Esempio n. 1
        private Vector3 vert0;  // lower left most vertex of Tile

        public void CreateCells(GOTile tile)
            vert0 = tile.vertices[0] + tile.tileCenter.convertCoordinateToVector(0); // verts[0] relative to world coords

            tile_edge_x = tile.vertices[2].x - tile.vertices[1].x;
            tile_edge_z = tile.vertices[1].z - tile.vertices[0].z;

            cell_edge_x = tile_edge_x / Mathf.Sqrt(CELLS_PER_TILE);
            cell_edge_z = tile_edge_z / Mathf.Sqrt(CELLS_PER_TILE);

            GameObject markerPrefab = (GameObject)Resources.Load("Prefabs/pref_NodeMarker", typeof(GameObject));

            for (int x = 0; x < Mathf.Sqrt(CELLS_PER_TILE); x++)     // column
                for (int z = 0; z < Mathf.Sqrt(CELLS_PER_TILE); z++) // row
                    float center_x = tile.vertices[1].x + ((x * cell_edge_x) + (cell_edge_x / 2)) + this.transform.position.x;
                    float center_z = tile.vertices[0].z + ((z * cell_edge_z) + (cell_edge_z / 2)) + this.transform.position.z;

                    // visualize -- place marker
                    GameObject marker = GameObject.Instantiate(markerPrefab, new Vector3(), new Quaternion());
                    marker.transform.parent = this.gameObject.transform;
                    marker.layer            = LayerMask.NameToLayer("Debug");
                    ///marker.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(center_x, 1.5f, center_z);

                    // fill array element
                    cells[x, z] = new GOTileCell(new Vector3(center_x, 0, center_z), marker, new Vector2(x, z), cell_edge_x, cell_edge_z);

                    marker.GetComponent <NodeMarker>().Init(cells[x, z]);
Esempio n. 2
        private List <GOTileCell> CellsIntersectedAround(GOTileCell c, LineSeg l, List <GOTileCell> cells = null, List <GOTileCell> tagged = null, NodeVert v1 = null, NodeVert v2 = null)
            // init
            if (cells == null)
                cells = new List <GOTileCell>();
            if (tagged == null)
                tagged = new List <GOTileCell>();

            foreach (var cell in SurroundingCellsOf(c))
                if (cell != null && !cells.Contains(cell))
                    if (cell.marker.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material.color !=
                        cell.marker.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material.color =;


                    //cell.marker.GetComponent<NodeMarker>().LineTestedFrom(v1, v2, cell.edges);

                    if (CellIntersectedBy(cell, l))                    //  && !tagged.Contains(cell)
                        CellsIntersectedAround(cell, l, cells, tagged, v1, v2);                         // recursion

Esempio n. 3
        public void Init(GOTileCell cell)
            transform.position = new Vector3(, 1.5f,;

            for (int i = 0; i < cell.edges.Count; i++)

   = "node_marker_" + cell.ToString();
Esempio n. 4
        private List <GOTileCell> SurroundingCellsOf(GOTileCell cell)
            List <GOTileCell> cells = new List <GOTileCell>();

            // cells.Add(cell); // add in mother cell for testing

            Vector2 aP = cell.arrayPosition;

            int max_x = (int)Mathf.Sqrt(CELLS_PER_TILE);
            int max_y = (int)Mathf.Sqrt(CELLS_PER_TILE);

            if ((int)aP.x + 1 < max_x)
                cells.Add(this.cells[(int)aP.x + 1, (int)aP.y + 0]); // right
                if ((int)aP.y + 1 < max_y)
                    cells.Add(this.cells[(int)aP.x + 1, (int)aP.y + 1]); // above right
                if ((int)aP.y - 1 >= 0)
                    cells.Add(this.cells[(int)aP.x + 1, (int)aP.y + -1]); // lower right

            if ((int)aP.x - 1 >= 0)
                cells.Add(this.cells[(int)aP.x + -1, (int)aP.y + 0]); // left
                if ((int)aP.y + 1 < max_y)
                    cells.Add(this.cells[(int)aP.x + -1, (int)aP.y + 1]); // upper left
                if ((int)aP.y - 1 >= 0)
                    cells.Add(this.cells[(int)aP.x + -1, (int)aP.y + -1]); // lower left

            if ((int)aP.y + 1 < max_y)
                cells.Add(this.cells[(int)aP.x + 0, (int)aP.y + 1]); // above

            if ((int)aP.y - 1 >= 0)
                cells.Add(this.cells[(int)aP.x + 0, (int)aP.y + -1]); // lower

