidOperationException("ReadRequest called after pipeClient was null'd.")); return(false); } this.m_requestData = new PipeReadBuffer(true); this.m_session.SetBitFlag(SessionFlags.ClientPipeReused, this.pipeClient.iUseCount > 0u); this.pipeClient.IncrementUse(0); this.pipeClient.setReceiveTimeout(); int num = 0; bool flag = false; bool flag2 = false; byte[] array = new byte[ClientChatter._cbClientReadBuffer]; while (true) { try { num = this.pipeClient.Receive(array); goto IL_1F1; } catch (Exception ex) { if (CONFIG.bDebugSpew) { FiddlerApplication.DebugSpew(string.Format("ReadRequest {0} threw {1}", (this.pipeClient == null) ? "Null pipeClient" : this.pipeClient.ToString(), ex.Message)); } flag = true; goto IL_1F1; } goto IL_D2; IL_1DE: if (flag2 || flag) { goto IL_22F; } if (this.isRequestComplete()) { goto Block_17; } continue; IL_D2: flag2 = true; FiddlerApplication.DoReadRequestBuffer(this.m_session, array, 0); if (CONFIG.bDebugSpew) { FiddlerApplication.DebugSpew(string.Format("ReadRequest {0} returned {1}", (this.pipeClient == null) ? "Null pipeClient" : this.pipeClient.ToString(), num)); goto IL_1DE; } goto IL_1DE; IL_1F1: if (num <= 0) { goto IL_D2; } if (CONFIG.bDebugSpew) { FiddlerApplication.DebugSpew(string.Format("READ FROM {0}:\n{1}", this.pipeClient, Utilities.ByteArrayToHexView(array, 32, num))); } if (!FiddlerApplication.DoReadRequestBuffer(this.m_session, array, num)) { flag = true; } if (0L == this.m_requestData.Length) { this.m_session.Timers.ClientBeginRequest = DateTime.Now; if (1u == this.pipeClient.iUseCount && num > 2) { if (array[0] == 5) { break; } if (array[0] == 5) { break; } } int i; for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { if (13 != array[i] && 10 != array[i]) { break; } } this.m_requestData.Write(array, i, num - i); goto IL_1DE; } this.m_requestData.Write(array, 0, num); goto IL_1DE; } goto IL_1FD; Block_17: goto IL_22F; IL_1FD: FiddlerApplication.Log.LogFormat("It looks like someone is trying to send SOCKS traffic to us.\r\n{0}", new object[] { Utilities.ByteArrayToHexView(array, 16, Math.Min(num, 256)) }); return(false); IL_22F: array = null; if (!flag) { if (this.m_requestData.Length != 0L) { if (this.m_headers == null || this.m_session.state >= SessionStates.Done) { this._freeRequestData(); return(false); } if ("CONNECT" == this.m_headers.HTTPMethod) { this.m_session.isTunnel = true; this.m_sHostFromURI = this.m_session.PathAndQuery; } if (this.m_sHostFromURI != null) { if (this.m_headers.Exists("Host")) { if (!Utilities.areOriginsEquivalent(this.m_sHostFromURI, this.m_headers["Host"], this.m_session.isHTTPS ? 443 : (this.m_session.isFTP ? 21 : 80)) && (!this.m_session.isTunnel || !Utilities.areOriginsEquivalent(this.m_sHostFromURI, this.m_headers["Host"], 443))) { this.m_session.oFlags["X-Original-Host"] = this.m_headers["Host"]; this.m_session.oFlags["X-URI-Host"] = this.m_sHostFromURI; if (FiddlerApplication.Prefs.GetBoolPref("", true)) { this.m_headers["Host"] = this.m_sHostFromURI; } } } else { if ("HTTP/1.1".OICEquals(this.m_headers.HTTPVersion)) { this.m_session.oFlags["X-Original-Host"] = string.Empty; } this.m_headers["Host"] = this.m_sHostFromURI; } this.m_sHostFromURI = null; } if (!this.m_headers.Exists("Host")) { this._freeRequestData(); return(false); } return(true); } } this._freeRequestData(); if (this.pipeClient == null) { return(false); } if (this.pipeClient.iUseCount < 2u || (this.pipeClient.bIsSecured && this.pipeClient.iUseCount < 3u)) { FiddlerApplication.Log.LogFormat("[Fiddler] No {0} request was received from ({1}) new client socket, port {2}.", new object[] { this.pipeClient.bIsSecured ? "HTTPS" : "HTTP", this.m_session.oFlags["X-ProcessInfo"], this.m_session.oFlags["X-CLIENTPORT"] }); } return(false); }
