public TheoJansenWalker(World world, PhysicsGameScreen screen, Vector2 position)
            _position = position;
            _motorSpeed = 2.0f;
            _motorOn = true;
            _screen = screen;

            _walkerJoints = new List<DistanceJoint>();

            _leftShoulders = new Body[3];
            _rightShoulders = new Body[3];
            _leftLegs = new Body[3];
            _rightLegs = new Body[3];

            Vector2 pivot = new Vector2(0f, -0.8f);

            // Chassis
                PolygonShape shape = new PolygonShape(1f);
                shape.SetAsBox(2.5f, 1.0f);

                _body =
                    new Sprite(_screen.ScreenManager.Assets.TextureFromShape(shape, MaterialType.Blank,
                                                                             Color.Beige, 1f));

                _chassis = BodyFactory.CreateBody(world);
                _chassis.BodyType = BodyType.Dynamic;
                _chassis.Position = pivot + _position;

                Fixture fixture = _chassis.CreateFixture(shape);
                fixture.CollisionGroup = -1;

                CircleShape shape = new CircleShape(1.6f, 1f);
                _engine =
                    new Sprite(_screen.ScreenManager.Assets.TextureFromShape(shape, MaterialType.Waves,
                                                                             Color.Beige * 0.8f, 1f));

                _wheel = BodyFactory.CreateBody(world);
                _wheel.BodyType = BodyType.Dynamic;
                _wheel.Position = pivot + _position;

                Fixture fixture = _wheel.CreateFixture(shape);
                fixture.CollisionGroup = -1;

                _motorJoint = new RevoluteJoint(_wheel, _chassis, _wheel.GetLocalPoint(_chassis.Position), Vector2.Zero);
                _motorJoint.CollideConnected = false;
                _motorJoint.MotorSpeed = _motorSpeed;
                _motorJoint.MaxMotorTorque = 400f;
                _motorJoint.MotorEnabled = _motorOn;

            Vector2 wheelAnchor = pivot + new Vector2(0f, 0.8f);


            CreateLeg(world, -1f, wheelAnchor, 0);
            CreateLeg(world, 1f, wheelAnchor, 0);

            _leftLeg.Origin = AssetCreator.CalculateOrigin(_leftLegs[0]);
            _leftShoulder.Origin = AssetCreator.CalculateOrigin(_leftShoulders[0]);
            _rightLeg.Origin = AssetCreator.CalculateOrigin(_rightLegs[0]);
            _rightShoulder.Origin = AssetCreator.CalculateOrigin(_rightShoulders[0]);

            _wheel.SetTransform(_wheel.Position, 120f * Settings.Pi / 180f);
            CreateLeg(world, -1f, wheelAnchor, 1);
            CreateLeg(world, 1f, wheelAnchor, 1);

            _wheel.SetTransform(_wheel.Position, -120f * Settings.Pi / 180f);
            CreateLeg(world, -1f, wheelAnchor, 2);
            CreateLeg(world, 1f, wheelAnchor, 2);
Esempio n. 2
        private TheoJansenTest()
            _offset = new Vector2(0.0f, 8.0f);
            _motorSpeed = 2.0f;
            _motorOn = true;
            Vector2 pivot = new Vector2(0.0f, 0.8f);

            // Ground
                Body ground = BodyFactory.CreateEdge(World, new Vector2(-50.0f, 0.0f), new Vector2(50.0f, 0.0f));
                FixtureFactory.AttachEdge(new Vector2(-50.0f, 0.0f), new Vector2(-50.0f, 10.0f), ground);
                FixtureFactory.AttachEdge(new Vector2(50.0f, 0.0f), new Vector2(50.0f, 10.0f), ground);

            // Balls
            for (int i = 0; i < 40; ++i)
                CircleShape shape = new CircleShape(0.25f, 1);

                Body body = BodyFactory.CreateBody(World);
                body.BodyType = BodyType.Dynamic;
                body.Position = new Vector2(-40.0f + 2.0f * i, 0.5f);


            // Chassis
                PolygonShape shape = new PolygonShape(1);
                shape.Vertices = PolygonTools.CreateRectangle(2.5f, 1.0f);

                _chassis = BodyFactory.CreateBody(World);
                _chassis.BodyType = BodyType.Dynamic;
                _chassis.Position = pivot + _offset;

