Inheritance: FanObj
Esempio n. 1
File: Date.cs Progetto: nomit007/f4
 public static Date today(TimeZone tz)
     return DateTime.makeTicks(DateTime.nowTicks(), tz).date();
Esempio n. 2
File: DateTime.cs Progetto: xored/f4
 // Utils
 public DateTime toTimeZone(TimeZone tz)
     if (m_tz == tz) return this;
       if (tz == TimeZone.m_rel || this.m_tz == TimeZone.m_rel)
     return new DateTime(getYear(), getMonth(), getDay(),
                     getHour(), getMin(), getSec(), getNanoSec(),
                     System.Int32.MaxValue, tz);
       return makeTicks(m_ticks, tz);
Esempio n. 3
        internal DateTime(int year, int month, int day,
                          int hour, int min, int sec,
                          long ns, int knownOffset, TimeZone tz)
            if (year < 1901 || year > 2099)
                throw ArgErr.make("year " + year).val;
            if (month < 0 || month > 11)
                throw ArgErr.make("month " + month).val;
            if (day < 1 || day > numDaysInMonth(year, month))
                throw ArgErr.make("day " + day).val;
            if (hour < 0 || hour > 23)
                throw ArgErr.make("hour " + hour).val;
            if (min < 0 || min > 59)
                throw ArgErr.make("min " + min).val;
            if (sec < 0 || sec > 59)
                throw ArgErr.make("sec " + sec).val;
            if (ns < 0 || ns > 999999999L)
                throw ArgErr.make("ns " + ns).val;

            // compute ticks for UTC
            int  doy       = dayOfYear(year, month, day);
            int  timeInSec = hour * 3600 + min * 60 + sec;
            long ticks     = (long)yearTicks[year - 1900] +
                             (long)doy * nsPerDay +
                             (long)timeInSec * nsPerSec +

            // adjust for timezone and dst (we might know the UTC offset)
            TimeZone.Rule rule = tz.rule(year);
            bool          dst;

            if (knownOffset == System.Int32.MaxValue)
                // don't know offset so compute from timezone rule
                ticks -= (long)rule.offset * nsPerSec;
                int dstOffset = TimeZone.dstOffset(rule, year, month, day, timeInSec);
                if (dstOffset != 0)
                    ticks -= (long)dstOffset * nsPerSec;
                dst = dstOffset != 0;
                // we known offset, still need to use rule to compute if in dst
                ticks -= (long)knownOffset * nsPerSec;
                dst    = knownOffset != rule.offset;

            // compute weekday
            int weekday = (firstWeekday(year, month) + day - 1) % 7;

            // fields
            int fields = 0;

            fields |= ((year - 1900) & 0xff) << 0;
            fields |= (month & 0xf) << 8;
            fields |= (day & 0x1f) << 12;
            fields |= (hour & 0x1f) << 17;
            fields |= (min & 0x3f) << 22;
            fields |= (weekday & 0x7) << 28;
            fields |= (dst ? 1 : 0) << 31;

            // commit
            this.m_ticks  = ticks;
            this.m_tz     = tz;
            this.m_fields = fields;
Esempio n. 4
File: DateTime.cs Progetto: xored/f4
 public static DateTime fromLocale(string s, string pattern, TimeZone tz)
     return fromLocale(s, pattern, tz, true);
Esempio n. 5
File: DateTime.cs Progetto: xored/f4
 public static DateTime make(long year, Month month, long day, long hour, long min, long sec, long ns, TimeZone tz)
     return new DateTime((int)year, month.ord, (int)day, (int)hour, (int)min, (int)sec, ns, System.Int32.MaxValue, tz);
Esempio n. 6
File: DateTime.cs Progetto: xored/f4
        internal DateTime(int year, int month, int day,
                      int hour, int min, int sec,
                      long ns,  int knownOffset, TimeZone tz)
            if (year < 1901 || year > 2099) throw ArgErr.make("year " + year).val;
              if (month < 0 || month > 11)    throw ArgErr.make("month " + month).val;
              if (day < 1 || day > numDaysInMonth(year, month)) throw ArgErr.make("day " + day).val;
              if (hour < 0 || hour > 23)      throw ArgErr.make("hour " + hour).val;
              if (min < 0 || min > 59)        throw ArgErr.make("min " + min).val;
              if (sec < 0 || sec > 59)        throw ArgErr.make("sec " + sec).val;
              if (ns < 0 || ns > 999999999L)  throw ArgErr.make("ns " + ns).val;

