public static void ConvertDB(LiteCollection <Entry> collection, DBProcessor updater) { var res = collection.FindAll().ToList(); // var resOut = collection.Find(x => x.DatePageCreated <= DateTime.Today.AddDays(-15) && x.DatePageCreated >= DateTime.Today.AddDays(-20)).ToList(); List <json> populatedLink = new List <json>(); for (int i = 0; i < res.Count; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < res[i].Download.FileType.Count; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < res[i].Download.FileType[j].Link.Count; k++) { populatedLink.Add(new json(res[i].Download.FileType[j].Link[k].Url, res[i].Download.FileType[j].Link[k].IsConverted)); } } } string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(populatedLink); JsonObj.DoCall(json, out populatedLink); int indexing = 0; for (int i = 0; i < res.Count; i++) { var resConverted = true; for (int j = 0; j < res[i].Download.FileType.Count; j++) { var fileTypeConverted = true; for (int k = 0; k < res[i].Download.FileType[j].Link.Count; k++) { res[i].Download.FileType[j].Link[k] = new Link(populatedLink[indexing].url, res[i].Download.FileType[j].Link[k].Site, populatedLink[indexing].isConverted); indexing++; if (!res[i].Download.FileType[j].Link[k].IsConverted) { fileTypeConverted = false; } } if (!fileTypeConverted) { resConverted = false; } } res[i].IsConverted = resConverted; } updater.Insert(res); Console.WriteLine("Finished"); }
public static void ConvertManualList(List <Entry> res, DBProcessor updater, out List <Entry> resOut) { resOut = res; List <json> populatedLink = new List <json>(); for (int i = 0; i < resOut.Count; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < resOut[i].Download.FileType.Count; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < resOut[i].Download.FileType[j].Link.Count; k++) { populatedLink.Add(new json(resOut[i].Download.FileType[j].Link[k].Url, resOut[i].Download.FileType[j].Link[k].IsConverted)); } } } string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(populatedLink); JsonObj.DoCall(json, out populatedLink); int indexing = 0; for (int i = 0; i < resOut.Count; i++) { var resConverted = true; for (int j = 0; j < resOut[i].Download.FileType.Count; j++) { var fileTypeConverted = true; for (int k = 0; k < resOut[i].Download.FileType[j].Link.Count; k++) { resOut[i].Download.FileType[j].Link[k] = new Link(populatedLink[indexing].url, resOut[i].Download.FileType[j].Link[k].Site, populatedLink[indexing].isConverted); indexing++; if (!resOut[i].Download.FileType[j].Link[k].IsConverted) { fileTypeConverted = false; } } if (!fileTypeConverted) { resConverted = false; } } resOut[i].IsConverted = resConverted; } updater.Insert(resOut); Console.WriteLine("Finished"); }
public static void ConvertEntries(DBProcessor updater) // CHANGE SO ONLY SEND AFTER CHECKED { updater.CheckAndRemove(Entries); List <json> populatedLink = new List <json>(); foreach (var entry in Entries) { foreach (var type in entry.Download.FileType) { foreach (var linkI in type.Link) { populatedLink.Add(new json(linkI.Url, linkI.IsConverted)); } } } string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(populatedLink); JsonObj.DoCall(json, out populatedLink); Console.WriteLine("Finished"); var indexing = 0; for (int i = 0; i < Entries.Count; i++) { var resConverted = true; for (int j = 0; j < Entries[i].Download.FileType.Count; j++) { var fileTypeConverted = true; for (int k = 0; k < Entries[i].Download.FileType[j].Link.Count; k++) { Entries[i].Download.FileType[j].Link[k] = new Link(populatedLink[indexing].url, Entries[i].Download.FileType[j].Link[k].Site, populatedLink[indexing].isConverted); indexing++; if (!Entries[i].Download.FileType[j].Link[k].IsConverted) { fileTypeConverted = false; } } if (!fileTypeConverted) { resConverted = false; } } Entries[i].IsConverted = resConverted; } updater.Insert(Entries); }
private static void Main() { //Development Mode Console.WriteLine("Opening/Creating Database!"); var db = new LiteDatabase(@"Database.db"); // unused for now var updater = new DBProcessor(db); var collection = db.GetCollection <Entry>("entries"); collection.EnsureIndex("DatePageCreated"); // db.DropCollection("entries"); // debugging purposes Console.WriteLine("Configuring Crawler"); const string link = ""; const string link2 = ""; const string link3 = ""; const int startIndex = 1; const int endIndex = 10; Console.WriteLine("Starting Crawler"); var checkall = collection.FindAll().ToList(); Scraper.DoScrape(link, startIndex, endIndex); // Scraper.DoScrape(link2, startIndex, endIndex); // Scraper.DoScrape(link3, startIndex, endIndex); Console.WriteLine("Creating NaN-API Call"); #region Populating Links To Call ConvertEntries(updater); // ConvertDB(collection, updater); #endregion var linkCount = 0; var linknotConverted = 0; var linkConverted = 0; foreach (var entry in Entries) { foreach (var type in entry.Download.FileType) { foreach (var li in type.Link) { linkCount++; } } } var res = collection.FindAll(); foreach (var entry in res) { foreach (var type in entry.Download.FileType) { foreach (var linkI in type.Link) { if (!linkI.IsConverted) { linknotConverted++; } else { linkConverted++; } } } } #region DebugZone Console.WriteLine($"Collecting Filter"); // var find = collection.Find(x => x.DatePageCreated <= DateTime.Today.AddDays(-15) && x.DatePageCreated >= DateTime.Today.AddDays(-20)).ToList(); // var notConverted = collection.Find(x => !x.IsConverted).ToList(); // ConvertManualList(notConverted, updater, out var resOut); #endregion Console.WriteLine("Result :\n"); Console.WriteLine($"Total entry added : {Entries.Count}"); Console.WriteLine($"Total new link added : {linkCount}"); Console.WriteLine($"Total link converted in db : {linkConverted}"); Console.WriteLine($"Total link not converted in db : {linknotConverted}"); Console.WriteLine($"Total collection not filled : {collection.Count(x => x.IsFilled.Equals(false))}"); Console.WriteLine($"Total collection not converted : {collection.Count(x => x.IsConverted.Equals(false))}"); // var notFilled = collection.Find(x => x.IsFilled.Equals(false)); // debug // var tryFilter = updater.FilterBySite(false, true, false); // debug Console.WriteLine($"Current collection count : {collection.Count()}"); Console.WriteLine("\nPress any key to continue..."); Console.ReadLine(); db.Dispose(); Console.WriteLine("Exiting . . ."); // Thread.Sleep(3000); // 3 sec }