Esempio n. 1
        public bool IsMadeInFurnace = false;      //indicate if it is made inside a furnace

        public oCraft(oItem sRecipe, oItem[] sInputs, oItem[] sOutputs, bool sIsFurnace = false)
            this.Recipe          = sRecipe;
            this.Inputs          = sInputs;
            this.Outputs         = sOutputs;
            this.IsMadeInFurnace = sIsFurnace;
Esempio n. 2
        private void CreateNewButtonBoth(oItem i)
            Bitmap img = Crafts.GetAssociatedIcon(i);

            this.CreateNewButtonBelt(img, i);
            this.CreateNewButtonMachine(img, i);
Esempio n. 3
        private void RefreshSize()
            this.TextBelt.Top      = 15;        // 15
            this.TextBelt.Left     = 5;         // 5
            this.TextBelt.AutoSize = true;

            this.TextAssembler.Top      = 55;        // 55
            this.TextAssembler.Left     = 5;         // 5
            this.TextAssembler.AutoSize = true;

            int  StartLeft  = 70;               // 70
            Size buttonsize = new Size(40, 40); // 40 40

            int actualleft = StartLeft;

            foreach (Button b in this.listButtonBelt)
                MOType mt = (MOType)(((object[])(b.Tag))[0]);
                oItem  i  = (oItem)(((object[])(b.Tag))[1]);
                b.Left = actualleft;
                b.Top  = 1;
                b.Size = buttonsize;

                //back color ////    couleur d'arrière plan
                b.BackColor = Color.Gainsboro;
                bool isbelt = i.IsBelt;
                if (!isbelt)
                    b.BackColor = Color.Crimson;

                //next iteration
                actualleft += b.Width + 1;

            actualleft = StartLeft;
            foreach (Button b in this.listButtonMachine)
                MOType mt = (MOType)(((object[])(b.Tag))[0]);
                oItem  i  = (oItem)(((object[])(b.Tag))[1]);
                b.Left = actualleft;
                b.Top  = 1 + buttonsize.Height + 2;
                b.Size = buttonsize;

                //back color ////    couleur d'arrière plan
                b.BackColor = Color.Gainsboro;
                bool ismachine = i.IsRecipe;
                if (!ismachine)
                    b.BackColor = Color.Crimson;

                //next iteration
                actualleft += b.Width + 1;
 public MapObject(MOType StartMapType, oItem StartOut)
     this.MapType = StartMapType;             //must be define before calling SetRecipe
     if (this.MapType == MOType.Belt)
         this.BeltOutput = StartOut;
     if (this.MapType == MOType.Machine)
Esempio n. 5
        private void CreateNewButtonMachine(Bitmap img, oItem i)
            Button newb = new Button();

            newb.Parent     = this.panele;
            newb.Image      = img;
            newb.ImageAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;
            //newb.Click += new EventHandler(this.AnyButton_Click);
            newb.MouseDown += new MouseEventHandler(this.AnyButton_MosueDown);
            newb.Tag        = new object[] { MOType.Machine, i };
        public bool IsAllInputPresent = false;         //used by RefreshImage. indicate if all inputs are present. it's reseted and recalculated every RefreshImage ////    utilisé par RefreshImage. indique si tout les input sont présent

        public MapObject GetCopy()
            //prepare the content to send to the constructor ////    obtient les contenue à envoyer au constructeur
            oItem copyrecipe = this.BeltOutput;

            if (this.MapType == MOType.Machine)
                copyrecipe = this.TheRecipe;

            MapObject copy = new MapObject(this.MapType, copyrecipe);

            copy.NeedCoal = this.NeedCoal;
 public void SetRecipe(oItem Recipe)
     if (this.MapType == MOType.Belt)
         this.BeltOutput = Recipe;
     if (this.MapType == MOType.Machine)
         this.TheRecipe = Recipe;
         oCraft c = Crafts.GetCraftFromRecipe(Recipe);                 //gets the craft
         this.TheCraft = c;
         //if (c != null)
         //	this.Outputs = c.Outputs;
         //	this.Inputs = c.Inputs;
         //	this.IsFurnace = c.IsMadeInFurnace;
Esempio n. 8
        private void CreateModControls(string smodname)
            this.ModName = smodname;

            //loads every items of that mod.
            int index = 0;

            while (index < Crafts.listItems.Count)
                oItem i = Crafts.listItems[index];
                //check if it's an item of the mod
                if (i.ModName == smodname && i.ItemName != "none")
                //next iteration
Esempio n. 9
        //return the closest belt with a compatible output
        //the only purpose of giving mo to the function is to know the coordinate. don't be confused
        public MapObject GetCompatibleBeltCloseTo(MapObject mo, oItem OutType)
            MapObject        mo1 = null;
            List <MapObject> lco = this.listMO.FindAll(x => (x.MapType == MOType.Belt) && (x.BeltOutput.Name == OutType.Name));            //get belts of compatible output

            catch { }
            if (lco.Count > 0)
                //sort by distance
                lco = lco.OrderBy(x => x.DistTo(mo.vpos.X, mo.vpos.Y)).ToList();