              // compute ticks for UTC
              int doy = dayOfYear(year, month, day);
              int timeInSec = hour*3600 + min*60 + sec;
              long ticks = (long)yearTicks[year-1900] +
                   (long)doy * nsPerDay +
                   (long)timeInSec * nsPerSec +

              // adjust for timezone and dst (we might know the UTC offset)
              TimeZone.Rule rule = tz.rule(year);
              bool dst;
              if (knownOffset == System.Int32.MaxValue)
            // don't know offset so compute from timezone rule
            ticks -= (long)rule.offset * nsPerSec;
            int dstOffset = TimeZone.dstOffset(rule, year, month, day, timeInSec);
            if (dstOffset != 0) ticks -= (long)dstOffset * nsPerSec;
            dst = dstOffset != 0;
            // we known offset, still need to use rule to compute if in dst
            ticks -= (long)knownOffset * nsPerSec;
            dst = knownOffset != rule.offset;

              // compute weekday
              int weekday = (firstWeekday(year, month) + day - 1) % 7;

              // fields
              int fields = 0;
              fields |= ((year-1900) & 0xff) << 0;
              fields |= (month & 0xf) << 8;
              fields |= (day & 0x1f)  << 12;
              fields |= (hour & 0x1f) << 17;
              fields |= (min  & 0x3f) << 22;
              fields |= (weekday & 0x7) << 28;
              fields |= (dst ? 1 : 0) << 31;

              // commit
              this.m_ticks  = ticks;
              this.m_tz     = tz;
              this.m_fields = fields;
Esempio n. 7
File: DateTime.cs Progetto: xored/f4
 public static DateTime fromJava(long millis, TimeZone tz)
     return fromJava(millis, tz, true);
Esempio n. 8
 public static DateTime fromLocale(string s, string pattern, TimeZone tz, bool check)
     return(new DateTimeStr(pattern, null).parseDateTime(s, tz, check));
Esempio n. 9
 public static DateTime fromJava(long millis, TimeZone tz)
     return(fromJava(millis, tz, true));
Esempio n. 10
        private static DateTime fromStr(string s, bool check, bool iso)
                // YYYY-MM-DD'T'hh:mm:ss
                int year  = num(s, 0) * 1000 + num(s, 1) * 100 + num(s, 2) * 10 + num(s, 3);
                int month = num(s, 5) * 10 + num(s, 6) - 1;
                int day   = num(s, 8) * 10 + num(s, 9);
                int hour  = num(s, 11) * 10 + num(s, 12);
                int min   = num(s, 14) * 10 + num(s, 15);
                int sec   = num(s, 17) * 10 + num(s, 18);

                // check separator symbols
                if (s[4] != '-' || s[7] != '-' ||
                    s[10] != 'T' || s[13] != ':' ||
                    s[16] != ':')
                    throw new System.Exception();

                // optional .FFFFFFFFF
                int i     = 19;
                int ns    = 0;
                int tenth = 100000000;
                if (s[i] == '.')
                    while (true)
                        int c = s[i];
                        if (c < '0' || c > '9')
                        ns    += (c - '0') * tenth;
                        tenth /= 10;

                // zone offset
                int offset = 0;
                int ch     = s[i++];
                if (ch != 'Z')
                    int offHour = num(s, i++) * 10 + num(s, i++);
                    if (s[i++] != ':')
                        throw new System.Exception();
                    int offMin = num(s, i++) * 10 + num(s, i++);
                    offset = offHour * 3600 + offMin * 60;
                    if (ch == '-')
                        offset = -offset;
                    else if (ch != '+')
                        throw new System.Exception();