public static void MakeFTPRequest(Session oSession, ref PipeReadBuffer buffBody, out HTTPResponseHeaders oRH) { if (oSession.oRequest == null || oSession.oRequest.headers == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Session missing request objects."); } if (buffBody == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Response Stream may not be null."); } string fullUrl = oSession.fullUrl; FtpWebRequest ftpWebRequest = (FtpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(fullUrl); ftpWebRequest.CachePolicy = new RequestCachePolicy(RequestCacheLevel.BypassCache); if (fullUrl.EndsWith("/")) { ftpWebRequest.Method = "LIST"; } else { ftpWebRequest.Method = "RETR"; if (oSession.oFlags.ContainsKey("FTP-UseASCII")) { ftpWebRequest.UseBinary = false; } else { ftpWebRequest.UseBinary = FiddlerApplication.Prefs.GetBoolPref("fiddler.ftp.UseBinary", true); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(oSession.oRequest.headers._uriUserInfo)) { string text = Utilities.TrimAfter(oSession.oRequest.headers._uriUserInfo, '@'); text = Utilities.UrlDecode(text); string userName = Utilities.TrimAfter(text, ':'); string password = text.Contains(":") ? Utilities.TrimBefore(text, ':') : string.Empty; ftpWebRequest.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(userName, password); } else { if (oSession.oRequest.headers.ExistsAndContains("Authorization", "Basic ")) { string text2 = oSession.oRequest.headers["Authorization"].Substring(6); text2 = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String(text2)); string userName2 = Utilities.TrimAfter(text2, ':'); string password2 = Utilities.TrimBefore(text2, ':'); ftpWebRequest.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(userName2, password2); } else { if (oSession.oFlags.ContainsKey("x-AutoAuth") && oSession.oFlags["x-AutoAuth"].Contains(":")) { string userName3 = Utilities.TrimAfter(oSession.oFlags["x-AutoAuth"], ':'); string password3 = Utilities.TrimBefore(oSession.oFlags["x-AutoAuth"], ':'); ftpWebRequest.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(userName3, password3); } else { if (FiddlerApplication.Prefs.GetBoolPref("fiddler.ftp.AlwaysDemandCredentials", false)) { byte[] bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Please provide login credentials for this FTP server".PadRight(512, ' ')); buffBody.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); oRH = new HTTPResponseHeaders(); oRH.SetStatus(401, "Need Creds"); oRH.Add("Content-Length", buffBody.Length.ToString()); oRH.Add("WWW-Authenticate", "Basic realm=\"ftp://" + + "\""); return; } } } } ftpWebRequest.UsePassive = FiddlerApplication.Prefs.GetBoolPref("fiddler.ftp.UsePassive", true); ftpWebRequest.Proxy = null; FtpWebResponse ftpWebResponse; try { ftpWebResponse = (FtpWebResponse)ftpWebRequest.GetResponse(); } catch (WebException ex) { FtpWebResponse ftpWebResponse2 = (FtpWebResponse)ex.Response; if (ftpWebResponse2 != null) { byte[] bytes2; if (FtpStatusCode.NotLoggedIn == ftpWebResponse2.StatusCode) { bytes2 = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("This FTP server requires login credentials".PadRight(512, ' ')); buffBody.Write(bytes2, 0, bytes2.Length); oRH = new HTTPResponseHeaders(); oRH.SetStatus(401, "Need Creds"); oRH.Add("Content-Length", buffBody.Length.ToString()); oRH.Add("WWW-Authenticate", "Basic realm=\"ftp://" + + "\""); return; } bytes2 = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", "Fiddler was unable to act as a HTTP-to-FTP gateway for this response. ", ftpWebResponse2.StatusDescription, string.Empty.PadRight(512, ' '))); buffBody.Write(bytes2, 0, bytes2.Length); } else { byte[] bytes2 = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", "Fiddler was unable to act as a HTTP-to-FTP gateway for this response. ", ex.Message, string.Empty.PadRight(512, ' '))); buffBody.Write(bytes2, 0, bytes2.Length); } oRH = new HTTPResponseHeaders(); oRH.SetStatus(504, "HTTP-FTP Gateway failed"); oRH.Add("Content-Length", buffBody.Length.ToString()); return; } Stream responseStream = ftpWebResponse.GetResponseStream(); byte[] buffer = new byte[8192]; for (int i = responseStream.Read(buffer, 0, 8192); i > 0; i = responseStream.Read(buffer, 0, 8192)) { buffBody.Write(buffer, 0, i); } oRH = new HTTPResponseHeaders(); oRH.SetStatus(200, "OK"); oRH.Add("FTP-Status", Utilities.ConvertCRAndLFToSpaces(ftpWebResponse.StatusDescription)); oRH.Add("Content-Length", buffBody.Length.ToString()); ftpWebResponse.Close(); }