                Fixture fixture = _chassis.CreateFixture(shape);
                fixture.CollisionGroup = -1;

                CircleShape shape = new CircleShape(1.6f, 1);

                _wheel = BodyFactory.CreateBody(World);
                _wheel.BodyType = BodyType.Dynamic;
                _wheel.Position = pivot + _offset;

                Fixture fixture = _wheel.CreateFixture(shape);
                fixture.CollisionGroup = -1;

                _motorJoint = new RevoluteJoint(_wheel, _chassis, _chassis.Position, true);
                _motorJoint.CollideConnected = false;
                _motorJoint.MotorSpeed = _motorSpeed;
                _motorJoint.MaxMotorTorque = 400.0f;
                _motorJoint.MotorEnabled = _motorOn;

            Vector2 wheelAnchor = pivot + new Vector2(0.0f, -0.8f);

            CreateLeg(-1.0f, wheelAnchor);
            CreateLeg(1.0f, wheelAnchor);

            _wheel.SetTransform(_wheel.Position, 120.0f * Settings.Pi / 180.0f);
            CreateLeg(-1.0f, wheelAnchor);
            CreateLeg(1.0f, wheelAnchor);

            _wheel.SetTransform(_wheel.Position, -120.0f * Settings.Pi / 180.0f);
            CreateLeg(-1.0f, wheelAnchor);
            CreateLeg(1.0f, wheelAnchor);
Esempio n. 3
        public TheoJansenWalker(World world, Vector2 position)
            _position = position;
            _motorSpeed = 2.0f;
            _motorOn = true;

            _leftShoulders = new Body[3];
            _leftLegs = new Body[3];

            _rightShoulders = new Body[3];
            _rightLegs = new Body[3];

            Vector2 pivot = new Vector2(0f, -0.8f);

            // Chassis
            PolygonShape box = new PolygonShape(1f);
            box.Vertices = PolygonTools.CreateRectangle(2.5f, 1.0f);
            _body = new Sprite(ContentWrapper.TextureFromShape(box, _walkerColors[0], ContentWrapper.Black));

            _chassis = BodyFactory.CreateBody(world);
            _chassis.BodyType = BodyType.Dynamic;
            _chassis.Position = pivot + _position;

            Fixture bodyFixture = _chassis.CreateFixture(box);
            bodyFixture.CollisionGroup = -1;

            // Wheel
            CircleShape circle = new CircleShape(1.6f, 1f);
            _engine = new Sprite(ContentWrapper.TextureFromShape(circle, "Stripe", _walkerColors[1] * 0.6f, _walkerColors[2] * 0.8f, ContentWrapper.Black, 3f));

            _wheel = BodyFactory.CreateBody(world);
            _wheel.BodyType = BodyType.Dynamic;
            _wheel.Position = pivot + _position;

            Fixture wheelFixture = _wheel.CreateFixture(circle);
            wheelFixture.CollisionGroup = -1;

            // Physics
            _motorJoint = new RevoluteJoint(_wheel, _chassis, _chassis.Position, true);
            _motorJoint.CollideConnected = false;
            _motorJoint.MotorSpeed = _motorSpeed;
            _motorJoint.MaxMotorTorque = 400f;
            _motorJoint.MotorEnabled = _motorOn;

            Vector2 wheelAnchor = pivot + new Vector2(0f, 0.8f);

            CreateLeg(world, -1f, wheelAnchor, 0);
            CreateLeg(world, 1f, wheelAnchor, 0);

            _wheel.SetTransform(_wheel.Position, 120f * Settings.Pi / 180f);
            CreateLeg(world, -1f, wheelAnchor, 1);
            CreateLeg(world, 1f, wheelAnchor, 1);

            _wheel.SetTransform(_wheel.Position, -120f * Settings.Pi / 180f);
            CreateLeg(world, -1f, wheelAnchor, 2);
            CreateLeg(world, 1f, wheelAnchor, 2);

            // GFX
            Vector2[] points = { 
                                new Vector2(-5.4f, 6.1f),
                                new Vector2(-7.2f, 1.2f),
                                new Vector2(-4.3f, 1.9f),
                                new Vector2(-2.9f, -0.7f),
                                new Vector2(0.6f, -2.9f)

            _leftShoulder = new Sprite(ContentWrapper.PolygonTexture(new[] { Vector2.Zero, points[3], points[4] }, Color.White * 0.6f, ContentWrapper.Black));
            _leftShoulder.Origin = ContentWrapper.CalculateOrigin(_leftShoulders[0]);