                // timezone - we share this method b/w fromStr and fromIso
                TimeZone tz;
                if (iso)
                    if (i < s.Length)
                        throw new System.Exception();
                    tz = TimeZone.fromGmtOffset(offset);
                    if (s[i++] != ' ')
                        throw new System.Exception();
                    tz = TimeZone.fromStr(s.Substring(i), true);

                return(new DateTime(year, month, day, hour, min, sec, ns, offset, tz));
            catch (System.Exception)
                if (!check)
                throw ParseErr.make("DateTime", s).val;
Esempio n. 11
 public static DateTime fromLocale(string s, string pattern, TimeZone tz)
     return(fromLocale(s, pattern, tz, true));
Esempio n. 12
        private DateTime(long ticks, TimeZone tz)
            // check boundary conditions 1901 to 2099
            if (ticks < minTicks || ticks >= maxTicks)
                throw ArgErr.make("Ticks out of range 1901 to 2099").val;

            // save ticks, time zone
            this.m_ticks = ticks;
            this.m_tz    = tz;

            // compute the year
            int year = ticksToYear(ticks);

            // get the time zone rule for this year, and
            // offset the working ticks by UTC offset
            TimeZone.Rule rule = m_tz.rule(year);
            ticks += rule.offset * nsPerSec;

            // compute the day and month; we may need to execute this
            // code block up to three times:
            //   1st: using standard time
            //   2nd: using daylight offset (if in dst)
            //   3rd: using standard time (if dst pushed us back into std)
            int  month, day, dstOffset = 0;
            long rem;

            while (true)
                // recompute year based on working ticks
                year = ticksToYear(ticks);
                rem  = ticks - yearTicks[year - 1900];
                if (rem < 0)
                    rem += nsPerYear;

                // compute day of the year
                int dayOfYear = (int)(rem / nsPerDay);
                rem %= nsPerDay;

                // use lookup tables map day of year to month and day
                if (isLeapYear(year))
                    month = monForDayOfYearLeap[dayOfYear];
                    day   = dayForDayOfYearLeap[dayOfYear];
                    month = monForDayOfYear[dayOfYear];
                    day   = dayForDayOfYear[dayOfYear];

                // if dstOffset is set to max, then this is
                // the third time thru the loop: std->dst->std
                if (dstOffset == System.Int32.MaxValue)
                    dstOffset = 0; break;

                // if dstOffset is non-zero we have run this
                // loop twice to recompute the date for dst
                if (dstOffset != 0)
                    // if our dst rule is wall time based, then we need to
                    // recompute to see if dst wall time pushed us back
                    // into dst - if so then run through the loop a third
                    // time to get us back to standard time
                    if (rule.isWallTime() && TimeZone.dstOffset(rule, year, month, day, (int)(rem / nsPerSec)) == 0)
                        ticks    -= dstOffset * nsPerSec;
                        dstOffset = System.Int32.MaxValue;

                // first time in loop; check for daylight saving time,
                // and if dst is in effect then re-run this loop with
                // modified working ticks
                dstOffset = TimeZone.dstOffset(rule, year, month, day, (int)(rem / nsPerSec));
                if (dstOffset == 0)
                ticks += dstOffset * nsPerSec;

            // compute time of day
            int hour = (int)(rem / nsPerHour);  rem %= nsPerHour;
            int min  = (int)(rem / nsPerMin);   rem %= nsPerMin;

            // compute weekday
            int weekday = (firstWeekday(year, month) + day - 1) % 7;

