Esempio n. 1
        private void BreakRow(TableBase breakTo, int rowIndex, float rowHeight, float newRowHeight)
            // set rows height
            TableRow rowTo = breakTo.Rows[rowIndex];

            Rows[rowIndex].Height = rowHeight;
            rowTo.Height          = newRowHeight;

            // break each cell in the row
            for (int i = 0; i < ColumnCount; i++)
                TableCell cell   = this[i, rowIndex];
                TableCell cellTo = breakTo[i, rowIndex];
                cell.Height = rowHeight;

                // fix height if row is not autosized
                if (!rowTo.AutoSize)
                    float h = cellTo.CalcHeight();
                    if (h > rowTo.Height)
                        rowTo.Height = h;
Esempio n. 2
        private bool CanBreakRow(int rowIndex, float rowHeight)
            if (!Rows[rowIndex].CanBreak)

            // check each cell in the row
            for (int i = 0; i < ColumnCount; i++)
                TableCell breakable = this[i, rowIndex];
                // use clone object because Break method will modify the Text property
                using (TableCell clone = new TableCell())
                    clone.Height = rowHeight;
                    if (!clone.Break(null))

Esempio n. 3
        private float GeneratePage(int startColumn, int startRow, int columnsFit, int rowsFit,
                                   RectangleF bounds, List <Rectangle> spans)
            // break spans
            foreach (Rectangle span in spans)
                TableCellData spannedCell    = GetCellData(span.Left, span.Top);
                TableCellData newSpannedCell = null;
                if (span.Left < startColumn && span.Right > startColumn)
                    if ((RepeatHeaders || RepeatRowHeaders) && span.Left < FixedColumns)
                        spannedCell.ColSpan = Math.Min(span.Right, startColumn + columnsFit) - startColumn + FixedColumns;
                        newSpannedCell = GetCellData(startColumn, span.Top);
                        newSpannedCell.RunTimeAssign(spannedCell.Cell, true);
                        newSpannedCell.ColSpan = Math.Min(span.Right, startColumn + columnsFit) - startColumn;
                        newSpannedCell.RowSpan = spannedCell.RowSpan;
                if (span.Left < startColumn + columnsFit && span.Right > startColumn + columnsFit)
                    spannedCell.ColSpan = startColumn + columnsFit - span.Left;
                if (span.Top < startRow && span.Bottom > startRow)
                    if ((RepeatHeaders || RepeatColumnHeaders) && span.Top < FixedRows)
                        spannedCell.RowSpan = Math.Min(span.Bottom, startRow + rowsFit) - startRow + FixedRows;
                if (span.Top < startRow + rowsFit && span.Bottom > startRow + rowsFit)
                    spannedCell.RowSpan = startRow + rowsFit - span.Top;

                    newSpannedCell = GetCellData(span.Left, startRow + rowsFit);
                    newSpannedCell.RunTimeAssign(spannedCell.Cell, true);
                    newSpannedCell.ColSpan = spannedCell.ColSpan;
                    newSpannedCell.RowSpan = span.Bottom - (startRow + rowsFit);

                    // break the cell text
                    TableCell cell = spannedCell.Cell;
                    using (TextObject tempObject = new TextObject())
                        if (!cell.Break(tempObject))
                            cell.Text = "";
                        if (cell.CanBreak)
                            newSpannedCell.Text = tempObject.Text;

                    // fix the row height
                    float textHeight = newSpannedCell.Cell.CalcHeight();
                    float rowsHeight = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < newSpannedCell.RowSpan; i++)
                        rowsHeight += Rows[i + startRow + rowsFit].Height;

                    if (rowsHeight < textHeight)
                        // fix the last row's height
                        Rows[startRow + rowsFit + newSpannedCell.RowSpan - 1].Height += textHeight - rowsHeight;

            // set visible columns
            if (RepeatHeaders || RepeatRowHeaders)
                for (int i = 0; i < FixedColumns; i++)
                    if (Columns[i].Visible)
                if (startColumn < FixedColumns)
                    columnsFit -= FixedColumns - startColumn;
                    startColumn = FixedColumns;