            _leftLeg = new Sprite(ContentWrapper.PolygonTexture(new[] { points[0], points[1], points[2] }, Color.White * 0.6f, ContentWrapper.Black));
            _leftLeg.Origin = ContentWrapper.CalculateOrigin(_leftLegs[0]);

            for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++)
                points[i].X *= -1f;

            _rightShoulder = new Sprite(ContentWrapper.PolygonTexture(new[] { Vector2.Zero, points[4], points[3] }, Color.White * 0.6f, ContentWrapper.Black));
            _rightShoulder.Origin = ContentWrapper.CalculateOrigin(_rightShoulders[0]);

            _rightLeg = new Sprite(ContentWrapper.PolygonTexture(new[] { points[0], points[2], points[1] }, Color.White * 0.6f, ContentWrapper.Black));
            _rightLeg.Origin = ContentWrapper.CalculateOrigin(_rightLegs[0]);
Esempio n. 4
        public Ragdoll(World world, Vector2 position)
            // Physics
            // Head
            _head = BodyFactory.CreateCircle(world, 0.75f, 10f);
            _head.BodyType = BodyType.Dynamic;
            _head.AngularDamping = LimbAngularDamping;
            _head.Mass = 2f;
            _head.Position = position;

            // Torso
            _upperBody = BodyFactory.CreateCapsule(world, 0.5f, 0.75f, LegDensity);
            _upperBody.BodyType = BodyType.Dynamic;
            _upperBody.Mass = 1f;
            _upperBody.SetTransform(position + new Vector2(0f, 1.75f), MathHelper.Pi / 2f);
            _middleBody = BodyFactory.CreateCapsule(world, 0.5f, 0.75f, LegDensity);
            _middleBody.BodyType = BodyType.Dynamic;
            _middleBody.Mass = 1f;
            _middleBody.SetTransform(position + new Vector2(0f, 3f), MathHelper.Pi / 2f);
            _lowerBody = BodyFactory.CreateCapsule(world, 0.5f, 0.75f, LegDensity);
            _lowerBody.BodyType = BodyType.Dynamic;
            _lowerBody.Mass = 1f;
            _lowerBody.SetTransform(position + new Vector2(0f, 4.25f), MathHelper.Pi / 2f);

            // Left Arm
            _lowerLeftArm = BodyFactory.CreateCapsule(world, 1f, 0.45f, ArmDensity);
            _lowerLeftArm.BodyType = BodyType.Dynamic;
            _lowerLeftArm.AngularDamping = LimbAngularDamping;
            _lowerLeftArm.Mass = 2f;
            _lowerLeftArm.Rotation = 1.4f;
            _lowerLeftArm.Position = position + new Vector2(-4f, 2.2f);

            _upperLeftArm = BodyFactory.CreateCapsule(world, 1f, 0.45f, ArmDensity);
            _upperLeftArm.BodyType = BodyType.Dynamic;
            _upperLeftArm.AngularDamping = LimbAngularDamping;
            _upperLeftArm.Mass = 2f;
            _upperLeftArm.Rotation = 1.4f;
            _upperLeftArm.Position = position + new Vector2(-2f, 1.8f);

            // Right Arm
            _lowerRightArm = BodyFactory.CreateCapsule(world, 1f, 0.45f, ArmDensity);
            _lowerRightArm.BodyType = BodyType.Dynamic;
            _lowerRightArm.AngularDamping = LimbAngularDamping;
            _lowerRightArm.Mass = 2f;
            _lowerRightArm.Rotation = -1.4f;
            _lowerRightArm.Position = position + new Vector2(4f, 2.2f);

            _upperRightArm = BodyFactory.CreateCapsule(world, 1f, 0.45f, ArmDensity);
            _upperRightArm.BodyType = BodyType.Dynamic;
            _upperRightArm.AngularDamping = LimbAngularDamping;
            _upperRightArm.Mass = 2f;
            _upperRightArm.Rotation = -1.4f;
            _upperRightArm.Position = position + new Vector2(2f, 1.8f);

            // Left Leg
            _lowerLeftLeg = BodyFactory.CreateCapsule(world, 1f, 0.5f, LegDensity);
            _lowerLeftLeg.BodyType = BodyType.Dynamic;
            _lowerLeftLeg.AngularDamping = LimbAngularDamping;
            _lowerLeftLeg.Mass = 2f;
            _lowerLeftLeg.Position = position + new Vector2(-0.6f, 8f);