            // fields
            int fields = 0;

            fields       |= ((year - 1900) & 0xff) << 0;
            fields       |= (month & 0xf) << 8;
            fields       |= (day & 0x1f) << 12;
            fields       |= (hour & 0x1f) << 17;
            fields       |= (min & 0x3f) << 22;
            fields       |= (weekday & 0x7) << 28;
            fields       |= (dstOffset != 0 ? 1 : 0) << 31;
            this.m_fields = fields;
Esempio n. 13
 public static DateTime makeTicks(long ticks, TimeZone tz)
     return(new DateTime(ticks, tz));
Esempio n. 14
 internal static DateTime makeDT(Date d, Time t, TimeZone tz)
     return(new DateTime(d.m_year, d.m_month, d.m_day, t.m_hour, t.m_min, t.m_sec, t.m_ns, System.Int32.MaxValue, tz));
Esempio n. 15
File: Date.cs Progetto: nomit007/f4
 public DateTime midnight(TimeZone tz)
     return DateTime.makeDT(this, Time.m_defVal, tz);
Esempio n. 16
 public static Time now(TimeZone tz)
     return(DateTime.makeTicks(DateTime.nowTicks(), tz).time());
Esempio n. 17
File: Date.cs Progetto: nomit007/f4
 public DateTime toDateTime(Time t, TimeZone tz)
     return DateTime.makeDT(this, t, tz);
Esempio n. 18
 public DateTime toDateTime(Date d, TimeZone tz)
     return(DateTime.makeDT(d, this, tz));
Esempio n. 19
File: DateTime.cs Progetto: xored/f4
        private DateTime(long ticks, TimeZone tz)
            // check boundary conditions 1901 to 2099
              if (ticks < minTicks || ticks >= maxTicks)
            throw ArgErr.make("Ticks out of range 1901 to 2099").val;

              // save ticks, time zone
              this.m_ticks = ticks;
              this.m_tz = tz;

              // compute the year
              int year = ticksToYear(ticks);

              // get the time zone rule for this year, and
              // offset the working ticks by UTC offset
              TimeZone.Rule rule = m_tz.rule(year);
              ticks += rule.offset * nsPerSec;

              // compute the day and month; we may need to execute this
              // code block up to three times:
              //   1st: using standard time
              //   2nd: using daylight offset (if in dst)
              //   3rd: using standard time (if dst pushed us back into std)
              int month, day, dstOffset = 0;
              long rem;
              while (true)
            // recompute year based on working ticks
            year = ticksToYear(ticks);
            rem = ticks - yearTicks[year-1900];
            if (rem < 0) rem += nsPerYear;

            // compute day of the year
            int dayOfYear = (int)(rem/nsPerDay);
            rem %= nsPerDay;

            // use lookup tables map day of year to month and day
            if (isLeapYear(year))
              month = monForDayOfYearLeap[dayOfYear];
              day   = dayForDayOfYearLeap[dayOfYear];
              month = monForDayOfYear[dayOfYear];
              day   = dayForDayOfYear[dayOfYear];

            // if dstOffset is set to max, then this is
            // the third time thru the loop: std->dst->std
            if (dstOffset == System.Int32.MaxValue) { dstOffset = 0; break; }

            // if dstOffset is non-zero we have run this
            // loop twice to recompute the date for dst
            if (dstOffset != 0)
              // if our dst rule is wall time based, then we need to
              // recompute to see if dst wall time pushed us back
              // into dst - if so then run through the loop a third
              // time to get us back to standard time
              if (rule.isWallTime() && TimeZone.dstOffset(rule, year, month, day, (int)(rem/nsPerSec)) == 0)
            ticks -= dstOffset * nsPerSec;
            dstOffset = System.Int32.MaxValue;

            // first time in loop; check for daylight saving time,
            // and if dst is in effect then re-run this loop with
            // modified working ticks
            dstOffset = TimeZone.dstOffset(rule, year, month, day, (int)(rem/nsPerSec));
            if (dstOffset == 0) break;
            ticks += dstOffset * nsPerSec;

              // compute time of day
              int hour = (int)(rem / nsPerHour);  rem %= nsPerHour;
              int min  = (int)(rem / nsPerMin);   rem %= nsPerMin;

              // compute weekday
              int weekday = (firstWeekday(year, month) + day - 1) % 7;