            // calc visible columns and last X coordinate of table for unlimited page width
            float tableEndX = Columns[0].Width;

            for (int i = startColumn; i < startColumn + columnsFit; i++)
                if (Columns[i].Visible)
                    tableEndX += Columns[i].Width;

            // set visible rows
            if (RepeatHeaders || RepeatColumnHeaders)
                for (int i = 0; i < FixedRows; i++)
                    if (Rows[i].Visible)
                if (startRow < FixedRows)
                    rowsFit -= FixedRows - startRow;
                    startRow = FixedRows;

            // calc visible rows and last Y coordinate of table for unlimited page height
            float tableEndY = Rows[0].Top;

            for (int i = startRow; i < startRow + rowsFit; i++)
                if (Rows[i].Visible)
                    tableEndY += Rows[i].Height;
            // include row header
            if (startRow != 0 && (RepeatHeaders || RepeatColumnHeaders))
                for (int i = 0; i < FixedRows; i++)
                    tableEndY += Rows[i].Height;

            // generate unlimited page
            if (Report.Engine.UnlimitedHeight || Report.Engine.UnlimitedWidth)
                ReportPage page = Report.PreparedPages.GetPage(Report.Engine.CurPage);
                if (Report.Engine.UnlimitedHeight)
                    bounds.Height = tableEndY;
                if (Report.Engine.UnlimitedWidth)
                    bounds.Width = tableEndX;
                Report.PreparedPages.ModifyPage(Report.Engine.CurPage, page);

            DataBand band = new DataBand();

            band.Bounds = bounds;

            return(GetRowsHeight(startRow, rowsFit));
Esempio n. 4
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public override bool Break(BreakableComponent breakTo)
            if (Rows.Count == 0)
            if (Height < Rows[0].Height && !Rows[0].CanBreak)
            TableBase tableTo = breakTo as TableBase;

            if (tableTo == null)

            // find the break row index
            int   breakRowIndex    = 0;
            int   breakRowIndexAdd = 0;
            bool  rowBroken        = false;
            float rowsHeight       = 0;

            while (breakRowIndex < Rows.Count)
                rowsHeight += Rows[breakRowIndex].Height;
                if (rowsHeight > Height)
                    float breakRowHeight = Rows[breakRowIndex].Height - (rowsHeight - Height);
                    if (CanBreakRow(breakRowIndex, breakRowHeight))
                        BreakRow(tableTo, breakRowIndex, breakRowHeight, rowsHeight - Height);
                        breakRowIndexAdd = 1;
                        rowBroken        = true;


            // get the span list
            List <Rectangle> spans = GetSpanList();

            // break the spans
            foreach (Rectangle span in spans)
                if (span.Top < breakRowIndex + breakRowIndexAdd && span.Bottom > breakRowIndex)
                    TableCell cell   = this[span.Left, span.Top];
                    TableCell cellTo = tableTo[span.Left, span.Top];

                    // update cell spans
                    cell.RowSpan   = breakRowIndex + breakRowIndexAdd - span.Top;
                    cellTo.RowSpan = span.Bottom - breakRowIndex;

                    // break the cell
                    if (!rowBroken && !cell.Break(cellTo))
                        cell.Text = "";

                    // set the top span cell to the correct place
                    tableTo[span.Left, span.Top]      = new TableCell();
                    tableTo[span.Left, breakRowIndex] = cellTo;

            // remove unused rows from source (this table)
            while (breakRowIndex + breakRowIndexAdd < Rows.Count)
                this.Rows.RemoveAt(Rows.Count - 1);

            // remove unused rows from copy (tableTo)
            for (int i = 0; i < breakRowIndex; i++)

Esempio n. 5
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public override bool Break(BreakableComponent breakTo)
            if (Rows.Count == 0)
            if (Height < Rows[0].Height)
            TableBase tableTo = breakTo as TableBase;

            if (tableTo == null)

            // get the span list
            List <Rectangle> spans = GetSpanList();

            // find the break row index
            int   breakRowIndex = 0;
            float rowsHeight    = 0;

            while (breakRowIndex < Rows.Count && rowsHeight + Rows[breakRowIndex].Height < Height)
                rowsHeight += Rows[breakRowIndex].Height;