internal bool ReadRequest() { if (this.m_requestData != null) { FiddlerApplication.ReportException(new InvalidOperationException("ReadRequest called when requestData buffer already existed.")); return false; } if (this.pipeClient == null) { FiddlerApplication.ReportException(new InvalidOperationException("ReadRequest called after pipeClient was null'd.")); return false; } this.m_requestData = new PipeReadBuffer(true); this.m_session.SetBitFlag(SessionFlags.ClientPipeReused, this.pipeClient.iUseCount > 0); this.pipeClient.IncrementUse(0); this.pipeClient.setReceiveTimeout(); int num = 0; bool flag = false; bool flag2 = false; byte[] arrBuffer = new byte[_cbClientReadBuffer]; do { try { num = this.pipeClient.Receive(arrBuffer); } catch (Exception exception) { if (CONFIG.bDebugSpew) { FiddlerApplication.DebugSpew(string.Format("ReadRequest {0} threw {1}", (this.pipeClient == null) ? "Null pipeClient" : this.pipeClient.ToString(), exception.Message)); } flag = true; } if (num <= 0) { flag2 = true; FiddlerApplication.DoReadRequestBuffer(this.m_session, arrBuffer, 0); if (CONFIG.bDebugSpew) { FiddlerApplication.DebugSpew(string.Format("ReadRequest {0} returned {1}", (this.pipeClient == null) ? "Null pipeClient" : this.pipeClient.ToString(), num)); } } else { if (CONFIG.bDebugSpew) { FiddlerApplication.DebugSpew(string.Format("READ FROM {0}:\n{1}", this.pipeClient, Utilities.ByteArrayToHexView(arrBuffer, 0x20, num))); } if (!FiddlerApplication.DoReadRequestBuffer(this.m_session, arrBuffer, num)) { flag = true; } if (0L == this.m_requestData.Length) { this.m_session.Timers.ClientBeginRequest = DateTime.Now; if (((1 == this.pipeClient.iUseCount) && (num > 2)) && ((arrBuffer[0] == 5) || (arrBuffer[0] == 5))) { FiddlerApplication.Log.LogFormat("It looks like someone is trying to send SOCKS traffic to us.\r\n{0}", new object[] { Utilities.ByteArrayToHexView(arrBuffer, 0x10, Math.Min(num, 0x100)) }); return false; } int index = 0; while ((index < num) && ((13 == arrBuffer[index]) || (10 == arrBuffer[index]))) { index++; } this.m_requestData.Write(arrBuffer, index, num - index); } else { this.m_requestData.Write(arrBuffer, 0, num); } } } while ((!flag2 && !flag) && !this.isRequestComplete()); arrBuffer = null; if (flag || (this.m_requestData.Length == 0L)) { this._freeRequestData(); if ((this.pipeClient != null) && ((this.pipeClient.iUseCount < 2) || (this.pipeClient.bIsSecured && (this.pipeClient.iUseCount < 3)))) { FiddlerApplication.Log.LogFormat("[Fiddler] No {0} request was received from ({1}) new client socket, port {2}.", new object[] { this.pipeClient.bIsSecured ? "HTTPS" : "HTTP", this.m_session.oFlags["X-ProcessInfo"], this.m_session.oFlags["X-CLIENTPORT"] }); } return false; } if ((this.m_headers == null) || (this.m_session.state >= SessionStates.Done)) { this._freeRequestData(); return false; } if ("CONNECT" == this.m_headers.HTTPMethod) { this.m_session.isTunnel = true; this.m_sHostFromURI = this.m_session.PathAndQuery; } if (this.m_sHostFromURI != null) { if (this.m_headers.Exists("Host")) { if (!Utilities.areOriginsEquivalent(this.m_sHostFromURI, this.m_headers["Host"], this.m_session.isHTTPS ? 0x1bb : (this.m_session.isFTP ? 0x15 : 80)) && (!this.m_session.isTunnel || !Utilities.areOriginsEquivalent(this.m_sHostFromURI, this.m_headers["Host"], 0x1bb))) { this.m_session.oFlags["X-Original-Host"] = this.m_headers["Host"]; this.m_session.oFlags["X-URI-Host"] = this.m_sHostFromURI; if (FiddlerApplication.Prefs.GetBoolPref("", true)) { this.m_headers["Host"] = this.m_sHostFromURI; } } } else { if ("HTTP/1.1".OICEquals(this.m_headers.HTTPVersion)) { this.m_session.oFlags["X-Original-Host"] = string.Empty; } this.m_headers["Host"] = this.m_sHostFromURI; } this.m_sHostFromURI = null; } if (!this.m_headers.Exists("Host")) { this._freeRequestData(); return false; } return true; }