Esempio n. 1
        private void timerUpdateSpectrogram_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (spec is null)

            // capture new FFTs and note their indexes
            int fftsBefore = spec.FftsProcessed;

            int fftsAfter   = spec.FftsProcessed;
            int newFftCount = fftsAfter - fftsBefore;

            int[] newFftIndexes = Enumerable.Range(spec.Width - newFftCount - 1, newFftCount).ToArray();
            var   ffts          = spec.GetFFTs();

            // optionally apply some sort of filter or AGC
            if (settings.agcMode == 1)
                foreach (int fftIndex in newFftIndexes)
                    ffts[fftIndex] = AGC.Method1_SortedFloorMean(ffts[fftIndex], power: settings.agcPower);
            else if (settings.agcMode == 2)
                foreach (int fftIndex in newFftIndexes)
                    ffts[fftIndex] = AGC.Method2_QuicksortFloor(ffts[fftIndex], power: settings.agcPower);

            // display the annotated spectrogram
            var spotsToShow = spots.Where(x => x.ageSec < (11 * 60)).ToList();

            Annotate.Spectrogram(spec, band, spotsToShow, bmpSpectrogram, bmpVericalScale, cbBands.Checked, true, settings);
Esempio n. 2
        private void SaveGrab(bool uploadToo = false)
            int pxTop          = spec.PixelY(band.upperFreq - band.dialFreq, settings.verticalReduction) - settings.grabSavePxAbove;
            int pxBot          = spec.PixelY(band.lowerFreq - 200 - band.dialFreq, settings.verticalReduction) + settings.grabSavePxBelow;
            int height         = pxBot - pxTop;
            int widthWithScale = spec.Width + verticalScaleWidth;

            using (Bitmap bmpFull = new Bitmap(widthWithScale, spec.Height, PixelFormat.Format32bppPArgb))
                using (Bitmap bmpCropped = new Bitmap(widthWithScale, height, PixelFormat.Format32bppPArgb))
                    using (Graphics gfx = Graphics.FromImage(bmpCropped))
                        // annotate a full-size spectrogram
                        var spotsToShow = spots.Where(x => x.ageSec < (11 * 60)).ToList();
                        Annotate.Spectrogram(spec, band, spotsToShow, bmpFull, bmpVericalScale, false, false, settings);

                        // draw the full-size spectrogram on the cropped Bitmap
                        gfx.DrawImage(bmpFull, 0, -pxTop);

                        // decorate the cropped bitmap
                        string msg = $"FSKview {version.Major}.{version.Minor}.{version.Build}: " +
                                     $"{settings.stationInformation} {UtcDateStamp} {UtcTimeStampNoSec} UTC";
                        Annotate.Logo(gfx, msg, 3, height - 3);
                        Annotate.TimeTicks(gfx, height, spec.SecPerPx);

                        // ensure output folders exist
                        string pathSaveWeb = $"{appPath}/grabs-web";
                        string pathSaveAll = $"{appPath}/grabs-all";
                        if (!Directory.Exists(pathSaveWeb))
                        if (!Directory.Exists(pathSaveAll))

                        // save the cropped image for the web
                        ImageFormat imgFmt = ImageFormat.Bmp;
                        if (settings.grabFileName.EndsWith(".png", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                            imgFmt = ImageFormat.Png;
                        else if (settings.grabFileName.EndsWith(".jpg", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                            imgFmt = ImageFormat.Jpeg;
                        else if (settings.grabFileName.EndsWith(".gif", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                            imgFmt = ImageFormat.Gif;
                        bmpCropped.Save($"{pathSaveWeb}/{settings.grabFileName}", imgFmt);

                        // save the cropped bitmap for stitching
                        string stitchFileName = $"{pathSaveAll}/{UtcDateStamp.Replace("-", "")}-{UtcTimeStamp.Replace(":", "")}.png";
                        if (settings.showScaleOnAllGrabs)
                            bmpCropped.Save(stitchFileName, ImageFormat.Png);
                            using (Bitmap bmpCropped2 = new Bitmap(spec.Width, height, PixelFormat.Format32bppPArgb))
                                using (Graphics gfx2 = Graphics.FromImage(bmpCropped2))
                                    gfx2.DrawImage(bmpCropped, 0, 0);
                                    bmpCropped2.Save(stitchFileName, ImageFormat.Png);

                        Status($"Saved spectrogram as {settings.grabFileName}");

                        if (uploadToo)
                            Enabled = false;
                            Status($"Performing FTP upload...");
                            string result = FTP.Upload(settings.ftpServerAddress, settings.ftpRemoteSubfolder, settings.ftpUsername,
                                                       settings.DeObfuscate(settings.ftpObfuscatedPassword), $"{pathSaveWeb}/{settings.grabFileName}");
                            if (result.Contains("Not logged in"))
                                result = "Incorrect username/password";
                            else if (result.Contains("File name not allowed"))
                                result = "Invalid path (does the target folder exist?)";
                            else if (result == "upload successful")
                                result = "FTP upload successful";
                                result = "FTP ERROR (get full message in settings)\n" + result;
                            Enabled = true;