/// <summary> /// LoadContent will be called once per game and is the place to load /// all of your content. /// </summary> protected override void LoadContent() { // Create a new SpriteBatch, which can be used to draw textures. spriteBatch = new SpriteBatchPlus(GraphicsDevice); Texture2D plainText = new Texture2D(GraphicsDevice, 1, 1); plainText.SetData(new[] { Color.White }); spriteBatch.setDefaultTexture(plainText); //currentTime = 0; //goalTime = 35; Keys[] MenuControlList = { Keys.Escape, Keys.Enter, Keys.W, Keys.S, Keys.Up, Keys.Down }; MenuControls = new MenuControls(MenuControlList); Keys[] playControlList = { Keys.Escape, Keys.W, Keys.A, Keys.S, Keys.D, Keys.Left, Keys.Right, Keys.Up, Keys.Down, Keys.Space }; PlayControls = new PlayControls(playControlList); //Creates Test Room /*GSprite[] roomSprites = { new NSprite(new Rectangle(0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT), Color.Gray), * new NSprite(new Rectangle(100, 100, WIDTH - 200, HEIGHT - 200), Color.LightGray)}; * rm = new Room(roomSprites); * * //rm.addObject(new Entity(new Vector2(500, 500), new NSprite(new Rectangle(500, 500, 50, 50), Color.Wheat)));*/ //Imports Font mfont = Content.Load <SpriteFont>("main"); sfont = Content.Load <SpriteFont>("second"); guiFont = Content.Load <SpriteFont>("guiFont"); int mHeight = (int)mfont.MeasureString("M").Y; int sHeight = (int)sfont.MeasureString("M").Y; //Score tracking system setup highscoresSprites = new SSprite[10]; achievementSprites = new SSprite[3]; loadedHighscores = new int[10]; loadedAchievements = new int[3]; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { loadedHighscores[i] = -1; } for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { loadedAchievements[i] = -2; } string input = "-1"; try { StreamReader sr = new StreamReader("sts.txt"); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { input = sr.ReadLine(); int.TryParse(input, out loadedHighscores[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { input = sr.ReadLine(); int.TryParse(input, out loadedAchievements[i]); } sr.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Exception: " + e.Message); } for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { highscoresSprites[i] = new SSprite(i + 1 + ". " + loadedHighscores[i], sfont, new Vector2(50, mHeight * 2 + 10 + i * (sHeight + 10)), Color.Azure); } achievementSprites[0] = new SSprite("Levels Completed: " + loadedAchievements[0], sfont, new Vector2(400, mHeight * 2 + 10 + 0 * (sHeight + 10)), Color.Azure); achievementSprites[1] = new SSprite("Chargers Killed: " + loadedAchievements[1], sfont, new Vector2(400, mHeight * 2 + 10 + 1 * (sHeight + 10)), Color.Azure); achievementSprites[2] = new SSprite("Rangers Killed: " + loadedAchievements[2], sfont, new Vector2(400, mHeight * 2 + 10 + 2 * (sHeight + 10)), Color.Azure); //Creates Main Menu GSprite[] gs = { new NSprite(new Rectangle(0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT), Color.SandyBrown), new NSprite(new Rectangle(0, 0, WIDTH, mHeight * 2), Color.SaddleBrown), new SSprite("Maze Crawler", mfont, new Vector2(25, mHeight / 2), Color.Azure) }; MenuOption[] mo = { new MenuOption(new SSprite("Start Game", sfont, new Vector2(50, mHeight * 2 + sHeight), Color.Azure)), new MenuOption(new SSprite("Highscores and Achievements", sfont, new Vector2(50, mHeight * 2 + sHeight * 3), Color.Azure)), new MenuOption(new SSprite("Quit Game", sfont, new Vector2(50, mHeight * 2 + sHeight * 5), Color.Azure)) }; mainMenu = new GGUI(gs, mo, Color.Azure); //Creates Pause Menu GSprite[] pgs = { new NSprite(new Rectangle(WIDTH / 4, HEIGHT / 8, WIDTH / 2, HEIGHT / 2), Color.SandyBrown), new NSprite(new Rectangle(WIDTH / 4, HEIGHT / 8, WIDTH / 2, mHeight * 2), Color.SaddleBrown), new SSprite("Pause Menu", mfont, new Vector2(WIDTH / 2 - mfont.MeasureString("Pause Menu").X / 2, HEIGHT / 8 + mHeight / 2), Color.Azure) }; MenuOption[] pmo = { new MenuOption(new SSprite("Resume", sfont, new Vector2(WIDTH / 2 - mfont.MeasureString("Pause Menu").X / 4, HEIGHT / 8 + mHeight * 2 + sHeight / 2), Color.Azure)), new MenuOption(new SSprite("Quit", sfont, new Vector2(WIDTH / 2 - mfont.MeasureString("Pause Menu").X / 4, HEIGHT / 8 + mHeight * 2 + sHeight * 2), Color.Azure)) }; pauseMenu = new GGUI(pgs, pmo, Color.Azure); //Creates Shop Menu GSprite[] sgs = { new NSprite(new Rectangle(WIDTH / 4, HEIGHT / 8, WIDTH / 2, HEIGHT * 2 / 3), Color.SandyBrown), new NSprite(new Rectangle(WIDTH / 4, HEIGHT / 8, WIDTH / 2, mHeight * 2), Color.SaddleBrown), new SSprite("Ye Old Shope", mfont, new Vector2(WIDTH / 2 - mfont.MeasureString("Ye Old Shoppe").X / 2, HEIGHT / 8 + mHeight / 2), Color.Azure) }; MenuOption[] smo = { new MenuOption(new SSprite("Weapon Damage (10C)", sfont, new Vector2(WIDTH / 2 - mfont.MeasureString("Ye Old Shope").X / 4, HEIGHT / 8 + mHeight * 2 + sHeight / 2), Color.Azure)), new MenuOption(new SSprite("Max Health (10C)", sfont, new Vector2(WIDTH / 2 - mfont.MeasureString("Ye Old Shope").X / 4, HEIGHT / 8 + mHeight * 2 + sHeight * 2), Color.Azure)), new MenuOption(new SSprite("Quit", sfont, new Vector2(WIDTH / 2 - mfont.MeasureString("Ye Old Shope").X / 4, HEIGHT / 8 + mHeight * 2 + sHeight * 3.5f), Color.Azure)) }; shopMenu = new GGUI(sgs, smo, Color.Azure); //Creates Death Menu deathMenuScore = new SSprite("Your Score: ", sfont, new Vector2(WIDTH / 2 - mfont.MeasureString("You Died").X / 4, HEIGHT / 8 + mHeight * 2 + sHeight * 3.5f), Color.Azure); GSprite[] dgs = { new NSprite(new Rectangle(WIDTH / 4, HEIGHT / 8, WIDTH / 2, HEIGHT / 2), Color.SandyBrown), new NSprite(new Rectangle(WIDTH / 4, HEIGHT / 8, WIDTH / 2, mHeight * 2), Color.SaddleBrown), new SSprite("You Died", mfont, new Vector2(WIDTH / 2 - mfont.MeasureString("You Died").X / 2, HEIGHT / 8 + mHeight / 2), Color.Azure), deathMenuScore }; MenuOption[] dmo = { new MenuOption(new SSprite("Main Menu", sfont, new Vector2(WIDTH / 2 - mfont.MeasureString("You Died").X / 4, HEIGHT / 8 + mHeight * 2 + sHeight / 2), Color.Azure)), new MenuOption(new SSprite("Quit", sfont, new Vector2(WIDTH / 2 - mfont.MeasureString("You Died").X / 4, HEIGHT / 8 + mHeight * 2 + sHeight * 2), Color.Azure)) }; deathMenu = new GGUI(dgs, dmo, Color.Azure); //Creates Leaderboard plus AH system GSprite[] scoregs = new GSprite[16]; scoregs[0] = new NSprite(new Rectangle(0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT), Color.SandyBrown); scoregs[1] = new NSprite(new Rectangle(0, 0, WIDTH, mHeight * 2), Color.SaddleBrown); scoregs[2] = new SSprite("Highscores and Acheivements", mfont, new Vector2(25, mHeight / 2), Color.Azure); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { scoregs[3 + i] = highscoresSprites[i]; } for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { scoregs[13 + i] = achievementSprites[i]; } MenuOption[] scoremo = { new MenuOption(new SSprite("Return", sfont, new Vector2(50, HEIGHT - sHeight * 2), Color.Azure)) }; scoreMenu = new GGUI(scoregs, scoremo, Color.Azure); // TODO: use this.Content to load your game content here }