            _upperLeftLeg = BodyFactory.CreateCapsule(world, 1f, 0.5f, LegDensity);
            _upperLeftLeg.BodyType = BodyType.Dynamic;
            _upperLeftLeg.AngularDamping = LimbAngularDamping;
            _upperLeftLeg.Mass = 2f;
            _upperLeftLeg.Position = position + new Vector2(-0.6f, 6f);

            // Right Leg
            _lowerRightLeg = BodyFactory.CreateCapsule(world, 1f, 0.5f, LegDensity);
            _lowerRightLeg.BodyType = BodyType.Dynamic;
            _lowerRightLeg.AngularDamping = LimbAngularDamping;
            _lowerRightLeg.Mass = 2f;
            _lowerRightLeg.Position = position + new Vector2(0.6f, 8f);

            _upperRightLeg = BodyFactory.CreateCapsule(world, 1f, 0.5f, LegDensity);
            _upperRightLeg.BodyType = BodyType.Dynamic;
            _upperRightLeg.AngularDamping = LimbAngularDamping;
            _upperRightLeg.Mass = 2f;
            _upperRightLeg.Position = position + new Vector2(0.6f, 6f);

            // head -> upper body
            DistanceJoint jointHeadBody = new DistanceJoint(_head, _upperBody, new Vector2(0f, 1f), new Vector2(-0.75f, 0f));
            jointHeadBody.CollideConnected = true;
            jointHeadBody.DampingRatio = DampingRatio;
            jointHeadBody.Frequency = Frequency;
            jointHeadBody.Length = 0.025f;

            // lowerLeftArm -> upperLeftArm
            DistanceJoint jointLeftArm = new DistanceJoint(_lowerLeftArm, _upperLeftArm, new Vector2(0f, -1f), new Vector2(0f, 1f));
            jointLeftArm.CollideConnected = true;
            jointLeftArm.DampingRatio = DampingRatio;
            jointLeftArm.Frequency = Frequency;
            jointLeftArm.Length = 0.02f;

            // upperLeftArm -> upper body
            DistanceJoint jointLeftArmBody = new DistanceJoint(_upperLeftArm, _upperBody, new Vector2(0f, -1f), new Vector2(-0.15f, 1f));
            jointLeftArmBody.DampingRatio = DampingRatio;
            jointLeftArmBody.Frequency = Frequency;
            jointLeftArmBody.Length = 0.02f;

            // lowerRightArm -> upperRightArm
            DistanceJoint jointRightArm = new DistanceJoint(_lowerRightArm, _upperRightArm, new Vector2(0f, -1f), new Vector2(0f, 1f));
            jointRightArm.CollideConnected = true;
            jointRightArm.DampingRatio = DampingRatio;
            jointRightArm.Frequency = Frequency;
            jointRightArm.Length = 0.02f;

            // upperRightArm -> upper body
            DistanceJoint jointRightArmBody = new DistanceJoint(_upperRightArm, _upperBody, new Vector2(0f, -1f), new Vector2(-0.15f, -1f));
            jointRightArmBody.DampingRatio = DampingRatio;
            jointRightArmBody.Frequency = 25;
            jointRightArmBody.Length = 0.02f;

            // lowerLeftLeg -> upperLeftLeg
            DistanceJoint jointLeftLeg = new DistanceJoint(_lowerLeftLeg, _upperLeftLeg, new Vector2(0f, -1.1f), new Vector2(0f, 1f));
            jointLeftLeg.CollideConnected = true;
            jointLeftLeg.DampingRatio = DampingRatio;
            jointLeftLeg.Frequency = Frequency;
            jointLeftLeg.Length = 0.05f;

            // upperLeftLeg -> lower body
            DistanceJoint jointLeftLegBody = new DistanceJoint(_upperLeftLeg, _lowerBody, new Vector2(0f, -1.1f), new Vector2(0.7f, 0.8f));
            jointLeftLegBody.CollideConnected = true;
            jointLeftLegBody.DampingRatio = DampingRatio;
            jointLeftLegBody.Frequency = Frequency;
            jointLeftLegBody.Length = 0.02f;