Esempio n. 5
        // tag cell by coordinate
        private GOTileCell TagCellAtPoint(Vector3 p, string name = null)
            GOTileCell cell = ClosestCellTo(p);

            if (cell != null)
                cell.marker.GetComponent <NodeMarker>().ContainsPoint(name); // update marker
            if (!taggedCells.Contains(cell))
                taggedCells.Add(cell); // add tagged cell

Esempio n. 6
        // tag cell by line segment
        private void TagCellsOnLine(Vector3 a, Vector3 b, string name = null, NodeVert v1 = null, NodeVert v2 = null)
            // start at a
            GOTileCell starting_cell = ClosestCellTo(a);
            LineSeg    line          = new LineSeg(a, b);

            if (v1 == null || v2 == null)
                Debug.LogWarning("no verts in TagCellsOnLine");

            foreach (var cell in CellsIntersectedAround(starting_cell, line, null, null, v1, v2))
                cell.marker.GetComponent <NodeMarker>().IntersectsWithLine(name); // update marker
                if (!taggedCells.Contains(cell))
                    taggedCells.Add(cell); // add tagged cell
Esempio n. 7
        private bool CellIntersectedBy(GOTileCell c, LineSeg l)
            bool intersected = false;

            foreach (var edge in c.edges)
                if (LinesIntersect.DoLinesIntersect(edge, l))
                    l.Draw(;        // draw road line green
                    edge.Draw(;     // draw cell edge green
                    intersected = true;         // flag this cell to be intersected
                    if (l.color !=
                        l.Draw(;                          // draw road line red

Esempio n. 8
        private void TagLine(IList coordinates, string name = null)
            List <NodeVert> verts = new List <NodeVert>();

             *          // build list of verts
             *          for (int i = 0; i < coordinates.Count; i++)
             * {
             *                  IList c = (IList)coordinates[i];
             *                  Coordinates coords = new Coordinates((double)c[1], (double)c[0], 0);
             *                  GameObject vertGO = PlotVert(coords, name+"_"+i);
             *                  verts.Add(vertGO.GetComponent<NodeVert>());
             *                  TagCellAtPoint(coords.convertCoordinateToVector(0), name);
             *          }
             *          // for every line
             *          for (int i = 0; i < verts.Count; i++)
             *          {
             *                  if( i < verts.Count - 1 )
             *                  {
             *                          if(verts[i] == null || verts[i+1] == null)
             *                          {
             *                                  Debug.LogWarning("No verts found!");
             *                          }
             *                          TagCellsOnLine(verts[i].transform.position, verts[i + 1].transform.position, name, verts[i], verts[i + 1]);
             *                  }
             *          }

            // plot verts
            for (int i = 0; i < coordinates.Count; i++)
                IList       c        = (IList)coordinates[i];
                Coordinates coords_a = new Coordinates((double)c[1], (double)c[0], 0);

                GameObject vert_a = PlotVert(coords_a, name + "_" + i);

                GOTileCell tagged_a = TagCellAtPoint(coords_a.convertCoordinateToVector(0), name); // start point

                if (i < coordinates.Count - 1)                                                     // if this is a line
                    IList       c_b      = (IList)coordinates[i + 1];
                    Coordinates coords_b = new Coordinates((double)c_b[1], (double)c_b[0], 0);

                    GameObject vert_b = PlotVert(coords_a, name + "_" + i);

                    LineSeg line = new LineSeg(coords_a.convertCoordinateToVector(0), coords_b.convertCoordinateToVector(0));
                    GOTileCell tagged_b = TagCellAtPoint(coords_b.convertCoordinateToVector(0), name);                     // end point

                    if (tagged_a != tagged_b)
                        tagged_a.marker.GetComponent <NodeMarker>().LaunchingLineFrom(vert_a);
                        TagCellsOnLine(coords_a.convertCoordinateToVector(0), coords_b.convertCoordinateToVector(0), name);                         // line