/// <summary> /// LoadContent will be called once per game and is the place to load /// all of your content. /// </summary> protected override void LoadContent() { // Create a new SpriteBatch, which can be used to draw textures. spriteBatch = new SpriteBatchPlus(GraphicsDevice); Texture2D plainText = new Texture2D(GraphicsDevice, 1, 1); plainText.SetData(new[] { Color.White }); spriteBatch.setDefaultTexture(plainText); //currentTime = 0; //goalTime = 35; Keys[] MenuControlList = { Keys.Escape, Keys.Enter, Keys.W, Keys.S, Keys.Up, Keys.Down }; MenuControls = new MenuControls(MenuControlList); Keys[] playControlList = { Keys.Escape, Keys.W, Keys.A, Keys.S, Keys.D, Keys.Left, Keys.Right, Keys.Up, Keys.Down, Keys.Space }; PlayControls = new PlayControls(playControlList); //Creates Test Room /*GSprite[] roomSprites = { new NSprite(new Rectangle(0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT), Color.Gray), * new NSprite(new Rectangle(100, 100, WIDTH - 200, HEIGHT - 200), Color.LightGray)}; * rm = new Room(roomSprites); * * //rm.addObject(new Entity(new Vector2(500, 500), new NSprite(new Rectangle(500, 500, 50, 50), Color.Wheat)));*/ //Imports Font mfont = Content.Load <SpriteFont>("main"); sfont = Content.Load <SpriteFont>("second"); int mHeight = (int)mfont.MeasureString("M").Y; int sHeight = (int)sfont.MeasureString("M").Y; //Creates Main Menu GSprite[] gs = { new NSprite(new Rectangle(0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT), Color.SandyBrown), new NSprite(new Rectangle(0, 0, WIDTH, mHeight * 2), Color.SaddleBrown), new SSprite("Maze Crawler", mfont, new Vector2(25, mHeight / 2), Color.Azure) }; MenuOption[] mo = { new MenuOption(new SSprite("Start Game", sfont, new Vector2(50, mHeight * 2 + sHeight), Color.Azure)), new MenuOption(new SSprite("Settings", sfont, new Vector2(50, mHeight * 2 + sHeight * 3), Color.Azure)), new MenuOption(new SSprite("Quit Game", sfont, new Vector2(50, mHeight * 2 + sHeight * 5), Color.Azure)) }; mainMenu = new GGUI(gs, mo, Color.Azure); //Creates Pause Menu GSprite[] pgs = { new NSprite(new Rectangle(WIDTH / 4, HEIGHT / 8, WIDTH / 2, HEIGHT / 2), Color.SandyBrown), new NSprite(new Rectangle(WIDTH / 4, HEIGHT / 8, WIDTH / 2, mHeight * 2), Color.SaddleBrown), new SSprite("Pause Menu", mfont, new Vector2(WIDTH / 2 - mfont.MeasureString("Pause Menu").X / 2, HEIGHT / 8 + mHeight / 2), Color.Azure) }; MenuOption[] pmo = { new MenuOption(new SSprite("Resume", sfont, new Vector2(WIDTH / 2 - mfont.MeasureString("Pause Menu").X / 4, HEIGHT / 8 + mHeight * 2 + sHeight / 2), Color.Azure)), new MenuOption(new SSprite("Setting", sfont, new Vector2(WIDTH / 2 - mfont.MeasureString("Pause Menu").X / 4, HEIGHT / 8 + mHeight * 2 + sHeight * 2), Color.Azure)), new MenuOption(new SSprite("Quit", sfont, new Vector2(WIDTH / 2 - mfont.MeasureString("Pause Menu").X / 4, HEIGHT / 8 + mHeight * 2 + sHeight * 3.5f), Color.Azure)) }; pauseMenu = new GGUI(pgs, pmo, Color.Azure); // TODO: use this.Content to load your game content here }