            // break the spans
            foreach (Rectangle span in spans)
                if (span.Top < breakRowIndex && span.Bottom > breakRowIndex)
                    TableCell cell   = this[span.Left, span.Top];
                    TableCell cellTo = tableTo[span.Left, span.Top];

                    // update cell spans
                    cell.RowSpan   = breakRowIndex - span.Top;
                    cellTo.RowSpan = span.Bottom - breakRowIndex;

                    // break the cell
                    if (!cell.Break(cellTo))
                        cell.Text = "";
                    tableTo[span.Left, span.Top]      = new TableCell();
                    tableTo[span.Left, breakRowIndex] = cellTo;

            // delete last rows until all rows fit
            while (breakRowIndex < Rows.Count)
                Rows.RemoveAt(Rows.Count - 1);

            // delete first rows of the breakTo
            for (int i = 0; i < breakRowIndex; i++)

Esempio n. 6
        private float GeneratePage(int startColumn, int startRow, int columnsFit, int rowsFit,
                                   RectangleF bounds, List <Rectangle> spans)
            // break spans
            foreach (Rectangle span in spans)
                TableCellData spannedCell    = GetCellData(span.Left, span.Top);
                TableCellData newSpannedCell = null;
                if (span.Left < startColumn && span.Right > startColumn)
                    if (RepeatHeaders && span.Left < FixedColumns)
                        spannedCell.ColSpan = Math.Min(span.Right, startColumn + columnsFit) - startColumn + FixedColumns;
                        newSpannedCell = GetCellData(startColumn, span.Top);
                        newSpannedCell.RunTimeAssign(spannedCell.Cell, true);
                        newSpannedCell.ColSpan = Math.Min(span.Right, startColumn + columnsFit) - startColumn;
                        newSpannedCell.RowSpan = spannedCell.RowSpan;
                if (span.Left < startColumn + columnsFit && span.Right > startColumn + columnsFit)
                    spannedCell.ColSpan = startColumn + columnsFit - span.Left;
                if (span.Top < startRow && span.Bottom > startRow)
                    if (RepeatHeaders && span.Top < FixedRows)
                        spannedCell.RowSpan = Math.Min(span.Bottom, startRow + rowsFit) - startRow + FixedRows;
                if (span.Top < startRow + rowsFit && span.Bottom > startRow + rowsFit)
                    spannedCell.RowSpan = startRow + rowsFit - span.Top;

                    newSpannedCell = GetCellData(span.Left, startRow + rowsFit);
                    newSpannedCell.RunTimeAssign(spannedCell.Cell, true);
                    newSpannedCell.ColSpan = spannedCell.ColSpan;
                    newSpannedCell.RowSpan = span.Bottom - (startRow + rowsFit);

                    // break the cell text
                    TableCell cell = spannedCell.Cell;
                    using (TextObject tempObject = new TextObject())
                        if (!cell.Break(tempObject))
                            cell.Text = "";
                        if (cell.CanBreak)
                            newSpannedCell.Text = tempObject.Text;

                    // fix the row height
                    float textHeight = newSpannedCell.Cell.CalcHeight();
                    float rowsHeight = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < newSpannedCell.RowSpan; i++)
                        rowsHeight += Rows[i + startRow + rowsFit].Height;

                    if (rowsHeight < textHeight)
                        // fix the last row's height
                        Rows[startRow + rowsFit + newSpannedCell.RowSpan - 1].Height += textHeight - rowsHeight;

            // set visible columns
            for (int i = 0; i < Columns.Count; i++)
                if (!RepeatHeaders || i >= FixedColumns)
                    Columns[i].Visible = i >= startColumn && i < startColumn + columnsFit;

            // set visible rows
            for (int i = 0; i < Rows.Count; i++)
                if (!RepeatHeaders || i >= FixedRows)
                    Rows[i].Visible = i >= startRow && i < startRow + rowsFit;

            DataBand band = new DataBand();

            band.Bounds = bounds;

            return(GetRowsHeight(startRow, rowsFit));