            // lowerRightleg -> upperRightleg
            DistanceJoint jointRightLeg = new DistanceJoint(_lowerRightLeg, _upperRightLeg, new Vector2(0f, -1.1f), new Vector2(0f, 1f));
            jointRightLeg.CollideConnected = true;
            jointRightLeg.DampingRatio = DampingRatio;
            jointRightLeg.Frequency = Frequency;
            jointRightLeg.Length = 0.05f;

            // upperRightleg -> lower body
            DistanceJoint jointRightLegBody = new DistanceJoint(_upperRightLeg, _lowerBody, new Vector2(0f, -1.1f), new Vector2(0.7f, -0.8f));
            jointRightLegBody.CollideConnected = true;
            jointRightLegBody.DampingRatio = DampingRatio;
            jointRightLegBody.Frequency = Frequency;
            jointRightLegBody.Length = 0.02f;

            // upper body -> middle body
            RevoluteJoint jointUpperTorso = new RevoluteJoint(_upperBody, _middleBody, _upperBody.Position + new Vector2(0f, 0.625f), true);
            jointUpperTorso.LimitEnabled = true;
            jointUpperTorso.SetLimits(-MathHelper.Pi / 16f, MathHelper.Pi / 16f);

            // middle body -> lower body
            RevoluteJoint jointLowerTorso = new RevoluteJoint(_middleBody, _lowerBody, _middleBody.Position + new Vector2(0f, 0.625f), true);
            jointLowerTorso.LimitEnabled = true;
            jointLowerTorso.SetLimits(-MathHelper.Pi / 8f, MathHelper.Pi / 8f);

            // GFX
            _face = new Sprite(ContentWrapper.CircleTexture(0.75f, "Square", ContentWrapper.Gold, ContentWrapper.Orange, ContentWrapper.Grey, 1f));
            _torso = new Sprite(ContentWrapper.PolygonTexture(PolygonTools.CreateRoundedRectangle(1.5f, 2f, 0.75f, 0.75f, 2), "Stripe", ContentWrapper.Gold, ContentWrapper.Orange, ContentWrapper.Black, 2.0f));
            _upperLimb = new Sprite(ContentWrapper.PolygonTexture(PolygonTools.CreateCapsule(1.9f, 0.45f, 16), "Square", ContentWrapper.Gold, ContentWrapper.Orange, ContentWrapper.Black, 1f));
            _lowerLimb = new Sprite(ContentWrapper.PolygonTexture(PolygonTools.CreateCapsule(2f, 0.5f, 16), "Square", ContentWrapper.Gold, ContentWrapper.Orange, ContentWrapper.Black, 1f));
        protected void SetPhysicalState(object nState)
            List<Body> mOldBodies = mBodies;
            if (mSpriteEffects == SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally)
                mBodies = mBodiesLeft;
                mBodies = mBodiesRight;

            //If mBody == null, the player is being loaded for the first time
            if (mBody == null)
                mBody = mBodies[mStates.IndexOf(nState)];
                mBody.Enabled = true;
                //mBody.Awake = true;
                //mBody.IgnoreGravity = false;
                //mBody.CollidesWith = Category.All;
                //mBody.Positi = mStartPos;
                mBody.IgnoreGravity = false;
                mBody.CollisionCategories = Category.Cat1;
                mBody.CollidesWith = Category.All & ~Category.Cat2;
                mBody.CollisionGroup = -1;
                //Set new body
                mBody = mBodies[mStates.IndexOf(nState)];

                //Disable old body
                mOldBodies[mStates.IndexOf(mState)].CollisionCategories = Category.Cat2;
                mOldBodies[mStates.IndexOf(mState)].CollidesWith = Category.None;
                mOldBodies[mStates.IndexOf(mState)].CollisionGroup = -2;

                //Enable new body
                mBody.IgnoreGravity = false;
                mBody.CollisionCategories = Category.Cat1;
                mBody.CollidesWith = Category.All & ~Category.Cat2;
                mBody.CollisionGroup = -1;

                //Copy properties to new body
                mBody.SetTransform(mOldBodies[mStates.IndexOf(mState)].Position, mOldBodies[mStates.IndexOf(mState)].Rotation);
                mBody.LinearVelocity = mOldBodies[mStates.IndexOf(mState)].LinearVelocity;
                mBody.AngularVelocity = mOldBodies[mStates.IndexOf(mState)].AngularVelocity;
Esempio n. 6
        protected void ConstructGenericMan()
            #region Torso