              // fields
              int fields = 0;
              fields |= ((year-1900) & 0xff) << 0;
              fields |= (month & 0xf) << 8;
              fields |= (day & 0x1f)  << 12;
              fields |= (hour & 0x1f) << 17;
              fields |= (min  & 0x3f) << 22;
              fields |= (weekday & 0x7) << 28;
              fields |= (dstOffset != 0 ? 1 : 0) << 31;
              this.m_fields = fields;
Esempio n. 20
        // Parse

        internal DateTime parseDateTime(string s, TimeZone defTz, bool check)
                // parse into fields
                tzOffset = System.Int32.MaxValue;

                // now figure out what timezone to use
                TimeZone.Rule defRule = defTz.rule(year);
                if (tzName != null)
                    // use defTz if tzName was specified and matches any variations of defTz
                    if (tzName == defTz.name() ||
                        tzName == defRule.stdAbbr ||
                        tzName == defRule.dstAbbr)
                        tz = defTz;

                    // try to map tzName to TimeZone, use defTz as fallback
                        tz = TimeZone.fromStr(tzName, false);
                        if (tz == null)
                            tz = defTz;

                // if tzOffset was specified...
                else if (tzOffset != System.Int32.MaxValue)
                    // figure out what expected offset was for defTz
                    int time      = hour * 3600 + min * 60 + sec;
                    int defOffset = defRule.offset + TimeZone.dstOffset(defRule, year, (int)mon.ordinal(), day, time);

                    // if specified offset matches expected offset for defTz then
                    // use defTz, otherwise use a vanilla GMT+/- timezone
                    if (tzOffset == defOffset)
                        tz = defTz;
                        tz = TimeZone.fromGmtOffset(tzOffset);

                // no tzName or tzOffset specified, use defTz
                    tz = defTz;

                // construct DateTime
                return(new DateTime(year, (int)mon.ordinal(), day, hour, min, sec, ns, tzOffset, tz));
            catch (Exception) {}
            if (check)
                throw ParseErr.make("DateTime", s).val;
Esempio n. 21
File: DateTime.cs Progetto: xored/f4
 public static DateTime fromJava(long millis, TimeZone tz, bool negIsNull)
     if (millis <= 0 && negIsNull) return null;
       return new DateTime((millis-diffJava)*nsPerMilli, tz);
Esempio n. 22
 public static DateTime fromJava(long millis, TimeZone tz)
     if (millis <= 0) return null;
       return new DateTime((millis-diffJava)*nsPerMilli, TimeZone.m_cur);
Esempio n. 23
File: DateTime.cs Progetto: xored/f4
 public static DateTime fromLocale(string s, string pattern, TimeZone tz, bool check)
     return new DateTimeStr(pattern, null).parseDateTime(s, tz, check);
Esempio n. 24
File: Time.cs Progetto: nomit007/f4
 public static Time now(TimeZone tz)
     return DateTime.makeTicks(DateTime.nowTicks(), tz).time();
Esempio n. 25
File: DateTime.cs Progetto: xored/f4
 public static DateTime makeTicks(long ticks, TimeZone tz)
     return new DateTime(ticks, tz);
Esempio n. 26
File: Time.cs Progetto: nomit007/f4
 public DateTime toDateTime(Date d, TimeZone tz)
     return DateTime.makeDT(d, this, tz);
Esempio n. 27
File: DateTime.cs Progetto: xored/f4
 internal static DateTime makeDT(Date d, Time t, TimeZone tz)
     return new DateTime(d.m_year, d.m_month, d.m_day, t.m_hour, t.m_min, t.m_sec, t.m_ns, System.Int32.MaxValue, tz);
Esempio n. 28
 public static DateTime make(long year, Month month, long day, long hour, long min, long sec, long ns, TimeZone tz)
     return(new DateTime((int)year, month.ord, (int)day, (int)hour, (int)min, (int)sec, ns, System.Int32.MaxValue, tz));