public static Locale fromStr(string s, bool check) { int len = s.Length; try { if (len == 2) { if (FanStr.isLower(s)) { return(new Locale(s, s, null)); } } if (len == 5) { string lang = s.Substring(0, 2); string country = s.Substring(3, 2); if (FanStr.isLower(lang) && FanStr.isUpper(country) && s[2] == '-') { return(new Locale(s, lang, country)); } } } catch (Exception e) { Err.dumpStack(e); } if (!check) { return(null); } throw ParseErr.make("Locale", s).val; }
/** * Parse an dimension string and intern it: * dim := <ratio> ["*" <ratio>]* * ratio := <base> <exp> * base := "kg" | "m" | "sec" | "K" | "A" | "mol" | "cd" */ private static Dimension parseDim(string s) { // handle empty string as dimensionless if (s.Length == 0) { return(m_dimensionless); } // parse dimension Dimension dim = new Dimension(); List ratios = FanStr.split(s, Long.valueOf((long)'*'), true); for (int i = 0; i <; ++i) { string r = (string)ratios.get(i); if (r.StartsWith("kg")) { = SByte.Parse(r.Substring(2).Trim()); continue; } if (r.StartsWith("sec")) { dim.sec = SByte.Parse(r.Substring(3).Trim()); continue; } if (r.StartsWith("mol")) { dim.mol = SByte.Parse(r.Substring(3).Trim()); continue; } if (r.StartsWith("m")) { dim.m = SByte.Parse(r.Substring(1).Trim()); continue; } if (r.StartsWith("K")) { dim.K = SByte.Parse(r.Substring(1).Trim()); continue; } if (r.StartsWith("A")) { dim.A = SByte.Parse(r.Substring(1).Trim()); continue; } if (r.StartsWith("cd")) { = SByte.Parse(r.Substring(2).Trim()); continue; } throw new Exception("Bad ratio '" + r + "'"); } // intern return(dim.intern()); }
/** Get a month by lowercase abbr or full name for this locale */ internal Month monthByName(string name) { if (m_monthsByName == null) { Hashtable map = new Hashtable(); for (int i = 0; i < Month.array.Length; ++i) { Month m = Month.array[i]; map[FanStr.lower(m.abbr(this))] = m; map[FanStr.lower(m.full(this))] = m; } m_monthsByName = map; } return((Month)m_monthsByName[name]); }
private static string s(object obj) { if (obj == null) { return("null"); } if (obj is string) { return(FanStr.toCode((string)obj)); } if (obj is List) { return(((List)obj).of().ToString() + obj); } return(toStr(obj)); }
public static long compare(object self, object x) { if (self is FanObj) { return(((FanObj)self).compare(x)); } else if (self is string) { return(, x)); } else if (self is IComparable) { return(((IComparable)self).CompareTo(x)); } else { return(, toStr(x))); } }
/** * Parse an un-interned unit: * unit := <name> [";" <symbol> [";" <dim> [";" <scale> [";" <offset>]]]] */ private static Unit parseUnit(string s) { string idStrs = s; int c = s.IndexOf(';'); if (c > 0) { idStrs = s.Substring(0, c); } List ids = FanStr.split(idStrs, Long.valueOf(',')); if (c < 0) { return(new Unit(ids, m_dimensionless, 1, 0)); } string dim = s = s.Substring(c + 1).Trim(); c = s.IndexOf(';'); if (c < 0) { return(new Unit(ids, parseDim(dim), 1, 0)); } dim = s.Substring(0, c).Trim(); string scale = s = s.Substring(c + 1).Trim(); c = s.IndexOf(';'); if (c < 0) { return(new Unit(ids, parseDim(dim), Double.parseDouble(scale), 0)); } scale = s.Substring(0, c).Trim(); string offset = s.Substring(c + 1).Trim(); return(new Unit(ids, parseDim(dim), Double.parseDouble(scale), Double.parseDouble(offset))); }
private static MimeType parse(string s) { int slash = s.IndexOf('/'); string media = s.Substring(0, slash); string sub = s.Substring(slash + 1); Map pars = emptyParams(); int semi = sub.IndexOf(';'); if (semi > 0) { pars = doParseParams(sub, semi + 1); sub = sub.Substring(0, semi).Trim(); } MimeType r = new MimeType(); r.m_str = s; r.m_mediaType = FanStr.lower(media); r.m_subType = FanStr.lower(sub); r.m_params =; return(r); }
public override long hash() { return(FanStr.hash(signature())); }
public sealed override long hash() { return(FanStr.hash(m_source)); }
public virtual long compare(object obj) { return(, toStr(obj))); }
static void doDumpStack(string msg, Exception err, int depth, StringWriter w) { // message for (int sp = 0; sp < depth; sp++) { w.Write(" "); } if (!