            Vector2 size = new Vector2(20f / PPM, 36f / PPM);
            torso = BodyFactory.CreateRectangle(world, size.X, size.Y, 10f);
            torso.UserData = new PhysicalData(size, this, medColor);
            torso.Position = position / PPM;
            torso.FixedRotation = true;
            torso.BodyType = BodyType.Dynamic;
            torso.Restitution = 0.2f;
            torso.Friction = 0.2f;
            torso.SleepingAllowed = false;
            torso.CollisionCategories = Category.Cat2;
            torso.CollidesWith = Category.Cat1 | Category.Cat3 | Category.Cat5;
            //FixtureFactory.AttachRectangle(20f / PPM, 20f / PPM, 5f, new Vector2(0f, -20f), torso);


            #region Head

            size = new Vector2(26f / PPM, 26f / PPM);
            head = BodyFactory.CreateRectangle(world, size.X, size.Y, 10f);
            head.UserData = new PhysicalData(size, this, medColor);
            head.Position = (position + new Vector2(0f, -38f)) / PPM;
            head.BodyType = BodyType.Dynamic;
            head.Restitution = 0.2f;
            head.Friction = 0.2f;
            head.AngularDamping = 1.2f;
            head.SetTransform(head.Position, 0.1f);
            head.SleepingAllowed = false;
            head.CollisionCategories = Category.Cat2;
            head.CollidesWith = Category.Cat1 | Category.Cat3 | Category.Cat5;

            //Join head to body
            neck = JointFactory.CreateRevoluteJoint(world, torso, head, new Vector2(0f, 0f));


            #region Arms

            #region Right Arm
            //Right Arm
            size = new Vector2(15f / PPM, 25f / PPM);
            rArm = BodyFactory.CreateRectangle(world, size.X, size.Y, 10f);
            rArm.UserData = new PhysicalData(size, this, color);
            rArm.Position = (position + new Vector2(0f, -6f)) / PPM;
            rArm.BodyType = BodyType.Dynamic;
            rArm.Restitution = 0.2f;
            rArm.Friction = 0.2f;
            rArm.SleepingAllowed = false;
            rArm.CollisionCategories = Category.Cat2;
            rArm.CollidesWith = Category.Cat1 | Category.Cat3 | Category.Cat5;

            //Join right arm to body
            //JointFactory.CreateRevoluteJoint(world, torso, rArm, new Vector2(0f, -4f / PPM));
            rShoulder = new RevoluteJoint(torso, rArm, new Vector2(0f / PPM, -15f / PPM), new Vector2(0f / PPM, -10f / PPM));
            //rShoulder.LowerLimit = -(float)Math.PI / 1.5f;
            //rShoulder.UpperLimit = (float)Math.PI / 3f;
            //rShoulder.LimitEnabled = true;
            rShoulder.MotorEnabled = true;
            rShoulder.MaxMotorTorque = JOINT_MAX_TORQUE;
            rShoulder.MotorSpeed = 0;


            //Right Forearm
            size = new Vector2(18f / PPM, 30f / PPM);
            rForearm = BodyFactory.CreateRectangle(world, size.X, size.Y, 10f);
            rForearm.UserData = new PhysicalData(size, this, color);
            rForearm.Position = (position + new Vector2(0f, 4f)) / PPM;
            rForearm.BodyType = BodyType.Dynamic;
            rForearm.Restitution = 0.2f;
            rForearm.Friction = 0.2f;
            rForearm.AngularDamping = 0.8f;
            rForearm.SleepingAllowed = false;
            rForearm.CollisionCategories = Category.Cat2;
            rForearm.CollidesWith = Category.Cat1 | Category.Cat3 | Category.Cat5;

            //Join right forearm to right arm
            //JointFactory.CreateRevoluteJoint(world, rArm, rForearm, new Vector2(0f, 4f / PPM));
            rElbow = new RevoluteJoint(rArm, rForearm, new Vector2(0f / PPM, 15f / PPM), new Vector2(0f / PPM, -10f / PPM));
            //rElbow.LowerLimit = -(float)Math.PI / 1.5f;
            //rElbow.UpperLimit = (float)Math.PI / 3f;
            //rElbow.LimitEnabled = true;
            rElbow.MotorEnabled = true;
            rElbow.MaxMotorTorque = JOINT_MAX_TORQUE;
            rElbow.MotorSpeed = 0;



