Esempio n. 1
        public Client(uint appId)
            if (Instance != null)
                throw new System.Exception("Only one Facepunch.Steamworks.Client can exist - dispose the old one before trying to create a new one.");

            Instance = this;
            native   = new Interop.NativeInterface();

            // Get other interfaces
            if (!native.InitClient(this))
                native   = null;
                Instance = null;

            // Setup interfaces that client and server both have

            // Client only interfaces
            Voice             = new Voice(this);
            ServerList        = new ServerList(this);
            LobbyList         = new LobbyList(this);
            App               = new App(this);
            Stats             = new Stats(this);
            Achievements      = new Achievements(this);
            MicroTransactions = new MicroTransactions(this);
            User              = new User(this);
            RemoteStorage     = new RemoteStorage(this);

            Workshop.friends = Friends;


            // Cache common, unchanging info
            AppId        = appId;
            Username     = native.friends.GetPersonaName();
            SteamId      = native.user.GetSteamID();
            BetaName     = native.apps.GetCurrentBetaName();
            OwnerSteamId = native.apps.GetAppOwner();
            var appInstallDir = native.apps.GetAppInstallDir(AppId);

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(appInstallDir) && Directory.Exists(appInstallDir))
                InstallFolder = new DirectoryInfo(appInstallDir);
            BuildId            = native.apps.GetAppBuildId();
            CurrentLanguage    = native.apps.GetCurrentGameLanguage();
            AvailableLanguages = native.apps.GetAvailableGameLanguages().Split(new[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); // TODO: Assumed colon separated

            // Run update, first call does some initialization