Esempio n. 1
 public RT11(Volume volume)
     if (volume.BlockSize != 512)
         throw new ArgumentException("RT11 volume block size must be 512.");
     mVol      = volume;
     mDirStart = IsChecksumOK(volume[1], 510) ? volume[1].GetUInt16L(0x1d4) : defaultDirStart;
     mDir      = new ClusteredVolume(volume, 2, mDirStart - 2, 32);
Esempio n. 2
File: CPM.cs Progetto: kgober/FSX
        public CPM(Volume volume)
            mVol    = volume;
            mType   = "CP/M";
            mBlocks = new ClusteredVolume(volume, BLOCK_SIZE / volume.BlockSize, 52);
            mDir    = new Byte[64][];
            Int32 p = 0;

            for (Int32 bn = 0; bn < 2; bn++)
                Block B = mBlocks[bn];
                for (Int32 bp = 0; bp < B.Size; bp += 32)
                    Byte[] DE = new Byte[32];
                    B.CopyTo(DE, 0, bp, 32);
                    mDir[p++] = DE;
Esempio n. 3
File: Auto.cs Progetto: kgober/FSX
        public static FileSystem Check(Volume[] images)
            if (sTests == null)

            // try to provide each file system test with a volume having the correct block size
            List <Entry> L     = new List <Entry>();
            Int32        size  = -1;
            Type         type  = null;
            Int32        level = 0; // entries in L have passed this level

            foreach (FileSystem.TestDelegate test in sTests)
                foreach (Volume image in images)
                    if (test(image, level, out size, out type))
                        Debug.WriteLine(2, "Pass: {0} level {1:D0}", test.Method.DeclaringType.Name, level);
                        L.Add(new Entry(test, image, size, type));
                    if ((size != -1) && (size != image.BlockSize) && ((size % image.BlockSize) == 0))
                        Volume volume = new ClusteredVolume(image, size / image.BlockSize, 0);
                        if (test(volume, level, out size, out type))
                            Debug.WriteLine(2, "Pass: {0} level {1:D0} (with ClusteredVolume)", test.Method.DeclaringType.Name, level);
                            L.Add(new Entry(test, volume, size, type));

            // if there were any candidates that passed level 0, continue to try them
            if (L.Count != 0)
                Volume volume = null;
                while (true)
                    List <Entry> L2 = new List <Entry>();
                    foreach (Entry e in L)
                        Int32 s;
                        Type  t;
                        if (e.Test(e.Volume, level, out s, out t))
                            Debug.WriteLine(2, "Pass: {0} level {1:D0}", e.Test.Method.DeclaringType.Name, level);
                            volume = e.Volume;
                            size   = s;
                            type   = (level >= 2) ? t : e.Test.Method.DeclaringType;
                            if ((level > 1) && (size != -1) && (size > volume.BlockCount))
                                // grow volume if it appears that empty trailing blocks were trimmed
                                volume = new PaddedVolume(volume, size - volume.BlockCount);
                            L2.Add(new Entry(e.Test, volume, size, type));
                    if ((level > 1) && (L2.Count == 1))
                        // if only one test passed (and we got past level 1), choose that type
                        if ((size != -1) && (size != volume.BlockCount))
                            volume = new PaddedVolume(volume, size - volume.BlockCount);
                        return(ConstructFS(type, volume));
                    else if (L2.Count == 0)
                        // if no test passed this round, the result is indeterminate
                        level--; // L still has previous round's results
                    L = L2;
                // if all tests passed for multiple types, choose the type that recognized the most blocks
                if (level == 6)
                    Int64 maxSize = -1;
                    foreach (Entry e in L)
                        Int64 vsize = e.Volume.BlockSize;
                        vsize *= e.Size;
                        if (vsize > maxSize)
                            maxSize = vsize;
                            volume  = e.Volume;
                            size    = e.Size;
                            type    = e.Type;
                    if ((size != -1) && (size != volume.BlockCount))
                        volume = new PaddedVolume(volume, size - volume.BlockCount);
                    return(ConstructFS(type, volume));

            // TODO: if L is non-empty, see if any use can be made of the knowledge
            // that entries in L all passed at least level 'level' tests

            return(((images == null) || (images.Length == 0)) ? null : new RawFS(images[0]));