            #region Left Arm
            //Left Arm
            size = new Vector2(15f / PPM, 25f / PPM);
            lArm = BodyFactory.CreateRectangle(world, size.X, size.Y, 10f);
            lArm.UserData = new PhysicalData(size, this, darkColor);
            lArm.Position = (position + new Vector2(0f, -6f)) / PPM;
            lArm.BodyType = BodyType.Dynamic;
            lArm.Restitution = 0.2f;
            lArm.Friction = 0.2f;
            lArm.SleepingAllowed = false;
            lArm.CollisionCategories = Category.Cat2;
            lArm.CollidesWith = Category.Cat1 | Category.Cat3 | Category.Cat5;

            //Join Left arm to body
            //JointFactory.CreateRevoluteJoint(world, torso, lArm, new Vector2(0f, -4f / PPM));
            lShoulder = new RevoluteJoint(torso, lArm, new Vector2(0f / PPM, -15f / PPM), new Vector2(0f / PPM, -10f / PPM));
            //lShoulder.LowerLimit = -(float)Math.PI / 1.5f;
            //lShoulder.UpperLimit = (float)Math.PI / 3f;
            //lShoulder.LimitEnabled = true;
            lShoulder.MotorEnabled = true;
            lShoulder.MaxMotorTorque = JOINT_MAX_TORQUE;
            lShoulder.MotorSpeed = 0;


            //Left Forearm
            size = new Vector2(18f / PPM, 30f / PPM);
            lForearm = BodyFactory.CreateRectangle(world, size.X, size.Y, 10f);
            lForearm.UserData = new PhysicalData(size, this, darkColor);
            lForearm.Position = (position + new Vector2(0f, 4f)) / PPM;
            lForearm.BodyType = BodyType.Dynamic;
            lForearm.Restitution = 0.2f;
            lForearm.Friction = 0.2f;
            lForearm.AngularDamping = 0.8f;
            lForearm.SleepingAllowed = false;
            lForearm.CollisionCategories = Category.Cat2;
            lForearm.CollidesWith = Category.Cat1 | Category.Cat3 | Category.Cat5;

            //Join Left forearm to Left arm
            //JointFactory.CreateRevoluteJoint(world, lArm, lForearm, new Vector2(0f, 4f / PPM));
            lElbow = new RevoluteJoint(lArm, lForearm, new Vector2(0f / PPM, 15f / PPM), new Vector2(0f / PPM, -10f / PPM));
            //lElbow.LowerLimit = -(float)Math.PI / 1.5f;
            //lElbow.UpperLimit = (float)Math.PI / 3f;
            //lElbow.LimitEnabled = true;
            lElbow.MotorEnabled = true;
            lElbow.MaxMotorTorque = JOINT_MAX_TORQUE;
            lElbow.MotorSpeed = 0;




            #region Legs

            #region Right Leg
            //Right Thigh
            size = new Vector2(15f / PPM, 30f / PPM);
            rThigh = BodyFactory.CreateRectangle(world, size.X, size.Y, 10f);
            rThigh.UserData = new PhysicalData(size, this, medColor);
            rThigh.Position = (position + new Vector2(30f, 45f)) / PPM;
            rThigh.BodyType = BodyType.Dynamic;
            rThigh.Restitution = 0.2f;
            rThigh.Friction = 0.2f;
            rThigh.SleepingAllowed = false;
            rThigh.CollisionCategories = Category.Cat2;
            rThigh.CollidesWith = Category.Cat1 | Category.Cat3 | Category.Cat5;

            //Join right Thigh to body
            //JointFactory.CreateRevoluteJoint(world, torso, rThigh, new Vector2(0f, -10f / PPM));
            rHip = new RevoluteJoint(torso, rThigh, new Vector2(0f / PPM, 20f / PPM), new Vector2(0f / PPM, -10f / PPM));
            //rHip.LowerLimit = -(float)Math.PI / 1.5f;
            //rHip.UpperLimit = (float)Math.PI / 3f;
            //rHip.LimitEnabled = true;
            rHip.MotorEnabled = true;
            rHip.MaxMotorTorque = JOINT_MAX_TORQUE;
            rHip.MotorSpeed = 0;