(err is Err.Val) && msg == err.Message) { w.Write(err.GetType() + ": "); } w.WriteLine(msg); // stack string stack = err.StackTrace; if (err is Err.Val) { Err e = ((Err.Val)err).err(); if (e.m_stack != null) { stack = e.m_stack; } } if (stack != null) { string[] lines = stack.Split('\n'); for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++) { // TODO - could be *way* more efficient string s = lines[i].Trim(); int parOpen = s.IndexOf('('); int parClose = s.IndexOf(')', parOpen); string source = s.Substring(parClose + 1, s.Length - parClose - 1); if (source == "") { source = "Unknown Source"; } else { source = source.Substring(4); int index = source.LastIndexOf("\\"); if (index != -1) { source = source.Substring(index + 1); } index = source.LastIndexOf(":line"); source = source.Substring(0, index + 1) + source.Substring(index + 6); } string target = s.Substring(0, parOpen); if (target.StartsWith("at Fan.")) { int a = target.IndexOf(".", 7); int b = target.IndexOf(".", a + 1); string pod = target.Substring(7, a - 7); string type = target.Substring(a + 1, b - a - 1); string meth = target.Substring(b + 1); // check for closures int dollar1 = type.IndexOf('$'); int dollar2 = dollar1 < 0 ? -1 : type.IndexOf('$', dollar1 + 1); if (dollar2 > 0) { // don't print callX for closures if (meth.StartsWith("call")) { continue; } // remap closure class back to original method if (meth.StartsWith("doCall")) { meth = type.Substring(dollar1 + 1, dollar2 - dollar1 - 1); type = type.Substring(0, dollar1); } } target = FanStr.decapitalize(pod) + "::" + type + "." + meth; } for (int sp = 0; sp < depth; sp++) { w.Write(" "); } w.Write(" "); w.Write(target); w.Write(" ("); w.Write(source); w.Write(")"); w.Write("\n"); } } // inner exception Exception cause = err.InnerException; if (cause != null) { doDumpStack(msg, cause, depth + 1, w); } }
public int GetHashCode(object obj) { return(FanStr.caseInsensitiveHash((string)obj)); }
public override long hash() { return(FanStr.hash(m_str)); }
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Extension ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static MimeType forExt(string s) { if (s == null) { return(null); } try { string val = (string)Sys.m_sysPod.props(m_etcUri, Duration.m_oneMin).get(FanStr.lower(s)); if (val == null) { return(null); } return(MimeType.fromStr(val)); } catch (System.Exception e) { System.Console.WriteLine("MimeType.forExt: " + s); Err.dumpStack(e); return(null); } }
private Map readProps(bool listVals) // listVals is Str:Str[] { Charset origCharset = charset(); charset(Charset.utf8()); try { Map props = new Map(Sys.StrType, listVals ? Sys.StrType.toListOf() : Sys.StrType); StringBuilder name = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder val = null; int inBlockComment = 0; bool inEndOfLineComment = false; int c = ' ', last = ' '; int lineNum = 1; while (true) { last = c; c = rChar(); if (c < 0) { break; } // end of line if (c == '\n' || c == '\r') { inEndOfLineComment = false; if (last == '\r' && c == '\n') { continue; } string n = FanStr.makeTrim(name); if (val != null) { addProp(props, n, FanStr.makeTrim(val), listVals); name = new StringBuilder(); val = null; } else if (n.Length > 0) { throw IOErr.make("Invalid name/value pair [Line " + lineNum + "]").val; } lineNum++; continue; } // if in comment if (inEndOfLineComment) { continue; } // block comment if (inBlockComment > 0) { if (last == '/' && c == '*') { inBlockComment++; } if (last == '*' && c == '/') { inBlockComment--; } continue; } // equal if (c == '=' && val == null) { val = new StringBuilder(); continue; } // comment if (c == '/' && FanInt.isSpace(last)) { int peek = rChar(); if (peek < 0) { break; } if (peek == '/') { inEndOfLineComment = true; continue; } if (peek == '*') { inBlockComment++; continue; } unreadChar(peek); } // escape or line continuation if (c == '\\') { int peek = rChar(); if (peek < 0) { break; } else if (peek == 'n') { c = '\n'; } else if (peek == 'r') { c = '\r'; } else if (peek == 't') { c = '\t'; } else if (peek == '\\') { c = '\\'; } else if (peek == '\r' || peek == '\n') { // line continuation lineNum++; if (peek == '\r') { peek = rChar(); if (peek != '\n') { unreadChar(peek); } } while (true) { peek = rChar(); if (peek == ' ' || peek == '\t') { continue; } unreadChar(peek); break; } continue; } else if (peek == 'u') { int n3 = hex(rChar()); int n2 = hex(rChar()); int n1 = hex(rChar()); int n0 = hex(rChar()); if (n3 < 0 || n2 < 0 || n1 < 0 || n0 < 0) { throw IOErr.make("Invalid hex value for \\uxxxx [Line " + lineNum + "]").val; } c = ((n3 << 12) | (n2 << 8) | (n1 << 4) | n0); } else { throw IOErr.make("Invalid escape sequence [Line " + lineNum + "]").val; } } // normal character if (val == null) { name.Append((char)c); } else { val.Append((char)c); } } string nm = FanStr.makeTrim(name); if (val != null) { addProp(props, nm, FanStr.makeTrim(val), listVals); } else if (nm.Length > 0) { throw IOErr.make("Invalid name/value pair [Line " + lineNum + "]").val; } return(props); } finally { try { close(); } catch (System.Exception e) { Err.dumpStack(e); } charset(origCharset); } }
public override long hash() { return(FanStr.hash(toStr())); }
public new bool Equals(object x, object y) { return(FanStr.equalsIgnoreCase((string)x, (string)y)); }