                //get the closest
                mo1 = lco[0];
Esempio n. 10
        private void AnyButton_MosueDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            Button btn = (Button)sender;

            MOType mt = (MOType)(((object[])(btn.Tag))[0]);
            oItem  i  = (oItem)(((object[])(btn.Tag))[1]);

            if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left)
                if (mt == MOType.Belt)
                    if (i.IsBelt)                     //we set addmode only if the item can be a belt
                        MapObject newmo = new MapObject(MOType.Belt, i);
                if (mt == MOType.Machine)
                    if (i.IsRecipe)                     //we set addmode only if the item can be a machine
                        MapObject newmo = new MapObject(MOType.Machine, i);
            if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right)
                //if this button is as machine, we show the user the inputs and outputs of the recipe
                if (mt == MOType.Machine)
                    //if this button is as machine, i represents the recipe
                    oCraft       c  = Crafts.GetCraftFromRecipe(i);
                    oRightClick3 rc = new oRightClick3();
                    if (c != null)
                        //add every outputs and inputs for the user
                        rc.AddChoice("Outputs :");
                        foreach (oItem subi in c.Outputs)
                            rc.AddChoice("-" + subi.Name);
                        rc.AddChoice("Inputs :");
                        foreach (oItem subi in c.Inputs)
                            rc.AddChoice("-" + subi.Name);
                    string rep = rc.ShowDialog();                     //it simply show to the user what the inputs and outputs are

                //if this button is a belt, we show the user every crafts that require this item as input
                if (mt == MOType.Belt)
                    oRightClick3 rc = new oRightClick3();
                    rc.AddChoice("Used In Recipe :");
                    //run through every crafts and check their inputs to see if the actual item is used in that craft
                    foreach (oCraft c in Crafts.listCrafts)
                        //check the inputs and see if the item i is there
                        foreach (oItem i2 in c.Inputs)
                            //check if this is the item we are searching
                            if (i2.Name == i.Name)
                                //now that we have found the item in this craft, we add the craft recipe to the list and continue to the next item
                                rc.AddChoice("-" + c.Recipe.Name);

                                //now that we have found the item, we don't have to continue search in this craft

                    string rep = rc.ShowDialog();
                    //if the user clicked on a recipe, we set the editer to add mode and with a machine of that recipe.
                    //we get the item from name
                    oItem therecipe = Crafts.GetItemFromName(rep.Replace("-", string.Empty));                     //the .Replace can be a little problem if - is truly part of the item name.
                    //if rep is not an item, GetItemFromName will not return null, it will return the none item.
                    if (therecipe.Name.ToLower() != "none")
                        MapObject newmo = new MapObject(MOType.Machine, therecipe);
        public void KeyDown(Keys k)
            if (k == Keys.Back || k == Keys.Space)
                this.keyBackSpaceDown = true;
                //remove the element under the mouse ////    supprimme l'élément sous la souris
                PointF    mvpos = this.MouseVirtualPos;
                MapObject mo    = this.Map.GetObjThatTouch(mvpos.X, mvpos.Y);              //return null if there's nothing
                if (mo != null)
                    catch { }
            if (k == Keys.Q)
                //copy the element under the mouse ////    copie l'élément sous la souris
                if (!this.IsAddMode)
                    PointF    mvpos = this.MouseVirtualPos;
                    MapObject mo    = this.Map.GetObjThatTouch(mvpos.X, mvpos.Y);                  //return null if there's nothing
                    if (mo != null)
                            MapObject copy = mo.GetCopy();
                        catch { }
                else                 //if the user is already in addmode, we want q to cancel addmode ////    si l'utilisateur est déjà en addmode, q va le faire quitter le addmode
            if (k == Keys.W)
            {             //copy the element under the mouse but it makes a copy for the other MOType ////    copie l'élément sous la souris, mais si c'est une machine, il va donner une belt avec le output de la machine et inversement
                if (!this.IsAddMode)
                    PointF    mvpos = this.MouseVirtualPos;
                    MapObject mo    = this.Map.GetObjThatTouch(mvpos.X, mvpos.Y);                  //return null if there's nothing
                    if (mo != null)
                            if (mo.MapType == MOType.Machine)
                                oItem     ft   = mo.TheRecipe;
                                MapObject copy = new MapObject(MOType.Belt, ft);
                            if (mo.MapType == MOType.Belt)
                                oItem     ft   = mo.BeltOutput;
                                MapObject copy = new MapObject(MOType.Machine, ft);
                        catch { }
            if (k == Keys.F)
            {                                                                 //toggle NeedCoal
                PointF    mvpos = this.MouseVirtualPos;
                MapObject mo    = this.Map.GetObjThatTouch(mvpos.X, mvpos.Y); //return null if there's nothing
                if (mo != null)
                        mo.NeedCoal = !mo.NeedCoal;
                    catch { }

            //alternative zoom control
            if (k == Keys.D1 || k == Keys.NumPad1)
                this.VirtualWidth *= 1.5f;
            if (k == Keys.D2 || k == Keys.NumPad2)
                this.VirtualWidth /= 1.5f;