internal Session(ClientPipe clientPipe, ServerPipe serverPipe) { EventHandler<StateChangeEventArgs> handler = null; this.bBufferResponse = FiddlerApplication.Prefs.GetBoolPref("fiddler.ui.rules.bufferresponses", false); this.Timers = new SessionTimers(); this._bAllowClientPipeReuse = true; this.oFlags = new StringDictionary(); if (CONFIG.bDebugSpew) { if (handler == null) { handler = (s, ea) => FiddlerApplication.DebugSpew(string.Format("onstatechange>#{0} moving from state '{1}' to '{2}' {3}", new object[] {, ea.oldState, ea.newState, Environment.StackTrace })); } this.OnStateChanged += handler; } if (clientPipe != null) { this.Timers.ClientConnected = clientPipe.dtAccepted; this.m_clientIP = (clientPipe.Address == null) ? null : clientPipe.Address.ToString(); this.m_clientPort = clientPipe.Port; this.oFlags["x-clientIP"] = this.m_clientIP; this.oFlags["x-clientport"] = this.m_clientPort.ToString(); if (clientPipe.LocalProcessID != 0) { this._LocalProcessID = clientPipe.LocalProcessID; this.oFlags["x-ProcessInfo"] = string.Format("{0}:{1}", clientPipe.LocalProcessName, this._LocalProcessID); } } else { this.Timers.ClientConnected = DateTime.Now; } this.oResponse = new ServerChatter(this); this.oRequest = new ClientChatter(this); this.oRequest.pipeClient = clientPipe; this.oResponse.pipeServer = serverPipe; }
public Session(HTTPRequestHeaders oRequestHeaders, byte[] arrRequestBody) { EventHandler<StateChangeEventArgs> handler = null; this.bBufferResponse = FiddlerApplication.Prefs.GetBoolPref("fiddler.ui.rules.bufferresponses", false); this.Timers = new SessionTimers(); this._bAllowClientPipeReuse = true; this.oFlags = new StringDictionary(); if (oRequestHeaders == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("oRequestHeaders", "oRequestHeaders must not be null when creating a new Session."); } if (arrRequestBody == null) { arrRequestBody = Utilities.emptyByteArray; } if (CONFIG.bDebugSpew) { if (handler == null) { handler = (s, ea) => FiddlerApplication.DebugSpew(string.Format("onstatechange>#{0} moving from state '{1}' to '{2}' {3}", new object[] {, ea.oldState, ea.newState, Environment.StackTrace })); } this.OnStateChanged += handler; } this.Timers.ClientConnected = this.Timers.ClientBeginRequest = this.Timers.FiddlerGotRequestHeaders = DateTime.Now; this.m_clientIP = null; this.m_clientPort = 0; this.oFlags["x-clientIP"] = this.m_clientIP; this.oFlags["x-clientport"] = this.m_clientPort.ToString(); this.oResponse = new ServerChatter(this); this.oRequest = new ClientChatter(this); this.oRequest.pipeClient = null; this.oResponse.pipeServer = null; this.oRequest.headers = oRequestHeaders; this.requestBodyBytes = arrRequestBody; this.m_state = SessionStates.AutoTamperRequestBefore; }
public Session(byte[] arrRequest, byte[] arrResponse, SessionFlags oSF) { HTTPHeaderParseWarnings warnings; int num; int num2; int num3; int num4; this.bBufferResponse = FiddlerApplication.Prefs.GetBoolPref("fiddler.ui.rules.bufferresponses", false); this.Timers = new SessionTimers(); this._bAllowClientPipeReuse = true; this.oFlags = new StringDictionary(); if (Utilities.IsNullOrEmpty(arrRequest)) { throw new ArgumentException("Missing request data for session"); } if (Utilities.IsNullOrEmpty(arrResponse)) { arrResponse = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("HTTP/1.1 0 FIDDLER GENERATED - RESPONSE DATA WAS MISSING\r\n\r\n"); } this.state = SessionStates.Done; this.m_requestID = Interlocked.Increment(ref cRequests); this.BitFlags = oSF; if (!Parser.FindEntityBodyOffsetFromArray(arrRequest, out num, out num2, out warnings)) { throw new InvalidDataException("Request corrupt, unable to find end of headers."); } if (!Parser.FindEntityBodyOffsetFromArray(arrResponse, out num3, out num4, out warnings)) { throw new InvalidDataException("Response corrupt, unable to find end of headers."); } this.requestBodyBytes = new byte[arrRequest.Length - num2]; this.responseBodyBytes = new byte[arrResponse.Length - num4]; Buffer.BlockCopy(arrRequest, num2, this.requestBodyBytes, 0, this.requestBodyBytes.Length); Buffer.BlockCopy(arrResponse, num4, this.responseBodyBytes, 0, this.responseBodyBytes.Length); string sData = CONFIG.oHeaderEncoding.GetString(arrRequest, 0, num) + "\r\n\r\n"; string sHeaders = CONFIG.oHeaderEncoding.GetString(arrResponse, 0, num3) + "\r\n\r\n"; this.oRequest = new ClientChatter(this, sData); this.oResponse = new ServerChatter(this, sHeaders); }