            //Right Leg
            size = new Vector2(25f / PPM, 35f / PPM);
            rLeg = BodyFactory.CreateRectangle(world, 25f / PPM, 35f / PPM, 10f);
            rLeg.UserData = new PhysicalData(size, this, medColor);
            rLeg.Position = (position + new Vector2(0f, 16f)) / PPM;
            rLeg.BodyType = BodyType.Dynamic;
            rLeg.Restitution = 0.2f;
            rLeg.Friction = 0.8f;
            rLeg.AngularDamping = 0.8f;
            rLeg.SleepingAllowed = false;
            rLeg.CollisionCategories = Category.Cat2;
            rLeg.CollidesWith = Category.Cat1 | Category.Cat3 | Category.Cat5;
            rLeg.OnCollision += CharacterCollision;

            //Join right Leg to right thigh
            //JointFactory.CreateRevoluteJoint(world, rThigh, rLeg, new Vector2(0f, 20f / PPM));
            rKnee = new RevoluteJoint(rThigh, rLeg, new Vector2(0f / PPM, 15f / PPM));
            //rKnee.LowerLimit = -(float)Math.PI;
            //rKnee.UpperLimit = -(float)Math.PI / 3f;
            //rKnee.LimitEnabled = true;
            rKnee.MotorEnabled = true;
            rKnee.MaxMotorTorque = JOINT_MAX_TORQUE;
            rKnee.MotorSpeed = 0;


            #region Left Leg
            //Left Thigh
            size = new Vector2(15f / PPM, 30f / PPM);
            lThigh = BodyFactory.CreateRectangle(world, size.X, size.Y, 10f);
            lThigh.UserData = new PhysicalData(size, this, darkColor);
            lThigh.Position = (position + new Vector2(30f, 45f)) / PPM;
            lThigh.BodyType = BodyType.Dynamic;
            lThigh.Restitution = 0.2f;
            lThigh.Friction = 0.2f;
            lThigh.SleepingAllowed = false;
            lThigh.CollisionCategories = Category.Cat2;
            lThigh.CollidesWith = Category.Cat1 | Category.Cat3 | Category.Cat5;

            //Join Left Thigh to body
            //JointFactory.CreateRevoluteJoint(world, torso, rThigh, new Vector2(0f, -10f / PPM));
            lHip = new RevoluteJoint(torso, lThigh, new Vector2(0f / PPM, 20f / PPM), new Vector2(0f / PPM, -10f / PPM));
            //lHip.LowerLimit = -(float)Math.PI / 1.5f;
            //lHip.UpperLimit = (float)Math.PI / 3f;
            //lHip.LimitEnabled = true;
            lHip.MotorEnabled = true;
            lHip.MaxMotorTorque = JOINT_MAX_TORQUE;
            lHip.MotorSpeed = 0;


            //Left Leg
            size = new Vector2(25f / PPM, 35f / PPM);
            lLeg = BodyFactory.CreateRectangle(world, size.X, size.Y, 10f);
            lLeg.UserData = new PhysicalData(size, this, darkColor);
            lLeg.Position = (position + new Vector2(0f, 16f)) / PPM;
            lLeg.BodyType = BodyType.Dynamic;
            lLeg.Restitution = 0.2f;
            lLeg.Friction = 0.8f;
            lLeg.AngularDamping = 0.8f;
            lLeg.SleepingAllowed = false;
            lLeg.CollisionCategories = Category.Cat2;
            lLeg.CollidesWith = Category.Cat1 | Category.Cat3 | Category.Cat5;
            lLeg.OnCollision += CharacterCollision;

            //Join right Leg to right thigh
            //JointFactory.CreateRevoluteJoint(world, rThigh, rLeg, new Vector2(0f, 20f / PPM));
            lKnee = new RevoluteJoint(lThigh, lLeg, new Vector2(0f / PPM, 15f / PPM));
            //lKnee.LowerLimit = -(float)Math.PI;
            //lKnee.UpperLimit = -(float)Math.PI / 3f;
            //lKnee.LimitEnabled = true;
            lKnee.MotorEnabled = true;
            lKnee.MaxMotorTorque = JOINT_MAX_TORQUE;
            lKnee.MotorSpeed = 0;



            #region Add to Display List

            //Add all body parts to parts list

            //Add all joints to joints list

Esempio n. 7
 public static void SetTransform(Body body, Transform2 transform)
     body.SetTransform((Xna.Vector2)transform.Position, transform.Rotation);